Death Sutra

Chapter 1108: reconciliation

Su Shi cherished this opportunity, and even some were at a loss, for fear of making a mistake, or a discomfort.

Looking at him, Gu Shenwei suddenly remembered another teenager. Nie Zeng once followed the Dragon King with enthusiasm. He only had a bit more hatred than Su Shi. He hoped to learn the Dragon King’s ability and then challenge the Dragon King. He gave up hatred. After the disappearance of the Dragon King, he disappeared. It is said that he went to the North Court and had no contact with Yuyu City.

"What martial arts have you learned?" Gu Shen asked, the two just left the Huaxi Pavilion, and the goalkeeper was reluctant to let go. Obviously, the "Dragon King" was a special character, and Su Shi was an obscure follower. .

"You must, must be mustard tempted." Su Shi has some stuttering, taking a deep breath to ease the mood, speaking more normal, "thin tiger boxing, gods change boxing, fast and blessing."

"It’s all four sangha blue stunts."

"Yes, the Shangguan teaches the four sangha blue sorghum to pass on my martial arts, but I am not good at learning. Now I am just getting started. The coach also personally taught me a set of light work, called ‘暗香浮影.'”

Shangguan did not teach any martial arts of Jinpengbao.

The two did not go far, and they met Fan Fanda. He lived in a rented house near the Huaixi Pavilion. He was always waiting for Gu Shenwei. "He congratulated the public." Fan used his own name. Out, the various sects will not dare to challenge you. Many of the heads ran to admit their mistakes to the old gods, hoping to see you."

"I also want to see them."

This is what Fan Youda most expects to hear, and immediately ordered to inform the Zihe real person. He arranged for a meeting and he wanted to repay him. More want to reconcile with the Central Plains rivers and lakes.

At this time, it was morning, Gu Shen walked to the city, no need to cover and cover, no one knows him on the street. The notice of the "Dragon King" has just been torn off the wall, for the majority of the Beijing people. The Dragon King is still an inexplicable Westernland person, and even if there are people who are not sure.

"There are people tracking behind." Su Shi for a long time. Finally whispered a reminder.

"Look them as a follower." Gu Shenwei's eyes swept over the shops on both sides, hoping to find a familiar scene. "You have a lot of doubts."

"I?" Su Shi obviously didn't quite adapt to the tone of this chat. The voice was a little trembled. "My doubts don't matter. The Dragon King has a good plan and has a plan. There is something I need to do, even though I am told."

"It doesn't matter, just send the time is good, you have doubts can ask, any doubts." Gu Shen finally stressed that he also said similar words to Nie Zeng. This is his usual means of not knowing what to teach the other.

Su Shi took two steps, and along with Gu Shen, he was stunned and convinced that he was serious. This said: "I do have a few doubts. I thought it was. Everyone thought that you would kill a lot of people in the Central Plains."

"I want to kill a lot of people."

"But... you have to make friends."

Gu Shen can imagine that his behavior so far will make people who are familiar with him so surprised. When Jin Peng’s killer’s decision to rely on the Dragon King was just arrived, most people in the Huaixi Pavilion must have believed it.

"You are from the country of Xiangji?"

"Yes." Su Shiyi, do not understand how the topic suddenly turned here.

"In the past, in the country of Xiangji, what killing do you use?"

“Hey.” Su Shi quickly recalled, while thinking about Gu Shen’s true meaning. “With wooden sticks and stones, there were few steel weapons in the country of Xiangxiang at that time.”

"Where did you kill in the Western Region?"

"Knife, gun, sword, bow."

"What about the Central Plains?"

Su Shi was confused. The murder weapon of the Central Plains was no different from the Western Region, but it seemed to be different. He did not dare to speak for a while.

"In the country of Xiangji, only the nobility can kill people with sticks, so the murder is the identity; in the Western Region, in Saitama City, the strongest person can kill with a sword, so the murder is the power; in the Central Plains, only prove the other It’s a bad person, a sinner can kill it, then it’s fast, so it’s the situation to kill. I’m almost killed. I’ve been in the middle of Beijing almost impossible before yesterday, because the situation is not on my side. I want to kill a lot of people, I’ll have to gain momentum. Everyone feels that I can't kill and kill it properly."

Su Shi tried to understand these words, the more I thought it became more reasonable. "I remember someone told me that murder is the relationship of killing this person, and the relationship between the goals is cut off in advance, and there is no worries about killing talents."

"This sentence was originally spoken by a Central Plains person. Zhong Heng, you should have heard of him. In the Western Region, this sentence is valid. In the Central Plains, this sentence is the law."

Su Shi’s heart was hot, and Gu Shen was not so cold as he imagined, so he was born with trust and kindness. “To make friends is to gain momentum, but... is it a little hasty?”

"The warehouse is not rushed, you will know later."

Gu Shenwei hopes to reconcile with the Central Plains School. Zihe Reality and Zhou Yuqing are more enthusiastic about this than he is. In less than two hours, he invited thirty or forty heads and heroes, and a dozen. The door sent disciples to the scene to welcome the arrival of the Dragon King.

Not every martial art can accept such a drastic change. As the leader of the martial arts, Shaolin Temple and Hedong Luojiazhuang have no appearances. They each sent an ordinary disciple to fill the number. The Qingcheng School and the Yuqing School did not have one. They and Gu Cautious hatred is deeper.

Cheng Hao is coming, such a big thing in the capital of Beijing, he can't be out of the game.

For the first time, Su Shi was able to observe the difference between the Central Plains and the Western Region.

As a kind of reconciliation, the most unexpected thing for Su Shi is that no one apologizes from beginning to end, everyone is acting like a victim, being vilified by a traitor, and this "traitor", except those mysteriously disappearing Jinpeng Killer, there is no clear direction.

Zhou Yuqing controls the whole scene, and the protagonist is Fan.

Fan used the big public to introduce himself to the experience of being deceived. He successively went to Gu Shenwei, Zihezhen, and all the factions, and took all the responsibilities to himself. But he would rather say the word "forgiveness" and did not apologize to anyone.

Fan used the forgiveness of everyone. This is like a kind of ritual. His sins of sin encourage the parties to reach an agreement, and they turn from hostility to friends. No one makes mistakes. Even the use of the law is not wrong. He is loyal to the oath and does not forget the kindness. It is the righteousness of the rivers and lakes. reflect.

Zhou Yuqing prepared a dinner and hoped that the settlement would end perfectly. Unfortunately, it was destroyed by two things.

Gu Shenwei is a Westerner in name, so he had to return to the building outside the city before dark. His departure was a bit disappointing, but the problem was not big. The people who wanted to please the people of all factions were not him, but the purple cranes. The old **** only entered the palace to ask for success. It shows that the lofty status of the head of the school is not only derived from the age, but also has a solid foundation.

But another rumor quietly filled the crowd and completely destroyed the dinner plan.

The Queen Mother only gave Gu Shen a message for ten days. The Zihe real person and the sect of the sect had to be **** for this. Many people immediately retired and quit. Even the reasons are very similar: the government is very jealous of the Jianghu people, they live outside the city, it is not convenient to participate in the city's dinner, cloud.

In the end, there were only less than half of them, and Zhou Yuqing was in a good mood. Most of the entertainment was given to Fan.

Gu Shen does not care about this, at least within ten days. Most of the Jianghu martial art will only sit on the wall and will not cause trouble for him.

Su Shi opened his eyes and added a lot of doubts. This time, instead of Gu Shen’s encouragement, he proposed it on the way out of the city. “I thought that the people in the rivers and lakes are not afraid of the court, at least not so concerned about the direction of the court. In the Western Regions, when the swordsmen were unhappy, they went to be robbers, but there were not so many taboos."

"There is not much place to run in the Central Plains, but the Central Plains is not concerned about the Chaoyang Church. This is an exception."

"It’s strange, why do the Jinpeng killers kill the martial art disciples? If they **** the forest hills, why should they take the world’s big and sin, and offend many sects? It’s neither necessary nor risky.”

"There must be a purpose." Gu Shenwei said that he had some speculation and believed that he was close to the truth, but he would not say to Su Shi.

Su Shi did not ask, he knows where the boundaries are. "Is these sects sure to benefit from the court? Like the old man, I think he is very interesting. Everyone goes to flatter him because he has seen the Empress. ”

"Well, the benefits are very high. The most important thing is the land. Only when the relationship is good, the court will continue to give the land and guarantee that the land will not be taken away."

Su Shi milled for a while and felt that the rules of the Central Plains were both complicated and interesting. "It is indeed a good idea to give the land. The major sects need land, but they cannot take it with them, so they must always have a good relationship with the court. What about the small sects? They probably don’t have much land, but they are bound by the gates, and indirectly they have to work for the court."

"The facts are more complicated than this, but basically it's what you said, except that you have to wear the coat of 'community'. Remember, never talk to the Central Plains about the land, it is taboo, even if it is a real person, I will not ask for the land directly from the Empress Dowager. There is another set of rules here, which is more complicated."

"I understand." Su Shi gave birth to a lot of emotions, and finally said: "Gu Gongzi left the Central Plains for more than ten years and still understands the rules here."

Gu Shenwei pointed at his own eyes. "When you want revenge, the look of the world will naturally be different."

Su Shi stayed, he heard similar words, from the sorghum of the four sangha blue, but that is the eye of Buddhism, not revenge.

The two returned to the Huaixi Pavilion before dark, and Hummer Pangjing had sent someone to send a message. Princess Huaping agreed to meet Gu Shenwei tomorrow morning. The time was limited to half an hour, and one point could not be more. As for Xiao Wang, He performed more generously and officially invited Gu Shen to go to the banquet tomorrow night.

Most of the people in the building have already rested. Shangguan has prepared a room for Gu Shenwei, but he has to visit the injured Huo Yun first.

Getting along with Gu Shen for the whole day, this is the last thing that makes Su Shi feel confused, and he can't ask questions. Until he goes to bed, he still thinks, what would the Shangguanjiao think about the Dragon King's move? .

He closed his eyes and was tired and calm. In the last two years, he still dreams frequently, but there is no place for the devil's old man in his dreams.

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