People always like to be emotional, and Haibo, who saw a handful of snot and tears in the live broadcast room, was only in his early 20s, and after seeing the police, he directly plopped down on the side and said everything he did.

Some people secretly thought in their hearts, this young man is still so young, should he be given a chance this time?

Although this person has also committed unforgivable sins, compared with those other people, those other people are dead ducks with a hard mouth, on the other hand, this person directly drags out everything that happened to him, and he is also a real person without the slightest hesitation.

Especially if you look at his appearance, he is not the kind of big evil person, or this time the city light will not be judged, we don't want to see it, give him a chance.

Everyone knows that the judgment of the city light is more cruel than the final judgment of the law.

Yesterday's execution made people feel numb scalp when they thought about it now.

Seeing the various rhythmic comments of netizens, Lin Mo smiled.

In fact, the people are kind in their hearts and are also gratified, but please don't use this kindness in the wrong place.

Could it be that because he is honest, his mistakes can be forgiven?

Could it be that a person has done countless bad things in his life, and finally put down the butcher knife directly and can become a Buddha on the ground?

This is the idea of your world, although the idea of the world is good, it is easy to inject into personal feelings, be biased by some distractions, and make inappropriate choices.

Because one cannot substitute the victim at all, only the victim can truly experience it.

Even if it is no one around him, he can't replace it, after all, this whip only hurts if it is pumped on himself.

Being educated by the light of the city once again left everyone speechless.

In fact, it is true, if not for City Light to investigate the matter, perhaps this person can continue to go unpunished.

Even if he didn't say it until he died, no one would know the secret.

"By the way, what about the families of the victims?

Report the matter immediately and contact the victim's family to see what the victim's family thinks about the matter?

City Light, if the families of the victims choose to use the law to punish, can this matter be handed over to our law enforcement bureau? Captain

Zhao spoke again, but this time City Light did not conduct a trial, nor did he reply immediately, it seems that everyone is waiting, waiting for a news.

With the City Light trial, and the criminal suspect dragged the matter out completely, after the General Bureau of Law Enforcement in Baicheng inquired about the matter, the law enforcement bureau of a certain city did not dare to delay and immediately restarted the investigation of the matter.

I took out all the files that had been sorted out, and while quickly sorting out, I contacted the families of the victims, and by the way, I couldn't help but scold the light of the city in my heart.

This turtle grandson has already closed the case, but he wants to bring this matter back up, isn't this just hitting their local law enforcement department in the face?

After all, according to everything that their law enforcement department detected at that time, all the evidence for this incident was conclusive, and it was determined that it was just an accident.

Now, if City Light really has other evidence that can prove that the deceased was indeed not an accident this time, these people will also be punished accordingly.

People are always like this, under the premise that their own interests are not damaged, they can do whatever they want, even if it is something that has been decided, they will really learn one day, in fact, the deceased at that time was not killed by accident but man-made, and in the case of only their own group of people knowing, no one will mention this matter.

If these things that have been sealed were brought up in an old case, all those who examined the matter at that time would be punished, which is human nature.

"What's going on in this case? Haven't you all already investigated it yourself, and doesn't everything say that the deceased was an accident?

How did this fall apart two months later, and the deceased became intentional injury?

The General Bureau of Law Enforcement over there in the White City has already called us and asked us for a file.

It is said that the suspect has been arrested in the White City, and has been tried by a person called City Light, what the hell is this City Light?

And how did he know? "

As the captain of the local law enforcement bureau, I also received news from other urban law enforcement bureaus thousands of miles away, although I said that this matter was a little emotional, and I did not want to assist in the investigation.

However, if it is really like the news from the White City, some time ago, they decided the case, and there was a problem in the middle, this is called unjust, false and wrong case.

This unjust, false and wrong case is not tolerated by the world, no matter what country.

If their side does not assist in the investigation, everyone will be punished if the mine explodes.

"Captain, what do we do next?"

"What else can we do, immediately assist Baicheng to send the file over, if this city light really has evidence to prove that this person is a criminal, it can only be said that the ability of the city light is above us, and we will immediately hold a global press conference afterwards, and ask all personnel to learn from the city light."

Remember, we are law enforcement departments to accept the supervision of the people, to admit mistakes, to stand firm when beaten, not to say that because people beat our old face, let us feel crackling, we have resentment.

Again, we must remember who we are, and we must be worthy of the trust that the people have placed in us.

At the same time, we must also immediately send someone to invite all the parties who assisted in the investigation at that time to the scene and disclose the data of our investigation, so as to eliminate the various bad effects caused by the ineffectiveness of our law enforcement bureau. "

It is worthy of being the captain of the Law Enforcement Bureau, and the means of handling things are much more clever than others.

After such a back and forth operation, he was able to do his best to eliminate all kinds of disadvantages caused by this incident.

"Okay, don't stand still, immediately send someone to contact the family of the deceased."

All files are taken out so that all departments should be inspected. "

It's the captain."

The matter on the side of the law enforcement bureau was handled very quickly, and a phone call came a few minutes later.

The local law enforcement bureau arrived at the home of the deceased's family to inform them of the incident.

When a wife hears about her husband, when his parents hear that his son was murdered not by accident.

The reason that had been set before changed again, and the family began to cry bitterly.

In fact, this situation is also very clear to the members of the Law Enforcement Bureau.

If their husbands and sons, the father of the children died in the line of duty, they feel sad, but they are also mentally prepared for this.

Will think that his husband, son, and father are a hero who died for the people.

However, I was suddenly told that there was a mistake in this case two months ago, and that the deceased was not killed in the line of duty, but was actually deliberately murdered, and this feeling was like the sky falling.

What is the mood when a person's heart originally has his own beliefs, but is disintegrated at this moment?

To severely punish the murderer, you must give an explanation to your son, husband, and resolutely cannot let your husband and son die in vain.

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