Death Sutra

Chapter 1025: 徘徊

A seed sprouts in the crack of the stone. Some people see it strong. It is the will to struggle to survive in the face of adversity. Some people see stupidity. The seed does not know where it is. As long as it has a little bit of soil and moisture, it will take root. Germination, regardless of whether this nutrition can make it grow up. .

What does Shangguan see?

That was still four years ago, she had just partially liberated from her mother's house arrest, she could walk in the stone fort, but she could not take a step at the door, and always followed two waiters, one man and one woman.

The happy time of the past seems to have been restored, but everything is completely different. The male waiter is not a slave, and the waitress is not a Shangguan rain. The two people who are vying to encourage her to take risks are no longer there. Shangguan is with him. Just two guards, constraining her every move like a shackle, she also put on a dress that is inconvenient to move, and add another bondage.

She often went to visit the gossip Luoning tea, teasing and screaming Shangguancheng who was learning the language, and was not allowed to call him "deaf" or "brother", so he could only treat "cheng" as other people. The most secure name.

Gossip usually doesn't show up. The only ones who accompany her are Xu Yanwei. The two have a chat without a chat. Until the two waiters are bored, they prefer to guard outside the house, so they start to whisper and talk about the stone castle. Taboo topics - Huan slaves and Dutch women, especially the former, Xu Yanwei can have a lot of his allusions, and she is also good at adding branches and leaves, always let the lady like satisfaction.

The more I listened, the more I was impressed by the Shangguan’s impression of the slaves. The teenager who once listened to himself, carried his own downhill, and took his own adventure, gradually became a vengeful vengeful man with a deep hatred and a ruthless sorrow. The two images are intertwined with each other, and everyone has enough factual support to refuse to retreat from Shangguanru’s heart.

She tried to forget all the two images, reconcile with her mother, and started a normal new life. The result was a failure. No matter how hard she tried to empty her mind during the day, she couldn’t control the dreams of the night. The slaves were always out of date in any scene. The ground came out and destroyed the fence that she carefully constructed.

Shangguan had to change a strategy. If one must choose a winner from the two images, she hopes to be the former, which is the living partner she saw with her own eyes.

So she spent a lot of time wandering through the streets of Shibao, and grasping the memories of her life: Yugongzi, Huanu, and her, chasing, jumping, imitating assassination, exploring secrets that are unknown...

The former world has survived, but it has made the real world more boring. The Shangguan sometimes suddenly wakes up, and he is only a teenager. Is it like the old man to spend his life in his memories?

But she couldn't stop. The most frequent place to go except for the courtyard of the gossip was the huge stone cliff of Dongbao. After that, every time I was so happy, I just sat on the edge of the cliff and looked at it. I didn't want anything.

At first, the two waiters were a little nervous. They had to guard against the young lady's tricks, and she was afraid that she would not want to open the cliff to commit suicide. It was not until a month later that she let go of her heart and stayed safely outside the boulder to watch a new batch of killer apprentices from the nearby life. The cliff throws the body and leaves the young man alone in the small world.

On the day of the summer, Shangguan found weeds in the cracks of the stones. She did not give birth to strong or stupid feelings, but thought that this is equivalent to an invasion. Dust and weeds will change the giant stone cliff, and by the way, take her away. memory.

This made her finally have something to do.

Shangguan found tools, did not allow the waiters to help, declared war on the weeds alone, cleared them one by one, and sent them to the desolate southeastern zone with piles of dust.

"This is your new home." She said to the weeds who are struggling to take root, "Tell your partners, stay here, don't bother with my site."

But this is destined to be a protracted war. Only when the frost comes, can it come to an end.

Shangguan once achieved the upper hand, and the huge stone cliff became more and more clean. She decided to make persistent efforts to inspect every stone seam, sweep out the dust inside, and sort out all the treasures hidden in it. They were the weapons that she had moved from before. Books, jewelry and toys.

She found the swordsmanship that autumn, and put it on the side of the pile of books, pressed with a wooden knife, did not recognize its special.

In the next few days, there was nothing to clean up at Jushi Cliff. Shangguanru began to sit on the flat stone surface and occasionally looked at the well-organized books. After seven or eight days, he opened the sword for the first time.

There is no name in the book. Shangguan has turned a few pages. Looking at the patterns and the countless "dead" words, I don’t like it. I thought it was a book for training killers. I almost threw it off the cliff and hesitated. Only after that.

That night, Shangguan fell asleep as usual, and suddenly found that the sword score was different between half-dream and half-awake. In fact, it was a very obvious fact. It was easily overlooked by her during the day: all the stone castles used knives. Sword spectrum? Only the slaves and the lotus girls are equipped with long swords.

In the early morning, Shangguan went to Jushi Cliff, and once again opened the swordsmanship. The more he saw the more shocked, he finally realized that the strange martial arts of the slaves came from.

It is this book that has changed the slaves. The Shangguan has a deeper aversion to it. He wants to destroy it several times, but he can’t get it anymore: even after a few years, there will be a lot of traces of ten sons in Shibao. There are not many rain sons, there are always some, but the slaves have left almost no mark, only this book.

Shangguan’s swordsmanship was left as a souvenir. He never thought about the martial arts, but he was greatly surprised when he saw the last part of the eccentric.

She once learned a set of shackles from the Master of the Tigers, and the content is exactly the same, but the words recorded in the sword score are several times longer.

Why is the cruel murder sword and the exorcism ** a book? Shangguan is puzzled.

This doubt has plagued her for several days until the arrival of Lianhua Master.

After a brief contact, Gao Song and the girl immediately had the feeling of meeting each other. Shangguan did not only learn the full set of "Discontinuity", but also handed the sword to Lianhua.

Lianhua Master realized that what was the whims of his hard-working translations, and he felt a lot of emotions, but he advised Shangguan not to ruin the book. "The people who created this sword in the same year will inevitably work hard. If you don't practice it, just collect it and don't watch it for outsiders. This book has hidden meanings. Unfortunately, there are too few people who can understand, and there are many people who are enlightened, and those who are enlightened are ominous."

"Han slaves and lotus girls? Are they enlightened or enlightened?" At that time, there was no title of the Dragon King. Shangguan only knew the name of the slave.

"I am afraid that the two people have been deeply enlightened." Lianhua went to the official to explain the contents of the essays, and it was very clear inside. ** This set of swordsmanship needs to constantly challenge opponents who are evenly matched or more powerful. Until the sword is getting stronger and stronger, no one can kill, and can only accept the end of the anti-phasic. "According to **, if you first practice the magic of no way, then practice the sword, you may be able to avoid this robbery, but I don't seem to have learned the deep work of the two small donors."

"They got no magic." Shangguan told the Lianhua Master the secret of stealing books and asked: "Is it still too late?"

"It's hard to say." Lianhua has no longer paid attention to the eccentric texts. At this time, he picked up the original book and carefully read it again. "I am worried that they have become deeply enlightened, and it is too late to practice the martial arts. Instead, the magic is more persistent. ,unless……"

"Unless what?"

"Unless they can produce great wisdom, they will voluntarily abolish the whole body of martial arts."

Shangguan is very disappointed. "Han slaves and the lotus girl know that this function is harmful. How can it be abolished after the success?"

"There are thousands of martial arts in the world, and you may be able to persuade them to ** other **."

Lianhua Master is a sorghum in the Western Regions, but his heart is very simple. His suggestion is rooted in the Shangguan.

She put the sword back into the original stone cliff, no longer go there to remove dust and weeds, I thought: I will not destroy it, nor protect it, let it be self-defeating.

In the process of communicating with Lianhua Master, Shangguan has learned the swordsmanship, but he has never tried **. When he thinks of learning the sword, he has to kill, and he keeps killing. She is disgusted and can’t wait to bring those Graphics and text are all forgotten.

Everything has changed when I saw the slaves. The image she tried to save was actually illusory, and the other image that Xu Yanwei told was closer to the truth.

Shangguanru did not mention the sword score, part of the reason is self-esteem. She did not want to mention her experience of contemplation in Jushi Cliff. Another reason was vigilance. The dragon king’s suspicion was very serious, and she also made her think before thinking. Don't cause the Dragon King's suspicion to be good.

The Lianhua Master has already been killed. The only ones who know the secrets of the swordsmanship are the two of them, and perhaps the Dutch women. The Shangguan hopes to keep the secret.

"It’s all my fault." A few years later, Shangguan regretted his original decision. "I have repeatedly rescued the old man several times, thinking that he can get better..."

The old man has already ran, and his big laughter is still in the ears of everyone. In his "**" concept, it does not include weak and strong, showing that the power is enough, the encirclement has not yet formed, he flees I can't see it.

Shangguan said very briefly, Gu Shen listened quietly, and finally raised the question: "How do you know the old man? You told him?"

"No, I... I don't know." Shangguan was very sad. "When I was in the country of Xiangji, I was drunk a few times. After I woke up, I didn't remember what I said. I was worried...that was then. It’s a mistake to say that it’s leaking. It’s all my fault.”

Why can't the old man say that this is the fault of the Dragon King? Gu Shenwei is still a bit puzzled. He has always had correspondence with Shangguan, but he is convinced that he has never mentioned the dead.

"It’s already here..." Gu Shenwei didn’t know what to say, maybe the biggest mistake was not to destroy the dead man at the beginning. “There is one thing that is very strange. The old man got the sword score, why even the internal power seems to recovered?"

Gu Shenwei does not think that there will be such a miraculous effect on the dead.

(Seeking for a recommendation) (To be continued.)

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