Death Sutra

Chapter 1124: Hatred

Huo Yun fell asleep early, and if he had no breathing, he seemed to sleep very sweetly.

The big hole on the wall could have been repaired. Han Fei disagreed. He had to come up with a few pieces of wood and blocked it. "You can come directly next time."

Han Fen lowered his voice, almost whispering, she had made up her mind, one step away from the room, the servant's own servants regularly came to pick up the garbage.

"Is she always sleeping?" Gu Shenwei also asked in a very small voice.

Han Fen smiled and nodded. "Like a child, after eating, I can't sleep for a while, sleep during the day and sleep at night."

"How does Sun Shen medicine?"

"He said that he couldn't figure it out. Anyway, there was nothing big. It was a good thing to sleep and to cultivate internal injuries."

Gu Shen took a look at the bed. Huo Yun was probably doing a good dream. His face was mild, his cheeks were reddish, and there was a layer of fine sweat on his forehead. It was a bit more delicate, going back to nearly a decade ago. When the two men formed a "arm slave help" in Jinpengbao, she occasionally revealed this expression.

Han Fen took the towel from the bed and wiped her sweat for her. He whispered in a tone of worship and admiration: "Is there anyone more beautiful than her?"

Gu Shenwei shook her head and sneaked out of the room, asking about the outside party’s message: "Sun Shen doctor? I want to see him."

"Go, go to treat Xiao Wang, is this not your order?"

"Yes." Gu Shen thought of it, he let Fan used to introduce Sun Shen to Xiao Wang.

The two returned to the living room, and the party was cramped. When they closed the door, they said, "The Shangguan coach has no malice. She said that Yuyucheng was originally Gu Gongzi, and he gave it to you, you will not... that... …you will not……"

pissed off? angry? Refuse? Disappointed? Fang Wen did not come up with the right words for a long time.

Gu Shen was sitting in a chair and meditating. "Do you know the dead man?"

"Dead man? Isn't it the killing martial arts that you have been practicing?" Fang Wen nodded. "But I don't like the name of the dead. I heard that it has a name called Dajue Jianjing. This is better. ""

Fang Wen is not martial arts, nor martial arts. Because of this, Gu Shenwei thinks he is a suitable conversation object.

"What is not important, do you believe that martial arts will solidify certain emotions in your heart?"

Fang Wen understood that this was a serious conversation, so he sat down. "I heard the official head told me about the big swords. I think it is a bit reasonable. Any martial arts have such effects. For example, I know that I can play most of the swordsmen, and naturally I dare to do more business, even the literary talents. I have read many books and dare to talk in front of the emperor. Not that I am more courageous, but more Confidence. But like the Great Sword Sword, it can solidify hatred in the heart - I can't understand it, but I can accept it, because you and the sergeant are living examples."

"The dead man is indeed like this. I have a hatred in my heart. I used to remind myself that I can't forget it. After practicing the dead man, I don't need to remind me anymore. It is always there, but I made a mistake."

"Error?" Fang Wen said with surprise.

"Well, I thought that the hatred in my heart was aimed at killing the enemy. After the death of the One-Step King, I realized that this is not the case."

Fang Wen is even more surprised. "Do not hate the enemy, who are you hating?"

"Not hate, the one-step king kills all my family. I certainly hate him, but that is just ordinary hatred, not the hatred of the dead, the cultivation of the martial arts, what I hate is not 'who'. But the place ""

"That place?" Fang Wen is more and more confused, Gu Shenwei is pushing his heart with him, but he can not understand the meaning, deep shame and self-blame.

Gu Shenwei did not care. Fang Wen’s “do not understand” was an encouragement, so that he could tell his heart.

"Jinpeng Fort and Yu Yucheng, that is my biggest source of hatred."

"Jinpeng Fort and Yuyu City." Fang Wen repeated in a mutter, vaguely understand a bit.

"My life has changed there. I learned to be slaves, learned intrigues, and learned to be ruthless."

"In addition to slaves and knees, the other two are okay, very useful." Fang Wen said in a whisper, still did not accurately grasp the meaning.

"But I am not voluntarily. I am forced. Imagine putting Mr. Fang in a group of wild people who don't know. You have to force yourself to learn all their skills - climbing trees, hunting, eating wild fruits. ......"

" Needless to say, I understand." Fang Wen did understand that he could become more ruthless, more treacherous, and more shameless, but he could not stand the life of a savage, and the life gap with his reading books was too great. .

Everyone has their own habitual living environment, and gradually grows up and changes in this environment, and few people can accept the opposite life.

Daxueshan Swordsman and Jinpengbao are feuding, their children can easily accept Jinpengbao's killer training, and even proud of it, because the environment of the two has similarities, but the Central Plains Gu Shi and the Western Region Jinpeng Fort are like It is the two worlds, and Gu Shen’s transformation at the time was almost reborn.

This is not a rebirth that was completed overnight. It splits the skin a little bit, breaks the bones, releases the blood, and after all the re-creation, it is re-installed a little bit. Gu Shen thought about it a few times until he died. Practiced the dead man.

The dead man is the sword of murder and the martial art of saving people. The stronger the sword of Gu Shenwei, the more self-respect is found, and the deeper the hatred of the place that once reshaped itself.

"So, what did you want to destroy from the beginning is Jinpengbao and Yuyucheng?" Fang Wen felt that his heart was like blocking a piece of things. The Gu Gongzi in front of him was not the former Dragon King. He was wrong. Shangguan was also wrong.

"I stood in the crowd and watched Shi Qingjue lift the knife to kill Shangguan. At that time, I felt strange. If I hate the bones of the one-step king, I should think about killing him personally, but I don't have this desire, as long as Confirm that he is dead, he is the symbol of Jinpeng Fort. When he is dead, I can destroy the city of Shibao and Yamashita."

"But you didn't do this, you..." Fang Wen said that he couldn't go on. The thing in his heart was getting heavier and heavier and heavier. "You left Jinpengbao and Saitama City to the war."

"Leave it to the war. If you let me destroy Jinpengbao and Yuyucheng, I have to kill a lot of people, including many people around me, and maybe even you."

"I?" Fang Wen was shocked. All the wandering thoughts came back. "Why kill me? Oh, I know, because I won't agree with you, destroy Jinpeng Fort, you can At the very least, you can get the support of the big snow enemy swordsman and destroy the Yuyu city. That is... it is simply a broken arm."

"So I will never be able to return to Yucheng again. Shangguan has realized some of my wishes. After the end of this generation of life, there is no killer in Jinpengbao. The southern city of Yuyucheng has been burnt to the ground, and the north city has changed. I heard the news and felt very good. I don't want to go back and see what they look like."

Fang Wen is very careful to bury some words in his heart. The change in Saitama City is not so big. It is still a paradise where businessmen and swordsmen gather. The murder is less than ever, but as long as the threat of war is still there, this The situation will not change much. As for Jinpengbao, the people inside have changed, and the stone fort has not changed.

These things may not be known to Gu Shenwei, but he certainly does not want to listen. Fang Wen is a long breath, and the stone in his heart is relieved. Although the Dragon King has become strange, he has not completely indulged in the killing. He fled the Western Region. Leave the city of Saitama to the war, and in some sense "forgive" the lonely city and the Jinpeng Fort on the mountain.

Fang Wen suddenly felt sad for the Shangguan. Regardless of revenge or not, Gu Shenwei did not return to the Western Region.

"The one-step king is already dead. Your hatred for the hatred of the door is not so strong. Why do you want to come to the Central Plains?" Fang Wen asked, and he has decided to give up and persuade Gu Shen to change his mind.

"In the beginning, I only wanted to find out the truth. Who hired Jinpengbao? The more I know, the more doubts I have. So I walked over and step by step. When I found that the figure behind the scenes was faintly visible, revenge. To be honest, I don’t have much hatred in my heart. I just want to solve this problem. I am afraid that the action is too late, the insiders are dead, and I am afraid that the action is too early. I will have nothing to do after that. It is."

"Ha." Fang Wen said with a sudden smile. "At least this has not changed. You just like complicated conspiracy. Oh, I like it too, but I haven't touched it for a long time."

"Are you not a military division who has been a boss for a long time?"

Fang Wen is a sneer, and turned his head and looked at the door. "Shangguan’s head... Unlike you, she is not interested in the general trend of the Western Region. Most of the troops will be secretly carried out. I can’t help much."

"You helped her to persuade the solitary."

"The solitary general is easy to persuade. His symmetrical king is not interested, and his back is the enemy. Surrender is his best choice. My lobbying is just to give him a step."

Fang Wen did not seem to know much about the inside story, Gu Shen did not ask.

Someone knocked on the door outside, and Fang Weng got up and whispered: "Gu Gongzi is relieved, I will keep these words secret, even if it is rough inside, I can't let me speak."

Gu Shen nodded and then called "come in."

Su Shi opened the door and looked a little confused. "Hua Mafu sent someone to send a letter and said that the head of the coach would stay in the city tonight, so that we don't have to wait for her."

“Do you have a hand letter?” Fang Wen asked immediately.

"No, it’s a man from Huma, and he left when he finished."

Both of them looked at Gu Shenwei and waited for him to decide.

"What about the four bodies?" Gu Shenwei raised a question that was completely unbounded.

"Let's put it." Su Shi replied, his expression was more confusing.

"Yu Qing sent me when I came." Gu Shen had not slept for a few days, but when she saw the night outside, his heart was still excited.

There must be something to do.

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