Death Sutra

Chapter 1003: Change owner

Shi Qingjue looked at the mirror and carefully scraped the short hair. He was like a monk, but the two scars that slanted down from the corner of his mouth seemed impossible to heal. The flesh opened and shook his face across the face, adding a few points. Fierce.

This little injury naturally does not require Sun Shen doctor, Shi Qingjue also refused other Langzhong, willing to let them solidify like this.

That woman... Shi Qingjue, like the resident of Yuyucheng, used the name to refer to Luoning tea, but he can go further than ordinary people. "The woman personally made these two scars."

The painful feeling at that time had disappeared. The slender hand holding the short blade, the satisfying and glamorous face, the unspeakable fragrance, was magnified in memory and became the most precious one in the mind. Picture.

Shi Qingjue’s various dreams always start with this scene.

He put away his haircut knife and scanned his little bedroom. He was simply furnished. When he was a monk for many years, he didn't care, but his heart was no longer here.

Long Tengyun and Red Bat are negotiating the judgments of several cases. Shi Qingjue did not immediately speak at the door. The Dragon King has many strangers. He thinks that these two people are as close as a husband and wife, but they do not live in the same room. The rumors are correct, they have been treated with courtesy and never crossed.

The red bat is very beautiful, and the appearance of the Hu people is more beautiful. Now it is just ordinary in Shi Qingjue’s eyes.

Long Fengyun first saw Shi Qingjue and cried: "You have come just right. There have been a lot of official documents in the last two days. People in Saitama City have come to look for the military service. I am really busy."

The red bat straightens up and looks cold. Shi Qingjue shares her many duties. She is very grateful for this. However, some of the eyes of this monk also make her dislike. The red bat thinks that she has a discerning eye in identifying men's character. On the first day of contact, I feel that the new main book is not an honest person.

Shi Qingjue avoided the gaze of the red bat and went straight to the front of the dragon. Hold a letter in both hands and say nothing.

"Who's the letter? How did it get to your hand?" The dragon turned over the cloud with a slight surprise. After opening it, he looked a few times and his face became both surprised and confused. "You want to quit the Dragon Army?"

Shi Qingjue was deeply stunned, and the dragon army officers could not bow to the ceremony. His waist had been bent to the most respectful level. "Please ask the guardian to be acquainted, and there is no virtue in the next, and it is not worthy of the position of the main book."

“Why?” Long turned the cloud to continue browsing the letters. Many places have to be read by the red bats around him. The letter is humbly and elegant, but there is no specific reason. The letters and the like are also handed in along with the letters.

The red bat asked: "Mr. Shi is another high?"

"I am ready to go everywhere." Shi Qingjue avoided this problem. Then I turned to the dragon again. "Please ask the guardian to tell the dragon king. I have not forgotten the things of the four sangha. When there is progress, I will come back and report it." Then he turned and walked out.

The dragon turns over the clouds and does not know the things between Shi Qingjue and the Dragon King. I was about to ask him to come back and ask, the red bat pressed his arm and shook his head, waiting for Shi Qingjue to walk out of the lobby. She said: "Let's ask, write this matter as an instrument and report it to the Dragon King."

The dragon turned clouds more and more confused. "You mean... he is carrying out the task of the Dragon King."

"I don't know, I don't want to know. Dragon King has his own idea. He will hand over the Guard House to you and make you a city master. It is to worry about peace of mind. So don't ask too much, concentrate on doing your business." It is."

The dragon sighed and said, "I am the Snowy Mountain Swordsman..."

The red bat smiled. "Do you have to slash people with an epee to make you happy?"

The dragon turned over and smiled, and sighed: "If there is no you, my guard will not continue for a day."

"Oh, you are a smart person with the Dragon King. I am eager to do things. I don’t even give a single official. You don’t know the people outside..."

The red bat suddenly stopped talking. She originally only wanted to make a joke, but she accidentally said the pain of the two: she didn’t want the official position, but the husband and wife’s name. This is exactly what the dragon can’t give now. .

Shi Qingjue walked out of the army, and restored the state of the first day of the vulgarity - no help, even the body of the money is not much more than two, barely enough to live the cheapest little shop for one night, eat another one or two When you are full of food, you will have to go hungry when you wake up.

Only this time, he has a clear goal.

Baixingju Restaurant has just opened, there are not many guests, Shi Qingjue went upstairs, and like the first time here, went straight to a table by the window, sitting diagonally opposite the tall guests.

Nago was dressed in casual clothes, and the unusually strong body was still eye-catching, staring at the bald head. "You are not afraid."

"Tieshan must not be afraid of timid generations." Shi Qingjue poured himself a bowl of wine, drank a big mouth, forcing the sizzling feeling of the top of his head, quietly, he was invited, not needed Scared.

Naghaha laughed and leaned over. He took a heavy shot on Shi Qingjue's shoulder. "Yes, it's a good man. Tieshan needs someone like you. The bald head is good for your scars. Keep it."

A total of three tables of guests, all Tieshan soldiers, Nago originally occupied a single, Shi Qingjue has not been taken away since he sat.

The banquet lasted for nearly two hours. At the end of the day, Shi Qingjue had lost control of the body. He still refused to come and drank every bowl of wine, making it a necessary ritual for the occupation.

Although he went out to spit three times in the middle, the young man with a bald head still got the favor of everyone in Tieshan. When he left the restaurant, even Nago was hooking his shoulders and saying that he was a brother. "Good brother, don't worry, Dragon King can give you Tieshan will be doubled to you..."

Shi Qingjue wants more than just money.

When I rushed back to the Tieshan camp, the sky was already dark. Shi Qingjue spit twice on the road and was sober.

For Nago, this wine is not a word, standing on the side of the road and urinating, and there is no drunkenness. He came to the camp door and said with a strong heart: "Good brother, I will cope with the lady, we have all benefit."

"Do not worry, the general, since I am here, I will never let you down."

Nago nodded happily. In the restaurant, he allowed Shi Qingjue to call himself a "big brother". But this kid is really smart. He knows that he has to change his name when he enters the military camp. This is much better than his brother. I can't tell the occasion forever, and I have to know what to say if I have to point it out clearly.

Luo Ning tea has not rested yet. In the past few days, she was very tired and very fulfilling. She often went to the middle of the night. Today, she was in a particularly good mood. She went to the Dragon Camp and reluctantly turned to Han Wuxian for help. As a result, Xiaoyuetang told her that the poison of the Dutch woman I have already solved it for a long time, and I don’t need any seven days to get an antidote.

She did not dare to believe in the words of Han Wuxian, but she could save a lot of stones in her heart. So I saw that the generals with obvious drunkenness were not too angry. "Who is he? What do you bring with a strange man?"

Nago coughed twice. "The lady forgot. You told me to go to the city and bring back the guardian Shi Qingjue. I went to Nancheng the day before yesterday and finished the task today."

Shi Qingjue immediately squatted down, and said to the dreamer under the lamp: "In the next Shi Qingjue, voluntarily join the Iron Mountain. This life, always loyal to Miss..."

"Wait." Luo Ning tea remembered, the lotus girl suggested that she use the same thing on the man, she pondered for a long time. Thinking of the bald head that had been crossed by her, Panago brought him, but things were not quite the same as her imagination. "You joined Tieshan? What about the army?"

"I have already withdrawn from the military service and have no interference with the Dragon Army."

Luo Ning tea stunned, then angered, a few steps to the front, Nago is too high. She can't reach it. Shi Qingjue was kneeling on the ground. At this time, he raised his head and the height was right. Then he couldn't help but say that he had two slaps on his face.

"Stupid! Idiot!" Luo Ning tea roared, turned and looked for small objects in the tent, no head and no brain to throw away to Nago and Shi Qingjue, "Why I don't have a strong man, what general, simply It’s a big fool. I want you to bring him back. What do you want him to join Tieshan? When he leaves the guard house, he will never be able to get close to the Queen. What do I want him to do?”

Nago’s face was red and red, and he didn’t dare to say a word. He didn’t hide from the things that the lady threw. Anyway, no one could reach the face.

Shi Qingjue was still motionless. When Luo Ning tea showed that the things on his hand were thrown almost, he said: "Miss, I am angry, I am not a general of the Iron Mountain, I am willing to do so... ”

Luo Ning tea rushed over. "Then you are a fool who is bigger than him. What do you think I am trying to draw you?"

Shi Qingjue calmly replied: "For the secrets hidden in my heart, I can give advice to the young lady."

"You? Just because of you?" Luo Ning tea disdain, but did not do it, in the eyes of her familiar Nago, this is a good sign.

"If you do something big, you must have a staff member. The one-step king has Zhang Wei, and the dragon king has a square smell. If you are not in the next, you are willing to be a Tieshan military division."

Shi Qingjue became more and more arrogant. Instead, Luo Ning tea took him seriously and re-examined it, especially the two scars in his mouth. "You want to be a Tieshan sergeant. OK, give me an idea now, how can I not? After killing the Queen, there are still women, I don’t want to form an alliance with Xiaoyue anymore. I have the idea that you are a military division. I can’t say it. I will draw two more knives on your face and then show you the decapitation.”

Shi Qingjue stood up and patted the dust on his knees, looked around and said nothing.

Luo Ning tea thought for a while and retired to his soft couch. "The general, you can retire."

Nago was waiting for this order, and immediately withdrew from the tent. A group of brothers were waiting for him. They saw that the generals were not good, and no one dared to ask.

Nago sat in his tent with a long knife on his side. The dozens of bosses he trusted most guarded the inside and outside of the tent, and he relayed news from time to time.

For half an hour, Shi Qingjue left the tent of the lady and was taken directly by the soldiers to the general.

"How?" Nagor asked with vigilance.

"I have already won the trust of the lady." Shi Qingjue calmly replied.

Nago made his eyes look, and all the leaders retired. "Do you dare to do it?"

Shi Qingjue raised his hand and touched the scar on his lips. "This hatred is not reported, and the oath is not for people, but I need time."

"Before the end of the battle of the city." Nago went to Shi Qingjue. "Remember, you are not a person of Tieshan now, so only you can kill the lady. After that, you are my army, my brother."

Only me, Shi Qingjue also said to himself silently.

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