Death Spiral [Infinite Flow]

Chapter 34: Esophagus 6

    The crawling sound of the basilisk immediately aroused Xu Rendong's bad memories. His heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and he couldn't help hugging the baby in his arms. Fortunately, the baby sleeps soundly, breathes lightly and evenly, and should not cry suddenly.

    Through the narrow door of the cabinet, Xu Rendong barely saw the basilisk. Under the moonlight, the slender person looked particularly pale, like a mummified corpse that had been drained of blood, and the thick snake tail trailed behind him, making it particularly abrupt. There was still no mouth or nose on that face, and three dark holes were bottomless. The two bloodshot eyeballs were turning in their sockets. Since there were no eyelids, the pair of eyeballs were always exposed to the air, looking dry and strange.

    The basilisk stood in front of the cupboard and suddenly bent over. The pale and withered face approached at once, magnifying the sense of terror hundreds of times. Xu Rendong was frightened and instinctively wanted to step back, but he forced himself to hold back. The cabinet was wooden, very old, and he would make a noise if he moved it, and he would be dead. Therefore, he could only keep his posture close to the cabinet door, holding his breath, nervously watching the basilisk through the crack of the door.

    If his guess is wrong, the price is death.

    Fortunately, the price is death. He still has a chance to come back.

    I saw the two dark nostrils on the Basilisk's face twitching a few times, as if smelling something. Soon, it looked down and finally noticed the bottle on the ground. It seemed a little confused, looking at the bottle, then at the cupboard.

    Xu Rendong's heart was in his throat, and he watched the basilisk stick out his long, slender fingers like withered bones - fortunately, it still chose the feeding bottle.

    There is still a small half bottle of prepared milk powder in the bottle. The white basilisk picked up the bottle, tilted his head and looked at it for a while, then made a move that Xu Rendong couldn't understand.

    —it shoved the whole bottle in its mouth.

    Xu Rendong was stunned. Without the hindrance of teeth, the basilisk easily took the entire bottle into his mouth. But the bottle is as thick as a child's arm. Even if it can fit in the mouth, can it be swallowed down the throat? (Note)

    Sure enough, the basilisk's pale and slender throat rose and fell a few times, but he couldn't swallow the bottle directly. He had to spit out the bottle, grab the top of the bottle, hold the wet bottle in his hand, and start tearing like a chicken leg.

     Of course it can't be torn apart. The glass bottle is very firm and sticky, and the bottle is very slippery. The basilisk didn't have any teeth yet, so he couldn't bite, and he let out a soft "boo" sound several times. It made an angry growl.

    No teeth are pitiful, no brains are more pitiful. So far, Xu Rendong can be sure that the intelligence of this basilisk is very low, and it is almost acting on instinct. In this way, although everyone can't confront it head-on, but designing some traps can still easily subdue it. Back then, Lian Qiao used little things like skipping ropes and sandbags to play the basilisk all over the place. It seems that as long as it is not a head-on confrontation, they still have an advantage.

      It turned out that the basilisk couldn't swallow the bottle, so he smashed the bottle directly.

    The glass shattered to the ground, milky white milk flowed everywhere, and the rich milky fragrance came to the nostrils. Xu Rendong couldn't help swallowing, only to feel that his stomach was empty, and the noisy hunger rushed to his throat, which made his heart itch.

    The white basilisk smashed the bottle and turned away. Just when Xu Rendong breathed a sigh of relief, the basilisk seemed to remember something and suddenly turned back. That pale face suddenly came close to Xu Rendong!

    If it weren't for the cabinet door, Xu Rendong would almost be face to face with it. His heart was beating wildly, almost bursting into his chest.

    The basilisk's pitch-black nostrils twitched, and the dry and red eyes rolled left and right, looking inside through the crack of the door. This distance is too close, let alone stepping back, Xu Rendong didn't even dare to breathe. He could only confront the basilisk through the thin cabinet door, praying in the dark that the basilisk could not see him.

    —wait, dark?

    Xu Rendong suddenly had a plan. He suppressed his fear, instead of retreating, he leaned forward cautiously, blocking the crack of the door with his body.

    As long as there are no gaps, the outside moonlight cannot penetrate, and the basilisk cannot see anything.

    However, in this way, Xu Rendong can no longer peep at the basilisk through the crack of the door. He was clinging to the cabinet door, and his breath was filled with the stench of the basilisk's mouth. The smell was like the viscera of an animal soaked in blood for more than ten days. Xu Rendong breathed softly, but the stench stayed in the nasal cavity for a longer time, so disgusting that he was about to vomit.

    What he was more worried about was that the smell would wake the baby up than the uncontrollable vomiting. He put his hand lightly on the baby's mouth and nose, trying to stop the stench from invading. As for whether it is useful or not, it depends on whether God favors him.

    Xu Rendong was holding a time bomb in his hand and had intimate contact with the basilisk through a thin wooden door. Outside the basilisk was silent, and inside Xu Rendong's heartbeat was violent, for fear that the basilisk could hear his heartbeat through the wooden door.

    He tried to calm down, telling himself that at most he would die, at most he would start over, and there was nothing to fear. But when he thought of death, the fear imprinted in the depths of his soul climbed up his back and climbed up the spine section by section.

    He was like a cat being held by the back of his neck, so nervous that the hair all over his body exploded. My heart was so chaotic, a series of thoughts came into my mind, and I couldn't stop it.

    Is the basilisk still crawling on the door? Will it pull open the cabinet door directly? If he is found, can he escape?

    Time flies very slowly, every second being stretched indefinitely. Just when Xu Rendong's nerves were so tense that they were about to break, he heard the Basilisk exhale a long breath.

    A lot of stench rushed in, Xu Rendong immediately stopped breathing. At the same time he heard a soft wandering sound.

    It's gone.

    As if being exhausted, Xu Rendong relaxed.

    After a two-second delay, he forced himself to regain his strength, carefully adjusted his posture, and peered into the outside world again through the crack of the door. However, the vision under the door was limited, and he couldn't see where the basilisk had gone. Xu Rendong curled up in the dark with the baby, and couldn't help but be a little worried.

    Everyone must have heard the movement of smashing the bottle. I wonder if anyone will come out to check. What he is most worried about is Lian Qiao. With Lian Qiao's temperament, even if he is afraid, he will have the courage to confirm the situation. What's more, he and Lian Qiao are separated, and Lian Qiao may come out to find him out of worry.

    If Lian Qiao came out at this moment, and bumped into the white basilisk, it would definitely be a dead end.

    Although he specifically told Lian Qiao not to go out, he did not know whether Lian Qiao would abide by the agreement between them. Xu Rendong pricked up his ears and listened to the movement outside the cabinet. He vaguely heard the footsteps of the Basilisk, as if it was walking far away, but could not tell its specific direction. The more he waited, the more uneasy he became, and he even wanted to go back to the second floor in the dark to see if Lian Qiao was sleeping honestly.

    But he did not dare to act rashly. He was still holding the baby in his hand. If this ancestor woke up and started to cry, all of them would have to be buried with him.

    In this way, in the dead silence, Xu Rendong always kept his heart in his throat, for fear that he would hear Lian Qiao's scream in the next second.

    I don't know how long it took, until there was no sound outside, he was a little relieved, but he didn't dare to relax his vigilance completely. The baby fell asleep in his arms, breathing evenly. Xu Rendong closed his eyes in the dark and began to organize his thoughts.

    His guess was right, the basilisk was attracted by the smell of milk. In order to verify this, he deliberately brought the bottle out of the kitchen. But the baby also smelled of milk after drinking milk powder, so he put the bottle on the door of the cupboard and hid the baby in his arms.

    Sure enough, the basilisk was drawn to the cupboard by the smell of milk. But Xu Rendong didn't expect that it could detect a milk smell outside the bottle. If it weren't for the accident, the basilisk broke the bottle by itself, letting the smell of milk fill the surrounding, I am afraid it would not be as simple as picking it up on the cabinet and looking inside.

    According to the basilisk's reaction, it can be concluded that the biggest target of the white basilisk is the baby. Then the death conditions in this world should be like this: the baby is hungry and crying - milk powder is fed - the scent of milk attracts the basilisk - the basilisk devours the baby and then screams and runs wild - all die.

    But not only the smell of milk, but also the cries of babies attract basilisks. That is to say, if the baby continues to cry even without formula milk, the basilisk will find them sooner or later.

    Two schemes instantly appeared in Xu Rendong's mind. One is finding alternatives to feed the baby, and the other is...killing the baby.

    Of course, the latter was immediately rejected by him. Not to mention that the baby may be a living teammate, even if he is really a "prop" in Lian Qiao's mouth, it should have other uses and cannot be killed casually. Since this time the world has reduced all of them and deprived them of their combat effectiveness, it is obvious that the rule this time is not to use force and not to use violence to solve problems.

    What's more, their ultimate goal is to find the elevator and the button and escape from this world, not to live shiveringly under the shadow of ghosts.

    —Speaking of which, the elevator button this time has no clue so far.

    In the last reincarnation, they didn't even survive the first night, and quickly disappeared. It was only at this time that Xu Rendong realized that the NPC did not issue a task to them this time, so that they did not know what to do next.

    In the previous nesting doll world, although the clearance condition was not to complete the task, the rabbit gave them a direction. And now, the old nun just led them into the convent, put them to sleep, and said nothing else. Are the elevators and buttons hidden in the monastery, just look for it?


    Xu Rendong thinks it is unlikely. He recalled the words that came up in the elevator: Esophagus. Regarding this word, he really couldn't connect with the ghost world in front of him, so he had to give up.

    Explore the monastery tomorrow...and talk to Lian Joe...

    In the gentle and even breathing of the baby, Xu Rendong gradually became sleepy. He held the baby, leaned against the cupboard, and fell asleep like that.

    I don't know how long I slept, Xu Rendong stumbled and heard someone calling him: "Honeysuckle...Are you there..."

    Lian Joe?

    Xu Rendong opened her eyes, the cabinet was still dark, and she couldn't see anything. He heard Lian Qiao calling him outside, so he picked up the baby and opened the cabinet door carefully: "I'm here."

    In the living room, a small figure was looking around. Lian Qiao turned around when he heard the words, and said in surprise, "Brother Rendong! You're fine!"

    He happily greeted him. Xu Rendong wanted to climb out of the closet, but felt sore and numb, unable to exert any strength, after all, sleeping in the closet was not good. Lian Qiao has reached out to him: "I'll hold the baby."

    Xu Rendong nodded. Lian Qiao took the baby and found that the baby was still sleeping, so he asked, "Have you been hiding here all night?"

    "Hmm." There are like 10,000 ants crawling on the limbs. Xu Rendong rubbed his sour arm and told Lian Qiao what happened last night. He suddenly noticed that the light in the living room was very dark and the surroundings were very quiet, as if there were only the two of them in the whole monastery. He couldn't help but wonder, "What about the others?"

    Lian Qiao said: "I'm still sleeping." He looked at Xu Rendong with admiration in his eyes, "Brother Rendong, fortunately I listened to you and didn't go out at night, otherwise it must have been cold now Now. I originally heard the sound of the baby bottle shattering, and I was a little worried about you. But when you think about it, you are a big boss. It's not a rookie like me to worry about it, and you are so confident, you must have a plan Sure enough, you tried out the conditions of death on the first day, which is really amazing!"

    Xu Rendong thought to herself, there is nothing powerful, no matter how stupid people die a few times, they will know what is going on. Therefore, even Joe's compliments he listened casually and did not take it to heart.

    He came out of the locker and came to the main entrance of the monastery. When I opened the door, I saw that the big iron gate in the yard was still closed, the iron chain was cold, and the morning dew was still condensed on it.

    At this time, the genius was bright, and the sun was still hiding behind the clouds and refused to show its face. From the gap between the iron railings, you can see that there is a thick fog outside the courtyard wall. The gray-white fog was abnormally thick, and the visible distance was less than a meter. No matter if there is anything hidden in the fog, Xu Rendong definitely doesn't want to go in.

    "It seems that the dungeon area this time is limited to the monastery." Lian Qiao walked to Xu Rendong with the baby, and looked side by side with him at the thick fog outside.

    "Well, I think so too." Xu Rendong glanced at him and inadvertently found that he was wearing a pair of heavy dark circles.

    Didn't sleep well last night?

    Xu Rendong thought for a moment - is he worried that he won't be able to sleep?

    No wonder, the sky was not clear, so I ran out to find him.

    Xu Rendong's heart suddenly softened. In the mild cold of this morning, he felt a warm feeling slowly flowing from his heart to his limbs, an indescribable comfort.

    At this moment, he suddenly heard a rumbling stomach beside him. Lian Qiao touched his belly and said very sadly, "Oh, I'm so hungry... I want to eat barbecue."

    …It turned out to be just too hungry to sleep.

    Xu Rendong thought calmly: Sure enough, I think too much, how could he be worried that I can't sleep? We are not very familiar.

    At this point, Xu Rendong's memory suddenly became a little confused. He turned his head and asked, "Lian Qiao, how long have we known each other?"

    Lian Qiao was stunned for a moment, then he counted with his fingers: "It's been two weeks until today. What's the matter?"

    "Oh, nothing." Xu Rendong felt that his throat was blocked, but he didn't know what to say, so he could only smile restrainedly, "Go back to the kitchen and find something to eat."

    The author has something to say:

    Note: As thick as a child's arm: The description of chewing on a milk bottle is nothing at all.

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