Death Sutra

Chapter 1061: Catch up

Gu Shen made a step forward, Xu Yan slightly chested and looked at each other, took a deep breath and stepped back two steps. "If you want to kill you, don't look at me with this kind of vision."

Gu Shenwei’s eyes are nothing special. He is as cold and ruthless as usual, examining others and rejecting others’ observations. He said: “You especially like to fight.”

Xu Yanwei sighed, "How do I..." and then she remembered that the Dragon King was right. She had made a fierce argument for Shangguanru, Luoning Tea and Yuwang. The common characteristics of these people are not only with the Dragon King. Close relationship, she has also been her nominal owner. "Do you want to say that my heart is soft, my vision is poor, I don't have a opinion, I am nosy?"

Gu Shenwei could not find a more appropriate word, so he nodded.

"Don't worry about who I am, have I just said something wrong? You see the queen doing something wrong, regardless of whether or not, even the reminder is not, is not right." Xu Yan slightly blinked his eyes and swelled the last bit of courage.

To her surprise, it was not the Dragon King but another person.

Fang Wen is a lost soul, and his mind is not confused. Many words are turned around in his mind. At this time, he suddenly announced it to his mouth. "You have too many demands on the Dragon King."

"What?" Xu Yanwei had already had a big eye and a big circle. He turned to look at Fang Wen, and regarded his socket as an unforgivable "betrayal". "It’s just about his wife’s performance. Have a little care, is this more demanding?"

Fang Wen is head down, no one looks at it, his voice is low and vague, as if he is not sure about his own words. "The requirements for ordinary couples are not high at all, but this is the Dragon King. With a powerful enemy knife, swords, There are dangers around me, that is, now, I have to be wary of the counterattacks of Jinpeng’s killers and the tricks of the Central Plains. He does not trust the Queen to be right. As a king who wants to fight for the Western Regions, Dragon King should be alert to everyone. He did it, the queen did not understand this, it was her dereliction of duty."

When Xu Yanwei couldn’t think of a **** for tat, he felt that the military teacher said it was justified. There was something wrong with it. I thought for a while and whispered, "Fang Fatzi, are you looking for death? Be alert to everyone, including you."

Fang Wen was shocked and stood up. A deep ceremony was given to the Dragon King. "The Dragon King is the king, but I am not a military sergeant. He is wary of me and doubts me. It is all right."

Xu Yanwei’s momentum suddenly disappeared. She turned her head and glanced at her brother and sighed. Her words for the Queen's defense can also be used on Xu Xiaoyi, but they are all refuted by Fang Wen. "I can only do this. Xiaoyi, you confess to the Dragon King, ask him to give you a The whole body will die when it dies. Anyway, there is nothing to be attached to in this world."

Xu Xiaoyi seems to have just been awakened by the sleeper, his body violently shakes twice, looking up and looking around. Only after looking at the Dragon King, and then bowed his head, he whispered, "I... I am guilty, Dragon King..." He suddenly burst into tears and his tears blew out. "I really didn't want to kill the Dragon King, I thought... I thought..."

"You thought that I couldn't escape from this time." Gu Shen said coldly, asking himself, he had no special feelings about the queen's betrayal and suicide, because he never had expectations for the queen, but this one Xu Xiaoyi, who is crying like a child, hasn’t he seen the Dragon King repeatedly defeated him? Why did you lose confidence this time?

Gu Shen is understandable but hard to accept.

Xu Xiaoyi couldn't easily stop crying. I felt very shameful. The burden in my heart really went down with tears. He tried it and found that he could stand up. He quickly took a look at the Dragon King and hurriedly looked away. "Dragon King In the thousand rides off the North Court, I thought that the army would soon attack the Yuyu City. At that time, I thought that the Dragon King would soon win a big victory. But the Dragon King decided... accepting the city masters, I thought... I thought ...I don't know what I think."

"You want the Dragon King to be crazy, arrogant, and fainted because of hatred. In order to kill the one-step king by hand, he will not hesitate to lose the advantage. The person like him is definitely not the opponent of the One-Step King." Complete it for him.

Xu Xiaoyi thought for a long time and barely nodded.

"You reminded me." Gu Shen said.

Fang Wen was shocked. He was immersed in jealousy and self-blame. He did not remember that he reminded the Dragon King that he was the one who recommended the support of Xiao Wang, but he nodded.

Qin Yeming quietly appeared at the door and said softly: "Ready."

A total of 200 guards have prepared horses. They have to follow the Dragon King to Tieshan to stop the unstoppable King.

"You two, go with me, you stay." Gu Shen ordered.

Xu Yanwei grabbed his brother's arm. "I want to separate our brothers and sisters and kill them together."

"You didn't do anything wrong, why should I kill you?"

Xu Yan turned his eyes and said, "Hey, are you not wrong?"

Xu Xiaoyi broke away from her sister's hand. "Sister, you said that the Dragon King is the most pitiful. I have made a big mistake. Don't you marry him. If you want to marry me, why?"

"Hey, do you have a fart?" Xu smoked and angered, feeling that his efforts were all destroyed by his brother and military division.

But after all, she didn't have the dragon king, and she didn't stop her brother from shaking and following the dragon king. She looked at the back of the three people and disappeared. She felt guilty of time and muttered to herself: "It's better to be a prostitute."

The scout in front kept sending new news to the Dragon King.

The fact that the one-step king was singled out of the mountain and was hijacked by Tieshan has spread throughout the city of Yucheng. This is why everyone understands that Tianshan Zong’s big fanguard guards Jinpeng Fort. It turned out to be a blind eye.

The Shangguan fell and guessed correctly. The entire Jinpengbao thought that the one-step king would win. Only Zhang Hao made all the preparations, including the possibility of defeat or even death. He bought a small caravan a few days ago and said that A person will be temporarily added.

This caravan has obtained the pass, and the Longjun, Jinpengjun, and Central Plains troops will not intercept them. Zhang’s plan would have been very likely to succeed. No one can think of the one-step king who will flee in the caravan and even kill a killer. None of them, waiting for him to successfully reach the Qianqiguan assembly army, will only become a legend rather than a scandal.

It’s a pity that people are not as good as days. Zhang Wei didn’t expect Tieshan to return to his old business. He didn’t expect a small group of gangsters to rob people. In his impression, the robbers have always been in the city of Saitama. honest.

This incident has brought a major blow to the image of the One Step King and Jinpeng Fort. It is even greater than the impact of the Shangguan slashing to the Dragon King. Less than half an hour, the knives hired by the Tianshan sect escaped a small half, and most of the remaining people It is the original Jinpeng killer, they still remain loyal.

When Gu Shenwei just came out of Nancheng, she heard that Zhang Wei was running in front of him and was preparing to take over the 10,000 Jinpeng Army in the east of the city. It seems that he wants to stabilize the army and then lead the army to save the one-step king.

The action was faster. He was alone. He received a message earlier than the Dragon King. He immediately divided the troops and chased Tieshan to the east. At the same time, he sent a request to the Dragon King. Zhang Wei had not yet arrived at the Jinpeng Military Camp. The remaining 5,000 people set off.

This is a competition, which may affect Tieshan’s position a quarter of an hour earlier.

When Gu Shen rushed to the empty Longjun camp for a group of people, Zhang Wei had already led the army on the road. Gu Shen did not catch up and stopped at the camp, waiting for another army to come together.

The Shule Army is still loyal to the Dragon King. After the end of the city's contest, this loyalty is more solid. The commander Wu Zongheng received an order and immediately led all the soldiers to more than 8,000 people to cross the North City at full speed to support the Dragon King.

The Central Plains army was the slowest. Until the Dragon King led the second army, only a Central Plains army followed the dozens of miles. Pang Jing sent a messenger to symbolically calm the Dragon King and Zhang Wei. He has made up his mind to watch the fun. .

Several troops all went forward at full speed, and did not slow down until the evening of the day. At this time, people were tired and tired, and they all received news from Tieshan.

Tieshan will not hand over the One-Step King to any party for the time being, and threaten it. If one of the troops is close to 30 miles, Tieshan will immediately vote for the other side.

"I have a thousand rides and then negotiated?" Fang Wen was full of surprises. He followed the Dragon King for his sin, and he had to be a part of the military division. "Is this the idea of ​​Shi Qingjue?"

"It seems to be." Gu Shenwei felt that she had never despised the monk, but she did not expect to underestimate him. Tieshan Yi, who sent the letter, claimed that this was a joint decision of "Iron Gun King and fifteen big bosses", but iron The old gangsters of the mountain do not have this courage and strategy.

The four armies behind the Tieshan are getting closer and closer, and they have reached the point where no one can dare to camp. Zhang Wei is here to make a meeting request. In order to show his sincerity, he offered to set the location in Shule. .

Pang Jing agreed, and Gu Shenwei did not need to oppose it.

The situation is urgent and subtle. Fang Wen is asking for help. "Dragon King, I know that I am not worthy of being a military sergeant. I also know that I am guilty of sin, but I hope that Dragon King can give me a chance, not to make a sin, but to repay the Dragon King. Trust and reuse - please let me go to Tieshan to lobby. If I am unsuccessful, let me die there. If I am lucky, I can feel at ease."

Fang Wen was given permission to take only two followers, bypassing Jin Pengjun and catching up with the Dragon Army led by Du Guzhen, hoping to enter the Tieshan camp.

Xu Xiaoyi couldn't help in this kind of thing. He could only follow the dragon king with a pale face, and he couldn't move away. Every time he saw the figure of the south screen, his face would be red for a while.

Chu Nanping and Tie Linglong were caught up in the middle of the road and automatically joined the **** team.

Gu Shen made a temporary tent to build a tent for the meeting, and then waited for the arrival of Pang Jing and Zhang Wei.

Sun Shen doctor also followed, grabbed a rare free time, diagnosed the pulse for the Dragon King, and then shook his head, suggesting that Long Wang should not proceed to rehabilitate the Taoist power.

Finally, I waited until the Dragon King was not disturbed. The first screen was pulled down by Tie Linglong to the Dragon King. He said, "Give me Xu Xiaoyi, he should have been killed by me, help me to practice ruthless swordsmanship, and give it to me. I am not at least too wasteful."

(Seeking for a recommendation) (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support, is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to m. Read.)

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