Death Sutra

Chapter 1008: Encampment

I heard that the Dragon King is coming, Han Fen immediately took Shangguancheng to hide without a trace.

The four children left only unconsciously twitching, and even the strength of screaming was gone. I wanted to find out Han Fei but I didn't know how much time it would take. Gu Shenwei could only help another person who had antidote.

Han Wuxian lived in the Longjun camp, but she refused to give the four children antidote. "I am not a cure for Lang." She said, holding her long hair and looking at the dragon king with extreme curiosity, it seems to be wondering. How can he still live and live well?

Before the arrival of the Dragon King, someone thought of the Xiaoyuetang, but no one dared to approach her tent.

"What is not important to you, but now you have to obey my orders." Gu Shenwei learned from Nie Zeng that the plan to assassinate Chuan Nanping in the night of the contest is likely to be related to Han Wuxian, but he has not taken any action.

Han Wuxian issued a special laugh, no one else, with a bit of charm and madness, is not happy to say, "Of course, I have to listen to the order of the Dragon King, because I am accepting your protection, right, what are you going to do? When will I be handed over to the Dutch girl as a gift?"

"When you don't obey, it's useless to me." Gu Shenwei's tone began to become severe, and he didn't want to compete every time he ordered the order.

Han Wuxian took out a small wooden box and picked out four yellow bean-sized pills from the inside. He held it on his hand and said with a smile: "This can solve most of the Xiaoyuetang poison. I don’t think Han Fen will die. Go, save the four children and tell them, don't provoke the moon brothers again."

The waiter Qin Yeming just wanted to take the antidote, and Han Wuxian closed the palm of his hand, indicating that the pills were only given to Dragon King himself.

Gu Shenwei walked over and took the antidote from Han Wuxian's palm. The hand suddenly held the Dragon King tightly, as strong as a talons. "I won't sit still."

Gu Shenwei did not use force. Han Wuxian was a dangerous person. He did not know what loyalty and obedience were. From the beginning, he deliberately kept a distance from this woman. Now, this distance has been broken by her.

"If I were you, I would do nothing." Gu Shen said.

Han Wuxian let go of his hand, just smile, really "do nothing", even if he doesn't even say it, like a statue that is vivid.

Gu Shenwei got the medicine, and in another tent, the four children started to vomit after eating. But no longer convulsing, after half an hour, they finally stabilized, one by one weak like a fish that is half dead and alive, leaving only the strength of the cockroach, and soon fell asleep.

It was too late, Gu Shen had stayed and talked with Du Guzhen for a while. I didn't sleep afterwards, and always felt that I would get news from the city at any time. Said Moline was assassinated.

Molin's martial arts is very good, even more than the master of the Central Plains such as Tu Si's sister, perhaps only a little worse than Luo Qikang, but Gu Shenwei always feels that the old Khan Wang Yiwei lacks anything, making him difficult to resist the lotus girl.

If everything is normal, Gu Shen is very eager to see the next night's contest. He wants to know what kind of realm has been cultivated by the dead woman who has experienced the slogan and got the sword.

Luo Ning tea was run at this time, and a few miles from the military camp, was intercepted by the sentinel. After some struggle and anger, he was sent to the Dragon King.

Do not blame the sentinels did not recognize the Iron Mountain female lord, Luo Ning tea completely changed a person, the shawl under the leather helmet, the face is full of sweat and dirt, no matter what to say, screaming exhausted, more like losing the last sensible Yuetang disciple, not the most famous "that woman" in Yuyucheng.

Her calmness and courage are running out on the way to escape. The more I want to be afraid, the moment I see the Dragon King, sitting on the ground and crying, I don’t care how many people are watching. "Everyone must kill me... Everyone..."

"What happened? Stand up and talk." Gu Shenwei has been waiting for the "accident" message, and the news came out unexpectedly.

Luo Ning tea cried for a while and then barely stopped. "Dragon King, revenge for me, this will send troops, all killing clean..."

"Do you have to sit on the ground all the time?"

"I... I can't stand up, it's too heavy."

Qin Yeming received the instructions and immediately walked over to help Luo Ning tea take off the outer chain armor and the leather armor inside. Even so, he had to need his help, and Luo Ning tea could stand up.

In this grappling work, the scouts outside the camp have reported news that the riots in the Tieshan camp are not small and there is an expanding trend.

Du Guzheng has ordered the whole army to be on alert. He came over to discuss with the Dragon King and immediately dispatched five thousand soldiers and horses to the vicinity of the Tieshan military camp. On the same scale, they sent two messengers to the two Central Plains military camps to communicate information. In order to avoid misunderstanding.

Seeing that the Dragon King and Du Guzhen issued an order in an orderly way, drinking the tea sent by Qin Yeming, Luo Ning tea finally calmed down a little and cried: "Five thousand people are not enough, all are sent! Let the Central Plains army also come to help, put iron The mountain traitors are completely annihilated, one does not stay!"

Du Guzhen did not take this woman's words seriously, and went straight to act according to the original plan. Gu Shen made time and asked her: "Why did Tieshan riot?"

"Do you know and ask me?" Luo Ning tea has wide eyes and a puzzled face.

Gu Shenwei never showed a foot on this occasion, so he said: "I have to know the details."

"Nago's **** started in advance, thanks to Dr. Long Wang sent a doctor to save me, I ran out, the whole Tieshan was already crazy, they were crazy, actually... actually killed me, I am the daughter of the big-headed god, They are as important as they are, but..."

Speaking of the sadness, Luo Ning tea cried again. This time, I was able to control my emotions, crying with pears and rain, without affecting her beauty. The dragon army officers in the tent all felt sympathy and felt that the Tieshan gangsters were too Cruel.

Gu Shenwei still didn't understand. One of the generals next to him whispered to him that the so-called big doctor was Shi Qingjue, when he vaguely guessed the truth.

Han Fen ran with Shangguan Cheng. The two did not leave the military camp. The Dragon King did not look around with great fanfare, making them feel very uninteresting. Even if Luo Ning tea does not appear, he will walk out of the hiding place.

Luo Ning tea saw his son as if he had seen the savior and flew in a few steps. He grabbed him from Han Fenhuan and kissed and said, "Good son, son, mother, almost can't see you... I am so smart, I sent you here..."

Shangguancheng had a slobber and tears on his face. Although he was young, he felt embarrassed. "Mother, let me down."

Luo Ning tea had kissed him a few times before he looked at his son carefully. He couldn't help but frown. "How can you change your appearance after a few days? Has anyone ever beaten you?"

Luo Ning tea finally saw that the strangeness on his son's face was because of the bruises, staring angrily at Han Fen, thinking she was getting it.

"The four big children bullied me, Han Fen avenged me." Shangguan Cheng was extremely excited. The scene of the suffering of Hui Wang and others is still fresh in memory.

Luo Ning tea turned his anger to the Dragon King. "This is your territory. Someone dares to bully your son. Are you looking at it?"

Shangguan became confused and angrily reached out and beat his mother's cheek. "Mother, I am the son of the One Step King."

The motherly love of Luo Ning tea has already been vented almost, and it is very disgusting to the son’s beating, and the Shangguan Cheng will be sent to Han Fen. Take the whole clothes and walk to the Dragon King. He whispered: "This son, who is yours, does not recognize you, and we are bullied by us. You can do it."

"You should rest."

"I don't want to..." Luo Ning tea just said three words, Han Fen behind him suddenly took Shang Guancheng to her side. Whispered: "You are so sleepy, or listen to the words of the Dragon King, honestly sleep."

Only Gu Shen had a glimpse of Han Fen's sleeves, and Luo Ning tea immediately became wobbled, and even yawned. "What's wrong with me?"

Qin Yeming helped Luo Ning tea and sent her to rest in another tent.

Han Fen is still a smile, and the Dragon King blinks.

More than a dozen dragon generals have lowered their heads, but they are very curious to know how the Dragon King will treat this mad woman and the illegitimate child in the rumors.

"Follow me to the Tieshan camp." Gu Shen said.

Han Fen cheered and then smugly licked the other people in the tent.

More news came from the front. The Central Plains also sent thousands of horses. It has surrounded the Tieshan camp, but like the Dragon Army, it did not launch an attack until dawn, and is still observing the situation.

Gu Shen led a thousand people to go to support, Han Fen and Shang Guancheng took a ride together, followed by the Dragon King.

Four children, such as Hui Wang, who had just eaten the antidote and did not sleep for a long time, were also woken up, put on armor, and went out with the Dragon Army with the Dragon Army.

Seeing Han Fen, the faces of the four changed, and she found that she and Shangguan Cheng were close to the Dragon King, and her face was changed. Especially Hui Wang, quietly hiding the broken palm behind her, and she did not dare to carry it all the way.

Gu Shenwei did not blame anyone, he will not specifically deal with disputes between children as the Dragon King.

However, in the small care of Shangguancheng, he began to have a new view of the Dragon King, just beside him, the usual dragon soldiers, and even dare to openly argue that the Dragon King and the One-Step King are more powerful, but they are all revealed. With a clear awe, everyone is careful to pay attention to their manners, as if the dragon's head is also with eyes.

Especially the four big children who had bullied him, not far from the Dragon King, Shangguan became able to see when they turned around, and they were still arrogant during the day. At this time, they were like pets kept in cages, and they rode rigidly on horseback. On the top, even the atmosphere does not dare to breathe.

Shangguan Cheng is more and more confused. Who is his true father? He sneaked into the Dragon King and did not receive any response, so he looked up and looked at the red crow flag fluttering in the morning breeze. He felt that the red bird on the black flag was very prestige.

On the front line, Du Guzheng has reached an agreement with the Central Plains Army and sent another messenger. If he still fails to respond, he will launch an attack and occupy the Tieshan camp.

When Gu Shenwei arrived, Tieshan sent a message that they were willing to surrender, but made a peculiar request: Dragon King wanted to enter the camp alone, accept surrender, and forgive everyone.

(Don't, 2013, because of everyone's support, it is worthy of my memory; Hello, 2014, I hope I can dedicate better text to everyone.) (To be continued.)

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