I really didn't expect that I was full of blood to help people, and finally the aunt was rescued, but because of this broken rib, the family came to the door, thinking of lying to herself.

And Captain Zhao, Captain Wang and the meaning of the two of them are also clear, and they must not let themselves say that they are intentional, that is, they are sure that they are unintentionally caused in the process of saving people.

In this way, even if the two sides fought a lawsuit, their original intention was good to save people, and in the end, there was no fart incident.

However, seeing Captain Zhao's hint, Lin Mo shook his head.

"Captain Zhao, Captain Wang, I have a very clear mind now, and I also know what I said.

Boy, I'm going to tell you again, those two ribs on your mother's body were deliberately crushed by me.

Because only by crushing his two ribs can I make sure she has a breath before the ambulance arrives.

And this is still the only way to do the least harm to your mother's body.

If you don't know medicine yourself, I can forgive your ignorance, you can contact the hospital now to inquire.

If there are no medical devices around at the time, how can this patient last for 20 minutes? "

If you are doing the right thing, why should you be afraid of them?

"Hahahaha, boy, you really admitted it again."

While speaking, he quickly opened his mobile phone and clicked on the video to record Lin Mo.

"Boy, let me ask you, do you dare to repeat the sentence you just said?"

Seeing that the man in front of him took out his mobile phone to record it, Captain Zhao spoke.

"Lin Mo, don't talk nonsense, or just don't talk."

However, Lin Mo shook his head again, repeated what he just said, and finally did not forget to say, why should I be afraid of the so-called video when I do good deeds?

If it is reasonable for a person to shoot a video, is it when he encounters rudeness, he can open the mobile phone first?

I asked myself if I was doing the right thing, and I wasn't sorry for anyone, why should I lie?

The two people from the Law Enforcement Bureau in front of them did not dare to say anything else in the face of the recorded video, for fear that if they said the wrong thing, it would also have an adverse impact on the two of them.

"Old Zhao, since his little brother Lin looks so calm, is what he said true?

If he says something that is true, it can also be an emergency hedging, an emergency measure when helping others.

For example, someone needs to bleed after a problem, so they have to stab them a few times.

If it is said that because of a few knives, the person can be saved, and the family members sue the person because they were stabbed a few times afterwards, the court will not accept it.

His side did not dare to delay, and immediately sent someone to contact the local hospital for inquiry.

After questioning, the chief physician reviewed the medical records and gave an affirmative answer.

This patient's illness was very sudden, even a very professional doctor could only rescue for about 10 minutes at most, and I was still thinking about how this patient's ribs were broken, and I thought that it was accidentally broken during the rescue process.

Today, when I heard the inquiry from the Law Enforcement Bureau, thank you for thinking about it, I suddenly realized.

Alas, this rescuer is highly skilled in medicine, amazing, amazing.

Indeed, when treating this disease, if you suddenly encounter a special situation, there is such a stimulus through other aspects, so that the patient can persist for a longer period of time.

I was really ashamed, I saw that the patient was sent back and did not understand other reasons.

I was really ashamed, ashamed, and heard that the patient's family ran to the law enforcement bureau, ready to call the police to arrest the lifesaver.

The doctor here also explained it, and his side can also issue all the documents to prove that this little brother is superb and has done nothing wrong.

Hanging up the phone, the group looked up at the man in front of them.

Now that the doctors have told him about this matter, I want to ask you what else you can say, is it possible that you still want to come over and blackmail?

I didn't expect that I was stunned back by a few words.

"That boy, let me ask you, what is your identity? Which hospital do you work in, you should be an intern at your age, right?

Lin Mo shook his head again, he was not a doctor or in the hospital, and this knowledge was learned online.

"What? Practicing medicine without a license also crushed two ribs of his mother, and must be sued.

Of course, if you don't want to sue, you can compensate 50,000 yuan for mental damage, and this matter is just that, otherwise this matter is not over. Seeing

his hideous face, Lin Mo didn't say much, but asked lightly.

"Are you sure you want to sue, presumably you also know the cause and effect of this matter, I am your lifesaver."

"To sue, you must prosecute, you must be punished by the law."

Hearing his roar, Lin Mo sighed helplessly.

Just recently, he opened the Eye of Death to check it, and saw that his sin value was constantly increasing, and it must not take long to reach the value of being judged.

Of course, his sin value has increased so high, not because this one thing can make his sin value increase so much.

It's because this kid did something else.

"Hmph, I give you a piece of advice, don't do what is good and small, don't do evil small.

If you blackmail me like this today, are you not afraid of being judged by the light of the city?

Your age seems to be only about 40, and you often swipe your phone in addition to work, right?

If you often swipe your mobile phone, you should know the scene when the father and son touched porcelain on the street some time ago and were burned alive by the city light.

Could it be that your kid is not afraid of death? Not afraid of being judged by City Lights? Hearing

this, the middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, and then quickly returned to his senses and recovered his state.

I have heard about the light of the city, but from beginning to end, I don't believe that the light of the city is really so evil.

If the city lights can really be judged as they say, then why should the state?

What else do you want the law for? Wouldn't it be nice to judge everything directly by the City Light?

And this kid in front of him used the light of the city to scare himself, really don't know how he can be scared?

Lin Mo's words made Captain Zhao's eyes light up, and he quickly asked.

"Boy Lin, do you mean that City Light wants to judge him?"

Hearing Captain Zhao's inquiry, Lin Mo's heart felt helpless.

Speechless, it's all at this time, they still want to set their own words?

This group of law enforcement bureaus did this thing seriously, once they doubted themselves, they didn't want to routine themselves all the time, and they asked themselves if they could be so easily routined by you?

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