Death Spiral [Infinite Flow]

Chapter 48: jump off the balcony

    Xu Rendong made a decisive decision, returned to his apartment, and ran straight to the balcony.

    In the apartment building they rented, the balconies of the two adjacent houses face the same direction, but they are separated by a distance of about two meters. Xu Rendong came to the balcony and looked around. There is nothing blocking between the two balconies and there are no fences to climb on. To get to Lian Qiao's balcony, you can only jump from here.

    He climbed up the guardrail of his house without thinking. The guardrail is more than half a meter high, but it is nothing compared to the height of the six-story apartment building. Xu Rendong resisted the urge to look down, but instinctively felt a burst of dizziness.

    He calmed down, took a deep breath, and was about to jump when he suddenly heard a loud roar.

    "Hey! What are you doing!"

    The sound came from downstairs.

    Xu Rendong glanced at it instinctively, and his scalp suddenly became numb. Too high, a six-story building is too high. The space between the two balconies is empty and unobstructed. If it falls, it will hit the ground straight through, and it will definitely be shattered!

    At this time, on the lawn downstairs, an uncle walking the dog was waving at him and shouting anxiously: "Hey! What are you doing! Come down! Don't be impulsive!"

    Xu Rendong accepted the uncle's kindness, adjusted her breathing again, and tried her best to return her attention to the opposite balcony.

    No more time to waste. Lian Qiao may have had an accident... If he had passed earlier, he might have been saved!


    Xu Rendong gritted her teeth, kicked back hard, and the whole person jumped into the air.

    At that moment, he only felt that the wind that brushed his ears became icy cold, making his bones tremble. Time is stretched like a gummy candy, and the scene in front of you is like a slow motion movie, skipping frame by frame.

    Balcony. balcony. balcony.

    He tried to lean forward. He flew to the highest point. He was still a stone's throw away from the guardrail.

    Balcony. balcony.

    He began to fall.

    The icy wind got into the collar, and the blood in his whole body seemed to be frozen, and even his heart forgot to beat.


    He stretched out his hand desperately, trying to grab the railing. But the guardrail was moving away from him.

    Going to fall. will die.

    Ah, I forgot, this is not a ghost world, this is reality. Dead is really dead. Won't be resurrected. That's fine too, no more suffering. And falling from such a high place, people must be directly smashed into meat patties. It will be quick and painless.

    How long will it take to free fall from the height of a six-story building?

    The first floor is 3 meters and the sixth floor is 18 meters. The distance formula for uniform linear motion is 1/2gt^2, then the time should be...

    3.6 root.

    Can't figure it out, need a calculator.

    Xu Rendong even wanted to laugh for a moment. But the next moment, he suddenly thought: Ah, the watermelon has not been eaten yet.

    What a pity, I wanted to be with Lian Qiao...

    "...!" When he reacted, his fingers had already grasped a small piece of wall raised under the balcony.

    This is a spontaneous reflex action of the body. Xu Rendong didn't even think about what happened just now, but felt that his fingers were tense, and his joints used all their strength to grip the bump tightly. He raised his head in confusion, and saw that his hands had begun to turn white from the excessive force.

    Screams sounded from downstairs, and it seemed that more and more people gathered.

    The feeling of late fear stabs into the heel like a knife. Xu Rendong found that the underside of his legs was empty and he had no support. He suddenly felt very insecure - of course, the whole person was hanging on the wall of the six-story building, which was not safe. He doesn't have time to think about anything more now, he just wants to get out of this place as soon as possible. So I kicked my feet on the wall a few times, trying to lift my body up.

    But it backfired. Ordinary leather shoes simply couldn't provide enough friction, and his body slid down instead.


    "Be careful!"

    The voices were surging downstairs, and it seemed that someone had called 110.

    Xu Rendong's heart was beating vigorously, he felt his palms sweating, and there was no way to make a living if he dragged it on. Gritting his teeth, he decided to fight to the death. So I kicked my feet hard again, and at the same time my left hand pressed down, and my right hand stretched towards the upper cylindrical fence.


    There was another exclamation from downstairs. Xu Rendong ignored the noises, used both hands and feet, and finally climbed onto the balcony smoothly.

    When he came to Lian Joe's balcony, he only felt that all the bones in his body were about to fall apart, and the joints of his fingers were even hot. He can't care about that much, he just wants to confirm Lian Qiao's safety now.

    But when he wanted to open the balcony door, he saw an unexpected scene through the transparent floor-to-ceiling glass door.

    —Lian Qiao is standing in the living room with his back to the balcony.

    He has a violin in his hand.

    The middle of the violin is hollow and the style is very unique. Lian Qiao wears headphones, plays the piano in one hand, and holds the bow in the other. The bow pressed against the strings, giving off a low and melodious tone. Even Qiao's bow movements are as graceful and smooth as a dancer's.

    Xu Rendong stood outside the glass door, watching Lian Qiao immersed in her own world, she was suddenly stunned.

    From this angle, you can't see Lian Qiao's expression, but you can see his body swaying slightly with the melody, as if he himself has become a part of the violin and is playing with himself. When the music reached the climax, the rhythm became faster and faster, the ever-changing notes flowed out from his fingertips, and the bow swaying up and down excitedly. Even at such a long distance, Xu Rendong could feel every inch of Lian Qiao's tense nerves and every inch of trembling skin. He has become one with the sound of the piano.

    Finally, a song is over.

    The slender bow hangs by her side, and the violin on her shoulders is also removed. Lian Qiao carefully placed the piano on the table, stretched greatly, and relaxed his posture.

    Xu Rendong suddenly felt very embarrassed. What is he doing? The long jump is only for peeping at other people's piano practice?

    Isn't that... a stalker?

    He took two steps back and looked around subconsciously, trying to hide. However, the balcony was clean and there was nothing on the drying rack, so he really couldn't hide. The only way is to jump back again.

    Just as Xu Rendong lifted his legs to cross the fence, there was a sudden clatter behind him. The glass door was pulled open.

    "Huh?! Ren... Brother Rendong?" Lian Qiao's eyes widened, her face full of disbelief, "Why are you here?"

    Xu Rendong only felt her scalp tingle, so embarrassed she couldn't turn her head.

    People can't think well when they are extremely embarrassed, Xu Rendong chose to make trouble without hesitation: "Why don't you answer my call?"

    Lian Qiao was stunned for a moment: "Huh?" He quickly took out his mobile phone and said in surprise, "Did you call me? I'm sorry I didn't hear..."

    Hearing Lian Qiao's apology, Xu Rendong suddenly felt that he was reasonable and confident. He turned around and said reproachfully, "I couldn't hear you knocking on the door. I thought something was wrong with you. You know how—"

    He was inexplicably trembling, and he didn't want to say the word "worry", so he frowned deeper and rebuked more severely: "Do you know how angry I am! I still I thought that this effort to train new recruits would be in vain again!"

    "Sorry, sorry! I'm practicing the piano live, and I can't hear it with headphones... Ah!" Lian Qiao suddenly remembered something, turned and ran into the room, "I'll turn off the live broadcast first!"

    Xu Rendong was relieved to see him run away, and shouted to Lian Qiao: "Okay, it's fine. You can continue the live broadcast." balcony.

    "Huh?" Lian Qiao ran out and saw that Xu Rendong had stepped out of the balcony with one leg, and couldn't help being shocked, "What the **** are you doing! Come down quickly! He jumped up and hugged Xu Rendong's waist, forcefully dragged him back, panting in shock, "What are you doing!"

    Xu Rendong said coldly: "Go home."

    Lian Qiao pointed at the door: "You go through the door when you go home! What are you doing on the balcony?!"

    "..." Xu Rendong was silent for a moment, embarrassed until the nerves of his teeth itch. He was speechless and could only walk towards the door.

    Lian Qiao seemed to notice something and chased after him: "Wait, Brother Honeysuckle..."

    He was answered with a loud "Bang!"

    Lian Qiao was almost slapped on the nose by him, so he took a few steps back in fright. It's an amazing experience to eat behind closed doors in your own home. He scratched his head, feeling that everything that had just happened was too sudden, and he didn't quite understand the situation.

    He took out his phone again, and he confirmed the message Xu Rendong sent him again. Two hours ago, he said he bought watermelon and asked him if he wanted to eat it. I asked him if he was at home half an hour ago. Then there is the application for voice calls.

    The next step is probably to knock on his door and find that no one answers, so you think something has happened to him?

    Lian Qiao suddenly felt sweet, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise.

    He was so worried about me...

    Hey, hey hey hey hey.

    Lian Qiao happily paced to the balcony and was about to close the glass door when a sudden movement occurred in her heart. He came to the edge of the fence and found that the downstairs was noisy, many people were watching, and some people were pointing at it. He came to this side of Xu Rendong's house again, and found that there was nothing between the two balconies, and the straight tube went all the way to the end. He felt his legs go weak just by looking down from the balcony.

    And Xu Rendong jumped over from the opposite side.

    Is he dying? !

    After the initial joy, Lian Joe frowned quickly.

    Even if you can't knock on the door, you can smash the door, and you can call 110 to call the police. Do normal people jump directly off the balcony?

    Humans instinctively protect themselves when faced with danger. For example, if you stand at such a high position and look down, your legs will be weak, you will have to urinate urgently, you will feel that you are about to fall, and you will reflexively step back. This is the physiological mechanism of the brain's self-protection.

    So, Xu Rendong's behavior of jumping off the balcony as soon as he disagreed, in addition to "worrying about him", also revealed another news.

    Xu Rendong has become accustomed to death threats, and his body is no longer reflexively avoiding danger.

    …what has he been through?

    Lian Qiao suddenly felt a suffocating heartache. He only knew that Xu Rendong had cleared many dungeons, but he had never been so deeply aware that every time he passed the level, it was an escape from death, and it was a double injury to both the body and the mind.

    What he has experienced has changed him unknowingly.

    He wasn't even afraid of dying.

    No wonder he can rush up to fight the boss without hesitation in the dungeon, no wonder he will pull out the stone when his leg is injured... Lian Qiao subconsciously walks to the door, wanting to ask Xu Rendong . He didn't know what to ask, he just wanted to see him and talk to him.

    However, just as he put his hand on the door handle, there was a knock on the door.

    Lian Qiao opened the door and was surprised to find Xu Rendong standing in front of his house, holding half a watermelon in each hand. The flesh of the melon is red, it is very sweet at first glance, and the water is full of light.

    Xu Rendong has returned to calm. He said as usual: "I can't eat it, I'll give you half of it."

    Lian Qiao was suddenly stuffed with half a watermelon, his hands were cold, and the refreshing aroma of watermelon floated into his nose. His heart softened into a puddle of water all of a sudden, and there were circles of tenderness in his eyes.

    “Brother Honeysuckle…”

    Before he finished speaking, there was a rush of footsteps on the stairs.

    A team of people's police rushed to the sixth floor and quickly surrounded the two. One of them, who looked like a captain, stepped forward and stared at the two of them with a stinky expression.

    "It was you who jumped off the balcony just now, right? Tell me, is it jumping off the building or robbery?"

    Xu Rendong&Lian Qiao: "…"

    The captain glanced at the watermelon in the hands of the two men, and snorted: "Don't eat the melon yet. Let's go back to the police station and make a transcript!"

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