Death Spiral [Infinite Flow]

Chapter 69: Three become tigers

    Time is passing at a strange rate. Most of the people in the villa have nothing to do all day, and it feels like time is flowing very slowly, like a year. And when the hour hand slowly pointed to twelve o'clock midnight, they stared at the clock closely, hoping that the speed of the second hand beating a little slower, waiting for the time to stop.

    Everyone gathered again in the glass room on the top floor. Outside the glass room was still endless darkness, and the sense of despair that seemed to be on an isolated island once again enveloped everyone. Only this time, everyone's mood was heavier than last night.

    The ghost stories told here will come true. Now the ghost in the dream in the first story has made everyone so scared that they can't sleep. If there is another monster tonight, everyone's situation will be even more difficult.

    But on paper it was clear that they had to tell a story every night. If you don't speak up, I'm afraid everyone will be punished. This is the practice of the ghost world: although you may not live if you do the task honestly, if you don't do it, you will die.

    What should I do?

    Everyone was sitting in the middle of the glass room. The original fifteen chairs, only fourteen people sat at this time. The night outside the glass room, just like their current situation, was bleak.

    Lian Qiao glanced at the clock and said, "There is only one minute left. It will be too late if you don't talk about it."

    Xu Rendong nodded. Everyone remained silent, and no one wanted to speak.

    The stagnant atmosphere made everyone feel extremely depressed. The gust of wind whizzed past, making a whining sound, like something in the dark howling and slapping against the windows. The trio of the film club leaned against each other tremblingly. The rock monk held rosary beads and turned them one by one. His eyes were closed, his lips moved, and he didn't know what scriptures he was chanting.

    Xu Rendong felt nothing in her heart. He wanted to see what would have happened if the story was not told. The worst result is nothing but complete annihilation, as long as you die happily, it's not a bad thing. This time, the beginning of the reincarnation was ruined by the president's ghost story. The ghost who killed people in the dream was too difficult to deal with. He had not slept for more than 30 consecutive hours, and his body could not support it at all.

    The worst is Zhong Xiu, who is a serious patient. Although entering the elevator world allowed her to recover some physical strength, it was still a last resort after all. At this time, her complexion was extremely poor, and it was frighteningly white. Coupled with her skinny figure, she looked like a skeleton, which was even more frightening than the howling demon wind outside.

    "It will end soon." Xu Rendong said lightly, not knowing who he was comforting.

    Just as she finished speaking, she heard a "click". The lights in the entire glass room went out.

    No one touched the switch. At the moment when the lights went out, everyone took in a breath of cold air, and then felt the cold wind pouring straight into their necks. The helplessness of being in the wilderness returned. Everyone in the dark grabbed the people around them in horror. Someone tried to turn on the phone's flashlight, only to find that the phone wouldn't turn on.

    The lights will be forced to turn off. Xu Rendong thought calmly, and suddenly the back of his hand became hot. Lian Joe grabbed his hand tightly.

    How can he always locate me in the dark?

    Xu Rendong wanted to laugh inexplicably.

      The messy voice was stacked layer by layer, pushing himself to the peak of fear step by step.

    At this moment, the floor suddenly shook violently!

    Xu Rendong got up immediately and heard the sound of the chair falling to the ground behind him: "Earthquake?"

    Everyone also stood up. No one could see what was going on in the dark, and the rapid breathing was a mess.

    Lian Qiao's calm voice came from the left: "The house is shaking."

    The glass frame above his head made a strange sound of twisting steel bars, and the floor tiles under his feet began to crack and bulge. Everyone felt that the world was spinning, and they all stood unsteadily and fell to the ground.


    It didn't take long for the sound of "bang bang" sounded around, several people hit the glass curtain wall, and they kept screaming.

    Xu Rendong and even Qiao have no intention of moving. They all know clearly in their hearts that if the house is really about to collapse, it will be useless to escape anywhere. The surrounding shouts and footsteps were chaotic, but Lian Qiao leaned into Xu Rendong's ear and whispered:

    "Air Wall."

    Xu Rendong made a "hmm". He also noticed that the glass room was obviously very spacious, and everyone fled for their lives in different directions, but they all hit the glass wall and were bounced back, and the collision was very close to them. I am afraid that what they hit is not the real glass curtain wall, but the invisible air wall.

    Sure enough, the punishment for violating the mission requirements is not so easy to escape.

    Just as Xu Rendong was thinking so, there was a loud noise above her head. Lian Qiao exclaimed, "Honeysuckle!"

    Before he could react, Xu Rendong was knocked down by Lian Qiao and pressed under him. There was the sound of huge glass hitting the ground in front of him, and even many glass fragments bounced onto Xu Rendong. Fortunately, through the clothes, the shards of glass did not scratch him. He quickly reached out to confirm Lian Qiao's safety.

    "Lian Joe? Are you all right?"

    "It's all right, how about you?" Lian Qiao helped him sit up, slowly pulled him into his arms, and touched up and down worriedly, "Did you hit him?"

    "I'm fine, too." After Xu Rendong finished speaking, she suddenly felt that her pants were wet, and some warm liquid was flowing down the floor tiles. He stretched out his hand to touch it, the warm and slippery texture, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

    Xu Rendong felt tight: "Zhong Xiu!"

    He forgot about Zhong Xiu!

    After the lights went out, Xu Rendong had been waiting for the mutation to appear. Zhong Xiu didn't make any sound from the beginning to the end, and she didn't hold his arm tightly like Lian Qiao, her presence was so overwhelming that Xu Rendong accidentally forgot her existence.

    Xu Rendong was instantly filled with guilt. Fortunately, Zhong Xiu's response came not far away.

    "I'm fine...uh!"

    Hearing that grunt, Xu Rendong also tightened her heart. He subconsciously broke free from Lian Qiao's arms and ran to the source of the sound. Even Qiao felt that her arms were empty and reached out to grab, but couldn't catch anything.

    "..." Lian Qiao's fingers slowly tightened, his eyes narrowed dangerously. It's a pity that in the dark, no one noticed his subtle change.

    "Where are you!" Xu Rendong moved forward while groping, and soon touched a thin body.

    "What are you..." Zhong Xiu whispered in surprise, and before she could finish speaking, a sound of breaking air suddenly sounded above the two of them.

    Xu Rendong raised his hand to block without thinking, only to feel a sharp pain in his arm. He gritted his teeth and pressed the pain in his throat, dragging Zhong Xiu to hide in the corner. The surrounding chaos has not stopped, the cries of men and women are in a mess, and there is also the sound of glass being smashed in the middle. He couldn't see anything clearly in the dark, and he put Zhong Xiu behind him. The glass and steel bars on their heads did not hit them again, but the people running around kicked him several times.

    This is not the way to go. Xu Rendong shouted: "Don't run away!"

    Before he said the next sentence, another bell-like roar overshadowed him:

    "Stop for my mother! Don't move!"

    Everyone was startled by this violent drink, and they all stood in place. The shaking of the ground continued, the cracks in the ground were getting bigger and bigger, and it seemed that the house was about to split in the middle. The glass on his head also kept falling down and smashed to the ground, which made people tremble with fear.

    Only then did Xu Rendong react, and that sound was roared by the rock monk. His voice was thick, magnetic, and recognizable, like a meteor streaking across the night sky, instantly grabbing everyone's attention.

    Pause for only a second, the monk said slowly: "The story I want to tell today is a fairy tale."

    He's going to tell a ghost story? at a time like this? !

    Everyone has both anticipation and fear at the same time. The expectation is that this earthquake may stop because of his story. The fear is that everything he says will come true.

    But there is no better way at this moment. Everyone stopped in place, without saying a word, waiting for the monk's next story.

    The monk tells about a fairy tale called "The Juniper Tree". The protagonist of the fairy tale is a little boy who lost his mother when he was young. Like all unfortunate fairy tales, the boy's father married a vicious woman to be his stepmother. The stepmother also brought a little sister named Marlene. The vicious stepmother treats the boy very meanly, and the father ignores it, but the cute little Marlene still maintains an innocent heart and regards the boy as her own brother.

    One day, my stepmother bought some apples. The boy was very greedy when he saw it. The stepmother said: The apple is in the box, go get it yourself. Just as the boy stretched out his head to look into the box, the bad stepmother suddenly became wicked, and closed the box with force, pinching off the boy's neck. Little Marlene was terrified to see her brother separated, but her stepmother warned her not to tell her father. In the evening, after the father came back, the cruel stepmother boiled the boy's body into broth. Unaware of this, the father thought the broth was extraordinarily delicious, so he drank the broth so much that he spat out the bones and threw them under the table.

    Little Marlene felt sorry for her brother, so she knelt under the table, collected the boy's bones one by one with a silk handkerchief, and buried them under the juniper tree in front of the house. Suddenly a golden bird appeared on the tree, and the bird flapped its wings and left the juniper tree.

    It flew into the city and sang:

    My mother killed me,

    My father ate me,

    My little sister Marlene,

    She picked up all my bones,

     Wrapped in a silk handkerchief,

    Buried under that juniper tree.

    Kwei, Kewei, I became only,

    What a beautiful bird!

    The song of the birds was so sweet that the jeweler in the city stuck his head out. He asked the bird to sing for him again, and the bird said: Unless you give me a gold necklace. The jeweler gave him the gold necklace, and he sang it again and flew away with the gold necklace.

    It flew and flew, and came to the shoemaker's window again. The shoemaker, attracted by its singing, asked it to sing for himself in exchange for a pair of red dancing shoes. The bird got the red dancing shoes and flew to a mill.

    This time, when the owner of the mill begged it to sing again, the bird asked for a millstone.

    Finally, the bird returned to the juniper tree. "My mother killed me, my father ate me..." It sang and sang, and finally caught my father's attention.

    Father came under the tree, looked up at the birds, and complimented. The bird released its claws, and a gold necklace fell into his father's hands.

    "This is really a strange thing." Father murmured back home, "A bird sang a strange song and gave me a gold necklace!"

    Little Marlene was also attracted by the singing and came under the juniper tree. The golden bird released its other paw, and a pair of red dancing shoes fell in front of little Marlene.

    "Look Mommy, the bird gave me a pair of red dancing shoes!" She told her mother excitedly.

    And the evil woman was feeling guilty about killing her stepson, and she was restless all day. After listening to her husband and daughter, she decided to meet this amazing bird too.

    When she followed the song to the juniper tree and raised her head—

    "A grinding disc fell from the sky and killed her."

    The monk's deep and powerful voice stopped abruptly. The story is over.

    Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, as early as the middle of the story, the shaking of the floor gradually subsided. By the end of the story, the surroundings have returned to normal. Like a baby crying and restless in the dark night, he was finally comforted and went back to sleep.

    However, Xu Rendong sighed softly.

    This fairy tale is spooky, but not very scary. The bad guys are punished at the end, and there are no horror elements like ghosts and beasts in the whole story.

    Obviously, this is an attempt: does a story that isn't scary count as a mission?

    At this time, with a "click", the light suddenly turned on automatically. The cold incandescent light illuminated the glass room, and everyone's expressions were also lit up, and their eyes regained vitality.

    Xu Rendong was reluctant to adapt to the sudden light, he quickly observed the surroundings: Lian Qiao was standing not far away, except for the messy clothes, unscathed. There was a large pool of blood on the ground. In the center of the pool of blood was a man, with a large piece of glass stuck in the back of his neck. It was thought that he was killed on the spot when the ceiling fell.

    He was relieved when he saw the dead body, and then turned to look at Zhong Xiu, and sure enough, there were only some minor scratches. It seemed that the pool of blood just now did not come from Zhong Xiu. He was just a false alarm.

    The people were scattered all over the place, and their bodies were more or less injured. The ground was littered with broken glass and steel bars. The rock monk stood in the middle of the ruins, his bald head was shiny, and his yellow robe was clean, without any wrinkles. Compared to the embarrassment of others, he seemed to be out of the picture, as if none of these worldly things could hurt him.

    Xu Rendong is amazed that this person has such good luck, is it really protected by Buddha? But he saw his hands folded, eyes closed, and for the first time said in a very pious voice:

    "Amitabha, I will not go to hell, who will go to hell."

    Xu Rendong was stunned for a moment, and then someone screamed: "Monk, your legs!"

    Xu Rendong looked down and saw that the monk's feet had frozen into ice. The cold air climbed up the calf, and soon spread over the knee, then the waist, the chest...

    The monk smiled heartily at the crowd, stretched out a somewhat stiff arm, and waved it boldly in front of everyone. Everyone's eyes couldn't help but focus on him, and he clenched his fists contentedly, as if he really stood in the center of the stage, holding everyone's attention in his hands.


    Afterwards, countless cracks appeared in him. With a snap, he shattered to the ground.

    The monk died too suddenly, no one could accept this fact. Everyone stared blankly at the shards of ice, and their hearts were full of mixed feelings, and they didn't know what to say.

    However, this level should be temporarily over tonight. The monk told a ghost story that was not scary, violated the mission requirements, and all the punishment fell on him alone. His self-sacrifice made everyone figure out the rules of the game. This is even more significant for Xu Rendong.

    Xu Rendong stared at the pile of shards of ice on the ground, unable to calm down for a long time.

    Suddenly, Lian Qiao's voice sounded behind him.

    "You're hurt."

    The voice was very low, and there was a faint anger. Xu Rendong turned around in surprise and saw Lian Qiao staring straight at his left arm.

    Xu Rendong looked down, only to find that a large hole had been drawn on her left arm. Blood was dripping down.

    Zhong Xiu next to her screamed, and she didn't realize that Xu Rendong was injured until this time. She held up Xu Rendong's hand in a panic, and said worriedly, "How is it? Can you still move?"

    Xu Rendong moved her fingers, but fortunately, she didn't hurt her muscles or bones. He said casually: "It's okay, the glass fell off just now, I blocked it..."

    Lian Qiao suddenly stepped forward, dragged Xu Rendong hard, and grabbed his arm from Zhong Xiu. The movements were very rough, completely ignoring Xu Rendong's injuries on his hands. Xu Rendong's facial features were twisted in pain, and he asked him with a trembling voice: "What are you doing!"

    Lian Qiao glared at him fiercely, gritted his teeth and said, "Go to bandage!"

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