Hearing what the attending doctor said, all the police were helpless, and when people were thinking about how to solve the case and how to investigate the murderer, he was worried about these two corpses?

However, everyone also understands the meaning of this, because of the traditional concept of entering the soil for safety, there are very few people in country A who are willing to take out their own corpses for medical research.

If the two of them arranged to go to the hospital for medical research, it could be considered that the two of them had repented for the rest of their lives for the sins they had committed.

The documents for the abandonment of the body by an immediate family member are handed over to the court, and after all arrangements are made, the body will be taken to the hospital for scientific research.

"Captain, we just received news from other municipal law enforcement bureaus, some of the cases mentioned by City Light have been confirmed relatively close, and the biological parents have been found.

And the rest are said to rush to the clue city provided by the city light, and all the clues can be compared for a maximum of two days. "

It's not that their law enforcement bureau is too fast, but the clues provided by City Light are too detailed, and they almost cut out people's ancestral graves."

Nowadays, the support for City Light on the Internet has reached a very fanatical height, and many people have left messages saying that they also want to become City Light.

Hearing these news, the face of the captain in front of him became ugly.

What City Light has done is both good and evil, and to say that he did a good job, you have to admit that people do a better job than the Law Enforcement Bureau in these areas.

I don't know what means to find all these lost children, at least for these parents looking for children, it is good news, City Light is a hero.

If this matter is put in ancient times, it can be named a chivalrous man in the rivers and lakes.

But now it is a peaceful era, it has long ceased to be the ancient fighting and killing, and what he did is a bit contrary to the law enforcement bureau, and what he does challenges the dignity of the law enforcement bureau.

Therefore, this person must be arrested at all costs.

"Captain, what should we do next?"

At present, the voice of the city light is very high, if it is really like those on the Internet say, everyone wants to be the city light, if there is a problem without looking for the law and wants to solve it by themselves, there may be chaos by then.

This damn city light, patted his ass and walked straight away, leaving a big mess to hand over to their law enforcement bureau.

In order to prevent people from really imitating City Light to do things under the guise of punishing evil and promoting good, the Law Enforcement Bureau directly issued an official message that City Light has been suspected of breaking the law and committing crimes by doing these things by itself in disregard of the laws of our country A.

If someone dares to pretend to be the light of the city to do illegal and criminal things, they will definitely be severely punished by the law.

At the same time, I call on everyone to look at this matter rationally, and our law enforcement bureau and the laws of our country A will definitely give you a fair and just explanation after you encounter something.

However, as soon as the official notice was issued, it caused all netizens to sigh.

Although the big guys also look at the things that the law enforcement bureau has done, you have to admit that there are many things that the city lights do that your law enforcement bureau has not done.

Although it is true that City Light does not follow the process for your Law Enforcement Bureau, everyone is an ordinary people, and what they hope for is not to break the law, but just plain.

And the light of the city is in line with their people's heartfelt vision of punishing evil and promoting good.

Seeing the messages of all netizens, the law enforcement bureau and the group shouted, the light of the city will eventually become the scourge of my white city.

And they had a busy night that ended in their failure.

Two criminals are being tried by the city light under their noses, and thinking about this slap that only feels like someone is crackling.

The feeling of powerlessness spread throughout the body, was it really as they said, they could not do any punishment to the city light?

Seeing these cases committed by the City Light, this is a naked provocation to their law enforcement bureau.

Sent someone to send the file to the court overnight, the group returned to the General Bureau of Law Enforcement to prepare to submit the materials, busy with the night quietly passed, until the next morning, the sun began to dry his buttocks, Lin Mo slowly opened his eyes.

The new day is another day to fight crime, and turning on the mobile phone network is full of city lights.

It directly dominated the top 3 of the headlines.

According to all the clues provided by City Light, all of them were found without exception.

A few joys, and a few sorrows, what is the identity of this city light?

Why is it so strong? Is it from White City?

After all, the addresses that appeared in these trials are inextricably linked to White City.

Everyone questioned the doubts of the city light, who is the city light, and what kind of character is this?

Is he really a hero who punishes evil and promotes good, as everyone says?

Or is it a villain who only pursues selfish desires for his own interests?

For a while, the call for the city light on the Internet became higher and higher, and some people stood up and began to rub the heat, and without exception they were stunned by everyone.

If City Light is like yours, it is estimated that he will be arrested by the Law Enforcement Bureau at the first trial, and the person who rubs the heat is the most shameful.

Some people also questioned that such a private trial as City Light is a very wrong act, and should be arrested by the Law Enforcement Bureau and put on trial under the laws of country A.

Some people praise, some people affirm, some people express doubts and abuse, there are many stars on the Internet, and everything makes them look at it.

Seeing all the comments from netizens on it, Lin Mo just shook his head silently.

In fact, this situation is also in their own expectations, and the things that cannot be looked at directly, one is the sun, and the other is the human heart.

Before crossing over, I once saw such a news, a couple usually do a lot of good deeds, and use the money they earn to support poor children to let them study.

As a result, the couple both had incurable diseases, knowing that their lives would not be long in coming, and took out all the money for their treatment to support the students.

However, when they were dying, no one came to see the two of them.

There are even parents who call and criticize angrily, looking for the media to expose, saying that the two of them do not talk about credit, saying that they want to provide their children until they graduate from college, but they do not fund it halfway, this is not credit, and they should be strictly investigated and exposed.

When it was learned that the husband and wife had been ill and had died for a short time, they said a curse word, you can be kind, but your kindness must be sharp.

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