A stone stirred up a thousand waves, and the two sides in the live broadcast room began to cause a scolding war on the public screen, some people supported and some opposed, and some people directly endured humiliation attacks, like this kind of human flesh attack Lin Mo silently blacked them out.

You can have different ideas about something, and even you can insult yourself and abuse yourself, but you rise to personal attacks to attack other people, which seems a bit incorrect.

People like this who don't know how to be grateful should be judged by the city light if I say it.

You see, he will definitely be judged, and you sunspots, let you foolish blacks who don't know right from wrong, and people like you will one day be judged by the lights of the city.

According to this matter, the two parties began to chatter again, and from time to time someone brushed up gifts, planes and trains, all worth a lot.

This wave of operations really stunned me, I said why everyone likes to be an Internet celebrity, it turns out that this money came too quickly.

After shouting a few words of family, you can unscrupulously quack leeks.

Except for some sunspots who led to personal attacks after they were kicked out by Lin Mo, the rest of these people just smiled and did not make any reply.


Just when he was quietly watching the live broadcast of his mobile phone, the sound of text messages suddenly came from his mobile phone.

According to their usual social habits, at most, just buy some things online, there will be the sound of text messages, but they have not bought anything in the recent period, is it a fraudulent text message?

After opening the mobile phone, he was greeted with insults about himself, and all the ugly things were presented on the text message.

The moment this first text message appeared, an overwhelming stream of text messages followed.

Some of it is supportive, and the vast majority is sarcasm, sarcasm, attack and abuse.

Seeing these news, Lin Mo shook his head helplessly, he didn't expect that in his previous life, he only saw others being subjected to online violence, and he never thought that he would be suddenly exposed online.

Before I saw those who were subjected to online violence, some people were humiliated and chose extreme ways to leave the world.

While mourning in silence, I couldn't help but sigh, is life so fragile?

Isn't it just being exploded by the Internet? It's enough to live with a big grin, why is it necessary?

Until today's telephone house, all their information has been leaked, and they have been posted on the Internet, not knowing the truth, and even saying that these people do not care about the truth at all, wantonly venting their emotions.

If a person is a straw that presses on the body of the camel, the camel only feels fluttering, or even dispensable.

If 1,000 people are a bundle of straw, pressed on the body of a camel, they only feel that they do have something on their backs, but they are not particularly heavy, and they can carry weights.

When 10,000 straw bales are made into a bundle, although you feel very tired, you still grit your teeth and can persevere.

If 100,000 straws fall on the body of a camel, which is usually a fluttering thing, 100,000 sticks gather together and fall at the same time, even the camel can be crushed alive.

This is the network, and the network is a double-edged sword.

I have to admit that in the development of the Internet today, there are indeed many people who change lives through the Internet.

After someone played the Internet, took the express train of the Internet, and after having a certain fan base, they gained wealth.

There are also some people who have received help through the Internet, such as those who are sick or cannot afford to go to school, and through the help of others, they have money to treat their diseases, can heal physically, and those who do not have money to go to school can also return to school.

But as we look at the many benefits the Internet brings us, let's not forget the lethality it brings us.

Today, with the increasingly transparent development of informatization, personal information has long begun to circulate wantonly on the Internet, as long as you contact the Internet to investigate a person is too easy.

The opening picture is a picture, the content is all made up, and netizens who do not know the truth attack and abuse.

If the mentality is good, it is good to say, but the vast majority of them are ordinary people, how many have such a good mentality?

Even the self who has the system at this moment, not the soul of this planet has penetrated this world, and seeing such abusive news, he can't wait to sanction all these people, and the world is peaceful.

When I saw such an insulting news, I suddenly remembered that night, the moment when my soul was transmitted to this world to obtain the system, the system gave me a reminder that I can't use the system to take revenge on the world, otherwise I will be destroyed humanely.

Only today did I have a deeper understanding, and the original sentence prompted by the system was to tell myself not to be disturbed by worldly things.

Even if it is an attack and invective, as long as their guilt value does not reach the moment of their own judgment, they cannot be judged and sanctioned.

If a person with a death trial system can't even accept this little thing, or even this trivial grievance, it seems that he has to consider whether he needs to change someone to be the master of this judgment system.

Open the trial system to redeem points, intercept text messages and calls that insult and abuse you, and the whole world is much quieter.

White City General Bureau of Law Enforcement.

"Lao Wang, what is going on in this matter, what is your sub-bureau for, now someone has called our General Bureau of Law Enforcement, saying that our Law Enforcement Bureau oppresses the people through violent means, let us give a reasonable explanation, I hope to get your answer to tell me what is going on."

Captain Wang explained everything that happened that day, and he had explained this matter to the kid many times, and the doctor in the hospital also explained it to the kid many times.

This matter was completely a righteous and courageous act, saving the life of the mother, and as a result, when the son's unthankfulness was just that, he came to the law enforcement bureau to make trouble, and thought of calling the police for prosecution.

At that time, I also criticized the kid a few words, and by the way, told him what kind of impact this would have, and I just rationally analyzed with him what price he would pay if he exposed this matter.

Others are exposing other people, he can be exposed to punish himself, when everyone knows that he is a white-eyed wolf, knowing grace does not want to report, he himself is also the foreman of the construction site, will a group of people come to the construction site to surround him?

By that time, is it not your bad luck that the delay will not be completed?

Who knew that this grandson himself was originally well-intentioned, but as a result, he didn't thank him for a word and gave himself online violence?

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