Death Spiral [Infinite Flow]

Chapter 6: matryoshka

    The two supported each other and walked forward in the vast snow. Xu Rendong had already lost his direction. He only felt that there was snow everywhere, and he didn't know where to go next.

    Lian Qiao suddenly looked around and asked hesitantly, "Brother Honeysuckle, did you hear anything?"

    Xu Rendong's heart sank: "No. What did you hear?"

    Lian Qiao's face was not very good: "It's a bit like grinding teeth, crunching..."

    Xu Rendong listened attentively, and sure enough, in the whistling wind, there was an unpleasant sound, like the friction of the back molars. Lian Qiao narrowed his eyes, trying to find the source of the grinding noise in the snow. Soon, he opened his eyes wide and pointed behind the two of them: "There!"

    Xu Rendong looked back and saw a shadow faintly appearing in the snow. It was dark, and the whole thing was a bunch of twisted black lines that looked like crazy graffiti drawn by a child with a problem with a black crayon.

    What's more terrifying is that this pile of black lines is still twisting, approaching here at a terrifying speed!

    Xu Rendong made a decisive decision: "Run!" Before he finished speaking, even Qiao had already pulled him up and ran wildly.

    "What is that ah ah ah ah ah!" Lian Qiao was frightened and screamed, looked back and raised her voice an octave again, "Ah, ah, ah, honeysuckle brother, hurry up. Run, run, that's a ghost!"

    Xu Rendong couldn't hold back, and turned her head back, she couldn't help but turn pale. The mosaic-like black shadow had chased a dozen meters behind them, as if grinning, its upper part split from the middle, revealing two rows of sharp and fine fangs!

    If I was bitten by such a big mouth, I am afraid that half of my body would be lost.

    Shadow keeps making terrible noises, tickles my ears. Xu Rendong's heart was beating violently, and he ran forward with all his strength. However, he has been walking in the snow for too long, and his physical strength has been exhausted. His chest heaved violently, and the icy wind poured straight into his lungs, stabbing his entire airway like a knife.

    "Run, run, run, brother honeysuckle, I'm so scared!" Even Joe was about to cry. He was very physically fit, and he ran wild like a cheetah, but he was slowed down because he was dragging Xu Rendong desperately.

    Xu Rendong wanted to say leave me alone, run away first, but suddenly felt the chills standing on the back, and the sense of crisis suddenly increased - that black mosaic has caught up!

    Even Qiao probably felt it too. Looking back, she was so frightened that she fell to her knees and closed her eyes with a "wow". Xu Rendong was startled, the monsters were all killed in front of him and he pretended to be an ostrich and didn't dare to look at it. This kind of behavior is tantamount to courting death!



    Black Mosaic tilted his body, was beaten out of balance, and fell into the snow!

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

    Xu Rendong: “…”

    Mosaic lying in the snow: "…"

    One person and one ghost face to face. On the contrary, Lian Qiao reacted first, opened his eyes to see the situation clearly, jumped up, grabbed Xu Rendong, turned his head and ran again.

    Xu Rendong only felt that Lian Qiao was so powerful that he almost dragged him forward. Ordinary people run slower and cry more and lose their strength, but even Qiao is the opposite. His screams are like injecting himself with stimulants. He is clearly dragging a Xu Rendong who can no longer run, but his speed is not at all. reduce. The two long legs are flying up, reminiscent of the 360-degree spiral rotation in cat and mouse. I saw snowflakes splashing all the way behind, smashing the head of the black mosaic.

    Mosaic: "!!"


    In this case, Xu Rendong had no time to judge the direction, so he could only keep an eye on the road under his feet to prevent Lian Qiao from being suddenly tripped over by a stone.

    Just like this, I ran all the way, and after a long time, a familiar hut suddenly appeared in front of me. Xu Rendong was stunned, and subconsciously looked at a big tree in front of the door. There was a ladder under the tree, still maintaining the posture that Lian Qiao had placed. The bird's nest on the top of the tree is still there, where even Joe found the nesting doll.

    This is… a hunter's hut?

    They came back? !


    But after doing this, he slumped to the ground and cried, "Is it safe? Is this a safe house (Note)?"

    "..." Xu Rendong only felt a **** taste in his mouth, his breathing was so intense that he couldn't calm down, and he was speechless for a while. He looked out the window, it was still snowing heavily outside the house, and the sky and the earth were white, but the group of black shadows didn't seem to be chasing after him, and he couldn't hear the crunching sound of teeth.

    "It should be... safe..." Xu Rendong hoarsely speaks. He looked out the window, suddenly felt that something was wrong, frowned and said, "There is something in the yard."

    He narrowed his eyes, trying to discern. It was a round, grayish-white shadow, as tall as a person, and inconspicuous in the same grayish-white snow. But because it was so close to the hut, the outline was barely discernible.


    ...Frightened like this, you still want to be tough with things outside. Are all your game anchors so sturdy?

    Xu Rendong stared outside for a while, and said, "It seems... it's a snowman."

    Lian Qiao sobbed: "Huh?"

    Xu Rendong said: "It's a snowman."

    Lian Qiao calmed down a little, stood up against the wall, also looked out the window, and muttered: "Is there no snowman when we leave?"

    Xu Rendong also felt that something was wrong, but nodded: "Well, there was no such snowman before."

    The two fell into a strange silence. All of them went out to explore, so who built this snowman? Why stack? He didn't believe anyone in the team could still build a snowman at this time.

    After a while, Xu Rendong said: "Forget it, let's take a step by step. I'll light the fireplace first, and you go see if anyone else in the room has returned."

    Lian Qiao did not move, looking at him eagerly. Xu Rendong was inexplicable: "What's wrong?"

    Lian Qiao whispered: "Brother Honeysuckle, I'm afraid..."

    Xu Rendong originally wanted to say that you wait for me to light the fire and go with me, but Lian Qiao continued: "Where did you put my crowbar just now? I won't be afraid if there is a holy sword."

    Xu Rendong was suddenly amused. Lian Qiao is really a collection of contradictions, say he is daring, and the screams of ghosts can scare ghosts to death, say he is timid, as long as he has a weapon in his hand, he is not afraid of anything, and he even dares to scare a ghost. Twist. What an interesting person. Then he said warmly, "The crowbar is by the door, over there."

     Even Joe took the crowbar and went upstairs without saying a word. Xu Rendong squatted in front of the fireplace to make a fire, and the wood made a crackling sound, which was so warm and reassuring.

    Not long after, even Joe went downstairs: "No one else came back."

    Xu Rendong said: "Then just wait."

    The two sat in the living room and waited. About an hour later, there was a bang bang bang bang outside the door, and someone shouted: "Open the door! Open the door!" The voice was very familiar and belonged to someone in the team.

    Lian Qiao opened the door immediately, a few people stumbled in, and Lian Qiao locked the door quickly.

    Several people were in shock, and obviously they also encountered bad things in the wind and snow. Xu Rendong poured some hot milk for them and asked, "Where are the others?"

    A young man named Wang Yuan said in a panic: "I don't know, we got separated from Brother Yuan... something is chasing us!"

    Yuan Ge naturally refers to Yuan Xueming. Although he has a compass in his hand, there are ghosts chasing him, and he probably won't have time to confirm the direction. I can only hope to get rid of the ghost before turning around and returning to the hut.

    In contrast, even Qiao was able to run back with tears and snot, and Sa Yazi running around. And they were the first to arrive, as if they had a map in their hearts. Is Lian Qiao really lucky by mistake, or...

    Xu Rendong felt a very uncomfortable feeling in her heart again. He couldn't help but glanced at Lian Qiao, and found that Lian Qiao was standing by the window, still staring at the snowman outside. His expression was a little dignified.

    As if aware of something, Lian Qiao suddenly turned around and looked at Xu Rendong blankly. That look seems to say: Hey, what are you looking at me for?

    Xu Rendong retracted his gaze a little uncomfortably. But Lian Qiao showed him a smile after he turned his head.

    "What did we do wrong?!" A weak female voice with a crying voice suddenly sounded, breaking the silence in the hut.

    The one who asked the question was Wang Yuan's girlfriend named Jiang Li. At this moment, her face was full of tears, her whole body was trembling, and she looked a little out of control: "What step did we do wrong? Why is the ghost chasing us?"

    "Who knows." Xu Rendong said.

    Wang Yuan put his arms around her shoulders and comforted her softly. Jiang Li kept weeping and his emotions had collapsed.

    In this strange atmosphere, everyone tacitly kept silent. The wind and snow outside the house was still whistling, with no sign of stopping. Just when everyone thought Yuan Xueming had an accident, the door was finally knocked. Yuan Xueming's hoarse voice came: "Is there anyone inside? Open the door!"

    There were several people who followed Yuan Xueming back. Xu Rendong counted the number of people present and frowned: "One less."

    Yuan Xueming sighed: "It's Zhao Lin, he separated from us shortly after leaving the church."

    Everyone communicated, it turned out that everyone was lost in the wind and snow, and was chased by the black monster. Fortunately, the hunter's hut was not too far from the church, and with the compass in Yuan Xueming's hand, everyone finally found the right way. As for Zhao Lin, I am afraid it is more fortunate and less fortunate.

    Just in case, Xu Rendong asked who built the snowman outside the door. As a result, everyone's face became even worse, and Xu Hong said sharply: "Snowman? There are still people making snowmen at this time?! Who is it?!" Eye.

    Xu Hong refused to let everyone go, and asked sharply: "Come on! Who did it! What can't you admit this kind of thing! Tell me quickly!"

    Obviously, her sanity also began to collapse. Xu Rendong had no choice but to coax: "Maybe the snowman was there before we came, but we didn't pay attention."

    Xu Hong reluctantly accepted this statement, but the mood was still very bad. She pushed away the food in front of her and said with a gloomy face, "I won't eat it." Then she went upstairs alone.

    The matter of the snowman made the already depressing atmosphere even more heavy. Yuan Xueming reassured: "Everyone has worked hard today. Let's rest early after dinner. We have to continue to look for dolls tomorrow. Just stick with it, as long as we finish the task, we can leave."

    The word "leave" rekindled hope in everyone's heart, albeit a very weak one. Everyone looked different and finished the meal of dry bread that was tasteless and tasteless. After dinner, everyone went back to their rooms one after another. Xu Rendong was about to leave when Lian Qiao suddenly grabbed him: "Brother Rendong, I still care about that snowman. Let's go out and have a look."

    Xu Rendong looked at the dark night outside and asked, "Aren't you afraid?"

    Lian Qiao clenched the crowbar: "I'm afraid to go, I can't sit still."

    Xu Rendong looked at him, the trace of doubt in his heart still not dissipated. He wrapped his coat tightly and walked out the door side by side with Lian Qiao.

    The snowman is at the door, and they must be seen when they come in and out, so Xu Rendong's sentence "we didn't pay attention" is absolutely untenable. It's a pity that everyone was so scared that they all chose to escape and chose to believe that untenable lie.

    The lights in the cabin illuminate the snowman. The two approached cautiously, and the expressions on their faces became more and more ugly.

      What is terrifying is that the snowman's face has all the five senses. Its eyes are a pair of bloodshot eyeballs, which are obviously real people. The nose is a frozen finger, and the mouth is a crooked intestine, stained with blood, red and cracked behind the ear, and it looks a bit like the expression of a nesting doll.

    Is this the sixth nesting doll? This idea flashed in my mind, but was quickly rejected by Xu Rendong. The first five nesting dolls they found were all sorted by size and could be nested one by one. The shape of this snowman is too different to be one of the nesting dolls.

    What is this?

    Lian Qiao stared at the snowman's strange face: "Is this made of the corpse on the second floor?"

    Xu Rendong: "Maybe."

    Lian Qiao was thinking. After a while, he shuddered, crossed his arms and said, "It's so cold, let's go back first."

    The two went back to the house and went upstairs. Everyone else had closed their doors and took an early rest. At this time, the corridor on the second floor was dark, and the whistling outside the house seemed to infiltrate more and more people. The room full of broken corpses happened to be the first room next to the stairs. Xu Rendong knew that Lian Qiao was very afraid of corpses, so he deliberately accelerated his pace. However, Lian Qiao suddenly stopped, turned his head sideways, and sniffed carefully.


    Xu Rendong looked back: "What's wrong?"

    "Do you feel that the smell of blood is gone?" Lian Qiao sniffed again, and quickly found a reasonable explanation for herself, "Am I already used to this smell?"

    Xu Rendong was silent for a moment, then took out his mobile phone and turned on the flashlight, looked at the room of the dead man, and said, "The blood is gone."

    Lian Qiao did not speak, but the expression on his face changed slightly. The fear in his eyes disappeared, replaced by an emotion that could be called excitement.

    Xu Rendong held her mobile phone high to illuminate the room. Sure enough, not only the outside of the house, but the bloodstains and corpses in the house were all gone. The room was clean as if nothing had happened, and the smell of blood had completely disappeared.

    "When we were out, did someone come to the hunter's hut? Not only did you build a snowman, but also clean up the corpses?" Xu Rendong thought for a while, and then denied himself, "No, I have to clean up again. Be careful, it's impossible to have no traces at all. At least the bloodstains in the cracks in the floor are impossible to clean up..."

    Lian Qiao said, "The corpse was brushed off."

    Xu Rendong: "?"

    Lian Qiao's eyes were terrifyingly bright in the dark: "It's like fighting monsters in the game, the system will automatically refresh every once in a while to clean up the monster's corpses. Otherwise, the whole world is full of Without the corpse, players can't play the game properly."

    Xu Rendong understood what he meant, but felt a little uncomfortable with the sentence "the whole world is full of corpses" and was speechless for a while.

    Lian Qiao suddenly said again: "Wait, then this is not right..." He turned his head and went downstairs, "I'll go out and have a look."

    The author has something to say:

    Note: Safe House: Some escape and shooting games will set up a safe house on the map, where players can take a short rest, adjust equipment, restore physical strength, etc.

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