When everyone who saw this scene was shocked, who would have thought that a person who looked so simple and could not see any evil eyes in him could use such cruel means to push people off a cliff?

I saw this person's hideous face, that indifferent look, and quickly left the scene after killing people.

As soon as the camera turned, Director Xu, who fell on the cliff, was not killed on the spot, but his body was severely injured, and his whole body could not move.

If you rescue at this time, you can also survive.

Seeing that the mobile phone that is close at hand has been smashed, how helpless is he at this moment?

Until the heavy rain poured down, drowning his head, at this moment he also burst out a strong desire to survive, wanting to struggle forward a few centimeters, but the final fate did not escape.

Even a few years old young child would not flood a puddle, but it became his last fatal existence, lying in the puddle and suffocating alive.

When this video was broadcast, everyone in the audience sighed.

Some netizens burst into tears, and some people were indignant in their hearts, what kind of person can make such cruel means?

And his city light, some people began to complain about him, since the city light can show everyone a video of this person's crime, there is time to record the video, why can't he save such a good person for him, but watch him die?

But as soon as these words came out, they were stunned back, although they didn't know where this video of City Light was made, but the big guy understood that City Light is definitely not this kind of person who can't be saved.

Perhaps this is a special means of using the light of the city, which can make the previous scene reproduce but irreparable.

Everyone in the dormitory turned to look at the criminal in front of them, and at this moment Hai Bo was already crying bitterly and deeply repenting.

Such a good poverty alleviation cadre, the final end turned out to be like this?

Director Xu's experience made people feel sympathy, and also made everyone feel disgusted by the criminal's approach.

The crowd became even more angry.

At the same time, a cold voice came again from all directions.

"Captain Zhao, I have shown you the evidence of this person's crime through a live broadcast.

Don't ask about such means, don't ask me how I did it, and don't investigate me anymore, you simply can't investigate it.

You can't guess my means.

To tell you the truth, even if I am in front of you now, I can start broadcasting the trial live, and you will not find me.

If the evil people are punished by the law, they will not do evil after they come out, and I can see these people, but I will not choose to punish.

As you can imagine, they have been sanctioned after making a mistake.

If I wanted to kill someone, I am afraid that all the criminals in the prison would be emptied.

What I sanctioned were those who escaped the law by exploiting loopholes in the law, or even escaping legal punishment when the net of justice was restored.

After all, Skynet recovery also has uncovered places, and all law enforcement bureau personnel also hope to solve all cases, after all, manpower is still limited, and it is impossible to do everything.

Well, I have sorted out all the evidence for you, how should your law enforcement bureau arrange it next, presumably I don't need to say more, right?

Since you, the old lady, as a family member, have already opened your mouth to prevent me from sanctioning, although I am dissatisfied with this moral genealogy kidnapping of your world.

I believe that the old woman and her family wanted my sanction at first, but it was just your moral kidnapping.

But I prefer to believe in a cadre who is willing to serve the people so well, a person who can have a promising future in another position but is willing to devote himself to the poor mountainous area, and he also hopes that the wicked will be punished.

He also believes that the law is fair and just, and that those who commit evil this time will be punished by the law.

Here I advise the world that poverty is not an excuse for you to do bad things.

If you are really poor, I believe that the state will also help you and help you tide over the difficulties.

At the same time, I also want to do justice to those who help the poor, not to use some power in their hands to unscrupulously oppress the people.

You must know that good and evil will be rewarded in the end, not if they are not reported, but the time has not come, and perhaps you will be the next to be sanctioned.

Although the sinful people were not judged by me today, many people in the live broadcast room felt unrelieved.

But I prefer to believe that the law will give victims a fair and equitable treatment.

Well, this concludes today's judgment, see you all.

When Lin Mo finished the last sentence and directly closed the system and exited the live broadcast room, the page of everyone who was watching the live broadcast at this moment returned to the moment just now.

Some are dancing and some are watching TV, but it's more about the evil people judged by the lights of the city today.

Although today's evil person did not let the city light personally sanction, people feel a little indignant.

But what he saw tonight, about Director Xu's life, also made everyone cry.

Some people say that poor mountains and evil waters are out of trouble, but the video also let everyone see that during Director Xu's visit, those people's clear eyes, they would rather not be willing to eat, but also take out the best things in the house to Director Xu to thank him for his kindness.

When the parents of those children were working outside and they were playing at home, they saw Director Xu around him, and Uncle Xu shouted like this.

I went to the mountain to pick some dates, and the little hand held the dates and put them in Uncle Xu's clothes, and those dates were stuck with mud, and some children took clean water to wash them.

They were so busy and sweating that they hoped that their Uncle Xu could eat these good things.

Unfortunately, everything in the world is opposed to each other, on the one hand, everyone can see the simple kindness of these people, and at the same time, let people see a very hateful side.

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