Death Sutra

Chapter 1021: Ming

"This wood old man, who is the subordinate?" Pang Jing forced to suppress the anger, can not find the real enemy, but also made him feel depressed. .

Pang Jing and Luo Qikang have a special relationship. Gu Shenwei knows this well, but his fierce reaction to the Western Region’s guardian is still a bit unexpected, but the emotion is fierce and useless. In the end, he still has to succumb to reality: only hundreds The name of the Central Plains Wu and soldiers, it is impossible to "blood wash the jade city", the 20,000 Central Plains army outside the city, is the most solid backing of Pang Jing.

It is this backing, not fully obeying his orders.

The Central Plains army did indeed move out of the nest, but the speed of the journey was very slow. When the Longjun and Jinpengjun went out to monitor the south and north, the two tens of thousands of troops simply stopped moving forward and did not move, and sent fast horses to the guards. The adults sent letters, claiming that the situation was unfavorable and must not go to war.

It is in this case that Pang Jing had to believe in the explanation of the One-Step King: the real murderer who killed Luo Qikang was the old man, and the old man was out of control of everyone.

This is a great opportunity to plant the dragon king. The one-step king gave up. He knows very well that Jinpengbao can point out that the old man is the loyal part of the dragon king. The dragon king can also prove that the real murderer and Jinpengbao have already secretly passed the song and splashed each other. The result of dirty water is that both lose.

This room is small, empty, and there are no chairs. The three men stand in the corner, and the guards and suspicions between each other are all the decorations here.

"The old man is not the subordinate of anyone. He pretends to rely on the Dragon Army and pretends to be loyal to Jinpengbao, all in order to avoid a moment." Gu Shen responded to Pang Jing's doubts.

"Haha." Pang Jing couldn't help but sneer a laugh. "One is the Dragon King, and the other is the One Step King. Who actually didn't see the old man's falsehood?"

Didn't see it? Gu Shenwei and the gloomy one-step king looked at each other. In fact, they had long been suspicious, but they all felt that they could lead the old man to the other side. At the same time, no one thought that the old man would get the whole book. Dead man.

"This kind of thing will always happen." Shangguan fell, he has spent a long time appeasing the Central Plains, hoping that the other side can be more rational. "The Central Plains has an enemy. I have a common enemy with the Dragon King. It is the biggest problem at the moment."

Pang Jing began to have a profound aversion to Saitama City. It was so remote that the authority of the Central Plains was greatly reduced, and he would be bound by two robbers.

“Why?” Pang Jing asked inexplicably. “Why did the old man want to kill Luo Qikang? The two of them did not have a holiday, and the Central Plains did not have any connection with this guy.”

This question has to be answered by the Dragon King. "The old man is practicing a special martial arts and needs to kill people, especially martial arts masters. In addition, the old man must prove to everyone that he is no longer a subordinate of any party. ”

Fang Shanyi of Tianshan Zong, Shangguanhong of Xiaoyuetang, Chuannan of Longjun, Molin of Beiting, Luo Qikang of Central Plains, and Mu Laotou are not merciless to anyone. Pang Jing can only believe the dragon king’s statement, but he It is hard to believe that there will be such a person in the world, and it is even less convinced that Luo Qikang died in a "sword". In his imagination, Locke should be killed in a stagnation and a well-known match.

He is even more abhorred by Yuyu City. Only in this shameless city, people will become accustomed to assassinations and even admire them. Luo Qikang is too worthless to die, without sympathy and sorrow, and may still be Think of it as an embroidered pillow.

Pang Jing was heartbroken, but he was not as impulsive as he was at the beginning. "The old man must be in vain, no matter who wins the position of the city, this is his first task."

Gu Shenwei did not speak with Shangguan.

Pang Jing felt that he had to do something more, otherwise it would be a betrayal of Luo Qikang. "I know that the two very much hope to open the battle. Now, Luo Qikang is dead. If you wish, the decisive battle will be carried out among you. This contest Regardless of the position of the Central Plains, it is purely a personal grievance between the two of you. But I believe that no matter whether you win or lose, the competition is limited to this, neither party will use the army, right?"

"Yes." Shangguan fell.

"Of course." Gu Shenwei said.

The Dragon King and the One Step King did indeed do so.

Three days, a contest, Pang Jing feels too slow, he can not wait to let these two people fight you now, but the only thing he can do is to speed up the process, "The next match can be canceled, I will arrange another one immediately. The field, neither of them will play."

The Dutch woman will face the Shangguanru, and Gu Shenwei has no objection to the Shangguan.

The disaster of destroying the surname ended quietly. The residents of Beicheng heard that they all grew a sigh of relief. They waited for an hour before they left the house and joined the ranks of the street talkers. Nancheng waited to see the lively people but was disappointed. The fear of man is immediately a little less.

In the chaos last night, Gu Shen achieved the most important purpose - killing Luo Qikang and clearing the obstacles for his decisive battle with the one-step king, but the loss is not small. Luo Ningcha and Han Wuxian are recognized as the dragon king. Moline was also seen as the dragon king's aunt, all died in the north city, and the old man was openly betrayed. All this made the dragon king's prestige suffer, second only to the Central Plains.

Perhaps it is for this reason that Pang Jing invited people to invite Dragon King after getting more information about things last night.

Gu Shen did not leave the North City at this time, so he turned to Bodhi Garden, this time he took the guard.

Less than half an hour later, Pang Jing looked calmer. The moment of solitude seemed to be more effective than the persuasion of Shangguan. The warm smile returned to his face, but it was a little stiff. He not only went to the gate in person. He greeted the Dragon King and euphemistically expressed his apology on the way to the study.

"Everything is messed up," he said. "If this is the purpose of the old man, I have to say that it is very successful. I almost fell into the trap he set."

The old man is not Xiaoyuetang. Whether he has a lofty goal in the end, Gu Shen is very suspicious, but there is no need to explain it.

Into the study, Pang Jing sent away the entourage, sitting in the chair, his face was tired, apparently still not freed from grief, "I figured it out." He lowered his head and said, as if talking to himself. "Private grievances should not be mixed with public affairs. The misunderstanding between me and the Dragon King is all here. Today I want to make it clear."

"I am also doing this." Gu Shenwei said.

"The gold of the Meng family is in my hands, and the Dragon King can take it away at any time."

"No, use it as a gift."

Pang Jing laughed, this was originally a gift, but the gift-giving people became more and more ambiguous. "There is also the battle of the city owner. The court hopes that the dragon king can obtain the position of the city owner. In case of failure, he will also be compensated." At first, it seems that there is some reluctance. "The emperor will swear to admit the title of the dragon king and the king's rule over the country of Xiaoyaohai and Xiangji. As for Shule and Yuyucheng, let them be in a position to be determined for the time being, is it good?"

This is a typical Central Plains strategy. In exchange for a concession from the other party, it is easy to win more benefits. Gu Shen nodded and said "good" and did not want to entangle in such things.

"This is the court's strategy. I can only implement it. I can't change it. It has nothing to do with personal grievances."

"I understand that if the loser is a Shangguan, what compensation does the Central Plains intend to give?"

"The imperial court will allow the one-step king to take the thousand rides as the king, expand the territory to the north and west, establish a new country, and seal him as the king."

Pang Jing actually tells the truth. The information obtained by Fang Wen is almost the same. Gu Shen thought about it and said: "It seems that I have been defeated by the Shangguan, but the compensation of the Central Plains is not fair."

"I understand the meaning of the Dragon King. The compensation for the Dragon King is the territory that has already been reached. The one-step king can get a brand new site, but this is the idea of ​​the court. The ministers do not understand the real situation of the Western Region, and draw on the map. As a result of this, Dragon King can object, but I can't do anything about it."

Pang Jing sighed, probably feeling that his words seemed too blunt, and continued: "I said that the court hopes that the dragon king can win, although the dragon king will give the city owner to the subordinates, but Yu Yucheng will be the dragon king after all, just admit the king. Things will be delayed for a while."

"I don't have any opinions on official business. Let's talk about personal grievances." Gu Shen did not want to argue. In the original Central Plains strategy, he also had his own response plan, and he couldn't say it.

Pang Jing sighed again. "The Dragon King has seen the abbot of the law. He should know almost from him. I just want to say that it is the Princess Huaping, not the Pang family.

"French does not say the source of hatred."

"Maybe he really doesn't know." Pang Jing frowned, not knowing where to start, "The princess's pseudonymous red bat girl stealing in the palace, Dragon King knows?"


"In the end, General Gu was led by soldiers, and the red bat woman was forced to 'suicide.'"

"But she is not dead."

"The princess is not dead, and her master is dead." Pang Jing paused for a moment and guessed that the Dragon King did not know about it. "The Emperor loved the princess, but he could not be without punishment. Therefore, he pushed all the responsibilities to the palace girl who taught the martial arts to the princess. Force her to commit suicide instead of the red bat woman."

"What does this have to do with my father?"

"It is said that General Gu’s proposal to the Emperor, the key is that the princess cannot seek revenge against the Emperor, so..."

Both the old emperor and his sister pushed the blame to others to ensure that their relationship will not be affected. Gu Shen is hard to believe. For this little reason, Princess Huaping has to kill Gu’s family. It’s even more ridiculous than the emperor’s illegitimate child.

Pang Jing saw the doubts of the Dragon King and explained: "The princess is this temper. No one has ever dared to offend her against her. Gu is the only one. Hey, you see, I have a bed with the princess, but she asked me to be the Dragon King. The head of the person brought it back, and I can only agree."

"I am sorry, I have this head and I don't want to give it to anyone."

"So the Dragon King is best to kill the One-Step King, because he has agreed to help me take your head." Pang Jing looked abruptly changed, gnashing his teeth.

Pang Jing had to admit that a reality is that he is a weak person in Saitama City, and he can only provoke distraction if he wants revenge.

He still firmly believes that it is the old man who killed Luo Qikang, but the master behind the scenes is one of the Dragon King and the One Step King. He does not want to waste his energy to investigate the truth, just want to let all possible enemies die.

(Seeking for a recommendation) (To be continued.)

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