Death Sutra

Chapter 1058: Poor

The wish of the old man was realized. He fell from the cliff with four or fifty people. He had already disappeared from the ground before hitting the ground. Finally, he was smashed with bones and mixed with many corpses. Even if he was a god, he could not pick him out.

The siege wood old man was supposed to be a relaxed battle, but it ended in such a fate. The small courtyard was full of filth and there was no way to go. The people on the cliff could only climb down from other places, and one person fell and fell.

The Central Plains and the Westerners complained to each other and felt that the other side was so insane that the old man was so rampant. After coming to the ground, there were several fights and more than a dozen people were injured. Fortunately, the Longjun soldiers stopped in time and did not add any more dead.

The old man killed some people on the ground, the body was still intact, and the relatives and friends endured the nausea and went to the hospital to lift the body. Several monks went to help, and the miracle was what they found.

Also the lotus green that fell from the cliff, the body is actually complete, he just hit another corpse, although the body is broken, still can look at the pre-natal appearance.

This was used as evidence of the Buddha's manifestation and the lotus roots. It was preached in the city of Saitama and even in the whole Western Region. It was recorded in some books. Many years later, when the name of the old man became a black, the lotus was still remembered, just the image. There has been a huge change: he is still a robber, but his brother’s revenge disappears. He is completely self-satisfied and became a monk. He quickly became a generation of sorghum with his intelligence and understanding. He died when he fell on the cliff. A trace of blood, like a life, after the cremation, produced a number of egg-sized colorful relics, clouds.

On the same day, this incident only caused waves in the monks, and many martial artists did not care, and returned to Yuyucheng. In my heart, I just regret that two thousand two golds are actually not available.

Two of the survivors who attacked the old hair on the top of the mountain, they seem to be the most eligible to receive the bounty, but many people are willing to testify, claiming that the two men did not touch the old man, the old man In the end, it is completely voluntary.

In the eyes of the time. The only person worth mentioning during the entire siege seems to be the old man.

Gu Shenwei is a purely bystander. Like ordinary people, he is regarded as an ant by the old man, and witnessed the death of other ants. He thought of the **** scene overlooking the ground from a height. Probably just a glimpse of blood.

Later, Fa Chong hopes to implement his promise, help the Dragon King to remove the insignificant power, and help him to improve the must-have instinct. This is an agreement reached by Shangguanru as early as the city master has not yet begun.

"No need." Gu Shen said. Extend the arm and accept the inspection of the rush.

Fa Chong soon discovered that Long Wang’s internal injuries were serious, and there was no trace of magical power. There was only one mustard that was really defensive and heart-warming. His face changed slightly and he sighed: “It’s really unnecessary. If Long Wang is willing to stay in Sijialan For a few days, the old man can still help the Dragon King to help the meridians recover."

Gu Shenwei still refused, and he is more willing to accept the treatment of Sun Shenji's adventure.

Shangguan didn't know where to go. Many people on the cliff saw her. The slaughter dog was not far from her, but she didn't see her again after going down the mountain. "She must be fine, probably she is going back to the city."

The slaughtering dog is absent-minded, and the death of the old man of the wood has brought him no small impact, and the entire return journey is awkward. Almost everyone is affected, but he is the most obvious.

The Nancheng Guards Army has a lot of cold, almost half of them have followed the dragon to the North City, and the rest are waiting for the Dragon King, especially the Xu brothers and sisters.

Sun Shen medicine is a complaint first. I think that the Dragon King should not go out, forcing him to drink five or six bowls of tonic and more than a dozen medicinal herbs. The diagnosis pulse used it for almost half an hour. "Well, fortunately, the Dragon King did not use the infuriating, the situation is good, try tomorrow. My method, let me know first, it is possible to achieve success or failure. Dragon King can not sin against me."

When I returned to the room, the night was already deep. Gu Shen was lying alone for a while and found herself unable to sleep. So she ordered Qin Yeming to call Xu Yanwei and others.

The waiting for this day was too long. Xu Xiaoyi and Fang Wen were all overwhelmed. When they saw the Dragon King, they squatted on the ground, just gimmicks and dared not speak.

Xu Yanwei is not embarrassed, she does not feel that she needs to kneel, she is not the kind of agile person, in the past few hours, two men suffered unspeakable suffering, but she wants more and more, the more I want to Not convinced.

"The queen took the poison and squandered herself. In the words of the military division, she stunned." Xu Yanwei raised his hand and made a few strokes in the air, and found that he still did not remember this weird word.

"I know." Gu Shen said plainly, glanced at his military division, Fang Wen was trembled, his face was red and white, and there was no such thing as a counselor.

“Just like this?” Xu Yan asked in amazement. “You don’t want to know why the queen committed suicide?”

"She betrayed me, and there is a lingering death." Gu Shenwei's voice was a little tired, and the fatigue was real, but he could not sleep, as if something was hammering in his heart, forcing him to stay awake.

Xu Yanwei was so angry that he had a lot of ideas about how to confess to the Dragon King. Fang Xiaoyi also made a few suggestions. No one made a suggestion with Xu Yanwei. She is like a mother of an Guardian. The chicken, the feathers are erect, but the size is small, but it shows the desperate posture.

Fang Wen felt that it was a bad thing. He did not wait for him to come up with a way to stop it. Xu Yanwei had already exploded.

"Is it a dead man? She is the Princess of Shiguo, but also your queen, not the Snowman Swordsman, not the savage you brought back from the country of Xiangji." Xu Yan slightly clenched his fists, leaning forward and his eyes stunned. The dragon is on the ground.

"What do you want to say?" Gu Shen asked. He thought that these three people came over and pleaded guilty. He did not expect a question.

Xu Yanwei was stunned by anger. He didn't know what he wanted to say. After thinking for a while, he said, "Oh, what is said now is superfluous. My brother betrayed you. He is dead and dead. You killed him. I just killed me. Our brothers and sisters are courageous and want to commit suicide.

Xu Xiaoyi issued a cry of a wild dog. He thought that his sister had any tricks. The result was a confession of blame, and he could not say a word.

Gu Shenwei didn't look at Xu Xiaoyi. He is only interested in the words that Xu Yanwei started. "The **** will always die, don't worry, you should first make it clear, is the queen dead?"

Xu Yanwei breathed quickly and paused for a while before saying: "You never did when she was the real queen, neglect her, neglect her, or even sleep with her, these are all counted, who makes you a dragon king, you It is such a person, if the queen marries you, he will have to accept his life. But there is one thing, I think the Dragon King is not doing it right."

Gu Shenwei did not speak, looked at Xu Yanwei coldly, and waited for her to go on.

Xu Yan slightly turned his head and glanced at his younger brother. He continued: "I want to know clearly. You know from the beginning that the queen will reveal what is not a book. You know, but you don't say it, watching her make a betrayal of you, In fact, as long as you say a word early, even if it is a hint, there will be no such thing happening today."

"This shows that she didn't want to be loyal to me from the beginning."

"Hah, the big sin, the queen is not loyal to you? I can remember clearly, she tried every means to please you, but they were rejected by you, in order to sort out the two chapters from a pile of broken books. Book, the queen did not sleep for a few days and nights, what is it? I am not trying to make you happy. Ah, yes, I remember, you used to not teach many of the eight grandmothers? You are not telling her woman. Is the power derived from the father and the husband? The queen is also a woman, lonely and helpless, I hope to please your heart, just want to get a safe guarantee from the husband, but have you given her?"

Xu Yanwei’s brain was a little messy, and he gasped and couldn’t speak.

Gu Shenwei understands what she means.

The Queen of the Queen lived in a nervous and restless atmosphere. He was a princess of a country, but he was always restrained. The Dragon King is another restraint for her. Indeed, she once spent a lot of thoughts on wooing the Dragon King. She probably hopes to win a little initiative in this system. When she is frequently rejected and her heart begins to be disappointed, she also has the same path as Luoning Tea. To get a little real power.

"I have arranged for the Queen." Gu Shenwei's tone was slightly relieved.

"I know." Xu Yanwei's tone is also weakened. "If I am a queen, I will stay in Shiguo, patiently raise relatives, and believe that I can have power in the morning and evening, but the Queen - she is different from me. She doesn't know the Dragon King, she doesn't even know you very much, how can she trust you? You always behave coldly. The Dragon King called the Queen to take over the money. When he heard the news, he was very happy, but everything was late, she Has made a betrayal, she wants to make up, Dragon King refuses to give her a chance."

Gu Shenwei found that she had nothing to say. The Queen was always a strange but very motivated woman in his eyes. He habitually regarded her as a subordinate, observing her, testing her, and once betrayed. The signs, the heart began to be vigilant, began to abandon her, use her.

This is the way Dragon King treats his subordinates. It has always been effective. Xu Xiaoyi is so seen by him.

"You are husband and wife." Xu smoked softly, the queen was a poor man, and the dragon king was very pitiful. He never knew how to deal with normal people. "Do you know what the queen said when he decided to commit suicide?"

Xu Yanwei looked at Fang Wen. The military singer screamed. I didn’t expect it to be his turn to talk. Xu Yan kicked him a kick. "Where did you give the queen the poison?"

Fang Wen is a gray face, and the trembling voice said: "The queen... The queen said that she would rather die as the Queen of the Dragon King..."

"Hey, the queen looks at her identity more than anything else, but the Dragon King didn't take her seriously..."

Xu Yanwei’s generous words were interrupted. Nie Zeng rushed in and did not notice the subtle atmosphere in the room. He said excitedly: “The One Step King was caught on the road to escape.”

Gu Shen stood up and stood up. This is why he couldn't sleep.

"I was caught by Tieshan." Nie Zeng added that the tone was a bit confusing.

(Seeking for a recommendation) (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support, is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to m. Read.)

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