Death Reward Artifact! All the players in the server begged me not to die

Chapter 20 Qingfeng Village collective high jump incident

"The benefactor's contribution to our village is really great. This thing is left by my ancestors. As an ordinary person, it is useless for me to keep it. This thing is destined to you, so I will give it to the benefactor."

In Qingfeng Village, Ji Dongfeng spent 100 contribution points to exchange for Qingfeng monk’s training experience.

Cultivating Experience of Monk Qingfeng: It records the cultivating experience of Monk Qingfeng. There is only one book in the whole world of cultivating immortals. It contains the true and false ancient ways. If you can get it, you will definitely avoid many detours and provide some guidance for what may happen in the future. Be prepared for disasters in advance. . You need to equip Qingfeng Jin to use it. After use, the effect of Qingfeng Jin is doubled, and subsequent in-game exercise and other effects will be 10% realistic.

Looking at the introduction of cultivation experience, Ji Dongfeng frowned slightly. He couldn't understand the introduction of cultivation experience.

"I can understand that the effect is doubled, but what does this 10% reality mean... Does it mean that the training effect in the game will also be effective in the real world? How is this possible... Brother Qingfeng is not a big liar. "Ji Dongfeng murmured.

The next moment, Ji Dongfeng temporarily changed back to Qingfeng Jin, and then used Qingfeng Taoist's training experience.

"Ding, the effect of Qingfeng Jin is doubled. The effect is that the maximum reserve of Dantian spiritual energy is permanently increased by 2000, the spiritual energy absorption and transformation efficiency is permanently increased by 40 points, and the root bone, wisdom, strength, and agility are permanently increased by 20 points."

Listening to the system's prompts, Ji Dongfeng changed his technique back to the Ten Thousand Methods Body Forging Immortal Book, but he wrote down the description of 10% reality.

"The cultivation array on the stone is a giant stone array. It can also bring some extra improvements when breaking through. Let's go up first." Ji Dongfeng took a deep breath and began to move his muscles.

As the number one person in Qingfeng Village, Ji Dongfeng's every move can attract the attention of other players.

"What is the annihilation expert doing?"

"It seems like he's stretching his muscles. He doesn't want to have a fight in Qingfeng Village. Annihilation doesn't seem to be here right now."

"It doesn't look like it, why don't we try it too? Maybe this is the secret to his being so powerful?"

"That makes sense!"

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of people appeared behind Ji Dongfeng. These people all stared at every movement of Ji Dongfeng's muscles, and then tried to imitate it perfectly.


"Quick, quick, quick! The next step is to take a knee!"

"Why do I feel like this is the sixth set of radio gymnastics..."

"What the hell? This looks like an eagle taking off?! Wait! He's rushing!"


In the stunned eyes of all the players, Ji Dongfeng suddenly accelerated and ran towards the boulder.

Arriving in front of the boulder, Ji Dongfeng stomped his feet and tried to increase the height of his jump to the extreme!

"Outing Pine!"

When he reached the highest point, Ji Dongfeng roared angrily and directly used the Green Pine. He stepped on the void and the height increased again. However, what made him a little helpless was that this time the additional effect of the Wolf Spirit Boots was not triggered.


After landing, Ji Dongfeng looked thoughtful.

"In the game, my character can jump up to 2 meters after sprinting with all his strength. The Outing Pine can jump up to 35 meters. The blast leg armor can enhance the effect by 50%. The Outing Pine can reach 525 meters. Without triggering the Wolf Spirit Boots, You can only jump up to 725 meters... Damn it, I didn’t expect to have to do math problems in the game, but I don’t think I need to sprint, I can just jump on the spot... Come again! Wolf Spirit Boots, I hope you know it! "Ji Dongfeng! Looking around, he found a group of players behind him looking directly at him.

Ji Dongfeng didn't care about this, waved to everyone, and then turned around to face the boulder again.

"Did Dongfeng Po jump in the air again just now? Did he step on his left foot and his right foot?"

"It should be some kind of movement technique, but I'm curious about what he is doing. Should we...should we still follow it?"

"Do it! You must do it! Maybe this will trigger some kind of opportunity!"

The next moment, some brave players also came to the boulder. As soon as Ji Dongfeng jumped, they immediately took off. The only difference was that Ji Dongfeng could jump twice in the air, while they could only land first.

"Damn it! I'm so unlucky today? I don't believe it!" Ji Dongfeng saw that the effect of the Wolf Spirit Boots had not yet been triggered. His face sank, and he simply stopped paying attention to the other players around him and started jumping on the spot.

"Come on! I'm shouting slogans! Let's dance together! This will make you more energetic! Follow the rhythm of Brother Dongfeng!"

"One, two, three! Jump!"

"one two three……"

Further away, some players who had just returned to Qingfeng Village were preparing to hand in a mission. When they looked up, they were shocked to find a group of people surrounding the boulder in the village, shouting slogans and jumping on the spot. The height of the jump was uneven, except for One person can jump seven or eight meters in place.

"Is this some kind of ritual?"

"Look! Isn't that the Dongfeng Grasshopper! Damn, he jumps so high! He really looks like a grasshopper!"

"I know! Did Dongfeng Po establish some kind of grasshopper guild? This is some kind of alliance ceremony!"

"It makes sense! Otherwise, I really don't understand what the point of a group of people jumping on the spot is!"

After jumping in place seven or eight times, Ji Dongfeng used Outing Pine again.

"The benefactor's contribution to our village is really great. This thing is left by my ancestors. As an ordinary person, it is useless for me to keep it. This thing is destined to you, so I will give it to the benefactor."

In Qingfeng Village, Ji Dongfeng spent 100 contribution points to exchange for Qingfeng monk’s training experience.

Cultivating Experience of Monk Qingfeng: It records the cultivating experience of Monk Qingfeng. There is only one book in the whole world of cultivating immortals. It contains the true and false ancient ways. If you can get it, you will definitely avoid many detours and provide some guidance for what may happen in the future. Be prepared for disasters in advance. . You need to equip Qingfeng Jin to use it. After use, the effect of Qingfeng Jin is doubled, and subsequent in-game exercise and other effects will be 10% realistic.

Looking at the introduction of cultivation experience, Ji Dongfeng frowned slightly. He could not understand the introduction of cultivation experience.

"I can understand that the effect is doubled, but what does this 10% reality mean... It means that the training effect in the game will also be effective in the real world? How is this possible... Brother Qingfeng is not a big liar. "Ji Dongfeng murmured.

The next moment, Ji Dongfeng temporarily changed back to Qingfeng Jin, and then used Qingfeng Taoist's training experience.

"Ding, the effect of Qingfeng Jin is doubled. The effect is that the maximum reserve of Dantian spiritual energy is permanently increased by 2000, the spiritual energy absorption and transformation efficiency is permanently increased by 40 points, and the root bone, wisdom, strength, and agility are permanently increased by 20 points."

Listening to the system's prompts, Ji Dongfeng changed his technique back to the Ten Thousand Methods Body Forging Immortal Book, but he wrote down the description of 10% reality.

"The cultivation array on the stone is a giant stone array. It can also bring some extra improvements when breaking through. Let's go up first." Ji Dongfeng took a deep breath and began to move his muscles.

As the number one person in Qingfeng Village, Ji Dongfeng's every move can attract the attention of other players.

"What is the annihilation expert doing?"

"It seems like he's stretching his muscles. He doesn't want to have a fight in Qingfeng Village. Annihilation doesn't seem to be here right now."

"It doesn't look like it, why don't we try it too? Maybe this is the secret to his being so powerful?"

"That makes sense!"

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of people appeared behind Ji Dongfeng. These people all stared at every movement of Ji Dongfeng's muscles, and then tried to imitate it perfectly.


"Quick, quick, quick! The next step is to take a knee!"

"Why do I feel like this is the sixth set of radio gymnastics..."

"What the hell? This looks like an eagle taking off?! Wait! He's rushing!"


In the stunned eyes of all the players, Ji Dongfeng suddenly accelerated and ran towards the boulder.

Arriving in front of the boulder, Ji Dongfeng stomped his feet and tried to increase the height of his jump to the extreme!

"Outing Pine!"

When he reached the highest point, Ji Dongfeng roared angrily and directly used the Green Pine. He stepped on the void and the height increased again. However, what made him a little helpless was that this time the additional effect of the Wolf Spirit Boots was not triggered.


After landing, Ji Dongfeng looked thoughtful.

"In the game, my character can jump up to 2 meters after sprinting with all his strength. The Outing Pine can jump up to 35 meters. The blast leg armor can enhance the effect by 50%. The Outing Pine can reach 525 meters. Without triggering the Wolf Spirit Boots, You can only jump up to 725 meters... Damn it, I didn’t expect to have to do math problems in the game, but I don’t think I need to sprint, I can just jump on the spot... Come again! Wolf Spirit Boots, I hope you know it! "Ji Dongfeng! Looking around, he found a group of players behind him looking directly at him.

Ji Dongfeng didn't care about this, waved to everyone, and then turned around to face the boulder again.

"Did Dongfeng Po jump in the air again just now? Did he step on his left foot and his right foot?"

"It should be some kind of movement technique, but I'm curious about what he is doing. Should we...should we still follow it?"

"Do it! You must do it! Maybe this will trigger some kind of opportunity!"

The next moment, some brave players also came to the boulder. As soon as Ji Dongfeng jumped, they immediately took off. The only difference was that Ji Dongfeng could jump twice in the air, while they could only land first.

"Damn it! I'm so unlucky today? I don't believe it!" Ji Dongfeng saw that the effect of the Wolf Spirit Boots had not been triggered yet. His face sank, and he simply ignored the other players around him and started jumping on the spot.

"Come! I'm shouting slogans! Let's dance together! This will make you more energetic! Follow the rhythm of Brother Dongfeng!"

"One, two, three! Jump!"

"one two three……"

Further away, some players who had just returned to Qingfeng Village were preparing to hand in a mission. When they looked up, they were shocked to find a group of people surrounding the boulder in the village, shouting slogans and jumping on the spot. The height of the jump was uneven, except for One person can jump seven or eight meters in place.

"Is this some kind of ritual?"

"Look! Isn't that the Dongfeng Grasshopper! Damn, he jumps so high! He really looks like a grasshopper!"

"I know! Did Dongfeng Po establish some kind of grasshopper guild? This is some kind of alliance ceremony!"

"It makes sense! Otherwise, I really don't understand what the point of a group of people jumping on the spot is!"

After jumping in place seven or eight times, Ji Dongfeng used Outing Pine again.

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