Death Spiral [Infinite Flow]

Chapter 26: dream and present

    The silver-gray metal elevator reflects the cold light.

    Familiar screen.


    How did he die? What about the rest?

    His mind went blank. Ding, the elevator door suddenly opened. There is a bright light outside. The light was so harsh that he had to raise his hand to cover his eyes.

    He wanted to walk towards the light, but suddenly heard a sharp and harsh braking sound, as if some large vehicle was coming towards him at high speed.

    Xu Rendong shuddered and opened her eyes suddenly. The bright light disappeared at that moment, and the truck disappeared. However, what he saw was far more terrifying than the worst nightmare!

    —corpses. There are corpses all over the place.

    A corpse whose head was smashed with a sledgehammer and spattered with brains. Covered with snow, the corpse was frozen purple. A corpse with a nearly severed neck still spewing blood. The broken bone of the left leg was exposed, and the back of the neck was bitten into a corpse with a blood hole. A corpse with a knife in its heart.


    All corpses have the same face.

    —all the corpses, all of him!

    Xu Rendong stood among the corpses on the ground, seeing the panic, despair, sadness, and numbness on the faces of every dead self, the horror of dying once again pinched his heart. He started to get chills all over, shaking uncontrollably. That big icy hand roamed his skin, internal organs, and blood vessels, plundering his little remaining body temperature and destroying his last sanity bit by bit.

    Don' hurts...I don't want to die!

    He hugged him helplessly, curling himself into a ball. This must be a nightmare, just wake up, just wake up...

    While he was comforting himself like this, various voices sounded in his ears. The dull sound of the head being smashed, the rustling of snowflakes falling, the whirring sound of blood spurting out, the muffled sound of a crowbar hitting his leg... All the sounds mixed together and hit his eardrums like a tide. His brain also trembled, as if 10,000 cicadas fluttered their wings at the same time, causing him to have a splitting headache.


    The heavy hammer rubbed against his scalp, and the cold wind slashed across his cheeks like a knife. The exposed windpipe prevented the vocal cords from whining, and the animal's fangs gnawed at the back of his neck.

    The collection of various near-death experiences finally awakened the deepest terror in his heart—


    Xu Rendong suddenly sat up from the bed, gasping for breath. In the darkness, he couldn't remember where he was for a moment, he could only hear his heart beating wildly, breathing so hard that he could hardly breathe.

    He was covered in cold sweat, and even his muscles became sore and stiff from being too tense.

    He couldn't see anything, so he sat for a while in a daze, only to realize that there was a warm bed under him. There was still a little green light on the bedside, which was a charging mobile phone.

    Breathing gradually calmed down, and reason slowly returned to the brain. Xu Rendong remembered that he was in his own home. After returning from the ghost world, he felt extremely tired, and he fell asleep when he got home, and has been sleeping until now. long has passed.

    The head is still aching. Xu Rendong held his forehead and closed his eyes for a while, then took a deep breath and took the phone.

    The time displayed on the phone was 7pm on Sunday, two full days after the accident. He has been sleeping deeply for the past two days. Although his mind and body are extremely tired, his sleep is not stable. There were always ghosts dangling in the dream, as if he wasn't out of danger. He even saw the horrors of his own death.

    He thought he could endure it, but it turned out that he had been holding on. When he was alone and dreamed back in the middle of the night, the fear of death pulled him into the abyss of eternal doom, making him clearly see his vulnerability and helplessness.

    …It can’t go on like this, sooner or later it will go crazy.

    But he didn't have much time to adjust. I have to go to work in the company tomorrow. The given work needs to be carried out step by step, otherwise it will affect the progress of colleagues and even the entire project. He can't drag others down.

    The company he works for is a well-known financial analysis firm, which has a heavy workload and often needs to work overtime. So even on weekends, colleagues and leaders sent him a lot of messages, but he didn't hear them because he was too tired. At this time, Xu Rendong looked at the information one by one, and his body gradually woke up. He felt a little hungry, so he opened the takeout software.

    At least no more bread and milk. Xu Rendong thought with relief.

    As he browses the menu, a message pops up at the top of the screen.

    Lian Qiao: Brother Honeysuckle, haven't you gone home yet?

    As soon as she saw the word "Lian Qiao", Xu Rendong was in a trance for a moment. He opened the dialog box and found that even Joe had sent him several messages on and off in the past two days, but he didn't see a single one.

    The penultimate message reads: Can I wait for you at your door?

    Lian Qiao waiting for him at the door?

    This message is two hours he still at the door?

    —It's been so long, so I shouldn't be waiting.

    Although I didn't dare to have expectations, Xu Rendong got up immediately and hurried towards the door. After taking two steps, he circled back and glanced at the mirror. After he came back, he didn't even change his clothes, he was still wearing the shirt and suit that day. I slept dizzily for the past two days, and my shirt has long been wrinkled. Xu Rendong really wanted to change clothes, but there was an inexplicable anxiety in his heart. In the end, he did not delay, but opened the door directly.

    "Wow brimstone fire! There is also a sickle! I don't have enough blood to change it after I finish it!...Ah? Can I change it? How to change it? Tell me in the barrage... (Note

    Appearing in front of Xu Rendong was a big boy who was sitting on the stairs and playing games with a computer. He was wearing headphones, his eyes were fixed on the screen, the light on his face kept flickering, and even Xu Rendong didn't notice when he opened the door.

    Standard internet addict.

    Lian Qiao's concentration on playing games makes people feel strongly that this is the real world, this is an ordinary and peaceful life. Such a reassuring picture is in stark contrast to the terrifying nightmare just moments ago. Xu Rendong was reluctant to call him for a while, and he even greedily wanted to quietly watch it for a while.

    Lian Qiao is playing a game of fighting monsters. The style is cute and cartoony, but the content is pretty bad. He controls a bald villain who attacks monsters by shooting tears. Monsters are scary things, such as various organs, pieces of meat, and indescribable things. The game scene is also very strange. It was an ordinary cellar at the beginning, and it became a **** room at the back. Blood began to drip on the walls, and maggots were on the ground. The soundtrack gradually turns from simple and bright at the beginning to dark and terrifying, like the sound effects of ghost movies.

    Xu Rendong is still thinking about how even Qiao Na's courage can hold back. Sure enough, as the picture became more and more bloody, Lian Qiao became more and more cowardly. At first, he would chat with the audience laughingly, but gradually his words became less and less. In the end, he was about to cry with fright, and he fled while fighting monsters.


    Seeing that Lian Qiao's villain was forced into the corner by a bunch of monsters, Xu Rendong thought he was going to be beaten to death, but he did not expect Lian Qiao to manipulate the villain to twist left and right, and escape in a very thrilling manner All monster attacks. At the same time, the tear bullets kept firing, seemingly random, but each shot hit the monster.

    In a blink of an eye, all the monsters were killed, and even Joe didn't lose a drop of blood. Xu Rendong couldn't help but be amazed.

    After the operation, it was temporarily safe. Lian Qiao gasped for breath, clutching his chest, and said in shock: "No, I have to slow down, I'm scared to death..."

    Being so frightened that she could still play so well, if not even Joe's breathing was full of tears, Xu Rendong simply suspected that he was acting. At the same time, a lot of barrage flashed on the screen:

    "The anchor is moving!"

    "It's awesome! The prediction is amazing!"

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;

    "Crying cute, miss X!"

    "The front! Presumptuous! Milk Joe Knights! Draw the sword!"

    Xu Rendong: "..." What are these things, how come I can't understand more and more.

    Lian Qiao unscrewed a bottle of mineral water and took several sips. He even brought his own ham sausage, and after biting open the package, he gnawed and chatted with the audience. Seeing his complacent appearance, Xu Rendong might have regarded the corridor in front of his house as an Internet cafe, so he was about to summon the network manager to come over for a bowl of instant noodles.

    "I'm really scared, I'm not pretending." Lian Qiao looked at the audience's doubts on the barrage, and said aggrievedly, "Or I'll put Mai at ease and let you hear my heartbeat!" He As he spoke, he actually pulled the microphone from the earphones and put it on his chest.

    The barrage exploded.

    "Ooooooooooooooooooooooooo the heartbeat of Joe!"

    "Crap, it's a heartbeat!"

    "This heart rate must be 120, the anchor take it easy, don't scare anything..."

    "A Qiao is not afraid! We are with you!"

    "Don't you just want coins! Take it! I'll give you all my belongings!"

    Xu Rendong: "..." It's just a heartbeat, you young people are really not calm.

      On the one hand, Lian Qiao is very skilled. No matter how urgent the situation is, he can survive in a desperate situation, which makes people feel reassured and can't be nervous at all; on the other hand, Lian Qiao's frightened appearance is really cute, with I cried and begged the monster for mercy, but I killed all the monsters with a backhand. This contrast is too big, and it is unexpectedly a bit...cute?

    As a person who has no interest in video games, Xu Rendong even watched Lian Qiao play games with relish for more than half an hour, which shows that it is indeed very interesting.

    And looking at it, the sense of despair that has been pressing in my heart for the past two days has quietly disappeared. He even forgot about having nightmares.

      I'm waiting for him at the door of my friend's house...Hey, he seems to be charging now, he's very busy with work, and he hasn't come home yet...Yeah, it's hard work..."

    Xu Rendong's heart skipped a beat. Um? Is this talking about him?

    Fix now?

    Xu Rendong immediately took out her mobile phone and looked up the meaning of "currently charging" very studiously.

    —Current Charge (リア Charge) refers to people who live a full life in the real world. It is not considered regular Japanese, it belongs to the Internet language used by young people, which means: "Real life is very fulfilling".

    Xu Rendong thought for a while, then corrected aloud: "I'm just busy, not charging now."


    "So you're at home! Forbearance-" As soon as he opened his mouth, he seemed to think of something, and quickly changed his words, "Uh, wait a minute, I'll turn off the microphone first."

    Xu Rendong nodded. I saw Lian Qiao take off his earphones and start typing on the keyboard with staggering speed. At the same time, another 10,000 barrages flashed on the screen.

    "Wow! Whose voice is this! Nice!"

    "God voice! Ears are pregnant!"

    "Aooooooo is the anchor's base friend!"

    "Suddenly excited.jpg"

    Xu Rendong didn't quite understand these internet terms, but he was very concerned about the "ear is pregnant", so he immediately took out his mobile phone and started Baidu.

    The ear is pregnant: when I hear some kind of beautiful sound or music, I feel like I have been stabbed in the G-spot of the ear, which makes people feel as if they are about to orgasm, The voice "pregnant" his ears beautifully, in admiration.

    …This metaphor is a bit vulgar, but the image is real.

    He didn't think his voice was that nice, but it was interesting, he learned it.

    Lian Qiao turned off the live broadcast, and when he turned his head, he saw Xu Rendong frequently nodding to the entry "Ear is pregnant", looking quite approving. Lian Qiao was inexplicably amused: "Brother Rendong, what are you doing?"

    Xu Rendong said seriously: "Learn."

    ... The big guy's brain circuit is still so strange. But he is so cute!

    Xu Rendong turned sideways, let Lian Qiao enter the house, and closed the door smoothly. Lian Qiao looked at Xu Rendong's apartment and knew that Xu Rendong lived alone. He heard the sound of Xu Rendong closing the door, and ten thousand indescribable scenes instantly appeared in his mind.

    He quickly suppressed these evil thoughts and coughed: "By the way, Brother Honeysuckle, I found something related to that elevator..."

    As soon as she heard the word "elevator", Xu Rendong's terrifying dream of the corpse all over the floor appeared again in front of Xu Rendong's eyes. He frowned unconsciously and sighed, "Sit down and talk."

    The author has something to say:

    Note: Brimstone fire and sickle are powerful props in The Binding of Isaac. In the Demon Room, you can trade the upper limit of the blood bar and the Demon to exchange for certain items. If the blood bar is not enough to be exchanged forcibly, the character will die in place. However, some items will increase the upper limit of blood bar after starting, so different results can be achieved depending on the transaction order. The game scene described below is also "The Binding of Isaac".

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