No one would have thought that Lamia's eyeballs were actually a special item that could bring out the dungeon. Honeysuckle Lian Qiao quickly finished supper and returned to the apartment. Xu Rendong took out the brass key obtained in the Russian nesting doll world, and sat on the sofa with Lian Qiao to discuss.

    "These two things have different painting styles." Lian Qiao poked Lamia's eyes. This eyeball was **** and sticky, and it felt quite disgusting to hold in the hand. In contrast, the brass key is much more normal. If you don't say it, no one can see that it is something brought from the ghost world.

    "Is there anything similar in the game you play?" Xu Rendong asked.

    Lian Qiao nodded: "Yes. Eyeballs that fall from monsters are mostly used as materials for enchanting, and sometimes they can be sold to stores as collectibles."

    Xu Rendong: "Enchanted?"

    Lian Qiao: "It's to strengthen weapons, add special attributes to weapons or something... Oh, right." He seemed to have thought of something, and said with a look of disgust, "In some games, you can directly Eat the eyeballs to strengthen the character's attributes... add some strength and physique or something..."

    Xu Rendong stared at the eyeballs on the table, and said, "I don't want to eat."

    Even Joe: "I don't want to!"

    Xu Rendong said: "Then... bring your crowbar to try?"

    Lian Qiao finds this dialogue amusing for some reason: "Does the eyeball enchant the crowbar to increase the hit rate? Hahahahaha..." He smiled and brought the crowbar and gestured with his eyeballs on the crowbar After a few moments, nothing happened.

    Xu Rendong was slightly disappointed: "It's not like that."

     Even Qiao said, "I don't think so. After all, this crowbar is not punched, how can it be attached."

    Xu Rendong: "Punch?"

    So Lian Qiao taught him a series of game terms such as blacksmith punching and so on. After listening to Xu Rendong, he said solemnly: "Then I will buy an electric drill tomorrow and come back and try to punch holes. ."

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; "Hahahahahahaha, this is not possible!" Lian Qiao put his eyes on the crowbar again, "You see, this crowbar is so thin, the eye is so big, it is impossible to hit the hole at all. Put your eyeballs in."

    Xu Rendong thought for a while and pointed to the hook at the end of the crowbar: "What about here?"

    Lian Qiao laughed: "Inlaid here, it becomes a staff! No, no, I'm a melee mage, not a melee mage! I don't want to hit the monster's head with a staff!"

    Xu Rendong pondered for a moment, then made up her mind: "Then let's eat and see."

    Lian Qiao: "…"

    He thought Xu Rendong was joking, but he didn't expect Xu Rendong to really grab an eyeball and put it in his mouth. Lian Qiao exclaimed and quickly grabbed his eyes.

    "Fuck! How can you eat this!" Lian Qiao grabbed two eyeballs in front of his chest, and said in shock, "You are too hard! Even if this thing is not poisonous, at least it is It's not clean! What should I do if I eat it with gastroenteritis!"

    "You are very reasonable." Xu Rendong nodded, "Then let's wash and eat."

    Lian Qiao was silent for a moment, then said deeply: "...I really can't keep up with your thoughts sometimes."

    Xu Rendong finally realized that the behavior of gnawing the eyeballs was too abnormal, so she gave up the exploration of eyeballs and got up to go to the kitchen to find fruit to eat.

    Lian Qiao sat on the sofa and continued to study eyeballs. He looked closely at the ceiling chandelier. He suddenly moved in his heart, wanting to get closer to see if there was something in his eyeball. Just as he aimed his pupils at himself, his eyes suddenly turned black.

    "Fuck!" Lian Qiao shouted in a panic, "Ahhhh, Brother Honeysuckle, help!"

    "What's wrong?!" Xu Rendong hurriedly shook off the water in his hand and ran towards the living room.

    "I can't see my left eye!" Lian Qiao covered her left eye and cried twice. Xu Rendong didn't know what to do when Lian Qiao's expression changed suddenly, "Huh", "It's weird, it doesn't hurt."

    "I'll take a look." Xu Rendong came over and opened his palm. As soon as Lian Qiao removed his hand, Xu Rendong gasped in horror.

    Seeing him like this, Lian Qiao was too frightened to move: "What's wrong? What happened to my eyes?"

    Xu Rendong asked: "Aren't you feeling bad now? How do you feel?"

    Lian Qiao said: "It's not uncomfortable, it's just that the field of vision has become very strange..." He shook his head up and down, left and right, his eyes twitching, "The left field of vision seems to be fixed, hmm..."

    Xu Rendong took out her phone, turned it into selfie mode, and held it in front of Lian Qiao: "See for yourself."

    Lian Qiao took a closer look and almost dropped the phone in fright—his left eye turned into two pupils!

    "Fuck! 8vo!" Lian Qiao shouted. (Note)

    Xu Rendong: "Huh?"

    Lian Qiao laughed loudly: "It looks so funny! 8vo!"

    Xu Rendong didn't know what he was excited about, and felt both worried and helpless: "Are your eyes really okay?"

    Lian Qiao blinked, the asymmetric pupils looked strange: "It should be alright, I don't feel uncomfortable at all. It's just the angle of view is very strange, uh... how do I say it... ah! He seemed to notice something, bent down and picked up another eyeball on the coffee table, and said excitedly, "I see! I know what this eyeball is for!"


    Lian Qiao thought about it for a while, then handed the eyeball in his hand to Xu Rendong: "Brother Rendong, try it and you will know! Just aim your eyes at the pupil of this eyeball. Don't be afraid. , it doesn't hurt."

    Xu Rendong did as she did. It was dark in front of him, and he subconsciously covered his right eye. Soon, however, a strange change occurred.

    The field of view splits in half. On the left is what his own eyes see, and on the right - he sees himself in the field of vision on the right!

    "Hehe." Lian Qiao tilted his head and looked at him with a smile. Xu Rendong's vision on the right side also slanted, and he immediately understood what Lian Qiao meant.

    This pair of eyeballs can share vision!

    Xu Rendong tried to roll her eyes, as Lian Qiao said, there was no discomfort at all. However, the feeling of the vision being split in half was too wonderful, he couldn't accept it, and soon he couldn't help but want to rub his eyes.

    Unexpectedly, under this rubbing, the eyeball of the right eye actually fell out.

    Xu Rendong was taken aback, but luckily it was Lamia's eyeball, not his own. He calmed down and said to Lian Qiao, "It seems that it can be taken off at any time, which is quite convenient."

     Even Joe rubbed his eyes, following his example. Sure enough, his eyeball fell back into the palm of his hand.

    "Really, hahahaha, it's so convenient!" Lian Qiao looked very excited, "It turns out that the hidden props are so awesome! We must find all the hidden items in the future copies! Otherwise, it will be a loss. One billion!"

    Speaking of this, he suddenly widened his eyes: "Ah! It's over!"

    Xu Rendong was taken aback by him: "what's the matter?"

    Lian Qiao was extremely annoyed and said: "We should also have hidden rewards for killing the old nun! It's over, I've missed it now, and there's no way to go back and get it! Ahhhhh! It's uncomfortable! !"

    Xu Rendong nodded with deep sympathy: "You are right. Why didn't you think of going back and scavenging at that time, this is not in line with your habit."

    Lian Qiao was silent for a moment: "...Did you forget, you were dying at that time."

    Xu Rendong: “…”

    Lian Qiao looked unhappy and stinky: "Oh, no. It wasn't that critical at first, but you pulled out the stone blocking the artery, and the blood came out all of a sudden. , people will be bad all of a sudden."

    Xu Rendong: “…”

    The scene was awkward for a while.

    Lian Qiao: "Can you learn a little medical knowledge? Don't do this kind of thing again. I'm about to be scared to death by you."

    Xu Rendong: "Okay."

    Lian Qiao's expression softened, Xu Rendong changed the subject and said, "By the way, what did you mean by 8vo?"

    Lian Qiao laughed again: "Ah, this is also a stalk, there is a horror game called "Killing Angel", there is a villain in it, and the prosthetic eye he wears has two pupils." Lian Qiao made an "8" gesture on his left eye, and made a small "o" circle on his right eye, "Hey, it's like this! So everyone called him 8vo, Isn't it very figurative!"

    Xu Rendong stared at him for a while and said, "You are not 8vo."

    Lian Qiao: "Huh?"

    Xu Rendong: "You are 8v0."

    Lian Qiao blinked in confusion, and suddenly realized that Xu Rendong was complimenting him on his big eyes, and all of a sudden he became happy again and laughed.

    Lamia's visual sharing feature made them more interested. They then studied the brass key again, but this time they found nothing. So the two decided to bring both of these things with them when they enter the elevator next time, and try to use them when they get a chance.

    The time is approaching midnight, and Lian Qiao is sleepy. After saying goodbye to Xu Rendong, he will go back to his apartment. Xu Rendong was stunned for a moment, then realized that they didn't live together in the real world. Although it is the opposite door, although it is very close, it is still necessary to separate after all.

    He walked to the door of the room to see Lian Qiao off, and watched Lian Qiao go to the opposite side to take out the key to open the door, and suddenly felt that this scene seemed familiar.

    Xu Rendong has an indescribable feeling in her heart. At this moment, Lian Qiao suddenly turned around and gave him a very strange look.

    "What's wrong?" Xu Rendong asked.

    Lian Qiao did not answer for a while, but frowned slightly, and seemed to be confused. Soon, he shook his head and smiled, and said, "Go to the game show next weekend, don't forget!"

    "Okay. Good night."

    The corners of Lian Qiao's mouth were raised, and the smile in his eyes almost overflowed: "Good night."

    Xu Rendong returned to her apartment. He saw that there were still two teacups on the table, and the fruit in the fruit bowl was eaten cleanly, and a thought flashed in his heart.

    You can buy a whole watermelon in the future.

    The mobile phone in the trouser pocket suddenly vibrated, Xu Rendong looked down and saw several news links shared by colleague Wang Xiaogang in the work group.

    Wang Xiaogang: Working hard, comrades! Get up to work!

    Xu Rendong has long been accustomed to this kind of sudden overtime, he immediately opened the laptop and went to work. After reading the news link shared by his colleagues, he returned to the interface of the WeChat work group, and saw the mourning in the group, everyone was complaining that a good weekend was in vain.

    Xu Rendong watched the messages pop up one by one, and suddenly realized that the avatars of colleagues were quite interesting. Wang Xiaogang's head is a husky, with his head tilted and his tongue sticking out, with a silly expression. Gu Xufeng's photo is an ID photo. Just looking at his profile picture, his suit is neat and gentle. When chatting in their internal group, he likes to use those emojis only used by little girls. Liu Jiaqi used a certain male star and said that it was her husband, but Xu Rendong didn't know the name of the star.

    Xu Rendong found that he had never paid attention to the avatars of his colleagues before, nor the speaking habits and preferences of each of them. His communication with his colleagues is always limited to work, he doesn't gossip with them, and he is not interested in the celebrity gossip and entertainment activities they talk about. Over time, everyone will only talk to him about work.

    However, this time, looking at the chat records flashing on the screen, Xu Rendong clicked the emoji in the input method for the first time.

    Xu Rendong: "I'm so angry, but I still have to keep laughing (crossed out) Work makes me happy.jpg"

    After he posted this picture, the WeChat group fell silent.

    After a second.

    Wang Xiaogang: "?"

    Gu Xufeng: "???"

    Liu Jiaqi: "Fuck Xu Rendong, has his account been hacked? He actually sends emojis?!"

    Wang Xiaogang: "Shit, I saw the boss used this picture! Could it be that the boss is using his mobile phone to spy on the screen!"

    Wang Xiaogang retracted a message.

    Wang Xiaogang retracted a message.

    Liu Jiaqi retracted a message.

    Gu Xufeng retracted a message.

    Wang Xiaogang: "The message from two minutes ago cannot be retracted..."

    Liu Jiaqi: "Working overtime makes me happy!"

    Gu Xufeng: "Working overtime makes me happy!"

    Wang Xiaogang: "Stop talking, I'll rush to report."

    Liu Jiaqi: "I've already written half of it."

    Gu Xufeng: "I have already written it."

    Wang Xiaogang: "...!!"

    The WeChat group suddenly stopped beating, everyone stopped talking, and started humming and rushing to report.

    Xu Rendong: “…”

    It really is the topic terminator. He suddenly felt that it was better for him not to speak.

    Xu Rendong silently threw the phone aside and started to work.

    It wasn't until half an hour later, when the report was completed, that his pouted mouth returned to its normal arc.

    The author has something to say:

    Honeysuckle: An old man who tried to pretend to be a young man but was seen through in a second.

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