Death Spiral [Infinite Flow]

Chapter 16: matryoshka

    Xu Rendong turned around and saw a faint black mist floating on the rotten meat in front of the fireplace. The black fog gathered and formed at an extremely fast speed, and you could vaguely see countless black lines entangled and twisted in the black fog. The black lines are like the dark doodles on the sketch paper by children with problems in their minds.

    And of course no one wants to wait for it to be fully formed. Xu Rendong was the first to react, pulling up Lian Qiao and stepping back. Even Qiao Hiccup couldn't help himself, but he reacted very quickly, and he and Xu Rendong both retreated to the gate.

    At the same time, Yuan Xueming also ordered the evacuation. Just now, everyone was excited to collect the corpse for the boss, but in the blink of an eye, the boss cheated again. Obviously, the rabbit's current state is more vicious and terrifying than before. Just listening to a bang and ping pong, the cleaning tools in everyone's hands fell one after another, and everyone screamed and fled.

    Lian Qiao, who came to the door first, reached out and pushed the door, but his face changed. Xu Rendong asked, "What's wrong?"

     Even Joe was about to cry: "Can't open it!"

    Xu Rendong made a decisive decision: "Break away!"

    Lian Qiao understood and called 123 quickly, and the two men slammed towards the door together. However, the wooden door, which did not seem to be strong, was surprisingly good at this moment. No matter how hard the two of them tried, the door wouldn't move.

    Looking carefully, there is also a faint black line around the door. It seems that the only exit has been controlled by the runaway black fog.

    Seeing this, everyone felt even more desperate. Looking back at the black line, the outline of the rabbit has been outlined. It looks a lot bigger than before, and it is close to the size of an adult at this time. And the black thread that twisted wildly, densely packed like a snake, was extremely disturbing.

    The eyeballs that were smashed into meat sauce just now turned into two black spirals, bottomless, with a neurotic morbid feeling. Those chaotic black eyes remind people of the dangerous beasts that are quietly approaching in the dark caves where the fire does not shine. It is the primitive fear imprinted in the depths of human genes, the fear of the unknown and the dark.

    Everyone blocked the door, which provided great convenience for the rabbit's attack. I saw that black thread swooped forward, biting the nearest person's shoulder with just one bite. It didn't use much force, and easily tore off the man's entire arm from the shoulder joint, and swallowed it into its mouth, chewing like a chicken's paw.

    The man screamed in pain, clutching his broken arm tightly, turning his head to flee. Unexpectedly, the black line behind him stretched out suddenly, and rolled him into the black mist like tentacles. The dense lines are like maggots, quickly eating his flesh and blood. The man screamed again and again, but within a few seconds, his flesh and blood was lost, turned into bones, and fell to the ground with a clatter.

    Others were stunned as they watched their companions die tragically in front of them. Yuan Xueming roared: "Everything is scattered!" Then everyone woke up and escaped from the shadow as much as possible.

    Xu Rendong looked around and found that Lian Qiao's crowbar had fallen not far from the dining table. He was about to pick it up, but he didn't expect that the black rabbit aimed at him next, and rushed towards him at a speed far exceeding that of humans!

    Xu Rendong couldn't dodge in time, and he was about to be swallowed by the shadows. He felt a strong force behind him, and Lian Qiao pushed him aside. Even Joe himself used this recoil to avoid the menacing pounce of the black rabbit. However, this critical push made Xu Rendong dodge the rabbit's attack, but he lost his balance and fell heavily to the ground.

    He was about to get up when he found the crowbar just within reach. Xu Rendong reached out and picked up the crowbar without hesitation, and threw it back at Lian Qiao, shouting, "Lian Qiao!"

    The crowbar rotates 360 degrees in the air, like slow motion, everyone can't help holding their breath, and their eyes closely follow the crowbar.

    I don't know if Lian Qiao's reaction speed is fast, or he and Xu Rendong are too tacit. When Xu Rendong called out his name, Lian Qiao raised his hand and caught the crowbar firmly .

      He clenched the crowbar tightly, and was about to kill the violent black rabbit again, when he heard Xu Rendong let out a very restrained groan.


    It turned out that Xu Rendong was only interested in throwing weapons, but failed to escape the second attack of the black rabbit. The frantically twisting black thread had already climbed up his calf, and like a bone-encrusted maggot, it quickly began to bite at his flesh. Even the thick winter trousers could not stop the erosion of the black lines, and the white as porcelain skin was quickly eaten away, revealing bright red muscles and pale tendons.

    Blood poured out like a broken faucet. Xu Rendong was in a cold sweat, struggling to step back. The black thread wrapped tightly around his calf and moved with his body, without any intention of letting go. Instead, it spreads upwards at a terrifying speed along the calf.

    "Brother Honeysuckle!" Even Joe's eyes were red, and this cry broke. He held the crowbar high and swung towards the black rabbit. At the same time, Yuan Xueming also pulled up Xu Rendong's upper body and tried his best to drag him back.

    Lian Qiao used almost all his strength to hit the black rabbit **** the forehead. However, what he didn't expect was that his blow hit the rabbit's head with accuracy, but it seemed to be swiped in the air, and the crowbar went straight through the twisted black thread. The reaction force of the crowbar swinging in the air was so great that Lian Qiao almost lost his balance and fell directly on the black rabbit.

    He staggered a few steps, and when he looked up, he saw that Xu Rendong's calf had been gnawed to nothing but bones. The scene was so cruel that Lian Qiao seemed to have gone mad, roaring sternly, and swung a few sticks at the black rabbit. It's a pity that the physical attack has completely lost its effect on the black rabbit at this time. No matter how he hits, the black line is like a fog. No harm was done.

    "Lian Qiao run!" Under the severe pain, Xu Rendong had bitten his lips. Blood was still dripping from his swollen lips, and he pushed Yuan Xueming next to him again: "Go away too, don't mind me!"

    Yuan Xueming was hesitant, and even Qiao shouted with a crying voice: "I don't want it!"

    In the blink of an eye, the black rabbit had completely eaten Xu Rendong's calf, and the black line was about to reach her knees. Xu Rendong knew that every second counted at this moment. Since he couldn't convince Lian Qiao, he could only follow his mind. In an instant, his mind was like lightning bolts. Xu Rendong was cruel, gritted his teeth and said, "Break my leg, hurry up!"

    At that moment, Xu Rendong clearly saw that tears welled up in Lian Qiao's eyes. Huge tears ran down his cheeks and fell to the floor.

    However, Lian Qiao did not hesitate. He bit his lip, stepped forward, and raised the crowbar high.

    Pop! The metal crowbar smashed **** Xu Rendong's leg bone. The leg bone has been gnawed out of shape, and only a layer of translucent fascia is left. At this time, it was hit hard with a crowbar and broke easily.

    Fortunately, the pain nerves are mainly concentrated in the skin, and breaking the leg bone does not cause much pain. Xu Rendong watched helplessly as his left leg was broken, and at the same time felt light, Yuan Xueming had dragged him to escape quickly.

    Xu Rendong's half amputated limb could not stop bleeding, leaving a long blood trail. The black rabbit lay on the ground, sucking his flesh and blood, and even made a swallowing sound.

     Even Qiao's eyes were red, and he didn't even look at the black rabbit, he ran straight to Xu Rendong.

    The rest fled for their lives. Some raised their chairs and frantically hammered at the flimsy-looking windows. However, the window glass has also been entwined with black wires and has become rock solid. Some ran up to the second floor in a hurry, and the floor made the sound of running back and forth, but unfortunately, they did not find a way to escape, and soon ran down again with a look of despair.

    While the black rabbit was still licking the floor greedily, Xu Rendong, supported by Yuan Xueming, stood up on one foot with difficulty. Lian Qiao had already rushed in front of him, and when he bent down, he actually carried him on his shoulders.

    Xu Rendong was shocked: "Lian Qiao, you..." He subconsciously hoped that Lian Qiao would leave himself behind and run for his life, but Lian Qiao wrapped around his waist with one hand and held his other tightly with the other. Perfect calf. Xu Rendong felt that his hands were shaking slightly, but he couldn't say the words "leave me alone" anyway.

    Xu Rendong even had a trace of guilt. He felt that he should not have suffered such a serious injury in front of Lian Qiao, and he should not have asked Lian Qiao to break his leg bones. He knew very well that the guilt was not because he dragged Lian Qiao down, but another, very complicated and deep emotion.

    The severe pain of the broken leg made Xu Rendong have no time to ponder. He suppressed the pain, gritted his teeth and said to Yuan Xueming: "Go to the basement! There is a skylight in the basement, which leads directly to the outside!"

    Without saying a word, Qiao ran towards the stairs while carrying him. Yuan Xueming followed closely, and ordered everyone: "Go to the basement!"

    I didn't expect that at this critical juncture, there were still people questioning: "Isn't the basement door locked? Are you..."

    Xu Rendong was about to explain, but saw that the man had screamed and was pulled into his arms by the black rabbit and gnawed. Xu Rendong knew that there was no time to waste at this time, he immediately took out the key in his arms and shouted, "Lian Qiao!"


    He carried Xu Rendong and rushed in, his eyes quickly fixed on the skylight in the corner. Probably because this window is a little far from the black rabbit, it has not been affected by the black fog for the time being. Yuan Xueming also discovered this, and quickly picked up the debris on the ground and smashed it at the skylight.

    Clang! The sound of glass breaking is extremely harsh, but at this time it has become everyone's hope. Everyone ran into the basement one by one, and the two behind had been captured by the rabbit, and the screams were endless.

    Xu Rendong said: "Quickly find something to stand on!"

    Lian Qiao looked up at the skylight that was as tall as the two of them: "You go up first!"

    Xu Rendong was silent, but this silence only lasted for a very short moment, he quickly said: "Okay." So Lian Qiao held his waist and let him step on his shoulders, Climb up the skylight.

    Xu Rendong only has one leg left. The part of the left leg below the knee was empty, and only broken pieces of cloth were slowly floating.

    "Is it safe up there?" Lian Qiao lifted Xu Rendong's left right foot with both hands, raised his head, and the blood from the severed limb dripped onto his face. Incredibly warm.

    Xu Rendong, who climbed out of the skylight, quickly looked around and confirmed that the surrounding snow was fine, so he turned around immediately and stretched out his hand to Lian Qiao below: "Safety! Catch me!"

    Lian Qiao has found something to stand on. With the help of Xu Rendong, he stretched out his hands and jumped out of the skylight easily. Then he also turned back and stretched out his arms towards his partners: "Quick! Next!"

    There are two anxiously looking forward faces in the skylight, but Yuan Xueming is the only one. Both of them stretched out their hands to him, like birds waiting to be fed, equally eager and eager. Lian Qiao didn't know which one to catch for a while. At the same time, Yuan Xueming's roar came from deep below: "Hurry up! The door can't hold up anymore."

    Lian Qiao's face changed: "Brother Yuan is blocking the door?!"

    "Yes! He said that after he gets up, let's go first!" The man who spoke anxiously glanced at the partner beside him, and then made a move that no one could have imagined - he gave He pushed his partner to the ground, jumped up, and forcibly grabbed Lian Qiao's hand, "Hurry up and pull me up!"

    Lian Qiao was caught off guard and was almost dragged back to the basement by him. Fortunately, Xu Rendong quickly stopped him. Lian Qiao was dragged tightly by the man and was forced to maintain a posture that was useless. Seeing this, the man became more and more anxious, clinging to Lian Qiao's arms with both hands, thinking of him as a life-saving rope, and wanted to climb up just like that.

    Lian Qiao shouted: "You let go first! I will be dragged down by you! You let go first and I will pull you up immediately!"

    The man lost his mind in a panic, and he crawled upwards regardless of what he was persuaded. But after all, he was not physically strong, except for dragging Lian Qiao down little by little, he couldn't climb up much.

    At the same time, the teammate who was pushed away by him suddenly screamed. The man turned his head, not knowing what he saw, his face instantly turned pale.

    Xu Rendong and Lian Qiao also changed their expressions: Black rabbit came in? ! Then Yuan Xueming may have already—

    "I'm really going to fall!" Even Joe was almost begging, "Really! You let go first, and I'll pull you up immediately! We'll all die if you do!"

    Xu Rendong pressed Lian Qiao tightly with her body. He lost a leg, and the snow under him had no support. The thick white snow even began to melt in the warm blood, becoming more slippery. Seeing that even Qiao's body was dragged back into the skylight, he shouted in a hurry, "Lian Qiao! I can't hold it anymore!"

    Hearing Xu Rendong's cry, Lian Qiao remembered that there was someone on her body. If he fell, Xu Rendong would also be dragged down by him. Thinking of this, Lian Qiao's expression was instantly fierce, and a beast-like killing intent erupted in his eyes. He roared at the man below: "Are you **** letting go? If you don't let go, I'll go down and kill you!"

    The voice did not fall, only a shrill scream was heard. Xu Rendong only felt his body loosen, and Lian Qiao's hand actually shrank back. The murderous intent in his eyes was gone, only deep horror remained. Xu Rendong didn't understand what was going on, only to see that he took a severed wrist from his arm tremblingly. It belonged to a man's wrist, the blood vessels and bones at the broken end were clearly visible, and the five fingers were still tightly clasped, as if he would not let go of the life-saving straw until he died.

    Lian Qiao turned pale and threw the broken wrist on the ground. Then he bent down silently, carried Xu Rendong on his shoulders again, and began to run wildly in the snow.

    The screams in the basement have stopped. Xu Rendong lay on Lian Qiao's back and said, "They are all dead."

    Not a question, but a statement.

    "Yes...only...we are left..." Lian Qiao gasped violently. Carrying an adult man who is about the same height and body shape as him running in the snow like this, even Qiao's physical strength is gradually becoming a little bit weak.

    Xu Rendong: "Well."

    At this time, Lian Qiao no longer had the fierce look on his body, and his expression was as fragile as a newborn kitten. He sniffed, and then said in a voice that forced back his tears: "Brother Rendong, you...don't be afraid, we'll be fine..."

    Xu Rendong was silent. He had already seen a black shadow floating in the snow in the distance. The frantically twisting black lines are particularly eye-catching in the white snow, like a clumsy and crazy children's painting, like the most primitive fear in the depths of human hearts.

    Even Qiao Mingming was scared to death, he was about to cry, but he couldn't stop comforting him: "Brother Rendong, when we find the hiding spot, I will bandage you right away... It's okay... I heard Brother Yuan say that when we escape, our bodies will return to their original won't be disabled...don't be afraid...we'll be fine..."

    The shadows are getting closer.

    Xu Rendong listened to Lian Qiao's unconvincing, even pitiful consolation. For some reason, he was really not afraid.

    The snow fell again last night, and the snow on the ground was already thick. Even Qiao carried Xu Rendong, and every step she took left a deep footprint in the snow. Xu Rendong was lying on Lian Qiao's back, feeling very warm. He looked down at these two rows of footprints, and suddenly remembered that when he first came to this world, the first thing he saw was Lian Qiao's footprints.

    At that time, how could he have thought that he, a big man of 1.85 meters, could still be carried like a sack and run wildly.

    Lian Joe is like a broken repeater, madly suggesting to himself: "We'll be fine... We'll be fine..."

    Xu Rendong listened to Lian Qiao's violent panting, and her body went up and down with Lian Qiao's movements. He suddenly thought this scene was very interesting, but unfortunately no one would see it except him and Lian Qiao.

    No one will remember except him.

    Xu Rendong didn't feel much regret, he even raised the corner of his mouth slightly, touched Lianqiao's hair, and said, "You keep running forward, don't look back."

    Replay is finally interrupted. Lian Qiao howled: "Ow!"

    Xu Rendong said again: "Don't be afraid, you will be fine, don't look back."

    Lian Qiao didn't hear the deep meaning of these words for a while. When he reacted, Xu Rendong had pushed him away and fell heavily into the snow. Lian Qiao was stunned and stopped immediately.

    Xu Rendong shouted: "Run!"

     Even Joe turned around. Those eyes, which were always smiling with a frown, were overflowing with countless complex emotions at this time. Sadness, pain, despair...and anger.

    Xu Rendong had no time to think about where the anger came from. He shouted again: "Lian Qiao run! Be obedient!"

    Lian Qiao was still standing there, motionless. He didn't leave him and run away, just trembling all over and staring at him with incomparable anger.

    "Liar!" Lian Qiao shouted with red eyes.

    Xu Rendong was scolded inexplicably. He wanted to ask me why I lied to you, but suddenly felt a chill on the back of his neck. The familiar and terrifying sound of teeth grinding rang from the back of his neck. Immediately afterwards, there was a sharp pain in the neck. His skin, muscles, and even his cervical spine were all bitten off.

    Under this tremendous force, he fell backwards and saw the gray sky and the heavy snow fluttering in the sky. Black, twisted lines clouded his vision like a dark cloud, and he soon lost his face. Only saw a blood red.

    Before the whole world was shrouded in darkness, the last sound he heard was Lian Qiao's shrill cry that was almost bloody.

     "Didn't you agree to go out together?! Xu Rendong! You are a **** liar!"

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