Death Sutra

Chapter 1049: Handprint

"Why am I here?"

This problem can really make Han Fen difficult to live. She looked at the east side of the road, and she could see countless torches, and connected with the stars in the night sky. Then I turned to look to the west, not far from the city of Yucheng. It is clear that pedestrians come in and out, and they are more lively than during the day.

She opened her mouth twice and turned and asked, "Why are we here?"

Tie Ling’s gaze did not leave the lotus girl for a moment, and said softly: “We are passing by here and will soon enter the city.”

"Yes, pass by here." Han Fen sighed with relief and thought the answer was really good.

The Dutch woman looked at the night sky and looked determined. She seemed to think of something.

Tie Linglong and Han Fen spent more than half a day. Before the dark, they found the lotus girl in the depths of the rouge forest. The lotus girl stood in a tree and was in a daze, not recognizing anyone, but when Han Fen said, "Let's go," she But honestly behind.

They did not go fast, and they came to the gates for a long time before the night. The lotus girl who had never spoken suddenly raised the question of "where".

Tie Linglong suspected that the contest was over. She was eager to know the result, but she could not leave the lotus girl. "Go, you can enter the city immediately."

"Going into the city?" The Dutch woman asked coldly, as if she remembered more memories. "Is this Yuyu City?"

"Yes, the princes think of it!" Han Fen cried happily.

The lotus girl glanced at her. "Han Fen, can't you stop for a while?"

Han Fen lived, then turned to Tie Linglong, his face filled with a smile of joy, said silently with his mouth: "She remembers me."

Tie Lingling is more cautious, still feels that it is not right, whispered: "Yu Zhongshi, this will enter the city. Maybe you can catch up with... the comparison between Dragon King and the One Step King."

The word "Dragon King" seems to have no effect on the Dutch woman. She reached out and touched the long sword at the waist. She did not show any attention when she rushed out. It seemed that it was just a meaningless movement, and then she began to mutter: " Confrontation, this is the final battle. Why should I stand here? I should... follow me."

Han Fen immediately nodded, and as long as the orders of the imperial family, she did not obey.

"Where?" Tie Ling asked carefully.

"Tie Ling Ling, don't talk too much." The lotus girl walked to the gate, and her face was no longer awkward, as if she really knew what to do next.

Han Fen followed closely, and Chong Tie Ling exquisitely narrowed his eyes and whispered: "Yu Zhongshi also remembers you."

Tie Linglong was surprised that the Dutch woman could call her name. Can be a bit strange, "Yu Zhongshi, I will take you to see the Dragon King, okay?"

The woman’s footsteps kept going. “You have joined Xiaoyuetang and thought about the Dragon King? I said that only the powerful martial arts and the big things are done. Let the Dragon King think that you are useful, he will care about you. We don’t see the Dragon King. Let's do something big."

Han Fen nodded in agreement and did not find the strangeness of the imperial teacher's words.

Tie Ling’s heart snorted, and the lotus girl recovered not all the memories, but a certain paragraph. In this memory, Tie Lingling is still a disciple of Xiaoyuetang. Did not return to the Dragon King.

Tie Lingling is both sad and sympathetic. This sudden memory fragment probably lasts for a long time. In the rouge forest, the Dutch woman remembered the Shangguan of her childhood, but Tie Linglong saw her again. She obviously has forgotten it.

Tie Linglong also kept up, and decided to help her regardless of what the girl wanted to do.

As soon as I arrived at the gate of the city, the surrounding pedestrians began to increase. The lotus girl suddenly stopped and took a fat powder box out of her arms. Her fingers were stained with some paint, and she was wiped a few times on Han Fen’s face, regardless of the people around her. How strange the eyes are, and then it is simple and easy for Tie Ling.

Han Fen took the powder box and applied it on the face of the lotus girl.

The appearance of the three has not changed much, but it is difficult to recognize them unless they are particularly familiar.

Tie Ling's eyes are still green, so she walked as low as possible. As soon as she entered the North City, she listened to the conversations of the people around her. She soon learned that Long Wang had just entered the North City.

The streets of Beicheng are full of swordsmen and prostitutes. Of course, the third special product of Nancheng is indispensable. The endless wines, the clever shopkeepers quickly discovered business opportunities and organized manpower to transport the wines of the altar into the North City. Streets and lanes are sold, and the price is raised. It is all about people and people.

"It seems like the New Year." Han Fen’s eyes are not enough. I bought a bowl of wine with a sloppy slap in the face. In a blink of an eye, I gave it to a strange knife. I thought it was quite interesting, but she didn’t lose it in one step. The gaze can also know the position of the priest.

Tie Lingling is a bit puzzled and a little excited. The Dutch woman seems to have a plan. She does not know when she made it, and what purpose she has. It may have been cancelled, but she still regards it as an important matter.

The Dutch woman did not have so many thoughts of Tie Ling, nor Han Fen’s curiosity. She walked in the crowd but turned a blind eye to the crowd. No matter how crowded the road ahead, she could skilfully avoid it and not touch anyone. .

For her, the city is another forest, and the pedestrians are just a cluster of trees that pop up.

Tie Linglong once thought that the Dutch woman had to go to the official residence of the city, but when there was a street away from the house, the lotus girl changed direction. The only thing she did was to press a handprint on the wall that was not too eye-catching.

The lotus girl's palm has some light-colored powder on her palm. It is very unclear on the gray-white wall. Only the person who has observed it can find this mark.

Tie Ling is not clear, but she knows that it is useless to ask. The Dutch woman is now a member of Xiaoyuetang, and will not answer the question of a disciple.

The Dutch woman walked very fast. She was not casually strolling. Before coming to the North Gate, she pressed the fingerprints on the five walls. Tie Lingling began to feel uneasy. These marks are like a command, and there is still hidden in the city. Xiaoyuetang disciple will take action after seeing the fingerprints.

Are these actions the final decision before the Dutch woman’s brain is confused? Is the Dragon King informed? Tie Linglong knows nothing, she is very eager to find someone to report to Longwang, there are a lot of dragon soldiers in the team on the street, but she does not know which one is worth trusting.

"The contest started!" someone shouted. Hundreds of wine bowls were lifted over the top, and they were drunk in the cheers. Then they only heard the snoring sound, and the ground was full of fragments.

Everyone is crazy. Tie Ling thought, the lotus girl is like the only normal person.

Tie Linglong finally saw a trustworthy person. In fact, she was still very surprised, but she didn't have too much time to think too much. She hurriedly squeezed it. "Go and tell the Dragon King. I found the Imperial Master."

After slaughtering the dog, he recognized the eyes of Tie Ling’s eyes and was overjoyed. "It’s too clever, it’s really the day..."

"The situation is urgent, don't talk nonsense!" Tie Ling whispered, looked around and found that the lotus girl and Han Fen were walking towards the city gate. "The princes pressed five handprints. Let the dragon king know..."

Tie Linglong hesitated a little and pulled the south screen of the confused side, and posted it in his ear and quickly said five places. "Remember?"

Chunan screen nodded.

"Go and tell the Dragon King, immediately." Tie Linglong said to separate the crowd, to chase the woman and Han Fen.

The dog slaughtered and shouted and shouted: "He is specifically looking for you!"

"I know!" Tie Ling turned around and her face smiled brightly. The thin layer of fat powder coated by the lotus woman could not be covered.

Pedestrians intertwined and blocked the smile in an instant. The slaughter dog only had a glance at it. He couldn't even tell if it was a smile or a dazzling one, but when he relayed to the south screen, his tone was very positive. "She smiled at you."

"I know." Chu Nan screen also showed a faint smile. "Let's go find the Dragon King."

Tie Lingling just caught up with the Dutch woman and Han Fen passing through the city gate.

Among the several gates of Saitama City, only the North Gate is still guarded by the strictness of the city. However, what surprised Tie Lingling was that the Dutch woman and Han Fen were not blocked. The guards of Jinpengbao watched the two walked. . But she will stop coming after her.

"Together." Han Fen turned and said that the guard immediately released.

Outside the city gate, Tie Linglong generally understood the reasons.

The carnival atmosphere that permeates the whole city has already sneaked into this place. Dozens of Jinpengbao guards are drinking and playing with seven or eight prostitutes, forgetting their duties behind their heads.

"Strong," cried a drunken smoked voice. "Tonight, let you become a man anyway!"

Jinpeng killer is not the kind of person who can be bought by female color, and Tie Ling can't help but admire the means of Xiaoyuetang.

An unfamiliar woman came out from the shadow under the wall and bowed to the lotus girl. Her eyes flashed over Tie Lingling, and she was a little surprised, but she did not ask a question.

"Everything has been arranged. Almost everyone is in the North City. There are only a dozen guards on the mountain. The others are servants and sons-in-law."

The lotus girl nodded.

Two more women took a few horses, a total of six people, and they went to the top of the mountain.

Tie Ling's heart pounded, she understood a few things: First, the plan tonight is the true intention of the woman, she must plan for a long time, thinking at the last moment. Second, the three Xiaoyuetang disciples apparently have been in a hidden state, and have no connection with other same doors. Therefore, they still do not know the changes in the ancestral divisions, and they are still obedient to her.

Tie Linglong looked back and understood one thing. The carnival in the North City was not accidental. The prostitutes in Nancheng were encouraged to enter the former restricted area, thus creating an atmosphere suitable for the conspiracy of Xiaoyuetang.

The Dutch woman does not care about the competition between the Dragon King and the One Step King. What do you do to Jinpengbao? Tie Lingling has already speculated in her heart, but she is not sure what to do, and she does not even dare to speak.

The memory of the Dutch woman is in a wonderful state. She remembers the plan tonight, and her impression of Tie Ling’s stay is a year ago.

Tie Lingling does not want to evoke more memories.

The contest and the carnival attracted everyone, and the houses on both sides of the mountain road were almost empty. The killers who had retired for many years could not stand the temptation to go down the mountain and spend a lot of money.

The six women were not blocked by any means along the way.

There are still a few guards in front of the stone bridge. One of them asked aloud: "Who is here?"

A woman ran over and said, "I am the lady's maid, come back to pack things."

The guards squatted and said: "I heard that my wife is going to move back. You are the sister of the house. For a long time, the mountain has ended. Is the dragon king dead?"

"I didn't finish when I went up the mountain." He said coldly, turned back and waved, indicating that the lotus girl and others were fine.

Tie Lingling remembered this. She once went to see the "佟姨" with Shangguanfei. It was probably because life was getting better. It was so younger than when she first met, so that she didn’t recognize it at first. .

This is the most empty night of Jinpengbao's internal guards. Most of the guards have been transferred to the foothills, ready to cope with possible conflicts, and drive into the gate. Tie Lingling feels like entering a ghost town.

(Seeking for a recommendation) (To be continued.)

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