Death Spiral [Infinite Flow]

Chapter 67: Three become tigers

     Even Qiao pretended not to hear anything, still breathing evenly and lying beside Xu Rendong. He would like to see what the former can do in front of his current presence.

    Zhong Xiu asked softly, "How have you been... recently?"

    Lian Qiao sneered in his heart: Oh, knowingly asking, can I be here?

    Xu Rendong: "Not good."

    Lian Qiao: ?

    Zhong Xiu didn't answer, and the room fell into a strange silence. After a while, Xu Rendong said again: "However, it's better than you."

    Lian Qiao suddenly regained her confidence. He felt that Ren Dong's next sentence was about to say "I'm relieved to know that you're not having a good time". This shows that Brother Honeysuckle has no feelings for his ex!

    Come on! I support you! Hit her hard!

    Xu Rendong: "...I didn't know you had such a bad time. Sorry."

    Lian Qiao: ? ? ?

    Lian Qiao can't wait to jump up and grab Xu Rendong's collar and shake him: People are sick! Got cancer! none of your business? What are you apologizing for? !

    Of course, Lian Qiao didn't do this. In order to overhear more conversations and get mad at himself, he chose to continue pretending to sleep.

    Zhong Xiu smiled wryly: "I deliberately lied to you... I didn't intend to appear in your life again."

    Lian Qiao was a little surprised to hear this. Listening to this, it seems that the news of Zhong Xiu's serious illness did not come from her own initiative to tell Ren Dong? Who would that be?

    …Forget it, it doesn’t matter who the microphone is. Lian Qiao recalled hearing the nurses chatting in the hospital, saying that Zhong Xiu had no family, and after being diagnosed with cancer, he always came to see the doctor alone, and all the pain was carried by one person silently. He suddenly felt that this woman was really pitiful. Empathy, if he is Ren Dong, he will also come to see her one last time.

    But I heard Xu Rendong coldly say: "I really didn't plan to come to see you, what does it have to do with me whether you die or not."

    Lian Qiao: ? ? ? ? ? ?

    Why don't you play cards according to the routine!

    Zhong Xiu asked the same question as Lian Qiao: "Then why are you still here?"

    Xu Rendong: "..." Suddenly she stopped talking.

    Lian Qiao: Don't be silent, boss! Keep hitting her!

    Lian Qiao only felt that his heart was pressed in the roller coaster, and as the two of them talked, they kept going uphill and downhill 360 degrees, which stimulated him to have a heart attack. He anxiously waited for Xu Rendong's answer, and wanted to know what kind of mood Xu Rendong was in to see Zhong Xiu for the last time, but he was faintly afraid in his heart, afraid of hearing the answer he didn't want.

    Ten thousand years have passed.

    Xu Rendong: "..." Still didn't speak.

    Even Joe was almost choked to death, just when he almost couldn't help jumping up, a woman's scream suddenly came from outside.

    I don't know if it was an illusion, Lian Qiao seemed to be relieved to hear Xu Rendong.

    Xu Rendong then pushed him hard: "Lian Qiao! Wake up, something happened!"

    Lian Qiao pretended to be drowsy and woke up, and said very into the play: "Huh? What's the matter, who is calling?"

    Only hearing a click, Zhong Xiu turned on the light. Lian Qiao couldn't adapt to the sudden light, and was still rubbing his eyes, but Zhong Xiu had already opened the door and stood in the corridor looking around.

    "It's the room of the film club." Zhong Xiu said.

    When the three people came to the room where the accident happened, the room was already full of people, but everyone gathered around the door of the room and did not go in.

    "What's the situation?" Xu Rendong and Lian Qiao pushed aside the crowd and squeezed to the front. A **** man suddenly rushed up in front of him, Xu Rendong's heart skipped a beat, and before he had time to react, Lian Qiao had already kicked out reflexively, but heard a familiar call.

    "Don't kick! It's me!"

    Xu Rendong and Lian Qiao were both stunned: Isn't this the president of Little Sun?


    "Please help her! I didn't mean to...I really didn't know it was like this!"

    Xu Rendong and Lian Qiao's attention had been attracted by the screams of the woman on the bed. I saw the delicate female member A lying alone on the big snow-white bed, covered in blood, writhing frantically. She was covered with wounds all over her body, as if she had been slashed open by something sharp. Bones were even visible in the deepest wounds, and blood gurgled from the veins like a small fountain.

    What's more terrifying is that the wounds on her body are increasing one by one! Under the watchful eyes of the public, the originally intact skin cracked automatically again, and more blood gushed out!

    Member A's eyes were closed, his expression was miserable, and his mouth was full of mournful voices, which made his heart break. No wonder everyone stood outside and refused to come in. Who could stand such a **** scene.

    Xu Rendong glanced at the room. Except for the president who hugged his thigh tightly, the other two members shrank in the corner and shivered. All three were splattered with blood, especially the president, who was almost soaked in blood. It seems that he tried to save that member A, but it didn't work except being sprayed with blood.

    Xu Rendong picked up the president from the ground. The president at this time was no longer the warm little sun, his whole body was shaking like a sieve, and even his teeth were chattering up and down. The frightened expression revealed the helplessness in his heart, if it wasn't for Xu Rendong to carry him, he would have to kneel down again.

    Xu Rendong frowned: "Speak clearly, what's going on, hurry up!"

    He shook the president vigorously to calm the president. The president swallowed and said in a trembling voice, "It's Freddy... Freddy is here... He was chasing her in his dreams!"


    Xu Rendong frowned, he had never heard the name. Member A's screams continued, Xu Rendong turned his head to look at the bed, but saw Lian Qiao walking to the side of the bed, straddling his long legs, and sitting directly on Member A's chest.

    Then, he raised his hand and started to slap member A in the face.

    Everyone: "???"

    Lian Qiao's movements were not sloppy at all, as if he would bring his little sister to the door every day to play mistresses, and his movements were so skillful. The sound of slaps on the face was incessant, and even Xu Rendong was stunned. He instinctively wanted to step forward to stop him, but suddenly realized that Lian Qiao was trying to wake her up!

    By the way, the president mentioned "dream" just now. Although this member A struggled and twisted, his eyes never opened. This shows that she is indeed trapped in a dream!

    "It's useless, it's useless!" President Little Sun collapsed again, slumped on the ground holding his head, "I've tried it all, but I can't wake up..."

    Lian Qiao's hand stopped in midair.

    Sure enough, even though she had been slapped more than a dozen times, the female member still closed her eyes tightly. The sound of her crying was getting smaller and smaller, that was because she had lost too much blood, and even her struggles had turned into convulsions.

    Lian Qiao got off her and said guiltily, "I'm sorry."

    I don't know who he said "I'm sorry" to, no one spoke in the room, only the faint screams of the female members and the sobbing of the other three members of the film club.

    Xu Rendong beckoned Lian Qiao back. Lian Qiao was covered in blood, his head was downcast, and he was still muttering, "How could it be possible to wake him up in the movie..."

    Xu Rendong was looking for something to wipe his blood, when he heard this, he suddenly raised his head: "Movie?"

    "Well, "Monster Street"." Lian Qiao glanced at the other three members of the film club who were slumped on the ground, with a thoughtful expression, "The president just said Frye Di is the scarred man in "Monster Street". He can kill people in his dreams. The person who enters the dream can't wake up by himself. …”

    Just as they were talking, the screams on the bed suddenly stopped. Everyone looked at the bed in unison, only to see that the woman was full of blood and tears, her expression was terrified, her mouth was open, and she had stopped moving.

    The sheets were soaked with blood, and even the carpet below was wet. If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, who would have imagined that there was so much blood hidden in a person's body.

    In this way, a female college student in her twenties was actually drained of blood in front of them. Everyone heard her mournful cry before her death, saw her writhing in pain and despair, and finally witnessed that all her struggles were in vain, and no one could save her. She died in her own dream.

    "'s not like shouldn't be like this..." The president's face was full of despair, and the blood and tears on his face were mixed and flowed down his neck. His emotions have collapsed, his eyes are gradually slack, and he looks like he is about to faint.

    Lian Qiao suddenly went up and kicked him, and asked very rudely: "There are so many ghost stories to tell, why do you choose this one?"

    The president was jolted, and his soul was forcibly pulled back to his body. He looked terrified, his lips trembled, and he did not speak.

    Lian Qiao squinted his eyes, and a cold killing intent suddenly flashed in his originally curved, smiling eyes. Xu Rendong's heart suddenly tightened, he recalled the Lian Qiao who had killed him in a hallucination. At this moment, the murderous aura on Lian Qiao's face was no different from that time.

      Immediately afterwards, he slammed the president against the wall, and everyone heard the sound of the president's head hitting the wall, a heavy muffled sound that made people's scalp tingle.

    Lian Qiao pinched his neck, his fingers slowly tightened, his eyes were cold: "Three people become tigers, is that your experience?"

    When Lian Qiao said the word "experience", Zhong Xiu, who had been silent all the time, suddenly changed his face, and looked at Lian Qiao with a little more shock.

    The president grabbed Lian Qiao's arm in pain, desperately begging for mercy. Lian Qiao didn't mean to let him go at all, but instead slammed his head against the wall harder. Bang bang bang, three times in a row, the wall immediately saw red.

    "Lian Qiao!" Xu Rendong felt that Lian Qiao was in a wrong mood, so he stepped forward to stop him, "Calm down! What's the matter, tell me!"

    Lian Qiao heard his voice, as if she was suddenly awakened, showing a momentary blank expression. He involuntarily let go, and the president slid down the wall to the ground, and quickly climbed to the corner of the wall with his hands and feet, shivering with the other two members.

    Xu Rendong asked: "What's the matter with you? Why are you crazy?"

    Lian Qiao looked down at his hand, his eyes full of surprise and disbelief. After a long while, he muttered: "...I'm sorry."

    Xu Rendong didn't mean to blame him, just that Lian Qiao's violent behavior just made him look scared. Lian Qiao didn't show mercy at all. If he hadn't stopped it in time, I'm afraid the president would have been hit so hard by now. At that time, Lian Qiao was full of hostility, and he acted violently like no one else, as if he didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

    …As if this was not his first murder.

    Xu Rendong clearly felt the fear and hostility behind her. He turned his head and saw the horror in everyone's eyes. At this time, everyone's fear of Lian Qiao was even greater than that of Freddie, who was murdering in his dream. Everyone was quietly retreating, and some people even put their hands into their pockets quietly, probably already holding their weapons.

    If this goes on, even Joe will become the target of public criticism.

    Xu Rendong dragged Lian Qiao to his side: "Let's go back first."


    Xu Rendong led Lian Qiao to the door, and everyone silently gave way to them. Zhong Xiu followed silently, his eyes were always fixed on Lian Qiao's back, and there was a faint worry on his face.

    Everyone watched as the three of them walked out of the room. Even Joe turned his head suddenly, everyone was startled. Even Xu Rendong grasped his arm subconsciously, for fear that he would suddenly go crazy again and do something violent.

    Lian Qiao seemed to be stinged by something, showing a hurt look. However, he quickly said: "Don't sleep at night, you will die."

    Everyone looked at each other, although they understood what he meant, but they didn't know what expression to make at this time. Lian Qiao didn't speak any more, just lowered his head, like a prisoner, and followed Xu Rendong silently.

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