The man who spoke instantly woke up, looked at it carefully, and was shocked.

After such a period of understanding, the people who are stared at by the city light, without exception, this end is very miserable.

But the three people in front of them were shocked, after all, they had never done anything evil in their lives.

The worst-case scenario for doing is to get together privately after work to discuss the owner.

Which owner is beautiful, which owner is narrow-minded, which owner is particularly good, which owner is particularly lacking in morality.

But after all, they only stayed in the stage of discussion, and did not do anything to harm other people.

So I can't think of what exactly is the reason for being targeted by the city light.

If you complain like this, who hasn't said anything about anyone else after the person?

Who hasn't been talked about behind their backs, and if such a thing is a sin, does everyone deserve to die?

Everyone in the live broadcast room began to talk about it.

"Brothers, look at that kid, this kid is watching the live broadcast of the night god, it seems that he is also a fan of the night god."

"What kind of mood do you say when you look at the live broadcast room and suddenly find yourself inside, crying, a pang of sorrow, or something else?"

"The light of the city we are wronged, the heavenly wrong, we have not done anything angry and complaining, why did the four of us appear in this live broadcast room?"

Shouldn't this city light be a random killing without anyone at all?

I remember that the lights of the city would send death invitations, and which of you saw this death invitation?

Before watching the trial and learning about the things that others had committed, they also supported it.

Now that he has become the object of judgment, he really has a feeling that every day should not be called the earth is not working.

The three of them looked confused, completely unaware of Hai Bo's pale face, and couldn't help but tremble at all.

"I don't convince, I don't convince, if we really do wrong, there will be a law to punish us, on what basis will the light of your city be judged?"

I'm going to call the police, I'm going to call the police. "

It's just that his own police call has not yet been broadcast, and the manager's phone has already dialed in, and he scolded his head and face.

"What's the matter with the four of you, I applied for security a few months ago, I saw that several of you are very honest, so I arranged for you to come in.

I didn't expect you to be in the live broadcast room of City Light?

Don't do any quibbling, the city light has already shone all 4 of you inside, what the hell have you done?

As of today, all four of you will be fired. The

property manager over there hung up the phone, and a few people tried to justify, only to hear the sound of beeping on the other side of the phone.

"Manager manager, we were wronged, we were wronged, we really didn't do anything.

This hateful city light, finally found a good job, but there is no reason to judge, try to ask who can balance in the heart? "

If you really do something angry and resentful and you are judged, then you deserve it, but how many people really haven't done it at all, the Law Enforcement Bureau?" We are going to call the police.

"Don't move around there, our law enforcement bureau has already observed this and this is over."

The security guards of other dormitories also saw this live broadcast and saw that the colleagues who usually patrolled with them were actually judged by the city light, and everyone gasped.

So many trials, so many cases, no case in this city light has been wrongly judged.

Everyone who was judged said that he was not wrong, but when a mountain of hard evidence appeared in front of everyone, who was not frightened and collapsed to the ground?

Fortunately, the four of them happened to gather in a dormitory, otherwise, everyone else would be unlucky.

Everyone on the Internet sprayed the four of them wildly, and the three dormitory had an urge to collapse, wanting to go out of the dormitory to ask for an explanation, and I don't know who had locked it outside.

This is the intention of putting them to death.

On the other side, the property manager, the person in charge, and the law enforcement bureau hurriedly rushed over, the police car outside sounded, someone left a message, we have seen the police car upstairs coming to our community, towards the security residence.

Came to this room, asked someone to break the lock, and everyone rushed in.

When they saw the police who rushed in, the three shed tears of emotion.

"Officer, you are finally here, we are really wronged, we have never done anything bad.

The light of the city judged us indiscriminately, and we were not convinced. "

Not convinced?

Everyone who was judged by City Light was not convinced, although City Light conducted a solo trial, which caused a headache on the side of the Law Enforcement Bureau, but I had to admit that all the people who tried this person without exception were all offenders.

Although this person regards the law as nothing, and his practice is more vicious, at least he has not wronged any good person yet, so pretend, and then you will cry.

Although some people didn't say anything on the surface, they couldn't help but complain a few words in secret.

Just after all the police officers rushed in, the property manager was heartbroken and scolded the four of them.

"Manager, we are really wronged."

"I know, I believe you have been wronged, and I also believe that City Light will definitely give you an explanation, don't worry."

While comforting, in fact, I am very helpless in my heart, I can't stimulate these people, who knows if I will do something like breaking the net?

"Do the officers want to take them all to the Law Enforcement Bureau?"

The leading Captain Zhao shook his head, even if it was brought to the Law Enforcement Bureau, the light of the heaven and earth city could be judged.

This time, it is not so much that they came to investigate the situation, but rather that they came to collect the corpse.

Just as the other three kept arguing, a cold voice came.

"Prisoner Haibo, you hid the death invitation for you under your pillow while the live broadcast room was not open.

Do you think I can't see what you're doing?

This cold voice came straight to Hai Bo's heart, and Hai Bo on the side plopped down on the ground, muttering something in his mouth.

"It's over, it's over, officer, I want to turn myself in, I want to turn myself in, it's all my fault, I killed someone."

Then he told him what happened two months ago.

He was a villager in a poor village, and because he was dissatisfied with the new poverty alleviation director's decision to cancel his family's poverty alleviation qualifications, when the poverty alleviation director went door-to-door for consultation, he pushed him down because of his grudge, taking advantage of his passing mountain road.

Seeing him fall at the bottom of the cliff, I was also very scared at that time, thinking of turning himself in, but I didn't have the guts.

Then there was a heavy rain, the poverty alleviation director died, the police all came, the on-site investigation did not receive any evidence, and finally closed the case by mistake.

Hearing the result of this closing case, I knew that if I turned myself in, I would be severely punished, and today such a result is the best, so after hearing this result, I left the village and took a car all the way.

I found a random city to wander, until I ran out of money, and I happened to recruit security guards here, so I agreed.

This White City was 108,000 miles away from their place, and I thought that everything could be stabilized like this if I became a security guard.

Skynet was restored, neglected but not leaked, and indeed escaped the punishment of the law, but after all, it did not escape the trial of the city light.

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