Death Spiral [Infinite Flow]

Chapter 11: matryoshka

    Xu Rendong couldn't judge what Yuan Xueming meant by "lying" for a while, so he kept silent and used the darkness to hide his expression.

    Yuan Xueming took a deep breath and narrowed his eyes contentedly. He twitched his eyes with enjoyment, and then said slowly, "You are definitely not a newcomer."

    Xu Rendong thought for a while and said, "Yes, it's the fourth time I've come in."

    This time, the mouth was not sealed as before. Then he understood that he could not tell others about the afterlife, but he could lie.

    Yuan Xueming nodded: "No wonder it's so calm, it turns out to be a fourth-time veteran." He handed over the lighter, lit a cigarette for Xu Rendong, and then enjoyed the tobacco on his own, as if There is no intention of continuing to ask.

    The two smoked at the window together in silence. Although it is harmful to the body, it relieves the tense nerves and makes this dead night less difficult.

    Xu Rendong asked: "Why are you insomnia?"

    Yuan Xueming said: "When I was outside, I was lying in the ICU 24 hours a day, and I slept too much. Now that I have the opportunity, I want to walk and move as much as possible. "

    Xu Rendong said in surprise: "You mean you were seriously ill and bedridden outside, but you have recovered here?" He looked at Yuan Xueming carefully again, and found that his cheeks were sunken, his eyes were blue and black, and his complexion was pale Slightly bluish dark yellow, it does seem to be very ill.

    After entering this world, Yuan Xueming's mental and physical strength was normal in all aspects, so no one thought about it, just thought he didn't sleep well. Who would have thought that he was lying in the intensive care unit in reality?

    Yuan Xueming said with a smile: "It's more than a serious illness, I'm actually dying, and only in the ghost world I have a personality. Once I leave and return to the real world, I will fall into a coma again." He He scratched his neck with his fingers and made an incision, "tracheal intubation, you know? General anesthesia is required."

    Xu Rendong saw him gesture on his neck, and he was immediately awakened by bad memories. His back was suddenly cold, and he always felt that there would be a hand reaching out from behind, dragging him into the darkness and slitting his throat.

    He couldn't help but look back and saw Lian Qiao sleeping peacefully on the bed through the crack of the opened door. For some reason, his heart suddenly calmed down, as if with Lian Qiao behind him, he was less afraid.

    Xu Rendong asked: "What's wrong with you?"

    "Multiple organ failure." Yuan Xueming smiled. When his cigarette was exhausted, he drew another from the cigarette case and lit it. Through the faint moonlight, Xu Rendong could see that the cigarette was some kind of expensive brand. Yuan Xueming continued, "Actually, I should have died a long time ago, but my family couldn't let it go, so I pushed it to the ICU and spent my life. The heart, lungs, and kidneys are all useless. Every day, the red blood cells, platelets, and albumin are transfused in turn, and I depend on these things to hang my life. Don't say, the best hospital in the country, the best ICU, the technology is really good. Just like my body, which is rotten from the inside to the outside, it actually dragged them for several months. I have money. , that's really good."

    Xu Rendong suddenly didn't know what to say.

    "Guess what I was thinking when I saw the elevator for the first time?" Yuan Xueming's tone was calm, even a little humorous, "I think, now the underworld is also advancing with the times, pulling people I even sent an elevator to pick me up when I got off Huangquan... I never thought that the elevator did send me to hell, but it wasn't the kind of ghost I imagined."

    Xu Rendong asked: "When did you first enter the elevator?"

    Yuan Xueming turned his head and glanced at him, showing a gentle and helpless smile: "Young man, do you know that general anesthesia has two types: deep anesthesia and light anesthesia. Deep anesthesia is a complete anesthesia, just like Just like falling asleep completely, people are unconscious. Light anesthesia just makes you feel no pain, your body can’t move, but your consciousness is still awake.”

    Xu Rendong was taken aback. The answer was that the donkey's lips were not the horse's mouth, but it made him feel horrified.

    Yuan Xueming looked at the snow outside the window and said slowly: "Every morning, you can hear the doctors and nurses changing their shifts, and hearing them walking around. The interns will practice their hands on you, although the needle sticks It doesn't hurt in the flesh, but you can hear them discussing why they haven't found the blood vessels yet, should they try another direction. It's easy to have rescue in the middle of the night, and you can hear the doctor on duty doing CPR, each of them panting, I'm too tired to come down. As for whether the patient next to me has come back from the rescue or has been relieved first, we will have to wait until the next day's shift to know. Although people with light anesthesia are conscious, they are anesthesia after all. I feel dizzy, the soul seems to float outside the body, and it is connected to the instrument by the infusion tubes. You just wait and wait, you can hear everything, know everything, just It's like having a lucid dream, you can't feel the existence of your body...but you are awake." He paused, and his smile finally revealed a little sadness, "You said, in this state, how could I be Remember when you first stepped into the elevator?"

    Xu Rendong was silent. Yuan Xueming said with a smile: "So actually, I'm still a little grateful for this ghost world. Although it's easy to die here, only here can I feel like a person again and I'm still alive."

    He ran out of cigarettes again, so he pulled out a third cigarette. But Xu Rendong forgot that he still had a cigarette in his hand, and the cigarette end almost burned his fingers. He simply pinched the cigarette, feeling a little complicated for a while, lowered his eyes and said, "You can take that nesting doll with you, don't give it to others."

    Yuan Xueming said: "I know, nesting dolls save lives."

      The two have no nesting dolls on their bodies, which proves that the nesting dolls are indeed used to save lives."

    Xu Rendong suddenly felt cold. He remembered that in the last reincarnation, Jiang Li accused Yuan Xueming of using new people to test the conditions of death. At that time he thought it was Jiang Li's emotional out of control and suspicious, but now it seems that Yuan Xueming really has such thoughts.

    Xu Rendong's voice turned cold: "Then why don't you tell everyone?"

    Yuan Xueming smiled and shook his head: "You, you are still inexperienced. What's the use of telling them? There are only three nesting dolls in total, but our team has a total of more than a dozen people. Say it and let everyone fight for it. Bleeding? Everyone has their own life. My life is lingering, and some people die young. There are also people, like Xu Hong, who can't die even if they try their best to die. go?"

    Xu Rendong had a cold face and declined to comment. Yuan Xueming didn't dislike his attitude, but patted him on the shoulder and said in a kind elder's tone: "You are still young, you may not be able to accept this, but this is the truth. This is fate."

    Xu Rendong couldn't help thinking: Then why is my fate repeated tragically? Why me, why only me?

    What am I doing wrong to go through this pain?

    Yuan Xueming saw that his face was very bad, and comforted: "Don't worry. We are also destined. If I find a nesting doll again, I will definitely give it to you."

    Xu Rendong resisted and said coldly, "No need."

    Yuan Xueming smiled: "So, you and your friends already have nesting dolls?"

    Xu Rendong was shocked, he immediately realized that he was being told, and his expression changed. Seeing his reaction, Yuan Xueming laughed loudly and said, "What am I saying, you are still inexperienced. You must have the intention of harming others, and you must be defensive. Young people, be careful yourself."

    After he finished speaking, he walked away leisurely. Leaving Xu Rendong alone in the corridor, she was in a complicated mood.

    Is Yuan Xueming an enemy or a friend? He still can't tell.

    Are these old people who have experienced the ghost world so unfathomable? Jiang Li, Wang Yuan, Yuan Xueming... all of them have deep scheming and take every step of the way. If not for the ability to reset the world, Xu Rendong might die without knowing how he died.

    —What about Lian Joe?

    Xu Rendong felt a burst of heart palpitations, and her chest was uncomfortable. He pushed open the door and returned to the bed, where he saw Lian Qiao sleeping. Lian Joe slept like an unsuspecting baby, even smacking his lips, as if reminiscing about something sweet. There was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

    Suddenly, Xu Rendong had a very familiar and familiar feeling, which made him feel very reassured and made him think that Lian Qiao was trustworthy.

    Lian Joe is the only one to trust.

    For the first time in her life, Xu Rendong decided to abandon her reason and trust her intuition.

    The next day, Xu Rendong rarely slept in. He was awakened by Lian Qiao. Lian Qiao said with some unease that it was very noisy outside, and something might have happened again. Let's go out and see.

    Xu Rendong had expected this for a long time, got up and said: "Okay."

    Sure enough, everyone in the corridor gathered at the door of a certain room, whispering and whispering, and their expressions were not very good-looking. Yuan Xueming was also among them, and he smiled at Xu Rendong. Xu Rendong looked away silently.

    The two girls who died this time were the two who stared at Xu Rendong last night, but never dared to speak. Xu Rendong naturally didn't understand the thoughts of these girls, but he just felt that it was a bit pitiful to be watched and commented by everyone when everyone died.

    Last night's laughter was like a narcotic, everyone deliberately forgot that they were still in danger. But now, the death that comes again has shattered everyone's sweet dreams. Anxiety spread again in the hearts of everyone.

    Someone collapsed and shouted questioningly: "What are the conditions for ghosts to kill? If this goes on, we will be killed before we gather all the dolls!"

    Xu Hong sneered, squinting at Yuan Xueming and said, "Who knows? Didn't he say that the conditions of each world are different?"

    Yuan Xueming ignored her provocation and said, "Let's go to the east today. I still say that, finish the task as soon as possible and leave early."

    Everyone had no objection, so they packed their bags and prepared to go out to explore.

    Xu Rendong and Lian Qiao also returned to the room, Lian Qiao silently stuffed the crowbar into his backpack, then showed a somewhat hesitant expression and looked at him eagerly.

    Xu Rendong asked: "What's wrong?"

    Lian Qiao said: "Brother honeysuckle, the four people who died yesterday and today have one thing in common, that is, they have not found a nesting doll. Do you think it will be..."

    Xu Rendong did not expect Lian Qiao to guess the conditions of death so quickly. He thought about it for a while, and felt that there was no need to hide it from Lian Qiao, so he nodded and said, "I also think that the condition of death is this. In fact, I heard the conversation between the rabbit and the two girls last night." He couldn't say what he had experienced. The fact that they have died several times, so they can only lie, "I heard the rabbits ask them if they are looking for dolls well."

    Lian Qiao's face changed: "Then they...?"

    Xu Rendong: "Well."

    Lian Qiao frowned, her expression becoming more and more solemn. Xu Rendong thought he was afraid, so he comforted him: "Don't worry, in fact, I found a nesting doll long ago, and I put one on you. The two of us should be fine now."

    Lian Qiao opened her eyes wide in surprise, turned left and right on herself, and really found a nesting doll. This is the one in the basement, just a tad bigger than the smallest nesting doll, just enough to hide on top of him without knowing it.

    Lian Qiao held the nesting doll in his hand and poked the nesting doll's face with his fingers. He whispered, "Brother Rendong, when did you hide it? Why didn't I find it at all?"

    Xu Rendong said: "While you are sleeping."

    Lian Qiao suddenly covered his face with a slam: "After the ignorant boy was asleep, the man beside him did such a thing to him..."

    Xu Rendong: "..." Wake up, this is not the UC newsroom.

    Lian Qiao moved his fingers slightly, and glanced at him quietly from his fingers: "Brother Honeysuckle, you are so good to me, have you secretly fallen in love with me for a long time?"

    Xu Rendong thought for a moment and said, "No."

    Lian Qiao: "Oh." He put down his hands in frustration.

    Xu Rendong looked at him and suddenly remembered the night when they first met, what Lian Qiao said about the "inner follow effect". He saved him by himself, and happened to be the first person he met in this world, so Lian Qiao relied on him and trusted him like a newborn chick.

    That seems to have been a long time ago, and even Joe can't remember at this time. After the world was reset, even Joe's memory of him was also emptied. Nothing will be left.

    But Xu Rendong still remembers.

    So he looked into Lian Qiao's eyes and said seriously: "I'm so kind to you, because you are the first bird I met in this world."

    Lian Qiao was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously lowered her head to look somewhere, and muttered, "I'm not too young."

    Xu Rendong: "..." Young man, why are your thoughts so dirty.

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