Chapter 177 Spirit King Youha? Who will stop him!!


“Interrupted? That special prison chair made by the Grim Reaper really swept everyone’s interest! ”

Grimthw snorted angrily.

At the beginning, when I saw the video, the powerful spiritual pressure light pillar that erupted from Lan Ran’s body, originally overflowing above the sky cover, and even the soul shielding membrane could not withstand its heaven-shattering power.

Ge Liu trembled with direct excitement!

With a strong mentality, he is born with a persistent pursuit of ‘strength’, and naturally will not refuse the famous scene of bursting power!


At the moment when Lan Ran was about to show his might, the huge spiritual light pillar actually strangely tightened, and before Grimqiao could react, he blinked his eyes and wiped it from the new back into Lan Ran’s body!

Pants off! You’re going to show me this?

This is the same idea at the moment, not only Grimmjow alone, but almost every powerhouse in the world of the Grim Reaper!


“Nirvana, that paranoia, is really as incomprehensible as ever! At this time, we should let go of all constraints! ”

“Right, Captain Blue Dye?”

Ichimaru Silver also felt very disappointed.

If you can really see the grandeur of the Spirit King Palace being shot down, then the world of death at that time is a real shock to the world!

At the same time, Ichimaru Silver looked above the throne.

Although Lan Ran didn’t respond, there was a clear look of displeasure above his drooping eyes.


Blue dye also feels discouraged! Even…… Not very pleasant!

At the same time, the blue dye in the video showed a somewhat shocked expression: “Huh?! ”

He is immersed in the indigo dye that releases spiritual pressure infinitely.

The casting process was suddenly interrupted, which made him feel a little dazed.

At this time, the footsteps of Jingle Chunshui approached.

In a steady tone, he answered the doubts in the hearts of all his own audience: “It’s useless! Give up trying, indigo dyeing…”

Under the dark cloak, a hint of cunning flashed among the only remaining one-eyed eyes.

Meet Lan Ran’s slanted gaze.

Jing Le Chunshui explained unhurriedly: “Lan Ran, do you remember what you once said when you were in the middle of nowhere.” ”

“Your spiritual pressure cannot be eliminated! Can only be bound around your body! ”

“Doesn’t that mean…”

“This binding force is also too powerful to understand!”

Jing Le Chunshui said while turning his head to look back, and his gaze fell on Nirvana who was walking towards this side!

At this point, the camera shifts with it.

Aimed at Nirvana’s sunflower outfit, and his face that was still arrogant even when facing Blue Dyeing: “Blue dye… Very upset, right? ”

Nirvana sneered gloomyly, and said in a provocative tone: “Do you think that your strength surpasses my technique, so you release spiritual pressure without any worries?”

“What a naïve!!!”

While speaking, Nirvana took out a ring controller from his arms, and deliberately shook it twice in front of Lan Ran.

Then Yin Yang said strangely: “The size of the binding force depends entirely on me!” ”

“So… As long as you still wear the binding props I made for a day, you won’t want to do such a ridiculous thing as ‘shoot down the Spirit King Palace’ for a day!” ”

The aggressive tone, through the special sound effects of the inventory, spread throughout the world of the Grim Reaper, and at the same time caused praise all over the Lingting Court!


“To deal with the pervert, it really has to be shot by another pervert!”

“Before, Lan Ran, who had been pretending to be forced, was finally stunned to the point of speechlessness this time!”

The Shinigami of the thirteenth team of the Guardian Court, their eyes burst out with a strong light, and they all felt nirvana on the screen.

A grateful look was cast.

You know, since the appearance of Lan Ran during the thousand-year-old bloody war, all the members of the thirteen teams of the Guardian Court have been oppressed by the power of Lan Ran, to the point of almost suffocating!

And the act of releasing the blue dye is already a shame for the Grim Reaper! In the future, I actually had to watch him pretend to be forced alone!

It’s hard to imagine…

If only the Spirit King Palace was really shot down!

If the entire Lingting Court is destroyed, the face of the God of Death will be swollen again! After all, Lan Ran has just played the role of ‘savior’! If you have to say it, the captains still owe him a favor!


As the Grim Reaper guessed.

I don’t know if it’s because of unhappiness or because I feel a little regretful, even in the face of the power of the Spirit King, the blue dye that still does not change color on his face, but at this moment there are obvious fluctuations in emotions!

He narrowed his eyelids deeply.

With indifferent pupils, he looked at Nirvana through the air, and the corners of his mouth turned up: “In that case…”

“Then turn the restraint to the maximum, how?”

“Take a look at your technique, or my power, who is stronger for some rare verbal provocations.

It’s just a pity that there was no response.

The inventory fragment of this scene also came to an abrupt end with the fall of the blue dye voice!

When the video picture gradually became pitch black, many strong people still felt that it was a pity that they could not verify the authenticity of Lan Ran’s phrase ‘use spirit pressure to shoot down the Spirit King Palace’!


The emotion of regret did not last long!

It was soon interrupted by the appearance of a fragment of a new scene!

“Brush! The video picture is restored.

The first frame that catches your eye is the devastated Quiet Spirit Court! And……

A dark space-time gate that appears out of thin air and rotates like a whirlpool until it is fully formed!

“Huh? What happened! ”

“This Piercing Gate seems to have descended from above the Spirit King Palace!”

Ichiban: within the team.

The captains just breathed a sigh of relief.

The nerves in the whole body tensed again, and everyone stared at the dark door of time and space, and felt unsettling heart palpitations!

That feeling…

It is as if once this door is opened, disaster will come out of it!


“On the opposite side of the space-time gate, shouldn’t it be… Friendly habach, right?! ”

In the crowd.

I don’t know who mentioned such a mouthful.

Then, let the captains, as well as the general captain, extremely desperate things happen!


The door of time and space opens.

Once the evil figure wrapped in dark spiritual power, like the gods of creation, fell on the land of the Quiet Spirit Court under the rushing flow of dark spiritual power!

When the footsteps came out of the video, the faces of the captains were the same blinded and terrified look!

“Friend! Ha! Bar! Hertz!!! ”

The desperate syllables, the words sent out between the teeth, seemed to exhaust all strength.

“How is it possible! Why did he become like this! ”

Friends Habach at this time.

It was no longer the appearance of the traditional exterminator before, but it had become a dark chaotic body!

Especially the multiple omniscient eyes on the back!

Whoever sees it will feel extremely creepy! Moment……

An unspeakable, immense oppression rushed towards you! Even with the captain at the top!

Captain Reaper, including the general captain, everyone felt that the right to breathe was being taken away!


Even my heart is about to stop beating!

And this is just the Spirit King level friend Habach, standing still and overflowing momentum!

“It’s horrible!!!”

“After devouring the Spirit King, the power of Youhabach has reached the same level!”

The Grim Reaper Captains were desperate.

For a moment, it felt as if even the sky was about to fall! It was hard to disappear because of the power of the Spirit King.

And the dawn of hope that reappeared was instantly extinguished because of the appearance of Youhabach!


Just when everyone’s fighting spirit was almost crushed, the voice that could also awaken the fear in the nerves of the captains of the Grim Reaper.

It’s like a blade at dawn!

Dispelled all the atmosphere of fear in an instant! The camera rotates suddenly.

Aimed at the opposite side of Yuhabach’s standing body!

It was still the familiar white prison chair, and the blue dye on the corners of his mouth with his hands flat and slightly grinning on it.


The pretense that made the entire world of death sensational opening line: “Welcome to my corpse soul world!” ”

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