Death Sutra

Chapter 1105: Arrange

Xu Yanwei is no longer a prostitute in Nancheng, so there is no need to pretend to be a pitiful and cute appearance to please the man. She is no longer a maid of the lady, so she does not need to constantly try to figure out the idea, but also has to carefully watch the woman of the Dragon King.

After getting rid of the heavy bondage, she showed the true face hidden in the petite body - a savvy businessman and a strict housekeeper, she understood the man's various things, and never gave Fang Wen a little bit of mischief, and agreed to marry. When it was given to him, this was the only condition for Xu Yanwei.

Xu Yanwei sat on the edge of the bed, wearing luxurious clothes. The extra placket and sleeves were almost covered with a whole bed, and the layers of jewellery were placed on the head, which made her head twice as normal. The waitress around me will take out the towel every time for the hostess to wipe the sweat - this is not a small burden.

She and Fang Wen have not yet become the wealthiest businessmen in the Western Region. There is still a big gap from Meng's in that year, but it is enough to support a certain degree of luxury. She wanted to make the audience bigger, similar to Luo Ning. Tea, hateful is that the group is limited, she can only bring a maid, as for the screen or something, even if there is money can not buy.

The Central Plains is very close to foreign missions and does not allow others to buy and sell goods at will.

"The Central Plains is not fun." This is after a few requests have been rejected, Xu Yanwei issued a complaint, changed to Saitama City, as long as there is money, everything is not to mention.

When Gu Shenwei and Fang Wen entered the room, Xu Yan was hot and tired, and the whole body oozes a layer of fine sweat. The mood is extremely bad, but it is quite in line with her meaning of "revenge" for her brother. "Ah - Ha." She exclaimed exaggeratedly. It seems that I came in with a ungrateful hacker. "Isn't this the Dragon King? I haven't seen it for many years. You have stirred up the Yucheng City and turned to the Central Plains to hide quietly. It is really smart. We all admire the dead, really, die. A lot of people."

Fang Wen was laughing at the door. Everyone agreed not to mention the old things. Xu Yanwei promised it well. As a result, the opening is directed at the pain.

Gu Shenwei looked at the small room and didn't care about Xu Yanwei's performance. He even felt a little kind. "You are... who is imitating? Mrs. Fang."

The name of "Mrs. Fang" angered Xu Yanwei, and stood up in the air. The ring around him hurriedly guarded the jewels with a slight tremor, for fear that they would accidentally fall. "I am not a lady, I am Xu Yanwei, let Fang Fatzi enter my bed on my house. The first is to pity him. The second is to need a man to support the facade. It is more convenient to do things. Third... third It is because of you."


"Yes, it is you, Dragon King."

"Now everyone calls him ‘Gu Gongzi’.” Fang Wen whispered in a whisper, and he did not dare to breathe in front of his wife. He did not humble his knees at the beginning. At the beginning of their marriage, the two had fought fiercely for several months. In the end, Fang Wen was defeated. There was no way. Xu Yanwei had a thousand faces. No one could really listen to it. The rhetoric didn’t work for her.

"Hah, changed the name again, Huannu, Yang Huan, Long Wang, Gu Shenwei, Gu Gongzi, who knows which is his real name, in short, because of him, Saitama City is a mess, the entire South City is ruined... ..."

"Now it has recovered very well. In another year or two, it must be more prosperous than before." Fang Wen was over-excited and inserted another sentence. He found his wife's gaze and hurriedly shut up.

"When Dragon King just left everyone to disappear alone, why don't you say this?" Xu Yan was so angry that he shook his husband and took a step forward. He continued to blame Gu Shenwei. "Everyone can survive. It is all thanks to Miss." Without her, Yu Yucheng had been set on fire for a long time, and those years..." said tears and tears, "All the people were scared in those years, no one knows if they can live tomorrow." I’ve been holding on to the idea of ​​a day, and the fat man is always entangled. It’s too late to say anything about it. I promised it when I was confused. You said, is this your fault?”

In the face of Fang Wen’s face, this is really a difficult question to answer. Gu Shen thought for a moment and said, “I am very glad that I made this mistake. Mr. Fang is a good husband. The women in Yucheng City must be I am envious of you."

"Oh, that's because he has money now." Xu Yanwei's voice eased down, and Fang Wen coughed and raised his chest to make a good husband.

"The Central Plains people have been chasing you all the time, have you heard that you had a fight with the Central Plains yesterday?" Xu Yanwei seemed to vent his anger, put on a tone of concern, and a little curious.

"Well, okay, I didn't lose."

"Of course you won't lose." Xu Yanwei didn't think this was a problem at all. "But how do you... always make trouble, go wherever you off, and the one-man king of the year will kill you. There are also many people going to the North Court to kill." You, it’s still like this in the Central Plains. Hey, let me say, you should reflect on it, if you have problems with people, I can give you a good job."

The change of the hostess is too fast, from anger to bitterness, there is no stagnation in the middle, and the ring around it can’t help it, and laughs.

Xu Yanwei looked angry, but for her, turning her head was a very difficult movement. She could only stare at the ring with the light. "Smelly girl, paying for you is not a joke. Be careful, I will sell you. Go to the brothel and let you learn how to serve people."

"The lady is angry, and the slaves are no longer dare." The ring looked down and begged for mercy. There was not much fear in the voice. It was probably often threatened by similar threats.

"Go out, we have to whisper."

"Yes." The ring just stepped out of the way and was screamed by Xu Yan. "Wait, put these baby on my head and put it away."

The ring hurriedly took the box from the bed and took the jewels from the hostess's head skillfully, put it into the box, and quit the room.

Xu Yanwei took a deep breath and suddenly felt a lot easier. Although the clothes were heavy, she still suffered. Looking at Fang Wen, "You have to listen to us whispering? My relationship with Gu Gongzi, you can't compare. ""

When it comes to the word "Gu Gongzi", Xu Yanwei intentionally uses a gentle tone, Fang Wen is a big jealousy, whispered: "I am your husband..."

"I hope that Mr. Fang will stay, and we will only meet soon. I have not said a few words." Gu Shenwei did not want to be a reason for the husband and wife not to meet.

Xu Yanwei reluctantly agreed, carrying the skirt, carefully walked to the table and sat down, staring at Gu Shenwei for a while, sighing indefinitely, "When is the hardship of revenge? Ending? Hey, you used to be the Dragon King. Now it’s like... the old swordsmen of the South City, they just didn’t wear their broken skin.”

"Come on." Gu Shenwei said, suddenly found out that this was a problem that she had never thought about. "I will soon report no enmity. At that time, there may be many people who will take revenge for me."

"That's not the same." Xu Yanwei waved his hand indifferently. "Revenge is that you are chasing people to run. Which is dangerous to go, being revenge is to run away from others. Where is it safe to go, relying on your ability, whoever catches No you."

"Mr. said these two words well." Fang Wen did not want to be a pure spectator, inserted a sentence.

“Don't I say anything else wrong?” Xu Yanwei didn’t appreciate it. “If you didn’t have my idea, would you be able to make your business now?”

"Mrs.'s words are admired, and the husband has always admired it." Fang Wen said with humility, Gu Shen was more and more surprised, how could he not think that the former military division could still make this demeanor.

Xu Yan slightly brows slightly, thinking about "pig chicken" is a good or bad thing, shaking his head to forget it, said to Gu Shenwei: "Where did you consider revenge? Where do you live? How to avoid the enemy? Also - - Who are you going to marry, or two?"

"Oh, madam, just met, it is not appropriate to ask this." Fang Wen is open to dissuading.

"You ask inappropriately, I ask right, who will let you stay? Just listen." Xu Yanwei's gaze firmly stared at Gu Shen's face.

"I didn't think about it, and this is not something I can decide." Gu Shenwei said that she also feels that her problem is not appropriate. There are too many important things to consider. It is a waste of time to imagine the future. It is like a person to him. Kind of sin.

"I still have to worry about it." Xu Yanwei thoughtfully thought, "But don't be too confident, think that everyone will be waiting for you in a foolish way. If you don't pay attention, the good girl will become someone else's."

"Enough is enough." Fang Wen is finally taking out a little husband's spirit. "Hey, what are you talking about, Shangguan teaches..."

"If the lady is beautiful, the temper is likable, and she is very clever. The person who likes her is so much, your eyes can't see it, just like..."

"Dragon King wants to hear this is not the case. I invited him to discuss how to deal with the current situation. Although the Central Plains Court admitted that the Dragon King is not guilty, this is only temporary. If I guess it is correct, there will be a bigger one soon. The crisis is coming."

Xu Yanwei miraculously did not anger her husband. Perhaps the word "crisis" made her understand that the Dragon King is still in danger. The most concerned issue is not who is jealous, but how to take revenge.

"Hey, let's discuss it, I listen, help you out."

Xu Yanwei suddenly became obedient, but Fang Wen was speechless. For a while, he said: "How much can Gu Gongzi say about revenge? I am not greedy, you just need to tell me the necessary information. ”

"Most of the time, my enemies are already unsettled, and soon they will reveal their true colors." Gu Shen is planning an unprecedented confession. Refusing to help will be hypocritical. All he has to do is to protect the party’s Safety.

"Please come to Shangguanjiao." Gu Shenwei did not want to say the same thing twice.

Xu Yanwei ordered the ring outside the door to go to Shangguanru. The three people were quiet for a while, and they thought about the matter until the Shangguan stepped into the house. Gu Shenwei suddenly discovered that in this little meeting, he did not Thinking about how to tell the truth, but thinking about the "like" that Xu Yanwei just had.

Who is interested in Shangguan? Xu Yanwei’s premonition in this regard has never been wrong.

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