Someone poked the idea directly, Li Lu smiled awkwardly.

"Who let you be a kind hearted and courageous, how can we casually wronged people without evidence?

We just borrowed your phone, but if you know what news or clues City Light has, you must call me immediately, this City Light is the worst thing to do this kind of thing, and tonight let everyone vote for the trial, in fact, we also came here along his IP signal.

I just didn't expect that he was a computer whiz, and this IP address would change location every few seconds.

I wish you two a good time, I will withdraw first, remember to come to the law enforcement bureau tomorrow to pick up the mobile phone.

After Li Lu finished speaking, he quickly left with a group of people.

"Brother Lin, this person from the Law Enforcement Bureau is also too unreasonable, right?"

"It's just that she is familiar with this Officer Li, and she herself is not reasonable."

Watching the live portrait in his hand, City Light appeared in front of the screen again, wearing a mask and reporting the time to everyone.

"Gentlemen, you still have the last 16 minutes to vote, hurry up and vote, and judge this evil with me."

More and more people poured into the live broadcast room, and at the same time, the law enforcement bureau locked all the registration information in the live broadcast room, and the two people who registered were all from other cities.

The White City Law Enforcement Bureau immediately contacted the local law enforcement department of the city where the two people were located to assist in the investigation of the matter.

With the last 10 minutes left, the voting continues, and let's put these two evildoers on trial together.

Watching the time begin to enter the final countdown, the eyes of the bound duo were only full of fear.

More than 95 percent of the votes were hoped that the two would die, and when the son's was scared, he peed directly.

There is still nothing that can be done about it.

In the live broadcast room, turn the camera to turn off the sound.

The moment the tape that had been glued to their mouths was torn off, the painful wails of the two were heard again.

"We were wrong, we were wrong, we didn't dare anymore, we didn't dare to touch porcelain again."

I was wrong, we were really wrong, please don't kill us, we were really wrong. The

two people kept pleading with snot and tears, but they were greeted by a cold word from the city light.

"You are wrong, what about the people you killed, what is wrong with them?

Is it because they are kind that they deserve to be blackmailed by you?

Is it because they are kind? Should I be bullied by you?

Your father fell down and others went up to help him, you didn't thank you, but in the end you thought about blackmail, is this what the two of you did?

Since the two of you have done this evil deed, why should you be forgiven?

"You pervert, you are a beast, save your life, the murderer is the husband of the dead doctor who was blackmailed by us."

Come and save us, we already know the murderer. "

Shout, even if you shout your throat, no one will hear it, I forgot to tell you that this room is soundproof, I have cut off the sound in the live broadcast room, no one can hear it."


The two swallowed their saliva, gasping for air, watching as the countdown was still 5 minutes left, and death was really spreading to the two of them.

"Brother, we have something to say, we have something to say, don't do something stupid.

If you kill us both, do you also become murderers, do you think the police will not investigate?

As long as you are investigated by the police and you are caught, what awaits you will be a dead end. This

is already the last lifesaver they can think of, although it is not very good to use it just now.

Turn on the sound, seal their mouths, and turn the camera.

"It seems that you two usually don't care about what happens on the Internet except for touching porcelain.

You don't think that the law enforcement bureau can really arrest me, this time counting you this is the fifth case of my trial.

Those who are judged by me will be judged even if they go to heaven and earth. This

word is the exclusive word of City Light, and it is also the arrogant and domineering word of City Light.

A group of iron fans of the city light left a message again in the live broadcast room shouting, punish evil and promote good, only the light of my city.

Seeing that the number of people in the live broadcast room continues to increase, the vast majority of people did not hesitate to choose a vote for sanctions.

Time counts down, and there are still two minutes left.

The expressions of everyone in the live broadcast room became extremely excited, and the trial, the evil judgment of the city light finally came.

The members of the Law Enforcement Bureau outside the live broadcast room all sweated.

"What is our technical department for, why hasn't this person been searched for so long?"

Do we want to see the city lights kill again under our noses? "

The sweat of the technical department can't help but clang, it's not that their strength is too weak, but this enemy is too cunning, the server is abroad, all IP addresses are random, even if it is deciphered, it will take at least 15 minutes according to the current time.

Now that the countdown shown on the live broadcast room is only two minutes left, it may be too late.

Abominable, abominable.

Looking at the continuous struggle of the father and son in the live broadcast room, all the netizens left overwhelming messages, hoping that their father and son would die immediately.

And the last minute, look back at this beautiful world, it seems that most people want you both to die.

Do you think the last 1 minute can work wonders?

The masked man picked up the lighter and showed it to everyone again, burning is an art, and later I will light it and burn them both alive, and you two will also experience the feeling of being blackmailed.

You two shameless people must be good people in the next life of reincarnation.

"We were wrong, we were wrong, please, we will never lie to people again, it was all our fault before, our fault."

Bureau of Enforcement.

"Master maybe I thought wrong, that kid is dating another girl."

Large shopping malls will have their own monitoring, if you want to investigate whether they are lying, as long as you go to the mall to mobilize monitoring, everything can be found.

In order to leave two police officers at the mall just in case, a copy of the surveillance footage was brought to the law enforcement bureau, and the people decided to check it out for themselves while continuing to expand the search.

Since this person said that even the two of them shouted that it would not help, it was very likely that the two of them were in the suburbs.

Time clicked on, leaving only the last 60 seconds to enter the final countdown.

59, 58, 57,...,30, 29, 28, the number of voters in the live broadcast room is still skyrocketing.

Kill the two of them, these two only like to blackmail other people's waste, they should be severely sanctioned.

Until the last second arrives.

"Brother Lin, the two of them won't really want to die, right?"

"The next situation is a bit cruel, let's not look at it."

As the last second countdown approached, a tinkling sound sounded.

"The Light of My City trial was fair and impartial, let's see how many people voted for and how many voted against.

All the votes are open and transparent, and more than 98% of them chose to sanction your father and son, remembering that the two of you are to blame and not me alone, this is the wish of the vast majority of people.

"I was wrong, I was wrong, we were wrong, we were wrong."

Watching the masked man in front of him pick up the lighter and blow it gently, take a barrel of gasoline and pour it on the two of them, throw the lighter in the gasoline barrel, and in an instant the raging fire began to ignite.

The flames began to swallow the father and son like vengeful vipers.

"Spare your life, spare your life."

Before he could say too much, he was engulfed in fire in an instant, and the mobile phone of the live broadcast also fell in the last scene, until the signal was cut off, and the entire screen was thrown into the fire.

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