Death Spiral [Infinite Flow]

Chapter 50: Go Kwon Mi

    Get to your seat, the event has just begun. Lian Joe's performance comes after two game demos. Xu Rendong didn't understand what the content of those two games were, and his attention was taken away by the koala sauce who was screaming excitedly beside him. In contrast, Wei Lan is too quiet, even when the demonstration reaches the most exciting place, he just smiles slightly. Just like a ladyboy...

    Wait, won't Wei Lan be a girl? !

    Xu Rendong glanced at Weilan with lingering fear, and confirmed the existence of Adam's apple. He had a mixed feeling of relief and loss.

    It was finally Lian Qiao's turn to play. The staff quickly rushed to the stage and arranged some simple Chinese-style scenery. Xu Rendong looked at it from the side, and it was all colorful cardboard, which looked unreal. However, the audience under the stage suddenly became excited.

    "Ah, ah, ah, it's Joe!"

    "It's finally Ajo!"

    "Fuck my phone is out of power! Who has a power bank! Lend me one!"

    The audience chatted and chatted, the big screen on the stage suddenly turned black, and the audience fell silent all of a sudden. Xu Rendong was wondering if there was a live broadcast accident when another gorgeous title suddenly appeared on the screen:

    The Power of the World.

    At the same time, a passionate note sounded from behind the curtain, like a sharp arrow piercing the air!

    Just a title, a note, made the audience excited again. The screams in the venue soon subsided spontaneously. Everyone stared at the stage excitedly, wondering where Lian Qiao would come out.

    The performance of the violin never stops, the powerful melody shoots directly from the sound to the eardrum of the audience, every note arouses the nerves of the audience, and the atmosphere of the venue is ignited at once. Finally, under the attention of all the people, Lian Qiao slowly walked out from the side of the stage, playing the violin.

    He was wearing a blue-gray uniform, and the armor on his chest looked very light, which did not affect his string-pulling movements at all. The purple-grey wig on the top of the head is twisted into two small buns that look like a small bow. A few strands of long hair hung down on his chest, which contrasted sharply with the blue armor. It swayed gently as he pulled the bow, which was full of rhythm.

    Even the big screen behind Joe also played the MV animation synchronously. The MV screen kept flashing, and Xu Rendong gradually understood that this song was about Sun Quan during the Three Kingdoms period, and even Qiao's cosplayer was Sun Quan.

    It's just...this looks like an ancient costume, right? Playing the violin in a period costume? It feels weird.

    But the audience offstage didn't think so. Everyone raised the objects in their hands and shook them with the melody. There are people holding mobile phones, posters, dolls... There is actually a person holding a game console in the back row. The neatness of the movements seemed to have been practiced, Xu Rendong felt that he had heard of this scene, and he quickly remembered, oh, this is called support.

    Look at Koala Sauce and Wei Lan next to them, one has bright eyes and is so excited that he is about to cry; His two legs couldn't help shaking.

    …As for?

    Although Xu Rendong felt that Lian Qiao played the violin very well, it was still far from moving people to cry.

      Lian Qiao's violin performance brought a completely different feeling to the scene. The bow in his hand seemed to arouse the emotions of the audience and further pushed the atmosphere to a climax.

    Lian Qiao's body swayed slightly with the rhythm, Xu Rendong's eyes couldn't help following his bow. Everyone else was listening to songs and watching the MV, but Xu Rendong suddenly noticed that Lian Qiao's bow was very handsome. The knuckles of the wrist are folded back and forth, like a willow branch that has just been drawn green, soft without losing its toughness. The bow was retractable and neat, and he stood with the bow in his hand, and the boy was full of energy when he raised his hands and feet.

    At this time, he seemed to be the young monarch on the battlefield.


    Xu Rendong unknowingly stared at Lian Qiao's wrist. Until the end of the performance, the bow pulled out the last note, and Lian Qiao slowly lowered his hand. Applause erupted instantly in the venue!

    In the thunderous applause, Lian Qiao raised the corner of his mouth and suddenly looked here.

    Lian Qiao seemed to have just finished playing basketball, her chest heaving and breathing slightly, but her eyes were bright. His eyes passed through countless audiences, through the blasting air of the venue, through all the noise and disturbance, and steadily met Xu Rendong's eyes. With his eyes that couldn't hide his excitement, with the corners of his mouth slightly upturned, and his chest rising and falling, he proudly and silently said to Xu Rendong:

     Compliment me.

    Lian Qiao was the one who stood in the center of the stage and received everyone's attention, but his eyes made Xu Rendong feel as if the spotlight was all on him.

    Xu Rendong looked at his smile and couldn't help but laugh. The performance was successfully completed, and he was sincerely happy for Lian Qiao, even a little proud. However, before the joy continued to ferment, a picture suddenly flashed in front of Xu Rendong's eyes.

    Lian Qiao in the picture sat on him, pressed his shoulders with both hands, and pressed him to the ground. Lian Qiao looked down at him, his eyes turned out to be strong killing intent.

    The next second, Lian Qiao had an extra dagger in his hand. He clenched the dagger in both hands, raised it high, and then stabbed it down!

    The sharp knife stabbed into Xu Rendong's chest like this. There was a sharp pain, and the pressure of dying filled his chest at once, and he could even feel the pain of repeatedly tearing himself apart as his heart beat against the blade.

    The screen flashed by. When Xu Rendong came back to his senses, he found that he was still in the venue. On the stage, Lian Qiao was gone, replaced by the event host and two other guests.

    He was gasping for breath, and couldn't help but press his heart.

    What happened? What did I just see?

    The koala sauce beside him suddenly came over and said with a smile: "Lian Qiao has already gone to the dressing room to change! He asked you to go to the backstage to find him, and said he wanted to hang out with you again. Take a walk."

    On the way to the locker room, Xu Rendong kept thinking about the picture he just saw. Obviously, Lian Qiao killed him with his own hands, and Lian Qiao didn't hesitate or feel sad when he did it. With the strong killing intent in his eyes, Xu Rendong felt chills even in retrospect now.

    He didn't believe that even Joe would do such a thing, but why would he see such a picture?

    Xu Rendong suppressed her doubts, knocked on the door, and walked into the locker room.

    "Brother honeysuckle, you're here!"

    Lian Qiao was still wearing that antique uniform, like a small terracotta warrior, and ran over. This locker room is not big, and it is surrounded by plastic boards to separate the venue from the venue. It should be temporarily built for the needs of the exhibition. The changing room is small, but it has mirrors, dressers, tables and chairs, and even a sink. At this time, there were several cosplay costumes piled up on the sofa, and Xu Rendong had no place to sit, so he had to stand by the door.

    "Why haven't you changed your clothes yet?" Xu Rendong asked.

    "This armor has a knotted strap inside, and I can't untie it by myself." Lian Qiao turned around and exposed his back to him, "Can you help me? ?"

    Xu Rendong had the cold eyes when Lian Qiao killed him. He looked at Lian Qiao with his back to him, and a thought suddenly appeared in his heart:

    Now that he is unguarded, it is easy to kill him...

    Xu Rendong was taken aback by her own thoughts. Forcing himself to stop thinking, he reached for the knotted straps in Lian Joe's armor.

    The inside of the armor was hot, Xu Rendong touched it for a while, but couldn't find the strap, so he said: "You don't twist around, so I can't touch it."

    Lian Qiaoqiang said with a smile: "But I'm so itchy... I'm sorry I'm especially ticklish, hahahahahaha..."

      Xu Rendong was annoyed by him, covered his mouth and glared angrily at him.

    "Stop laughing!"

    At the same time, take the time to **** on Lian Qiao's back.

    Lian Qiao was covering her mouth, her eyes were wide open, and her cheeks were flushed. Although he took the initiative to ask Xu Rendong to help, he didn't expect it would turn into this scene. He was almost hugged by Xu Rendong, and his mouth was covered, as if he was going to be forced to do something next...

    Lian Qiao's eyes lit up with excitement: Quick! Get your hands on it! Don't pity me because I'm a delicate flower!

    Use it! powerful! of! quick! Right now!

    However, the 10,000 words indescribable that his brain made up did not appear, and Xu Rendong quickly found the knot. He stopped covering Lian Qiao's mouth, and put both hands in to untie the knot. Physical contact between the two is instantly minimized.

    Lian Qiao: Hey, I'm disappointed.

    Desire to be penetrated by the weapon. Lian Qiao, who was wearing it, didn't know that Xu Rendong, who was behind him, also restrained himself from punching with a weapon. Wear his urge.

    It's just that the two have different definitions of "weapon"...

    Fortunately, the armor was loose, and Xu Rendong easily untied the rope. He lifted the armor up, and Lian Qiao shrank his neck, and the armor was removed.

    "Okay." Xu Rendong breathed a sigh of relief and sat on the sofa. Only then did he realize that Lian Qiao was wearing a complex shirt under the armor. The shirt is very close-fitting, with dark golden patterns embroidered on it. Even when Joe is wearing his armor, these delicate embroidery are completely hidden, and the audience can't see him at all when he performs on stage. However, even so, the people who made the clothes still carefully embroidered these patterns, as if the clothes were not cosplay props, but a real shirt.

    He remembered that the costumes and props were all prepared by Weilan. The boy looked quiet and inconspicuous. He didn't expect to put so much effort into making costumes.


    He stretched out his fingers, lifted Xu Rendong's chin, and said with a smile: "Brother ~ Quan'er ~ beautiful?"

    Xu Rendong looked up at Lian Qiao and was surprised to find that Lian Qiao's eyes were green. He quickly realized that he was wearing cosmetic contact lenses, but these eyes were so beautiful, like some kind of precious ore, radiant and dazzling.

    His attention was completely attracted by these eyes, and he stared at Lian Qiao for a long time. So much so that when he came back to his senses, he blushed slightly with embarrassment.

    Lian Qiao was still looking at him with a smile, as if waiting for a response. Xu Rendong recalled just now, Lian Qiao seemed to say something "Quan Ermei"... Wait, does this "Quan Er" refer to Sun Quan in the song "Quan Yuxia"?

    Xu Rendong suddenly realized. Looking at Lian Qiao again, he finally read a trace of expectation from Lian Qiao's demeanor.

    Is Lian Qiao waiting for me to play with him...?

    But I don't know how to act.

    Xu Rendong made a decisive decision, took out her mobile phone and started Baidu. Lian Qiao was stunned when he saw this, and had a bad premonition. Immediately afterwards, Xu Rendong looked at the phone and read it quickly in a low voice.

    "I laughed and started dancing, just like those dancers in the restaurant, walking around the room with light steps. Every movement, every look, all charm people...?"

    Lian Qiao's face changed instantly.

    Xu Rendong also felt strange reading this, he glanced at Lian Qiao suspiciously, but insisted on reading: "I started to take off my clothes along with the dance steps, and finally With only a shirt that barely covered my thighs, I sat on my brother's lap with the last rotation. I laughed and hooked my brother's neck..."

    Lian Qiao rushed up: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

    However, it was too late, Xu Rendong whispered the last words: "Brother ~ Quan'er, is it beautiful?"

    Lian Qiaoxiao collapsed instantly, covering her face and kneeling in front of Xu Rendong.

    Xu Rendong looked down at Lian Qiao. A minute ago, Lian Qiao was still hooking his chin and looking down at him condescendingly, but now he is kneeling on the ground and getting up in shame. This is really a feng shui turn.

    Xu Rendong has no intention of bullying him. In order to resolve the embarrassment, Xu Rendong took the initiative to provoke a conversation: "So you like to read this kind of novel."

    Lian Qiao: "Hey!"

    The whole person suddenly rolled up like a watermelon worm!

    Xu Rendong didn't seem right to see this situation, he knew that he had said something wrong, so he coughed: "Sorry, I shouldn't just comment on your reading preferences... I wrote down the title of the book , I'll read it carefully when I go back..."

    Lian Qiao: "Ah ah ah!"

    The watermelon worm started to roll on the ground!

    Xu Rendong: "..." Immediately, he was at a loss.

    Lian Qiao covered her face and screamed and rolled around on the ground, hitting the sofa and the table for a while. The scene was very chaotic for a time. Xu Rendong carefully retracted his legs on the sofa to prevent accidental injury by him. He was very puzzled and still didn't know where he was wrong.

    Lian Qiao rolled on the ground for ten minutes, and finally stopped exhausted. He lay on the ground panting with red eyes, staring at Xu Rendong sadly. At the same time, the door of the locker room was suddenly opened, and Koala Sauce and Wei Lan walked in chatting and laughing. At a glance, they saw Lian Qiao lying on the ground gasping for breath, and they couldn't help being shocked.

    Xu Rendong took the initiative to explain: "It's like this, just now he..."

    Lian Qiao: "Ah ah ah ah ah ah!" Suddenly a new round of tumbling started!

    Xu Rendong&koala sauce&Wei Lan: "???"

    After another ten minutes, the two finally figured out what just happened. Lian Qiao bit his sleeve and felt wronged, and Koala Sauce laughed and patted his shoulder to comfort him. Xu Rendong said that he was a little confused and wanted to go out to breathe. Wei Lan carefully sorted out the armor and shirt that Lian Qiao had taken off, and patiently photographed every inch of ashes on it.

    He put the delicate clothes aside, then took out a leather whip from the suitcase he was carrying, and looked at Lian Qiao sullenly.

    "Is that why you get your clothes dirty?"

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