Death Spiral [Infinite Flow]

Chapter 4: matryoshka

    The next morning, Xu Rendong woke up from the cold. Lian Qiao beside him was sound asleep. Xu Rendong turned his head and glanced at him, and suddenly his heart moved.

    There is a familiar feeling, as if I have seen him somewhere?

    Xu Rendong thought about it for a while, and really couldn't think of any intersection between the two. But since Lian Qiao is an Internet anchor, maybe he has seen his photos on the Internet unintentionally.

    Lian Qiao in his sleep seemed to notice something, and opened his eyes suddenly, the black and white eyes were frighteningly bright. Xu Rendong was taken aback, turned his face away subconsciously, and pretended to look at the snow scene outside the window.

    "Hmm..." Lian Qiao rubbed his eyes and sat up, looked around, then looked at Xu Rendong, and said in confusion, "Brother Rendong, I feel that something is staring at me..." He He even shivered, rubbed his arms and said, "It's so scary, my cold hairs stand up."

    "..." Xu Rendong refused to admit that he was the "thing" and said calmly, "It's too cold in the room, it's freezing."

    "Oh." Lian Qiao nodded, suddenly sneezed and sniffled, "It's quite cold."

    Xu Rendong still felt very embarrassed, so he quickly sat up and put on his clothes: "It's only half past six, I don't know if anyone else is awake. I'll go and see if there is anything to eat."

    Even Joe jumped up and shivered; "Wait, wait, I'm with you! Don't leave me alone, I'm afraid!"

    The two swayed around the room, and the others were still awake. There is bread and milk in the kitchen. The bread was hard and the milk was cold. Xu Rendong found a small pot to heat the milk a little, and Lian Qiao suddenly said, "This is Lieba."

    "Huh?" Xu Rendong looked back and saw that Lian Qiao broke the big round bread into two pieces, revealing the extra fine texture inside the bread. Lian Qiao weighed the weight of the bread and said with certainty, "This is Leba, a traditional Russian food. Leba is much heavier than ordinary bread, so it's easy to tell the difference."

    Xu Rendong: "You mean this is Russia?" As soon as the words came out, he realized that this conclusion was unreasonable. Everything yesterday has fully proved that this is not the real world, but he still hopes to get a logical explanation subconsciously.

    This is a mindset at work.

    Sure enough, Lian Qiao shook his head and denied him: "I don't think so. But this may be some kind of hint, after all, there is Russian in the elevator, and the key prop is a Russian nesting doll. But it What are you trying to tell us?"

     Of course Xu Rendong couldn't give him the answer.

    Xu Rendong poured the warm milk into the cup, and the two ate a hot breakfast, warming up all over. Just as he was about to go upstairs to wake up the others, a woman's scream suddenly came from upstairs.


    Xu Rendong and Lian Qiao looked at each other and ran up quickly.

    The source of the sound was the second floor, a pale woman was standing in front of a door, trembling all over. Xu Rendong recognized that this was the one who questioned Yuan Xueming last night, and his name was Xu Hong. Lian Qiao asked, "What's wrong?"

    "Something happened..." Xu Hong pointed at the ground tremblingly. The two looked down her fingers and found a large area of ​​dark red blood oozing from the crack of the door. The blood was dry and even frozen. Judging from the amount of blood, the people in the door are probably already cold.

    Xu Rendong turned the revolving door handle, it was locked. He looked back at Lian Qiao and said, "Let's knock the door open."

    Lian Qiao nodded. With a bang, the two slammed open the wooden door. Xu Rendong stepped into a pool of blood and almost slipped, but fortunately, Lian Qiao was quick-witted and grabbed him. He subconsciously wanted to say thank you, but when he looked up, he was stunned by the sight in front of him.

    The amount of blood in the room was much more spectacular than the bloodstain at the door. The floor, the bed, the windows...even the ceiling was splattered with blood. A large number of bright red meat pieces were scattered on the floor, and the skeletal blood vessels at the fracture were clearly visible. In fact, if it's just meat, it's fine, after all, everyone has seen pork stalls in vegetable markets. But in this piece of meat are also mixed with fingers, eyes, hair and other things with human characteristics, so that people can see that it is a human corpse at a glance. This is terrifying.

    Fortunately, Xu Rendong's psychological quality is not bad. After all, he had personally died tragically twice, and it was still within his tolerance to see a shredded corpse.

    Xu Rendong covered his mouth and nose and coughed twice, turned his head and was about to speak, when he saw that Lian Qiao's face was pale and his eyes were about to pop out.



    Scare, scare, hiccup, hiccup.

    Xu Rendong: “…”

    Others heard screams and came one after another. Seeing the tragic situation in the room, she was shocked at first, and then she looked at Xu Hong who was sitting outside the room and shivered, and then she showed a strange expression of "it's not you who died".

    Xu Hong was angry: "What!"

    Everyone turned their eyes away in silence, pretending to be watching the murder scene.

    Xu Rendong came out with Lian Qiao who kept hiccups and was meeting Yuan Xueming.

    "Dead?" Yuan Xueming was also very calm, and seemed to be accustomed to this matter, "What's the situation?"

    Xu Rendong glanced at Xu Hong. Before Xu Hong could recover from her anger, she said angrily, "I don't know."

    "Did you hear anything at night?" Yuan Xueming asked, "You live in the next room, right?"

    Xu Hong said that she slept very early last night and did not hear anything. Yuan Xueming went into the room to inspect the corpse, and was quickly choked by the smell of blood, and walked out frowning.

    "Both are dead," he said. "Let's go downstairs to eat first."

    Everyone was shocked that he was still thinking about eating at this time. A girl asked, "No need for an autopsy?"

    Yuan Xueming reluctantly said: "What's the point of autopsy after ghosts kill people? Do you want to know whether ghosts tore people with bare hands or with teeth?"

    His words made sense, Xu Rendong nodded in agreement.

    Everyone: "…"

    Yuan Xueming reassured: "Let's look for gifts after dinner. It's business to finish the task early and leave here."

    Everyone no longer had any objections, and followed them downstairs. Lian Qiao suddenly said, "I, I've eaten it. Hiccup."

    Yuan Xueming looked at the corpse in the room subconsciously, and the expression on his face instantly froze. Knowing that he had misunderstood, Xu Rendong quickly explained: "We ate downstairs, there is bread and milk in the kitchen."

    "...Oh." Yuan Xueming gave Lian Qiao a deep look and left.

    Lian Qiao said, "I want to check the body again."

    Xu Rendong was a little surprised. Lian Qiao had already entered the room shivering while burping. He bent down and looked carefully at the corpse on the ground. He was very uncomfortable with the smell of blood, and his brows were slightly wrinkled, but there was an eager light in his eyes.

    "I'll go down." After he finished, he ran downstairs. Soon, Deng Deng Deng ran up again, holding a pair of knives and forks in his hands.

    Xu Rendong is inexplicable: "What are you doing with the knife and fork?"

    Lian Qiao: "Because I didn't find chopsticks."

    Xu Rendong: "???" What's the matter, aren't you full for breakfast?

    Lian Qiao was in a kind of fascinated excitement, didn't notice Xu Rendong's indescribable expression, and walked into the room full of broken corpses with a knife and fork. He carefully walked to the middle of the corpse, crouched on the ground to add the corpse, and turned it over and over in his hand. Only then did Xu Rendong understand that he was doing an autopsy.

    But the autopsy with a knife and fork... is really perverted.

    After a while, Lian Qiao announced the conclusion: "This body was gnawed by teeth, and the teeth marks are still there."

    "Nicking?" Xu Rendong was surprised, "Isn't it a ghost that killed people, or a bear running in?"

    "No. Look at the crime scene, the doors and windows are locked, it's a secret room." He pointed to the door they knocked open, "No ordinary beast can run in. And the body parts The teeth marks on it are very small..."

    Xu Rendong was very surprised: "The teeth marks are very small?"

    Lian Qiao's face was not very good-looking: "Yes. Compared with large beasts, I think it is more like... a rabbit. Big rabbit."

    Xu Rendong's mind suddenly came to the picture of the gray rabbit holding an arm and nibbling off his fingers like a carrot, and he couldn't help but get chills on his back.

    Lian Qiao threw the knife and fork aside, walked out of the room, and closed the door. He wiped the sweat from his face with a thoughtful expression.

    Xu Rendong: "What are you thinking?"

    Lian Qiao: "When I was doing the autopsy just now, a familiar melody was echoing in my mind, but I couldn't remember what it was... I hummed it to you, it was like this: um um~ um Uh-huh…"

    Xu Rendong was silent for a moment: "...China on the tip of the tongue."

    Lian Qiao: "...Oh."

    After two seconds, Xu Rendong finally couldn't help it and laughed out loud.

    "You..." Xu Rendong laughed, "When you see a dead person, you will be frightened and hiccups, but you can still think of food shows during the autopsy. Are you timid or timid? "

    Lian Qiao said with a bitter face: "Actually, I'm very timid, but the audience master especially likes to watch me play horror games, and I can't help it..."

    Xu Rendong nodded: "It's not easy for you."

    Lian Qiao asked: "By the way, Brother Honeysuckle, what do you do?"

    Xu Rendong: "I am an ordinary..."

    Lian Qiao suddenly laughed: "Male high school student?"

    Xu Rendong: "Financial Analyst."

    Lian Qiao said "Oh" in disappointment: "Brother Honeysuckle, you look so good-looking and have a good figure, I thought you were a star or a model or something."

    Xu Rendong ignored this compliment, but was a little concerned with what he said in front of him, frowned and asked: "I'm already 28, how can I still be a high school student? Do I look like often A repeater?"

    Lian Qiao hurriedly said: "No no no, uh, this is actually a stalk... Because the hero who saves the world in Japanese anime is forcibly set to be an ordinary male high school student, so..." He glanced at Xu Rendong secretly, and found that he was not angry, so he smiled again, "But brother Rendong, you have good skin and look really tender. I believe you are a college student."

    Xu Rendong: "Then you wanted to call me dad yesterday."

    Lian Qiao: "I'm not! I don't!"

    Xu Rendong: "Okay. Let's go, let's go down and discuss with everyone."

    Come to the first floor, Xu Rendong told everyone about Lian Qiao's discovery, Yuan Xueming said: "It is also possible for rabbits to kill. But you don't have to worry too much, although there are ghosts in the world here, but they Murder is conditional."

    Lian Qiao's eyes lit up: "Like the rules of the game?"

    Yuan Xueming: "Yes, it's like the rules of the game. But this rule will not tell us, we need to explore by ourselves. The rules of each world are also different, there is no rule to find, anyway, we have to You can only find out what the conditions are until the dead person is dead, so it's useless to worry."

    Someone said nervously: "Will eating bread..."

    When everyone heard this, they threw down the bread in their hands. Yuan Xueming said: "I don't know if I will die if I eat it. I only know that I will be hungry if I don't eat it."

    Everyone looked at the bread tangled, the expressions on their faces were very complicated, and they didn't know what they were thinking.

    After dinner, Yuan Xueming suggested that everyone explore the house separately to see if they can find nesting dolls. Since Yuan Xueming is a veteran, everyone has regarded him as the leader of the team and obeyed his instructions. Even the angry Xu Hong obediently followed behind everyone.

    It didn't take long for everyone to discover something new.

    "There's a puppet in the kitchen!"

    "There's a basement here! But it's locked and can't be opened!"

    Everyone explored the whole house, even the dead man's room, but couldn't find the key to the basement, and couldn't get any more information. So they gathered in the kitchen to study this new wooden doll together.

    This doll is a little bigger than the one in Lian Joe's hand, and the smile is the same, but more like a Russian nesting doll than that, because it has a slit in the middle that looks like it can be twisted open.

    Lian Qiao shook the nesting doll, there was a gurgling sound inside, and said, "There seems to be something inside."

    "Is it the key to the basement?" After all, I don't know if "opening the nesting doll" is a condition of death. Who is willing to take the risk?

    Lian Qiao reached out and took the nesting doll, and was about to unscrew it when Xu Rendong pressed his hand and said, "I'll come."

    Lian Qiao was stunned, Xu Rendong had already unscrewed the nesting doll. Inside is a small compass.

    It was not the key, everyone was a little disappointed, Yuan Xueming also frowned.


    Xu Rendong and Lian Qiao looked at each other. For some reason, they both felt that the other party and themselves should be thinking the same thing at this time.

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