"Boy Lin, since something like this has happened within your jurisdiction, even if you don't know Captain Zhao, I will enforce the law impartially and will never let such a situation occur in my jurisdiction.

I absolutely cannot tolerate this matter, and everything is handed over to my law enforcement bureau, and my law enforcement bureau will definitely give you a fair and just answer.

Okay, old Zhao, don't worry about any of you in this matter, I'll take care of it.

"Don't, Captain Wang, you can completely avoid this in this matter."

I was ready for trial, but I was stopped halfway?

"It's because every time this happens, we compromise again and again, so that they can get by unscrupulously."

You Lin boy did such a good person and good deed, in the end you don't get a reward, but you have to be treated to Bo Gong Court, this is a big joke, don't say anything about this matter, and then I will personally deal with it.

As soon as the words fell, Captain Wang took the man directly to the office, ready to deal with the matter with him.

"Captain Zhao, why are you suffering here?"

Seeing this, Lin Mo just wanted to go over, but was pulled by Captain Zhao.

"Lao Wang has such a personality, you just let him go and make sure that this matter is handled properly for you."

As soon as his old fellow's violent temper came up, no matter who could stop it, not to mention that this matter still happened in his own jurisdiction, everyone was a person with a head and a face to save face, and the front foot was just praised, and the back foot was severely stunned.

Don't say it's his old king, if this matter is put in front of him, he will also ask others for an explanation.

Lin Mo did not speak this time, but only smiled slightly.

On the other side, Captain Wang took him into the office, not knowing what the two people had talked about.

At the moment when the office came out, the man glared at Lin Mo viciously, and then left unwillingly.

Seeing that this man was still very angry just now, clamoring that no one was coming, how did he leave obediently in a blink of an eye?

Seeing this Lin Mo, he couldn't help but sigh, there are people behind it who are easy to solve.

"Lao Wang, the matter is settled?"

"Little Brother Lin, you can rest assured that this matter has been resolved.

We are making arrangements for your righteous deeds, and we can arrange them in two days at most.

You go back early. Seeing

that the matter was settled, Lin Mo did not continue to delay here and got up and left.

"It's really speechless, it's really infuriating to encounter such a bad thing from time to time."

"Well, there is nothing troublesome or angry, I said that you will not use some improper means in this matter of Lao Wang, right?"

"I didn't use improper means, I used legal means, I just asked someone to call up his information and know his identity."

Knowing that he was in charge of a project in my precinct, I told him that if he continued to mess around, I would lead all my brothers to his construction site tomorrow for a good inspection.

Unless his project doesn't want to start. "

Originally, it was like the things on the engineering side, because of the things on their side, as long as they didn't commit crimes, everyone was well water and river water.

As long as you don't go too far, turn a blind eye.

But this kid really gives face not face, since your kid gives face not face, then it seems that there is no need to give him face, and this matter is dead to the end.

A small inspection in three days, a large inspection in 5 days, how to start construction on your construction site?

You kid plays hooligan with me, I'll let you know how to put you in order under legal means.

"Lao Wang, your means are really too clever, even the Heavenly King Laozi is estimated to be unable to bear it."

"Hey, I didn't want to take such a measure, but this kid really gave a face.

In the end, I had no choice but to force myself and use some small means to fight back. Captain

Zhao spoke again.

"Yes, who said that this matter is not, it is very hot to watch."

Originally there was nothing to do with his side, if he really started a lawsuit, even if he won in the end, the waste of manpower, energy and material resources would be too great.

At present, the only way to criticize and educate such blackmail is adopted, unless such blackmail detention fines or even sentences are introduced, which may be able to curb this unfair trend throughout the country.

"Rest assured, our national legal construction, everything has to be done step by step."

With the rapid development and changes in people's ideas and concepts, many laws will change with the times.

"yes, that's right."

Like the law before it, I have never written a law about the Internet.

Who would have thought that Internet games can be suspected of fraud today?

For example, if the two parties have a drama to trade, the buyer buys a number worth tens of thousands of yuan, and a few days later suddenly finds that the number has been recovered by the seller.

For those of them who don't play games, it's just a bunch of code, just that interesting?

Last time, a person called the police and said that after his dragon slaying knife was sold to others, people did not give money, and the dragon slaying knife was worth tens of thousands.

At that time, I still thought about what kind of knife was so expensive, could it be an antique, and immediately sent someone to investigate, and finally found that it was game equipment.

While leaving himself speechless for a while, he couldn't help but sigh that with the continuous expansion of the development of the network, the laws on the emerging network side of the network in recent years have been continuously comprehensive, and virtual assets are also money and will also be protected by the law.

Just like when there were no computers before, who could have thought of these things?

"Yes, now everything cannot be rushed, no country has perfect laws, everything is constantly being revised and changed."

After there is a problem, it is most correct to change the problem found in time.

Instead, they believe that their country A will definitely get better and better at building this on the road of legal construction.

"Regarding the construction of the legal system, we also need to study it together by all of us in country A."

The two people stood on the side and exchanged a few pleasantries, all the information they wanted to investigate had been found, and after a phone call, Li Lu quickly drove over.

"Master, I'm coming."

"Xiaolu, you're here."

"Uncle Wang, oh no, Captain Wang."

After moving all the information obtained here to the car, the master and apprentice drove back to their law enforcement bureau.

Master, look at what happened to you with a sad face?

It's not about the light of the city, but also about his Lin Mo's kid.

Hearing the light of the city, as well as his Lin Mo, Li Lu instantly came to the spirit.

"Master, is it this city light that you have already investigated, is it Lin Mo's kid?

As long as you say a word Master, I will immediately send someone to his apartment to arrest him. Captain

Zhao shook his head and said what happened today, hearing what his master said, Li Lu's violent temper rose, it was really hateful, people Lin Mo helped you, you don't thank it, just think about using the means of touching porcelain to make a profit all day? If this happens to me, I.

"Why, what should you do if you encounter it?"

"If I encounter this situation, I will definitely not hesitate to help directly, even if I am deceived."

In fact, he muttered in his heart, he will definitely not help in this situation, and he must be a good person, not help these bad people.

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