Death Sutra

Chapter 1103: Western Region

Shangguan arrived at the border a month ago and arrived in Beijing on the 10th under the **** of the Central Plains. She was a member of a large team representing the emerging forces of the Western Region.

In the past six years, the Western Region has undergone tremendous changes.

The first year of the Dragon King Yunyou - the Western Regions people called the Dragon King suddenly disappeared, they felt puzzled and feared, so they explained with a strange word - the war broke out in the Shule country, the news of the Dragon King leaving the Yuyu City just passed Out, Kang Wang Shang Liao immediately held the resurgence of Prince Shule, and Zhong Heng stayed in Yuyu City, hoping to compete for the control of the entire Dragon Army.

Shang Liao quickly expanded the site in Shule, and Zhong Heng couldn't sit still. He had to squat down the disputes in Yuyu City. He rushed to Shule State overnight and led his newly formed army to compete with Shangliao.

A dozen wars have been in the past three years, and gradually expanded to the east, involving the countries in the eastern part of the Western Region.

In the second year of Longwang Yunyou, Lou Languo formed the 11-nation coalition army, claiming to restore the order of the countries around Saitama. The 100,000 coalition forces first attacked the thousand horses, and they were stubbornly resisted by a million troops. So, they continued to move westward, intending to seize the Tongtianguan, where the guards were weak, and most of the guards were participating in the war between Shangliao and Zhongheng.

To the surprise of the coalition forces, the obstacles they encountered were not through the sky, but the Xiaowan country outside the day.

Shangguanyun sent a number of small-armed troops, constantly harassing the coalition forces from the flanks, and Lou Languo's coach was furious and vowed to win the small country.

The coalition forces initially distributed 10,000 people and arrayed outside Xiaowan City. The challenge was not met and a strong attack was launched for three consecutive days. No, the coalition reinforcements 20,000, but not grams, Lou Languo coach led the army to the city, a circle is more than a month, during the loss of soldiers, is not able to attack Xiaowancheng half a step.

There are only seven or eight thousand soldiers in Xiaowan City, and they are able to stand up. It is because there are a lot of grain and other military resources hoarded by the Dragon King two years ago in the city, especially the arrow is sufficient, and every time you counterattack, you can make an unswerving arrow.

In the Tongtianguan, Zhongheng’s defeat was gradually revealed, and he had no choice but to ask for help.

The owner of the city of Saitama is still a dragon, and the refined army composed of the Snow Swordsman owes allegiance to him, but he refuses to call the king. Willing to co-operate with the Iron Gun King and the One Step King on the mountain. Soon, under the auspices of Long Tuanyun, another king, Dragon King, also belongs to Shangguancheng.

The rumors slowly became a reality, and more and more people admitted that he was the biological son of the old dragon king, and why he still retained the surname of Shangguan. There are different opinions and no conclusions.

The name did not immediately change the fate of Yuyucheng. Zhongheng, Shangliao, and Duguyi were the three generals who held heavy soldiers. All of them voluntarily provided “protection” to Yuyucheng and proposed the same harsh conditions: they recognized themselves as the only one in the name of Dragon King. The commander of the Dragon Army.

He clocks and Shang Liao fights in Shule. The solitary squad guarded against foreign enemies in Qianqiuan and carefully expanded to the distant sea. Innocently vying for Saitama City, giving this semi-open city a breathing time of more than a year.

In the early years, Jinpengbao has begun to rebuild the Nancheng City Wall. It is very difficult for the New Dragon King and the City Lord to continue this undertaking. The craftsmen and stones that were easily bought before can suddenly be sought.

The surrounding area of ​​Saitama City is a ridiculous place. It relies on the commercial exchanges between the East and the West to prosper. However, the war has blocked traffic, and the business travel has naturally been pitiful. The Yuyu City has suddenly declined.

The rich people in Beicheng discussed where to flee every day, and the people in Nancheng immediately implemented it: the wandering knives went to the various armies to find opportunities to make meritorious deeds; the merchants rushed to the vehicles and bribed the checkpoints to flee to the eastern countries; more The poor were inspired by the legend of the country of Xiangxiang, and they migrated to the south in groups. Most of the results were intercepted by the army and forced to become soldiers or porters.

The three branches of the Dragon Army, together with the eastern coalition forces outside the customs, can easily capture the Yuyu City after gaining an advantage. The New Dragon King and the city owner, in addition to waiting for the fate of being conquered, or fighting for a battle, there seems to be nothing else. select.

The owner of the city and the Daxueshan swordsmen are willing to sacrifice their lives to protect the dragon's heirs. In addition, they have no more plans, so the burden of getting out of trouble falls on Shangguancheng's only guardian, Shangguanru.

She still claimed to be a "teacher". The first thing she did was to publicly reject the suggestions of some people. She vowed never to use the greens and killers left in the castle. Even if the city is broken, they will not Hit the knife.

This oath disappointed some people, but made more people feel at ease. The three generals thus relaxed their vigilance against Saitama City.

Shangguanru sent a large number of messengers to persuade the three generals to negotiate, peacefully divide the western countries, and even be willing to let out most of the land in the city of Yuyu, leaving only the city itself.

The response she got was all perfunctory.

Shangguan began to strengthen the city defense, and it was too late to build the Nancheng city wall. It only cost a lot of manpower and material resources. She issued an order to allow the residents of Nancheng to move to the north city, and sell or lease a large number of houses owned by Jinpengbao and Mengshi at a low price. The houses on the south bank of the boundary river will be demolished in large quantities, deepening the river course and forming a natural barrier. In this way, Saitama City will finally have a city to defend.

The rich people in the North City oppose this plan. They would rather surrender to one side of the forces than take the risk of war. Some people flee and feel that Saitama City is no longer an ideal refuge. Others secretly plot conspiracy, and soon After being suppressed, he was expelled from the city, leaving the house and wealth to accommodate the residents of Nancheng.

Shangguan has an important capital in his hands. The kings or princes of the Five Kingdoms are all in the city, including the eldest son of Shangliao. This is somewhat a kind of deterrent.

Next, she wants to resolve the contradiction between the two kings. Lao'an himself fled to Yuyu City. Xin'an Wang is the dragon king's book. The two are the same family, but they are not fathers and sons. After coordination, Xin'an Wang is the king, Lao'an Wang. Become a "supervisor" and jointly rule the country.

The messenger sent a secret letter to Anguo, the southernmost part of Xiaoyaohai. In the name of the two kings, he ordered the army to close the port and not to travel with the North Bank countries. At the same time, the other messenger went southward and brought the head of the Xiangji country. Command: Form the female soldier army again and go to the Anguo Association for prevention.

At this time, the north shore of Xiaoyaohai has become a mess. Shang Liao ordered the generals of Kang State to invade the countries in a big way, and Sha and Hui both fell. The most eastern stone country was occupied by the solitary squadron. There were several conflicts between the two sides. At one time, there was no energy to cross Hainan.

In the third year of Longwang Yunyou, the situation of war gradually became clear: Shule domestic, Zhongheng would lose to Shangliao; Tongtianguan, the eastern coalition forces gave up the siege of Xiaowan City, the coach was transferred back to Loulan, and another coalition was assembled. Come. Merged with the remnant army, intending to attack Qianqianguan with full force; on the north shore of the sea, there are many veteran army veterans and experienced, who have repeatedly defeated the Kangxue team and once approached the capital, facing the second attack of the eastern coalition forces. But there is no grasp of victory.

Among the forces of the parties. Zhong Heng’s first collapse, his army was formed the latest, and he was not a Westerner. He was not dominant in time, place, and people. At the beginning of the war, he relied on his reputation and talent. Once it was evenly matched with Shang Liao, it was slowly defeated. Shang Liaozhen held the Prince of Shule and received more support in Shule.

Zhong Heng asked the Shangyu City for help, but he was unwilling to give up his army and status. Instead, he was to "union with the New Dragon King." After being rejected, he launched an adventure: led the main army to attack Yuyucheng. He wants to establish a rear base for himself, control Shangguancheng, and continue to fight against Shangliao in the name of Dragon King.

This war has a wide impact.

Zhong Heng easily captured the South City and destroyed a large number of houses. However, he encountered difficulties in attacking the North City. The preparation of Shangguanru was more than he had imagined. The loyalty and bravery of the Snow Swordsman was as always, he could not buy it.

The siege war lasted for half a month. In order to satisfy the men’s desire for wealth, Zhong Heng even split the troops and robbed the four sangha blues outside the city.

This is the second time that the four sangha blues have been robbed. Fortunately, most of the monks were greeted by the Shangguan, and there were not many casualties.

At the same time, Shangliao and Du Guzhen approached Saitama City from both sides of the East and West. In nominal terms, they came to the rescue. In fact, they all took the opportunity to occupy the idea of ​​holding the New Dragon King in Yuyu City.

This is the most critical moment in Saitama City. The latter two armies are much stronger than Zhongheng, and the strong walls are hard to resist.

Shangguanru’s preparations have not yet been completed. Anguo is weak and self-protected. The army of Xiangxiang’s country has just been completed. It will take at least two or three months to arrive, and the premise of a sudden attack is lost. The combat effectiveness of female soldiers is very doubtful.

At this moment of isolation and helplessness, her only choice was to ask for help from the third brother outside the customs.

Shangguan Yun sent troops, led less than 10,000 cavalry, set off at noon, and did not stop. He unexpectedly attacked Tongtianguan on the night, and then stopped to watch. He knew that his strength was too small to rescue Saitama. I just want to occupy more sites before the end of the war.

However, Shang Liao was still shaken, and some troops were divided to compete for Tongtianguan.

The situation of being alone is not good. The eastern coalition forces are only a few days away from the thousand riders. If he can't return to the defense in time, he is likely to suffer from the enemy.

In those days, the messenger was busier than the soldiers, persuading, threatening, and buying everywhere, and even some junior officers were surprised to find that the enemy commander actually knew his name.

The state of the glue lasted for seven days, and then the fog disappeared and the water came out.

Du Guzhen surrendered to the New Dragon King, surrendering instead of "aligning" and "joining". Why did the one-armed general suddenly make such a decision, no one can make it clear, he seems to feel that he is more suitable as a pure general, There are even rumors that he got the secret of Yunyoulongwang, so he is willing to surrender.

The situation suddenly reversed, Zhong Heng abandoned the army, led a small number of followers to escape to the North Court, and for a long time did not know what to end.

Shang Liao wisely retired, nominally obeying the order of the New Dragon King, and prepared to concentrate on solving the threat of Xiaowan.

In the timely manner, he was able to return to the Qianqiuan Pass and get assistance from some Daxueshan swordsmen to once again hold important levels.

The general situation around Saitama City has been fixed, and the follow-up war has continued for more than two years. The eastern coalition forces finally retreated. Xiaowanguo firmly occupied Tongtianguan and seized a large piece of grassland without ownership. Shangliao has more than half of it. Le Guo, Li Shule was the king, he was the superintendent and Kang Wang, but in the Xiaoyao he had to retreat abruptly, giving up part of the land of the country, in exchange for the recognition of his occupation of sand and benefits.

A new Western country was born - Yu Yuguo, with the country of Saitama, Xiaoyao Haishi, Anguo, Xiangji, and the territory from the north to the south seems to be a huge sickle.

In the tributary year, as a symbol of peace and the new king's practice of the throne, many kings of the Western Region formed the largest ambassador in the past 50 years, went to the Central Plains tribute, and accepted the gift and canon of the emperor.

Before escorting the new dragon king Shangguancheng to the Central Plains, Shangguanru expected to see Gu Shenwei in the capital, but when Fan used the door, she realized that the people who had missed it had been hiding in the team.

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