Death Spiral [Infinite Flow]

Chapter 31: Esophagus 3

    The kitchen was on the first floor, and the two found more candlesticks in the kitchen, so they lit up one by one. The candlelight dispelled the beastly darkness at once.

    "It's safe, it's safe." Lian Qiao looked at the candlelit kitchen, rubbing his hands excitedly, "The new scene is unlocked! Start searching!"

    Xu Rendong smiled and raised the candlestick to illuminate him.

    Soon, they found milk powder and boiled water. When Xu Rendong was about to make milk powder, Lian Qiao stopped him: "No, no, you can't use boiling water. If the water temperature is too high, the protein will be denatured."

    Xu Rendong thought about it, high school chemistry seemed to have taught this, so she stopped: "What should I do?"

    Lian Qiao looked around for a while, but couldn't find Liang Baikai, and said, "Then we'll have to wait here for a while, let the boiling water cool a bit before pouring it in."

    So two people stood on the edge of the pool and took turns blowing into the water glasses. The night in the monastery was very quiet. At this time, the kitchen was illuminated by flickering candles, and there were warm water and milk powder on the table. The scene in front of me was not only gloomy, but became somewhat warm.

    Xu Rendong repeatedly confirmed the water temperature with the back of her hand. She looked very serious, as if she was not waiting for milk powder, but was working as an academic researcher. Lian Qiao looked at him and couldn't help but crooked his eyes and laughed.

    Xu Rendong asked: "What are you laughing at?"

    Lian Qiao said: "I think we are like a pair of novice parents. We were disturbed by the child and couldn't sleep. We got up in the middle of the night to make milk powder for him."

    Xu Rendong was silent for a moment: "...You look very strange when you say this with a five-year-old face."

    Lian Qiao was stunned for a moment, looked down at his fleshy short hands and short legs, and said quite painfully: "It's very strange... Ah, I miss my long legs so much. And I crowbar."

    Xu Rendong: "..." He began to think that even Joe was really suitable to be a horror game anchor, and he was still in the mood to joke no matter what the circumstances.

    However, it was a real pleasure to be with him.

    The water temperature drops slowly, but it is far from enough to make milk powder. Gradually, Lian Qiao couldn't sit still, and continued to rummage around to see if he could find anything of value. While looking for it, he chatted with Xu Rendong: "Hey, Brother Rendong, didn't you say that you also lived in a welfare home when you were young? Can you tell me what a welfare home is like?"

    Xu Yuandong stroked the hot water glass, thoughtfully: "Probably a condensed version of human suffering. Many children have disabilities, or intellectual disabilities, so..."

    He paused for a while, and continued with Qiao: "So no one wants to adopt?"

    Xu Rendong said: "No, on the contrary, those children with defects are easily adopted."

    Lian Qiao: "…Huh?"

    Xu Rendong stared at the heat steaming out of the water cup, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth: "And I am not miserable enough, my body is healthy, and I look okay. I feel that children like me are easy to be adopted by others, so they all choose those miserable children. As a result, I have grown up after going back and forth. When the rebellious period is reached, no one wants them. Anyway, they are already so old. Now, I’m not familiar with it when I bring it back... In fact, I never told me why no one wanted me, these are all my own thoughts. Maybe those parents have other considerations, anyway, that’s how I understand it. Probably I don't look like I need help, which is reassuring."

    Lian Qiao: "..." Why is it different from what he imagined?

    He thought it would be miserable to spend his childhood in the orphanage, he could take this opportunity to comfort him. But listening to Xu Rendong's description, it seems that apart from no one adopting him, there is no other painful experience. Therefore, Xu Rendong was very calm when he said it, and even brought a self-deprecating tone.

    However, it was his attitude of "I'm fine, I'm fine" that made Lian Qiao feel that the apex of his heart was clenched.

     Even Joe didn't understand why. When he came back to his senses, he had already walked up to Xu Rendong, reached out and rubbed his hair.

    Xu Rendong was taken aback for a moment, then helplessly said: "Calm down, don't forget that I am older than you."

    Lian Qiao's fingers froze, it seemed a little embarrassing to hear him say that. He blushed and retracted his hand, turned his head to look aside, and changed the subject: "The water is cold, you can make milk powder."

    Xu Rendong: "Well."

    After the milk powder was rinsed, the two picked up the kerosene lamp and stepped up to the second floor. The milk bottle in Xu Rendong's hand exuded a strong milk fragrance. Lian Qiao held up the kerosene lamp for lighting, while sniffing the milk fragrance in the air, and couldn't help muttering: "I'm so hungry..."

    Xu Rendong said: "Hold the light well. This light won't block the wind, and it's easy to extinguish."

    As soon as they finished speaking, a gust of wind blew from behind the two of them, blowing out the kerosene lamp.

    Lian Qiao: "…Boss, have you opened your mouth?"

    Xu Rendong was silent for a moment, and suddenly heard a soft "rustle" from behind. The sound was like a snake crawling in the sand, dull and dull, especially clear in the silent monastery.

    Xu Rendong looked towards the footsteps, and the thing appeared little by little in the moonlight cast by the window. Xu Rendong finally saw clearly that it was a white figure with a snake tail. The thick, long tail swayed behind him, the dry, slack skin hung from the bones like a bag, and the limbs were slender and surprisingly long. The stomach bulged slightly, like a spider with a snake tail.

    Xu Rendong's eyes slowly moved up along the slender body. He was mentally prepared, but after seeing the thing's face clearly, he still felt numbness in his hands and feet, and the blood all over his body began to chill.

    —That pale face had no mouth or nose!

    No, it's not that there is no mouth and nose, but two **** holes where there should be these two organs. Above the infiltrating black hole, two **** eyeballs stuck on the skin of the face abruptly. The monster had no eyelids, so the eyeballs were like a pair of mismatched ornaments, swaying loosely in the eye sockets, and there was an indescribable weirdness.

    Even Joe clearly saw the horrific pale monster, and his breath came quickly. He grabbed randomly in the dark, and finally caught Xu Rendong's hand.

    Xu Rendong lowered her voice: "Let's run to the gate. After going out, we will split up, one person will lead him away, and the other will come back to inform everyone."

    Lian Qiao: "Hiccup."

    Xu Rendong: “…”

    Lian Qiao said with a cry: "I'm sorry I can't stop, hiccup..."

    Xu Rendong sighed: "Get ready, I count one, two, three."

    Lian Qiao squeezed his hand: "Honeysuckle, hiccup... Be careful!"

    Xu Rendong: "You too. One, two...three!"

    As soon as she finished speaking, Xu Rendong smashed the bottle into the distance. The monster was immediately attracted by the sound of the bottle rolling, and turned around and rushed to the corner. The two no longer tied their hands and feet, and rushed towards the door.

    Xu Rendong opened the door and ran into the yard. At this time, the moon was dark, but the scene in the yard was still very clear. The huge iron gate and the earthen wall covered with vines still stood quietly.

    He glanced back at the pale snake-shaped monster. The monsters have given up the bottle and started chasing them. I don't know if they were running too slowly or the monster was moving too fast, but in a blink of an eye the monster had chased not far behind them. Xu Rendong said as he ran, "After going out, I will go to the left, and you will go to the right!"

    Lian Qiao exclaimed, "Brother Honeysuckle, the door is locked!"

    Xu Rendong was taken aback. At this time, they had already run to the big iron gate, only to see a large rusted iron lock hanging on the door. When they entered the monastery, it was obviously not locked. Could it be that the old nun came out and locked it while they were resting?

    The two shook the iron door vigorously, but the iron door did not move. The white basilisk behind them was approaching step by step, blocking their retreat. Those strange eyes stared at them, and a terrifying smile cracked from the dark mouth.

    Xu Rendong panicked, instinctively avoided the eyes of the basilisk, looked around and shouted: "Find something to break the lock!"

    "It's too late!" Lian Qiao suddenly stepped forward and protected him behind him.

    Xu Rendong was startled and subconsciously grabbed the clothes on Lian Qiao's back: "Lian Qiao!"

    When he shouted, the pale snake-shaped monster had already grabbed Lian Joe's neck!

    It was definitely not a human hand, each fingernail was as sharp as a blade, and there were many dark brown bloodstains in the fingers. Xu Rendong watched helplessly as Lian Qiao was picked up by his neck, his small body struggling desperately. Xu Rendong immediately hugged Lian Qiao's legs, trying to get him back, but Lian Qiao pushed him hard.

    "Go..." He squeezed a few words out of his throat, his voice was weak and hoarse, "Give me go..."

    Xu Rendong trembled all over: "Fuck you!"

    Fear and anger robbed him of his sanity, he rushed forward and kicked the monster with all his strength. However, at this time he was only a three-year-old child, and the Basilisk remained motionless under his kicks, instead pinching Lian Qiao's neck tighter and tighter. The tiny body was getting farther and farther from the ground.

    The white basilisk opened its **** mouth and bit Lian Qiao's softly drooping calf. Then, he turned his head fiercely and started tearing with force!

    It's about tearing Lian Joe's legs off his torso!

    Lian Qiaoben gradually lost consciousness due to lack of oxygen, but was forcibly awakened by this tearing pain. He struggled weakly again, but the struggle of the five-year-old was of no use in front of the white monster like an ant shaking a tree.

    "Uh, uh..." That poor throat couldn't even make a scream, only a faint gasping sound.

    Xu Rendong's eyes were red, and she opened her mouth to bite the monster's snake body. The teeth seemed to be bitten by a pile of rotten meat, soft, but they couldn't bite down, only the strong stench came out.

    The monster grabbed his hair and tried to pull him away. The scalp was so painful that it felt like the whole scalp was about to be lifted. Xu Rendong didn't care about nausea or pain. No matter how the monster pulled, he wouldn't let go.

    "Forbearance, honeysuckle..." Lian Qiao, who was lifted to the air, stretched out his hand to Xu Rendong in pain, but he couldn't reach him. Even Joe's cheeks turned purple from suffocation, and his short legs fluttered in the air less and less. He was almost out of strength to struggle.

    At the same time, Xu Rendong's head was loose, but the back of his neck was cold. Immediately afterwards, something wrapped around his neck and pulled him back abruptly. He still refused to let go, but that cool thing was terrifying, it directly hooped his slender neck and squeezed it so hard that it almost crushed his Adam's apple!

    Only then did he see clearly that what was wrapping around his neck was actually the monster's tail!

    Xu Rendong coughed uncontrollably and was forced to let go. The body was immediately lifted off the ground. He felt dizzy, the world was spinning, and even the small figure of Qiao flashed in front of him.

    Almost at the same time, his back slammed into the wall!

    "Ugh!" He fell to the ground, feeling that all the bones in his body were about to fall apart. His back hurt so bad he could barely get up.

    The monster was still tearing at Lian Qiao's left leg. Xu Rendong forced himself to stand up and searched for something that could be used as a weapon. But - no! The yard was overgrown with weeds, and there was only rubble on the ground, not even a single larger stone!

    He could only watch helplessly as the basilisk squeezed Lian Joe's neck, biting his calf and pulling hard. Lian Qiao's face was blue and purple, and he was no longer able to struggle. Xu Rendong could almost hear the slight clicking sound from his bones.

    —I am afraid that in a few seconds, even if his legs are not torn off, his throat will be crushed by ghost claws!

    Xu Rendong was in a turmoil, trembling all over. A sense of despair, more terrifying than the sense of near-death, enveloped him. Suddenly, he burst into tears, and his vision began to blur.

    At this critical moment, a faint sound suddenly came from a distance.


    The sound was like a kitten meowing, Xu Rendong didn't realize what it was for a while. Unexpectedly, after hearing this sound, the white basilisk actually let go of Lian Qiao and turned his head towards the monastery with a terrifying speed!

    Xu Rendong was stunned for half a second. I saw Lian Qiao fall into the grass, clutching his neck and coughing. Xu Rendong was overjoyed, stumbled to Lian Qiao's side, knelt down with a thud, stretched out his hand and pulled Lian Qiao into his arms.

    Lian Qiao kept coughing in his arms, Xu Rendong stroked his back with trembling fingers, and said in a calm voice as possible: "It's alright, it's gone, it's gone... It's alright... "

    "Forbearance, cough...Brother honeysuckle..." Lian Qiao took a breath and grabbed his clothes with his fingers spasmodically, "My leg hurts... I dislocated... (Note 1

    Xu Rendong quickly pulled off his clothes. Sure enough, a bone in his crotch bulged out at an abnormal angle, and it hurts just by looking at it. Xu Rendong suddenly panicked, what should he do? How to deal with dislocation?

    He never regretted so much that he didn't study medicine! (Note 2)

    Lian Qiao grabbed his hand, panted and said, "Help me, help my joint reset..."

    Xu Rendong heard the tone of his words, and seemed to know the reset method, and quickly said: "You say it! I will do it!"

    Lian Qiao nodded, motioning him to lift his knees up, support the knee sockets and lift them up. Xu Rendong did as he did, and as soon as he tried his best, Lian Qiao gasped in pain.

    Xu Rendong panicked immediately: "Is it wrong? I'm too heavy?"

    Lian Qiao was so in pain that he couldn't say a sentence: "No, you did it's just...not strong enough..." He gasped, "You have to push hard...the bones can... To get back into the joint cavity...must use force..."

    Xu Rendong gritted her teeth; "You bear with it."

    Lian Qiao took a deep breath, nodded in cold sweat, and grasped the corner of his shirt unconsciously.

    This time Xu Rendong made a ruthless hand, using all his strength, he desperately lifted it up. Lian Qiao screamed in pain, like the cry of a small animal when it was dying. But after hearing a soft sound, the joint finally returned to its original position.

    Xu Rendong hurriedly said: "How is it? Does it still hurt?"

    Lian Qiao's face was pale, but he smiled at him: "Much better. Thank you."

    Xu Rendong helped him stand up: "Can you walk? Are there any fractures?"

    Lian Qiao said: "It's okay, I can walk. Dislocation is a minor injury, as long as it is reset, it will not affect the activity."

    "What about the skin trauma?" Xu Rendong then realized that the monster had bit his entire calf into his mouth just now. He should check the wound on Lian Qiao's leg first. Break his leg again.

    Unexpectedly, Lian Qiao still shook his head: "He has no teeth. He didn't bite me."

    Xu Rendong was still worried and bent down, trying to lift his trouser legs. Lian Qiao dodged left and right, not letting him see.

    Xu Rendong frowned, grabbed his ankle, and was about to tell him to stop, but suddenly felt a foreign body sensation in his mouth. He bowed his head and spat out two teeth.

    Lian Qiao was stunned by his sudden teething and looked at him with a dazed expression. Xu Rendong only felt that his gums were itchy, and when he reached out to touch it, a few more teeth fell out.

    Lian Qiao: "…Boss, what are you doing?"

    Xu Rendong stared at the pile of small teeth for a long time: "The deciduous teeth fell out. Maybe the firewood was biting too hard."

    Lian Qiao was silent for a moment: "Boss, do you know that your words are leaking now?"

    Xu Rendong: “…”

    Lian Qiao's mouth twitched slightly, he actually wanted to laugh, but he didn't dare. He could only turn his head and release his smile where Xu Rendong could not see.

    However, the trembling shoulders revealed the fact that he was laughing wildly.

    Xu Rendong gave him a gloomy look, and angrily threw all the baby teeth into the weeds. Seeing that he was angry, Lian Qiao quickly stopped smiling and forcibly changed the subject: "By the way, where did the monster go? How could it suddenly let us go?"

    Xu Rendong just remembered something serious, but heard an exclamation from upstairs. The two of them looked up in unison, and saw a slender and terrifying ghost in the only lit window on the second floor.

    —Ye Qingliu has an accident!

    Xu Rendong and Lian Qiao looked at each other and ran towards the monastery without hesitation.

    The author has something to say:

    Lian Qiao: Are you older than ♂I♂?

    Honeysuckle: Yes.

    Lian Qiao: I don't believe it! ! You take off rwkk! !

    Honeysuckle: ? ? ? ? ? ?

    Note 1: Children are more likely to dislocate than adults and are easier to reduce. Here Lian Qiao is a hip dislocation caused by direct violence on the hip, and the reduction technique described in the article is feasible. However, in real life, it is best to go to the hospital to confirm the degree and specific location of the dislocation, and treat it symptomatically.

    Note 2: I have never regretted not studying medicine so much: There are many jokes circulating in the medical field, such as "persuade people to learn medicine", "the tears shed by the endorsement now are the result of the brain's thinking when choosing a major. "The water", "As long as the major is well selected, studying every day is like the college entrance examination"... This sentence of honeysuckle is probably a stalk that only medical students can get 23333

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