Death Spiral [Infinite Flow]

Chapter 61: butterfly in stomach

    Xu Rendong climbed into the ventilation duct, and everyone followed closely and climbed in on chairs.

    The ventilation ducts are slightly narrow, just enough for an adult to crawl through. So everyone lined up in a straight line and slowly crawled with Xu Rendong.

    Xu Rendong still has an impression of the factory map. He remembers that although there are many forks in the ventilation duct at the end, it does not need to turn, just keep going forward to reach the end. The only problem was that the pipes were so stuffy and seemed to have no end. This journey was as depressing as Xu Rendong imagined.

    He walked at the front with a flashlight, stopping from time to time to remove the exhaust fan he encountered on the way. The fan is huge, and the edge of the iron sheet is sharp, and you will scratch your hand if you are not careful. Apparently no one had come to clean it before, so the fan was full of oil and even hot to the touch. Xu Rendong removed the fifth fan, carefully greeted the back, and was about to continue to climb forward when he suddenly heard a rumbling sound from inside the pipe.

    Then the air in the duct flows quickly!

    Someone restarted the fan? !


    The middle-aged man at the end of the line shouted, "I knew he was unreliable! Let's just quit!"

    Xu Rendong said: "Don't worry! Calm down!" But his restraint was meaningless, and everyone was already resigned at the appeal of the middle-aged man, chatting in his mouth. Start going backwards.

    Because of the narrow pipeline, it was impossible to turn around, so everyone climbed backwards, and the speed was very slow. After the fan was turned on, the duct became even hotter, and the scalding wind was blowing head-on. The wind was also mixed with a lot of dust and the smell of oil, and everyone had to cover their mouths and noses, so they were still coughing.

    Xu Rendong narrowed her eyes, wondering if these people have no brains? The person outside turned on the fan just to force them out, and that person must still be in the control room now. They traded back and backed away, didn't they just collide with that person!

    Sure enough, there was a middle-aged man screaming from behind the pipe.


    The rest of the team panicked and asked the people behind: "What's going on?" "What's going on behind?"

    The screams of the middle-aged man continued. A girl closest to the middle-aged man cried out, "Someone is behind! Someone is stabbing him in the back with a knife! Go forward! Run! Don't go back!"

    The girl cried heart-to-heart, and the screams came down the ventilation duct, which sounded particularly infiltrating. Everyone was horrified, and they turned around, hurriedly crawling forward, shouting: "Go forward! Hurry up!" "Hurry up! Someone is chasing after you!"

    The teammates soon returned behind Xu Rendong. Everyone hurried forward for a while, and soon came to the next fan. The fan was running at high speed, and the metal fan blades turned into afterimages, and it was impossible to remove the fan at all.

    Xu Rendong was pushed and shoved by the people behind, and almost crashed directly into the fan. Immediately furious, he turned back and shouted, "Stop pushing! There's a meat grinder in front!"

    The medical student followed behind him, and the medical student also shouted: "Wait! Don't worry! Let's find a way!"

    The scream of the middle-aged man became weaker. It didn't take long for the girl to let out a shrill cry. As she was dying, she let out a desperate cry:

     "How are you! Why are you—" and then there was no sound.


    No time to hesitate. Xu Rendong took out a steel rod from his backpack and stabbed it into the afterimage of the fan.

    Lian Qiao: "Be careful of the shrapnel!"

    I only heard a harsh scratching sound, and the steel rod was instantly twisted into a twist by the high-speed rotating fan, and the fire was shining. The shattered steel pieces smashed into the air and slid across Xu Rendong's palm, scraping off several pieces of meat. There was a sudden pain on the back of his hand, but Xu Rendong did not let go, but stabbed the steel rod into the deepest part.

    Shards of steel bounced around, and a few of them landed on the faces of teammates behind. A roar came from behind: "What are you doing! Hurry up and dismantle the fan!"

    "Boom—" The fan made a metallic moan, and the twisted steel rod finally blocked the gap of the fan, and the fan blade could no longer rotate.

    Xu Rendong's hands and hands were dripping with blood, and the deepest wounds could even see white tendons. He was about to dismantle the fan when he heard a "wow" behind him and someone vomited. Immediately he felt something flapping its wings and flying to his ears.

    Xu Rendong instinctively reached out and grabbed, her hands were hairy. He took a closer look and saw that it was actually a large gray-white moth!

    However, the moth stayed in his hand for only a moment, and the next second, it turned into a round piece of metal shining silver.

    Elevator buttons!

    It turns out that moths can also become buttons?

    Being too late to think about it, he stuffed the button into his pocket, removed the fan at the fastest speed, turned his head and said, "Okay! Let's go!"

    The crowd followed immediately. The medical student saw that the ground Xu Rendong had crawled on was full of blood, and said in shock, "Are your hands alright? This amount of blood is probably due to a ruptured artery!"

    Xu Rendong asked without looking back, "Is there a large artery on the back of my hand?"

    Medical Student: "...No, it's all small."

    Xu Rendong: "Then it's fine, I won't die for a while."

    Medical student: "..." As expected of the boss of Jiuguan, he is so patient, his hands are chopped off and his eyes are not even blinking.

    There was an exclamation from behind again: "The body was dragged away! That person is about to catch up! Hurry up ahead of you!"

      After Xu Rendong removed the fan, he did not throw it away, but took it all the way to the next fan port, and used the previous fan to jam the next fan.

      Xu Rendong focused all his attention on dismantling the fan, and didn't care about what was going on behind the scenes. He only knew that the medical student was always behind him, so at least the thing behind him couldn't catch up to him.

    But what is going after them?

    No time to think. Xu Rendong started to remove the last fan, and his eyes suddenly lit up!

    Export arrived!

    He jumped out of the ventilation duct, only to feel suddenly enlightened, and his whole body stretched out. In front of you is a bright room, and the silver-white elevator stands alone in the center of the room, waiting

    The medical student followed, jumped to the ground with a thud, and was overjoyed when he saw the elevator: "The elevator is really here!"

    Xu Rendong took out the button and slapped it on the elevator groove. With a "ding" sound, the elevator door opened.

     Teammates climbed out of the pipe one by one. Xu Rendong held a mace in his hand, stood at the exit, and asked one by one, "Is there anyone else behind?"

    The last one to come out was Zhang Xiaoxiao, her face was pale and her voice was trembling: "No more! The man chasing us has a pair of big scissors in his hand, I heard him sniping behind me. that person…"

    Before she finished speaking, she covered her mouth and retched again, and moth wings could be seen in the gaps between her fingers.

    …It turns out to be you again, you are really a stable supplier of moths.

    Xu Rendong pushed her and pointed at the elevator: "You guys go first."

    Zhang Xiaoxiao covered her mouth and said vaguely, "Aren't you going?"

    Xu Rendong said: "I want to wait for someone."

    Zhang Xiaoxiao was shocked: "Wait, wait for who? The people behind are definitely dead! Are you going to go back and save them?!"

    Xu Rendong saw in the left eye that Lian Qiao had started to fight the boss. Lian Qiao's enemy is now, he wants to stay here, if something happens to Lian Qiao, he can still take care of him. If you get into the elevator, I'm afraid there's really nothing you can do.

    He couldn't explain it to Zhang Xiaoxiao, so he could only say with a cold face: "Don't mind me. Hurry up, don't get in the way."

    Zhang Xiaoxiao glanced at the elevator, the others were already waiting in the elevator, their faces were anxious, and they kept urging her to come up quickly. Zhang Xiaoxiao had to run into the elevator.

    Just as the elevator door was about to close, the medical student inside suddenly ran out again. Under everyone's astonished eyes, the elevator door closed, and the medical student stayed outside the elevator.

    Xu Rendong said in surprise: "What are you doing?"

    Medical student: "After thinking about it, I still think it can't be done." He couldn't help but grab Xu Rendong's hand and asked, "Boss, do you have any alcohol gauze?"

    Only then did Xu Rendong realize that he wanted to bandage his wound, so he turned around and said, "I have it in my backpack."

    The medical student opened the zipper with a clatter, looked for the alcohol gauze, and said with a smile: "Hey!

    Xu Rendong stared at the ventilation duct, letting the medical student bandage his wound. It didn't take long for the metal fragments stuck in the palms to be taken out, and both hands were tied with gauze, which made it less painful to move.

    The medical student ran into the elevator immediately after dressing up, showing no nostalgia. He waved to Xu Rendong in the elevator door that was about to close: "Thank you, boss, come to XX Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital to find me when you get sick."

    Xu Rendong: "..." I don't want to see you.

    After the medical student left, silence returned to the small room. Xu Rendong focused his attention on the ventilation duct again, but after waiting for so long, there was no movement inside.

    He looked inside with a flashlight, and the pipes were so dark that there was nothing where the light could reach. He couldn't see any further.

    Why didn't the monster chase him? Does it think that everyone has cleared the customs, so does it leave work early?

    Xu Rendong has a strange feeling in her heart. At this moment, a silvery thing shook in the field of vision of the left eye, and then a line of words appeared on the screen of the mobile phone:

    "Hey, I cleared the level! The total time is 5 hours and 23 minutes! Boss, how are you doing?"

    Xu Rendong glanced at the ventilation duct again, it was pitch black and dead silent. He wasn't sure if there was anything in the ventilation duct, and he didn't have the courage to climb in again to check.

    Never mind, no need.

    Xu Rendong still stared at the exit of the pipeline, and stepped back into the elevator. Until the elevator door slowly closed in front of him, nothing strange came out of the pipe. There was a low running sound in the elevator, and Xu Rendong finally breathed a sigh of relief.

    It's over...

    He took out his mobile phone and was about to notify Lian Qiao, but a trace of unease suddenly flashed in his heart.

    He remembered that the girl at the end of the line shouted "how are you" before she died. How could she say such a thing if it was a foreman or a monster chasing them?

    A gentleman? !

    Xu Rendong was startled by his own thoughts, but he quickly calmed down. He repeatedly confirmed that the gentleman had no vital signs, and even made up the knife. If none of this is dead, that's just one problem.

    Gentlemen are not people in the real world, but monsters that belong here.

    In any case, as long as he leaves this copy, the gentleman can no longer affect him.

    At this point, Xu Rendong calmed down. He chatted casually with Lian Qiao, and soon the elevator arrived.

    After this time, the hoarse and deep mystery sounded again in my mind. He immediately took out his phone and recorded:

    "*** is ***, you want ***. You will experience countless tortures, but this is not punishment, it is ***. When you reach the end, you will understand *** .*** Live."

    The new keyword unlocked this time is "End Point". Xu Rendong was a little disappointed. This is the same as not saying it. Who set the keywords is simply adding up the number of words.

    He stepped out of the elevator and returned to the familiar apartment. Time in the real world began to flow again.

    At the same time, in a city, a corner that Xu Rendong did not know. A man appeared out of nowhere by the highway.

     A car sped past in front of me. The man glanced back into the darkness, as if something had disappeared behind him. He snorted with some dissatisfaction, and took out a wooden doll from his pocket.

    The puppet is only the size of a palm, and the paintings all over it are lifelike. Especially the face, the facial features are as fine as a real person, and even the terrified expression is exactly the same as that of a living person.

    Such a realistic wooden doll can already be called a work of art. But at this time, countless cracks appeared on the doll's limbs, and a large area of ​​blackness appeared in the throat. With that terrified expression, it seemed that this doll really had life and had just died not long ago.

    The man just glanced at it and threw the puppet into the farmland behind him. His face was full of gloom and unhappiness, his hands rubbed irritably, and fine white dander fell from his fingers.

    The man stood by the highway for a while, then suddenly climbed over the fence and walked towards the middle of the highway.

    The speeding car saw a figure in the distance, honking the horn desperately, but the man did not move, and seemed to be unaware of the impending crisis.

    The screeching sound of the brakes resounded across the field. The driver's heart was beating wildly, he had no time to brake and dodge, he could only watch the man get closer and closer to him. Finally, he saw the man's face clearly. It was an unremarkable face, nothing special, and it was easy to forget. However, the strange thing is that there is a smile on the man's face. A creepy excited smile.

    Time stopped just as the car was about to hit the man.

    The elevator that belongs to men, appears again.

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