Death Sutra

Chapter 1012: gold

Moline wiped the scimitar brightly and gently inserted into the sheath with almost no sound.

The governor’s official ink sat down and watched and issued a series of meaningless buzz. Since he was forced to return to Saitama City, he has been stupid. Now it seems that he is really demented, but when he speaks, he organizes Still clear.

"Silver carving, do you really think that Xiaoyuetang is the real murderer of killing the old Khan?"

In the minds of the Northern Court, Moline is always the old Khan Wang Yiwei silver carving, no one will call his real name.

Moline turned his head and glanced at it. "I'm sure."

"Oh." The laughter of the ink is like the pain of the elderly. "If this is the case, this is the hatred of all the people in the North Court. Why do you have to be alone on your shoulders?"

"Because other people in the North Court are very busy." Moline is a bit strange, ink is only a general relationship with himself, but now it looks like a long-time friend.

"Busy King Khan, you are right, but once the sweat is stable, there are no enemies in the North Court to find a few enemies, let alone the big assassination of the old Khan King? So, you have no need at all. Anxious, a Xiaoyuetang district..."

"Everyone has what they have to do. My duty is to avenge the old Khan. Even if I die, Xiaoyuetang will know that their crimes are not pursued."

The ink sighed long. "Silver carving, can you believe it? The North Court actually fell overnight. The cattle and sheep are still in groups, and the cavalry has not lost much, but it has become a weak country, even..."

"As long as the strength is still there, the revival will be very fast. Please don't mention the Dragon King, it is very dangerous for you."

The ink smiled and struggling to stand up, and the old-fashioned look seemed to fall at any time. "I am lamenting myself. I have sixty or seventy wife and wife, hundreds of sons and grandchildren, thousands of relatives and friends. I don't want to be born when I think that they are helpless now."

Moline began to look at the ink carefully. The family is his only weakness. In order to send them to a safe place, he has spent a lot of thoughts. "Not as good as this, you will bet your own life once, tell me the truth, I agree or give you How about the disposal of the Dragon King?"

Ink surprised to open his mouth. Exposed to the incomplete teeth, "Where does this say? I am just..."

Moline doesn't like to turn around, but he doesn't understand the other side's meaning, but because it is so childish and ridiculous compared to the old Khan.

The serious expression of the wing guard really made the ink change his mind. "Is nothing wrong with thinking about the family? Silver carving, accompanied by the gold house every day, are you not excited?"

"You knew already?"

"You know what the original people look like. Every time Pang Jing comes to the mansion, he has to wander around. Looking east, especially care about whether the wall is damaged, my old eyes, not dim to the point of being unappealing. ""

"What about that? The outside is the guard sent by the Dragon King. Besides, it is the killer of the Central Plains and Jinpeng. This gold can not be transported. Even others can't."

The wing guards clearly showed signs of heartbeat. The eyes of the inks suddenly lit up. They were younger in their teens. "It’s not the same. Dragon King, Jinpengbao, and Zhongyuan people are guarding each other and monitoring each other. It’s just living in the house. No one in the North Court is a serious person. This is the pain of fading, and it is also a benefit. What the Dragon King can't do, we can do it."

"You are seven or eighty years old?" Moline asked.

"Oh, you worry that I have no life to spend this gold? I said, this is for the children and grandchildren, hey, the old man, the country is gone, leaving this thought."

"Talk about your plan."

The ink wrinkled in the eyes of the eyes revealing a sly look. "Silver carving, you are not setting me up, turn to tell the dragon king? I know, you always think that the dragon king has grace for you, and you are a person who knows the truth. ""

"There is a sequence of knowing the newspapers. For me, the grace of the old king is always in front of the dragon king. I want to destroy not only the lotus girl but the entire Xiaoyuetang, which requires a lot of money to support. No one in the North Court, the Dragon King will not."

"So, are you agreeing?"

"I agree with the plan, if it's just your cranky..."

"It's not a cranky thought." Mo hurriedly said that he felt that he had persuaded the wing guard, but he was still not safe. "You swear in the name of the old king of sweat."

Moline’s eyes were cold.

Ink was shocked and changed his mind: "That will swear in the name of your family."

"I swear, I will never reveal half of the words out tonight, otherwise the whole family will not die."

"Enough is enough." The ink is very satisfied. He has seen the silver eagle in order to protect his family. He was forced to vote for the prince of Duoton on the battlefield. This vow can be believed. "I will say the hardest part of the plan first. The contest tonight - you have to lose, but you can't die."

At the moment, there are less than two hours from the contest.

Pang Jing came earlier this evening, personally arranged the contest venue, and looked at all the items one by one, asking the responsible person to guarantee that there would be no problem.

"The contest tonight must be smooth and smooth." This sentence became his mantra, and he said almost at least once to everyone.

Pang Jing also deliberately issued strict orders, except for the original 87 audiences, no longer allowed anyone to mix in.

In fact, there are not many people paying attention to the competition tonight. The iron mountain riots, the woman’s death, the dragon king’s unoccupied camp and other anecdotes are fermenting in Saitama City. Everyone is asking for more details and passionately going to the story. The addition of the leaves and the addition of the leaves, the Xiaoyuetang and the Beiting people's contests have been neglected.

The old Khan Wang Yiwei is not well known in the Western Regions. Xiaoyuetang is known to a small number of people. Even if there is occasional street talk, the focus of the debate is on the interests of the Dutch women and Moline.

The North Courter Moline was ready early, sitting on a chair in the east of the courtyard, watching the Central Plains people busy around.

Seeing that the Beiting people are still alive, Pang Jing is already very happy. "The assassination is finally over. It’s so clever that it can’t be done again. It’s three games... It’s over, it’s over, except for the gods in the sky, I can see who else can Destroy the contest tonight."

Pang Jing’s remarks were not meant to be heard by the North Court. Luo Qikang, who was inseparable from him, nodded and agreed, but did not speak, and his eyes swept away, still very vigilant.

The Dragon King arrived earlier, Pang Jing personally greeted the gate, haha ​​smiled: "It seems that the Dragon King is more interested in the Wu, the field does not fall, I finally found the same person."

As usual, Gu Shenwei brought more than 100 guards to be responsible for peripheral warnings. He walked to the west of the venue, where an empty chair was left for the Dutch woman, and it was also the place where the Nanping screen was assassined three days ago.

At that time, the first Nanping was standing. The place behind the steps was the audience. Two assassins were hiding in it. The third person who felt the first screen was probably next to the assassin, but was ignored by Gu Shen.

The horse dealer who was in charge of the drug was interrogated again. This time, the fat man threw away all dignity, and the swear cursed that no one else would help.

The Xiaoyuetang male disciple who wanted to take revenge for the Italian building did not enter the Ducheng official residence, so it was impossible for him.

Gu Shen stood still, tried to reproduce the scene of the night, recalled the faces of the surrounding audience, and looked for abnormal clues.

It's useless. He thinks of a lot of faces. Some of them can even name them, but there is no flaw. Even with the most relaxed eyes, they are not like hidden masters.

It’s just that the virtual trick can make the south screen feel nervous, that is not what people like Jialian can do.

There are still a few faces that are too strange, and Gu Shen can't think of it anyway.

When the observation was about to end, Gu Shen looked up and saw the two eyes on the wall.

The old man smiled and waved to the Dragon King, indicating that everything was normal.

This is the place where the old man is used to guarding. The left hand is a little farther away from Shangguanfei, and the farther is the slaughter dog. The right hand is the defender of the Central Plains.

There was a small gap in the place where the two guards handed over. Assassin Jialian wanted to escape from the blank and was intercepted by Luo Qikang.

Gu Shenwei noticed that the wall where the old man was located was not too far from the south screen.

He said nothing, turned to the opposite Moline, whispered: "You think about it?"

The franchised audience is entering the government one after another, and the courtyard is beginning to be noisy. The loud voice of Pang Jing is everywhere.

"Yeah." Moline's answer was a little perfunctory. He was in a state of intense preparations, and this performance was normal.

The sky is dark, Pang Jing is a little anxious, "How has Xiaoyuetang not arrived yet?"

Someone immediately replied: "It has already started. It should be at the gate."

The guards who went to inquire about the news were dialed one by one, and almost every walk of Xiaoyuetang was quickly reported.

"Woman." Pang Jing shook his head helplessly, whispering to Longwang complaining, "Women are troubles, Dragon King said? Is there a woman named Luo Ningcha, simply unreasonable, see Xiao Wang again, I have to persuade him." ""

Pang Jing lightly separates Luo Ning tea from himself. Gu Shen is just nodding. She is still thinking about the old man: he is not far from the place where the first south screen stands. It is not impossible to jump, but it is not impossible, but His skill is greatly reduced, and his light work is also weakened, unless...

Only a little while from the second day, Xiaoyuetang finally arrived, the number of people was unexpected.

Xiaoyuetang seems to be out of the nest, at least forty male disciples, and three times as many female disciples, all with narrow knives, wearing almost identical white robes and white skirts, neatly arranged, sneak in, will compete in the venue In a circle, the audience must stand up to see the situation inside.

Pang Jing looked stunned. The spy he sent out was loyal to his duties. He reported the whereabouts of Xiaoyuetang on the way, but he forgot to mention the number.

He can't resist it. People have already stood in the right position, and the imperial family is a woman who is not good at dealing with.

The Dutch woman is the only person with a sword in Xiaoyuetang. She doesn’t care about the curiosity around her. She walks straight into the venue and faces the North Court man Molin, saying, “Please.”

(Seeking for a recommendation) (To be continued.)

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