Death Sutra

Chapter 1000: Barrier

Xu Xiaoyi personally took the information of Chengyu and raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead. "Is it crazy for Jinpengbao? Choose this time to buy people's hearts. When the Dragon King is in the sea, there are many people who want to arrange their own way." Now, hey, the entire Saitama City is coming to please the Dragon King, and the fool will vote for the One Step King."

Gu Shenwei was not so optimistic, picked up the papers and quickly browsed them, then placed them in piles, and soon became a slap.

Xu Xiaoyi looked at it for a while and felt that he had nothing to do with himself. He turned and just left. The Dragon King said to him: "Wait."

After Gu Shenwei finished reading, he looked up and said: "The lobbyists have three sources: Tianshan Zong, Tieshan and Jinpeng Fort."

Xu Xiaoyi bounced on his own head. "It's so stupid, I didn't think I had to divide it. Let me guess, the thickest is Tianshan, the second is Tieshan, and the least is Jinpengbao."

Gu Shen nodded and picked up a piece of paper from the top of Tieshan. "What is Shi Qingjue? It is not very detailed."

"Oh, Shi Qingjue is only a master book. It has no special relationship with the Dragon King, so his surveillance is not very strict. I will reschedule it later."

"No." Gu Shenwei tapped twice on the desktop. "What about you and your sister? Didn't you meet the two?"

"Oh, I met a lot, but I didn't see one. All the outsiders who came to my sister were stopped by me. She didn't know anything."

"Should see a lobbyist, at least you can know the reasons for the enemy to buy, maybe one of them is my weakness."

"Dragon King still has the soft underbelly? I can't guarantee that the Dragon Army officers are satisfied, but everyone knows one thing, that is, the one-step king is going to die, and the Dragon King is about to finish it..." The Dragon King looked serious and Xu Xiaoyi immediately turned. The slogan, "Be careful to sail for thousands of years. It is not wrong to be cautious. Then I will see a few lobbyists and see what they say, but my sister... is not needed?"

"Why, are you worried that she will betray?"

"Hey." Xu Xiaoyi touched his beard. "My sister is loyal to the Dragon King. Betrayal will never be, but she... but she is not very smart, I am afraid she was accidentally used."

"Okay, but don't look too strict. Your sister will know that he will be upset."

"Of course."

Dragon King seems to have nothing to do, Xu Xiaoyi is ready to leave, suddenly remembered something, "Tonight's contest has been arranged, I really don't know what Xiaochu thinks. I asked him, he also said it is not clear, but I know that he did not Malicious..."

A pair of good friends in the past have been alienated for a long time, Xu Xiaoyi actually has to speak for the first Nanping, Gu Shen is a little surprised, "I know, no customs, and the small martial arts will also help my martial arts."

"That doesn't need to be a public match. It's all a family. Can you do it privately?"

"It's all family." Gu Shenwei was shocked by this statement, but did not say anything, indicating that Xu Xiaoyi could retreat.

Fang Wen is rushing in. He now has the privilege of meeting the Dragon King at any time. It doesn't need to pass the Qin Yeming section. "Have the Dragon King heard it? The outside world is full of enthusiasm. It is said that the Dragon King and Xiaochu are vying for a woman, so angry and angry, so Only openly contested, Xiaochu - can be a bit less sensible."

"The rumor is the special product of Saitama City. Just a drop of rain. You can grow a single eye, and no one can stop it, let them say it."

"I understand." Fang Wen shook his head and frowned two deep ditch. "But I don't like this rumor. It doesn't matter what a woman is, but it seems that the dragon king is weak, and there are people who believe it. This is not a good thing." ”

Chu Nanping was thus degraded as “the next person” by “family”, neither of which met the true feelings of Gu Shen’s heart. “The rumors soon changed direction.”

Fang Wen is a big eye, "Dragon King... You don't think the Assassin needs to do it? In fact, only Tianshan Zong's Fang Shiyi died under the Assassin's sword. Is Shangguanhong not the old man killed? It is accidental, not Every time before the contest, what happened?"

"I know it tonight."

"This wooden old man." Fang Wen looked back and found that the house was closed, and then he said with confidence. "It’s a weirdo. How do I think he is like... treacherous, he said Shangguanhong himself Is it thorny, is it credible?"

"I checked the body with the Dutch girl, and the old man said it should be the truth."

Fang Wen is shaking his head for anything. "I don't understand things like competition and assassination. I can't insert it. The dragon king has a lot of heart. I am worried about Zhang Wei's purchase. Do we really do nothing?"


"Well, the more I think about it, the more I think the Dragon King’s words made that night. When I was poor, I came to the Dragon King. I was already prepared for hardship. The situation was worse, and there was very little betrayal. On the contrary, when it was about to succeed, people Everyone has expectations, and if the Dragon King is not able to take care of it, someone will be resentful and become the best target to be bought."

"This is the truth that Zhang Wei said in the past." Gu Shen was slightly processed and relayed to the military division.

"Zhang Wei is really a personal thing..." Fang Wen is a rare compliment to his opponent, but his head is still shaking. "So the one-step king allowed Zhang Wei to let go? It is really strange, Luo Luo fiasco, Zhang I am not guilty of blame, but I am still so trusted."

"This is his last chance." Gu Shen is especially able to understand the mentality of Shangguan, at this time, just like he is on the South Screen, because of the high expectations, he will give more trust after disappointment, "Zhang You must go all out."

"Who would Zhang Lan really want to buy? If you find this person, Dragon King will not need to stand still and can launch a counterattack."


"I have to think about it. It is only a blind eye to spread the net. Zhang Wei must have been chosen early. That is the person he is going to buy at a great price... The Dragon King has to prepare for the match tonight, isn't it?"

Fang Wen is retire, and he came back in less than a quarter of an hour. "I almost forgot the most important thing. I didn't bother Dragon King? Fighting Xiaochu, Dragon King definitely... I don't talk nonsense, I have seen Pang Jing, an absolute Untrustworthy guy, he said that he only wants money, but I think he wants the life of the dragon king. The dragon king is the Central Plains, you two... Haven’t there been any personal grievances?”

Fang Wen is very sensitive to smell. He feels a certain threat from Pang Jing’s warm reception.

Gu Shenwei told the military that he did not tell the military about the story of the four Sangha Blue Law. It was his personal grievances. The military master could not understand it and would not support it. "He represents the Central Plains and will never dare to destroy public affairs with private grievances."

Fang Wen took the phrase of Dragon King as a promise and retire again.

Until the evening, Gu Shenwei made a little effort to practice the narrow knife. The complicated affairs had a great impact on the practice of martial arts. Gu Shenwei felt that her hands and knives had a little rust, not as comfortable as usual.

The third contest is about to be held. The Dragon King and his subordinates "self-inflicted" have attracted a lot of attention, and some people have spent money to look at the location, but everyone has become smarter: paying after the good things, in case of accidents, resulting in If the competition is cancelled, the money will not have to be given.

The assassination does not seem to happen again. Gu Shenwei went to Beicheng with the first Nanping. Nearly 300 guards rushed to the back, and the assassin who dared to be daring also had to shun the house, not to mention that in many people, the assassin is the dragon king. He will not assassinate himself.

When I arrived at the official residence of the governor, the people inside and outside were wide-eyed, looking for glamorous girls in the dragon king’s ranks, and each other was able to find out who was iron and exquisite. Soon everyone was disappointed to find that there were more than 300 There is no woman in the ranks of the people.

In the government, Pang Jing is more excited than other people. The city masters are organized by the Central Plains. There are two empty wheels in succession. It really makes him feel lost. This time, the two contestants are all in line, and they can finally stage one. The perfect matchup.

There was still a period of time from the second, Pang Jing took the Dragon King to a place where people were less secluded, and whispered: "I explained to Mr. Fang, but it is still necessary to speak to the Dragon King. This is the Dragon King against the South Screen. The next game is definitely a one-step king. Oh, it’s not a good arrangement. If you don’t have to arrange the Xiaoyuetang sects with the North Court, it’s easy.”

"The arrangement is very good now. The one-step king does not have to compare with the next one. First solve the grievances of Yuzhong and Molin."

Pang Jing took a sigh of relief and looked very happy. "It is better to be able to arrange this. These two are all spoilers. It is best to eliminate one first."

Gu Shenwei returned to the field and accepted the visits of the people. The one-step king, the lotus girl, the Shangguan and others did not come. The hood and the wealthy businessmen, like the people on the street, were very interested in the dragon king’s scandal, but they were a little bit It did not show up, and no one even whispered to it, and it was extremely humble in front of the Dragon King.

Gu Shenwei walked slowly in the crowd. The five warriors designated by Hu Shining were accompanied by the waiters. The outside of the team was the guard of a team. Mu Laotou, Tu Dog, Shangguanfei and others all performed their duties, guarding different sections, each on the spot. A spectator is famous, even if it is a person who spends money, there are families in the city, and there is no one who has no origin.

The judgment of Fang Wen is probably correct. The first two assassinations were accidental. This time will be absolutely safe.

After the contest, more people will believe that Fang Shiyi and Shang Guanhong died under the command of the Dragon King.

Chu Nan screen was left out, no one believed that he could win, and no one even believed that he would wholeheartedly compare with each other. It was nothing more than a look. If he dared to compete with the dragon king for a woman, this would be a decent step to withdraw from the competition.

Second, the buzz has sounded. Pang Jing stretched his arms and gestured to everyone. He wanted to announce that the contest had begun.

The accident happened at this time. Pang Jing opened his mouth and just took a breath. A word had not been said yet, but it would have exhausted more than a dozen lights in the courtyard.

The governor’s official residence suddenly fell into darkness. First, there was an inexplicable silence. Then someone shouted: “Kill the Dragon King and avenge Meng’s!”

(Seeking for a recommendation) (To be continued.)

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