Death Sutra

Chapter 1120: Suddenly

The purple crane is a rejuvenating person, and the hair is black and oily.

His hair is not much left. He was cut off most of the time a few days ago. Short hair is draped over his head. He doesn't care. He doesn't care. He even wants to shave. The apprentice Zhou Yuqing feels that it is a matter of fact. Remedy, so the businessman who bought the wig, I hope to hide it a bit.

The businessman did his due diligence and gave more than a dozen choices. The real person came to the interest at once and said to the apprentice: "It is fake anyway, and people can see it at a glance. It is better to come to the best."

So the real person's head is black and bright, which makes him feel very good, and can forgive all the actions of the later generations.

He pointed to Gu Shenwei first, with a smile on his face with a blame, as if the other person was his most beloved child and grandson. "You, you, say good alliance, one against the enemy, but you run yourself every day." Come and go, see the princess see the prince, I saw the fight between the princes and the heroes, how did you call me once?"

Gu Shen is suspicious of nature, and he is quite speculative about this old crazy purple crane. One has not been confirmed. Every time he meets, he is embarrassed by the other person's kind attitude. "The body of the real person is not working under the hood."

"Oh, you will also say kind words, it doesn't matter, you don't work for me, I work for myself, you have invited me."

Zihe real person found an excuse for his presence, and turned to Luo Pingji on the other side, screaming in his mouth, shaking his head and grinning, in short, a little dissatisfied.

Luo Pingji blushes, and the three Luo family have already passed the war with the real person and the dragon king. Although they did not say death, according to the rules of the rivers and lakes, he should not challenge the dragon king again. He did not want to respond, and hoped to get away with it, but the buzz of real people is getting louder and louder. He had to say: "Please don't misunderstand the old gods, this dragon will be formed by the various people with lofty ideals. It is not someone's idea, I was invited to join, and has nothing to do with Luojiazhuang, the owner does not know about it. ""

"Of course, you are all clever ghosts, gathered together to make a dragon slaughter club, and all the heads of the faction and the elders are in the dark. Well, powerful, ah, have the ability, the future of the Central Plains martial arts is boundless. Zhou Huaiyu, you are When did you run?"

Zhou Huaiyu has been scared to stay. He made a self-proclaimed downhill and sneaked into the capital for several days. He had been hiding in Chengjiazhuang. He did not expect to encounter the real person of Zihe, and he said with dejection: "The old **** is angry, the martial arts are in danger, everyone is responsible. I..."

"Ah, so you can be ignorant and go downhill privately. Your Zhou brothers are really a temper. Your brother is more honest than you, and occasionally can listen to me."

Zhou Huaiyu hopes that the old gods can give themselves a few faces in front of the outsiders. Listening to his words is not a taste, hurriedly squatting, hands to help the ground. Quiver: "The disciple is guilty, the disciple is damned, please forgive the old god."

The disciples of the various factions saw signs of anger in the real people of Zihe, all of them went forward to plead, and Yuqing sent a left-handed singer: "Old gods, blame everyone for blaming, Zhou Shixiong is being forced to join us. I accept it, I don’t mean to deceive the old god."

The real person nodded frequently, and waited until the voice of the pleader gradually stopped. He said, "You are not my disciples. But I live to be eighty years old. I am leaning on the old and selling old people. Can you say a few words?"

Zhou Huaiyu stunned, everyone has been a little chaotic, and said "can", all standing and listening to the old gods.

"I said - you still put on your pants and go ashore. The rivers and lakes are sinister. You didn't even learn to swim. You dare to jump in and play with water, and you are not afraid of jokes?"

This is a bit embarrassing. The disciples don't like to listen. Luo Pingji has been for a long time. At this time, he said, "The old gods are saying this. The rivers and lakes are all caused by the dragon king. Everyone is standing. On the shore, this rivers and lakes are not the world of the devil?"

Everyone expressed their approval. Zhou Huaiyu was on the ground and forced to suppress, so he did not nod.

The real person is not angry, hehe smiled and turned to look at the dragon king who was watching. "The young man is a slap in the mouth, I said but he, are you there?"

Gu Shen is stepping forward. "I have a way to fight, I advise people that I don't."

Deng Chungang was defeated and he first jumped up when he heard this. "The last game has not yet won the game, then fight!"

Although the purple crane is a high-ranking person, he has not walked in the rivers and lakes for more than ten years. Most of the young people in front of him only heard the name. The first time he saw the truth, he was jealous of a few words, and the tribute was quickly lost. Pick it up, you have to fight Luo Pingji and the Dragon King.

The real man was helpless and scratched his head twice. His wig was skewed and his appearance was more eccentric. "Do you have to fight?"

"Hit! Hit!" Seven or eight people replied in unison.

The real person retreats to the side. "I can't control you. Can you send my disciples to listen to me? Zhou Huaiyu, come over."

Zhou Huaiyu is in a dilemma. The order of the head cannot be ignored, but he is an energetic and enthusiastic age. He has more feelings for the newly formed Dragon Slayer than the sect. At this time, he will be offended by the old gods. Like-minded friends.

He is there, I don't know how to be good.

Others are also young, and they are angry with the real people of Zihe, so no one will persuade them, and the scene will become more and more embarrassing.

In the end, Gu Shenwei ended this embarrassment. "Real people, I am willing to compete with the Dragon Slayer today. If you are not in a hurry, can you solve the sects afterwards? Let us be a witness for the time being."

There is no way for real people to point to Zhou Huaiyu: "He is not my apprentice. His master has been dead for several years, so no one is disciplined." Then he said, "Zhou Huaiyu, get up, let's talk later."

Zhou Huaiyu stood up to the real person of Zihe and stood up. He found that everyone looked at his own eyes with respect and love, and he was very comforted. Even afterwards, he also recognized the punishment.

Gu Shenwei and Luo Pingji re-arranged to the opposite side, preparing for the unfinished contest.

The two disciples did not have any influence on the purple crane real person. What do you want to use for martial arts?"

"Luo Jiabi wave palm." Luo Pingji said, I thought that this old guy would toss down again. The status and face of the sect in the rivers and lakes will be lost. I really don't understand how such a lazy character gets the nobles in the DPRK. Happy.

"Suddenly the law." Gu Shen is back. In fact, he is prepared to use the sect of the sect to seduce the enemy, secretly causing the dead to pass the swordsmanship, and the knives are indiscriminate. The average person can't see it. Zhou Huaiyu's mastery is not refined. It is his men's defeat and can't say anything.

The purple crane is the best person to understand the law. With both hands, "Miaoji, I don't know that there is a descendant like you. Do you know the origin of this set of palms?"

"I only have some fur, I don't know the origin." Gu Shen is a perfunctory, but I have to look at what the real person will say.

The real person did not want to wait until the end of the contest. Actually, he said in front of everyone, "The South China Classic" has a cloud, the emperor of the South China Sea, the emperor of the North Sea, the central emperor is chaotic, and the chaos is like an egg, no holes. Hey, it’s two idiots. Discussing the chaos for the chaos, the seven smashing, the chaos will be finished. Do you understand?

Gu Shen also read the book when she was a child, but she didn't understand that he didn't understand it. Even Zhou Huaiyu, who stood in the crowd, was puzzled. He had to receive this skill before Master died. . The marrow is known and has never been taught to the old gods.

"The enemy is chaotic, and it is the palm of the hand. It is a metaphor for the seven metaphors. It is probably the meaning of this." Gu Shen is a temporary hard solution, and the more he feels that the purple crane is acting strangely.

"Rely on the score, but I said chaos is a good egg. I am stupid, do you understand?"

Gu Shenwei couldn't answer it, and regarded his martial arts as a "stupid", which is not within the scope of the martial arts he was exposed to.

Luo Pingji can't stand the shackles of real people. Sneer, "Old god, are you going to accept the dragon king's palm?"

The real person did not hear the voice outside, but the eyes turned a light. "It is impossible to accept the apprentice. My little disciple knows what will happen, but when it comes to teaching the law - Gu Shenwei, you want to be in the fur. Do you want to learn some flesh?"

The disciples of the various factions shook their heads and laughed, and the heads of the sects were becoming more and more disproportionate. Let’s not say that the stunts must not be rumored. Even if the teachings are not in a few words, the enemy is close at hand, but it is easy to cause confusion.

"The old god... I haven't gone down in the past ten years, isn't it?" Yuqing's left mang asked whispered, Zhou Huaiyu nodded coldly, thinking that if the master was not afraid of death after the death, he would not learn. When he was in the palm of his hand, his brother Zhou Yuqing was a teenager. He was not taught until now. The purple crane is so casual to teach the dragon king so much, it’s like there is no way to go. A Westerner is like a person.

Gu Shenwei is also inexplicable. The connection between him and the purple crane is only a letter from the dog. But the old **** has not seen him yet, and he often shows it well, and even tries to arrange it. Destiny is tied with him, and now he is going to pass on his arrogance in the public, making his promises from false to real, it is really incredible.

"Good." Gu Shenwei promised to be very reluctant, Zihe real people happily beckoning, more seemingly blind, even a bit flattering.

Luo Pingji is anxious, cold and cold: "How long do I have to wait? Go back to sleep?"

"It’s a quarter of an hour, there are trees and water here, and you kids are going to play around."

No one admits that they are "children", and no one is going to play. They all look at the purple cranes and whisper.

Gu Shenwei walked to the side of the real person and glanced at the narrow knife leaning against the tree. He was only five or six steps away from him.

The real person came up and lowered his voice and said: "If you are ignorant, you must be a fool, you can break a good egg. Your problem is too smart, so you will only be arrogant. Since you have learned how to move, you have two The stocks are infuriating, and you still have to worry about it. If you hit it, you will win."

Gu Shen did not understand a sentence, he suspected that Zihe himself was also confused.

"Oh." The real person is very satisfied with the effect he has caused. In Gu Shen’s back, he took two shots. "You have learned the sword for so long, and the qi has been practiced for the sword. Have you thought that swordsmanship can be countered?"

Gu Shenwei seems to understand what.

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