Death Sutra

Chapter 1091: Broken off

The head of the Lushan School, Ji Fuwei, visited the door. Zhou Yuqing greeted the gate. The two men asked each other and laughed at each other. The joyful appearance of a long-awaited reunion, pretending that the meeting at Chengjia Manor at noon was not at all. presence. .

The sects and the Lushan faction have been in contact for several decades. When Zhou Yuqing was an ordinary disciple, he met with Ji Fuwei. The two had been together for three years in the rivers and lakes, and they formed a profound friendship. At the time of the door, Zhou Yuqing gave great support on behalf of the sect.

Of course, Zhou Yuqing’s father is the younger brother of Zihe’s real person. He is a close disciple of the old gods. From the very beginning, he was not so “ordinary”. Ji Fuwei became a famous boy. His father and grandfather were both important figures of the Lushan School. Quite, old and similar, it is almost inevitable to form a friend.

They know this well and don’t feel embarrassed. Instead, they carefully cultivate this friendship. For more than 20 years, there has never been a crack. The relationship between the two has already surpassed the category of “community between rivers and lakes” and is infinitely close. For a true confidant.

until today.

What makes Zhou Yuqing unrecognizable is that Ji Fuwei has remained silent for the past two days and has not given him any warning in advance. This is not like what a friend should do.

For Ji Fuwei, the sect is a nuisance, making him a thin ice on the rivers and lakes.

Entering the hall, the tea is served, the disciples retreat, and the two can no longer pretend that everything is normal.

Ji Fuwei put away a smile, "Yu Qingxiong, are you blaming me?"

If the other party is another person, Zhou Yuqing will retort in accordance with the rules of the rivers and lakes, but this is his best friend. Even in the sect, he can't find anyone who knows more, so he tells his inner doubts. "I didn't complain, I was a little disappointed. Ji Fuwei, you are sorry for your name."

Ji Fuwei laughed, and anger is better than hypocrisy. "I didn't ventilate beforehand because there were two people who didn't expect it."

Zhou Yuqing snorted and did not speak.

"First, I didn't expect it - in fact, everyone did not expect - the reaction of Crane Old God will be so fierce. Second, I did not expect that such a smart person as Yu Qingxiong will also make mistakes. You should know, In addition to the Qingcheng faction, all the sects have no malice against Lushan. Even Qingcheng, Liang Feng is just a bluff, he is so easy to become the head, these years are busy to appease the characters, how dare Is it difficult to send a donkey?"

"As you said, today's head meeting is where everyone gathers and is ready to help the sects pass the crisis?"

"Of course not. The factions have their own ideas, but everyone feels that they can't be deficient in any way. They originally wanted to use this opportunity to make peace and peace. The old gods and gods only show their attitudes in public and abolish the use of the big one. What is the arm, at least a slap, this matter becomes, who thought..."

Who thinks that Zihe’s real person does show his attitude in public, but his position is completely opposite to the head of the public.

Zhou Yuqing frowned, slightly squatting, and said in a sincere tone: "Xiao Ji, there are no outsiders here, you tell me the truth, do you want the old gods to take the van away in the morning?"

Ji Fuwei opened his mouth, it was a pair of surprises and inexplicable expressions. However, under the gaze of his friends, his expression changed slowly, he was a little embarrassed, and he was somewhat ashamed. "You also tell me the truth, you and the old fairy belt. Are the two women coming, are they the Dragon King?"

Really let the old gods guess, Zhou Yuqing moved in the heart, slowly nodded.

Ji Fuwei issued a powerless sigh. "That is the idea of ​​Cheng Hao. Originally, the plan was like this. Let the old gods express their attitude first, then ask him to surrender the two women. If he refuses, he will be sealed by the head of Qingcheng. Provocative provocations, the two sides are not happy, the old gods take away the Fans, we have to come to people later, by the way... also take away the Dragon King. You know why I can't tell you the news in advance, hehe, The old gods are so troubled during the day, everyone thinks that I am leaking secrets, so that the sects have no fear."

"I really hope that you leaked secrets." Zhou Yuqing said, I still feel awkward in my heart.

Ji Fuwei squeezed a smile, "So now I am here."

“When to be a lobbyist?” Zhou Yuqing glanced out of the hall, and the sky was dark, just when the conspiracy was in full bloom.

Ji Fuwei looked for a moment, "Even if it is a lobbyist, but this time I have to tell all the facts, there is no concealment."

Zhou Yuqing closed his lips and waited for him to go on.

"The situation at the moment is very complicated. I think that the brothers of Yu Qing already know that the people who were assassinated in the palace are not just Xiao Wang Shizi, there is another noble person, maybe -" Ji Fuwei paused for a moment, some rumors, even everyone I heard that, I can only confide to the most trusted people. "The emperor, the emperor has no Prince, and this is troublesome."

Zhou Yuqing is more and more admired the old gods, wondering why he never thought of it, and soon relieved. He understands Ji Fuwei. These things are definitely not the ones of the Lushan faction. They are definitely the ideas that Cheng Hao or Luojiazhuang owners instill. .

"The trouble is also the solution of the royal family and the imperial court. What is the relationship between these rivers and lakes?"

"It doesn't matter if it is normal. If everyone goes to this kind of thing, it will be different." Ji Fuwei's voice gradually decreased, and finally stopped completely.

Zhou Yuqing had to lean forward again. "What?"

"Can't you see it? This is a godsend. The assassin is the dragon king and his group of killers. They are rivers and lakes. They are hidden. The army and the government can't find their whereabouts. They can only rely on these people."

“Is the Lushan School wanting to make a big contribution?”

"Why can you tell me about this kind of good thing? No one should be alone, so the heads of the various families will get together and discuss the plan. Now there is only a shortage of factions."

"Hey, the sect is in jeopardy, are you not afraid of getting burned?"

Ji Fuwei felt that Zhou Yuqing's tone was loose. He said with a smile: "The rivers and lakes are not like the court. They always have to talk about friendship. The crane **** is not a mortal. Even the Queen Mother respects him. Several famous people in Beijing also All the old gods are regarded as masters. If he is there, the sects will soon be able to save their lives. At that time, the various sects will also rely on the old gods to take care of them, haha."

Zhou Yuqing's heart is bright, and the old **** is calm and fearless in Chengjiazhuang. Cheng Hao and others must have thought that the purple crane has seen the dynasty of the DPRK, so he dared to be so bold, so he sighed and said regretfully: "Unfortunately, the old **** I don't know why I decided to stand on the side of the Dragon King. You want his care, I am afraid it is impossible."

"I don't know why" four words made Ji Fuwei see hope, push the teacup, and gently poke the finger on the table. This is his habitual action, indicating that he wants to say the true purpose of the trip. "The old **** has His thoughts, but the idea is not unchangeable, it depends on the skill of Yu Qingxiong, it does not contradict each other, I made a guarantee to Cheng Jiuye and the heads of the various departments, saying that Yu Qingxiu is the most respected teacher and the martial artist. People in the rivers and lakes who don’t know that Yu Qing’s brothers are righteous and wealthy, those who went to the sects for help, would rather see the disciples of the prisoners not see the old gods...”

Zhou Yuqing laughed, and Ji Fuwei will flatter people when he was young. This is one of the foundations of their initial interaction. After many years, Zhou Yuqing thought that the two had already surpassed this stage. I did not expect to retreat so easily. go back.

Ji Fuwei was a little confused, and the smile of the other party was out of date, and he seemed to be embarrassed when he thought about it. "Yu Qingxiong, do you have the confidence to persuade the old **** to change his mind?"


Ji Fuwei sighed and reached for the teacup.

"But you are a step late, I have been persuaded by the old gods, so I have nothing to say to his old man."

Ji Fuwei’s face changed slightly and he shrunk back. “I understand that Yu Qing’s brother is still resentful of my unfulfilled friend’s obligations.”

Zhou Yuqing shook his head. "You and I are all people in the rivers and lakes. When you know what your friends are, when you work together, you can say more about rebelliousness. What about leaking news? I don't blame you, don't hate you, just when It’s easy to move, we can’t change anyone.”

The face of Ji Fuwei became darker. The beginning of Yu Qing’s sorrow was actually the last scene of the friendship between the two. At this time, the voice of the disciples was smooth and gentle, but there was no truth. inside.

He stood up, clenched his fists in his hands, and made a deep impression on his former friends. Zhou Yuqing returned the ceremony, and it was not bad.

"I heard that the old gods went to visit the friends after returning to the city, but they have not returned yet." Ji Fuwei's tone is extremely cold. "No matter who the old gods are looking for, they can't change the current situation. The storm is more than a hundred times worse than the rivers and lakes. It is not a This school can handle it."

"Please." Zhou Yuqing raised his hand to express the guest.

When I came to the courtyard, I saw the disciples outside, and the two of them talked and laughed. At the gate of the hospital, Zhou Yuqing asked: "When are you at the door? I have a preparation in advance. ”

Ji Fuwei laughed a few times. "Yu Qing brother is too polite, I guess - it is tomorrow, everyone will not come at a glance, everything will always come according to the rules, you say no?"

Ji Fuwei insisted that the owner should be sent to the hospital gate. Zhou Yuqing insisted on sending more than one trip. The two of you came to me. Finally, the squad sent the disciples to the disciples and ended the door. Go to the street, walk to the edge of the light, prepare to enter the night before, and finally turn back to the hand.

This is an important part of the etiquette and the rules of the rivers and lakes. Even if the two sides are enemies, they cannot be changed.

Several young disciples were excited because of this scene. "There is still a face of the uncle and the old gods. When I first came two days, I had the door to visit the door personally. The previous scorpions were not like this. I have to hand over Fan Shishu..."

Zhou Yuqing turned around and his face was darker than the night sky. "Close the door, who will dare to show up tomorrow morning, I will drive him out of the division."

The disciples were stunned. It was one of the heaviest punishments in the martial art. It was not easy to practice the disciples. Then they realized that the arrival of the old gods did not make the sects out of the crisis, but made the crisis public. .

"Let's just be a little bit..." a disciple looked scared.

"What are you afraid of? You didn't hear it, and people are also one by one."

Zhou Yuqing went away and he believed that Ji Fuwei’s words were not because of that person, but because of the Central Plains, and everything was always in accordance with the rules.

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