Death Sutra

Chapter 1148: Prepare

Gu Shenwei has sneaked to the edge of Hummer, temporarily changed his mind and returned to the backyard. One thing made him feel puzzled.

The princess said that the Luo family master is protecting her, but the entire house does not strengthen the defense, not to mention the professional killer, even the ordinary rivers and lakes, can easily be mixed into the house.

He is still looking for the brightest place.

Princess Huaping is thundering in the hall. More than a dozen big and small beards are chilling, and no one dares to answer.

"Stupid, all stupid." The princess stepped back in front of the attendants, pointing at each person's face. "They usually claim to have the talent of the general. At a critical juncture, no one is useful, the fire is under the eyes." You can't even see it."

Luo Qihong is the most favored person at the corner of the princess. She observed the color and found that the princess was a little down. She asked with care: "I am stupid, I can’t share my worries for my Highness, but I am really sorry for my Highness. Please ask your Highness to tell us what happened, so let us know."

Everyone should be in unison, and they still don’t understand what the princess is referring to at the critical juncture.

The princess sat back in the chair and looked down on the countermeasures. She knew that relying on anger and the beard would not do a big deal. "The family of Luo took orders and the others retired."

The attendants were relieved and retired. Only five people stood up and the princess stared at them for a while. "Luo Pingji and Luo Qihong left, and the three of you can leave."

Old beard and long beard - this is Luo Pingji and Luo Qihong's nickname in the government - both nervous and proud, the hall door just closed, the two wanted to go to the princess to talk, just took the first step was stopped.

The princess's look is more severe. "So far, we will not pretend."

The two men were shocked and immediately stunned. Luo Pingji had fallen out of favor and did not dare to speak. Luo Qihong’s beard was slamming and trembled: "Why did you say this under the Highness, we are..."

"There is little pretense." The princess interrupted the performance of the pet. "We all know that over the years, you have to use the wind to get the rain. The benefits are quite good. Of course, I have also received from you." Less fun and reward, but these are not enough. Your Luo family still owes me an account."

"The Luo family never forgets the grace of His Highness, and always thinks about repaying."

"Hey, I think about what is the use. I know that you have a master on the Luojia River, there is a general in the hall, but now it is Xiao Wang, even outside the rivers and lakes, and there will be people coming to kill me, what do you have? How to deal with the trick?"

Luo Jia and the two straight up, shocked and stunned, Luo Qihong said nothing, Luo Pingji had to open, "This ... how is this possible? Xiao Wang is not losing power? In addition to the sect, Xiao Wang has no relationship with the rivers and lakes. ”

"Is there a way for Xiao Wang to connect with the people in the rivers and lakes, and he still needs him to go out?"

Luo Pingji became more and more surprised. "Cheng Jiuye? His Highness heard the rumors of him? Cheng Hao and Luo Jia are united in one, and they have always listened to it. Although they have not entered the Huma, they have done a lot of things for the princess outside. I can guarantee... ”

"I guess that Luo Jiaguan is still your old beard, Luo Qihong is favored again, and you can't compete with you at home." The princess said coldly, she was no longer interested in playing tricks at this moment of life and death.

Luo Pingji knew that he had leaked a horse's foot and came out with a cold sweat. He suddenly realized that "Your Highness is overwhelmed. I only care about some chores in the Luo family. Since His Highness said that Cheng Hao has a rebellious heart, I immediately found someone to catch him. Come, or live or die, by the judgment of His Royal Highness."

"Looking for someone? When you find someone, Cheng Hao has already become a general. I am going to ask you, the master of the Luo family? Why is it not seen, is it not to protect me?"

"They...they..." Luo Pingji and Luo Qihong looked at each other and no one knew how to answer them.

"What is the way the Locke repays me?" The princess was furious.

Luo Qihong immediately said the truth, "His Royal Highness, the master of the Locke... was taken away by Luo Pingying."

"Luo Pingying, isn't that the so-called hidden privilege of your family? Why did he take people to go to Cheng Jiu and Xiao Wang's loyalty?"

"No, they heard that Gu Shenwei was unfavorable to His Highness, so he must remove this scourge for His Royal Highness..."

The princess took the case and walked over to Luo Qihong. He flew up and hit him in the front chest. Luo Qihong leaned back and was scared to face no one.

"It’s all this time, are you still talking to me? Luo Pingying is taking revenge for your family, shutting me off?"

The princess said swearing, that is really angry. After Luo Qihong was favored, this is the first time she saw her appearance. She was so scared that Luo Pingji had to say: "Your Highness is saying, but this is us. The home of Luo’s family is really ugly..."

"So, is the Luo family an outsider?" The princess turned to Luo Pingji and tried to jump on his toes.

"It's my fault, it's all my fault. I don't want to bother with these things. The Luo family had a big crisis. Luo Pingying believed that the Luo family's secret was in Gu Shen, so he did not listen to the orders of the family. Killing him. In the first two days, Gu Shenwei killed another Luo Ke Cang of the Luo family. Luo Pingying was even more intolerable. He said that there is a killer in the Western Region. The Central Plains also has the same. He wants to take a covert approach to kill Gu Shenwei. , will not leave a trace of horses."

"Stupid." The princess returned to the chair, and he laughed twice. "No way, who makes fools look better than smart people?"

The princess didn’t talk for a while, and the two of Luo’s family yelled at me and I saw you. They all felt that the princess was a bit abnormal. Luo Qihong whispered: “Is it true that the prince’s story about Xiao Wang is true?”

"Don't I lie? The truth is clear, but you haven't seen it."

"Then I will go to the homeowner immediately, recall Luo Pingying, the Luo family is the last martial arts lord, and shake the arm..." Luo Qihong immediately gave an idea.

"There is a lot of pain in the arms of the people. You only have to shake your arms? Save the province. Cheng Hao knows that you have a family, and I will definitely count everything. It’s too late. It’s too late.”

"I went to see General Yulin Luo, as long as there are 100,000 Yu Linjun, and many people in the rivers and lakes are also the rabble, Xiao Wang is still the shackles." Luo Pingji proposed another way.

"Yes, with Yu Linjun, the whole capital is mine, the emperor is dead, what am I waiting for? Just set up an emperor myself, I am too emperor."

"His Royal High School." Luo Pingji finally catered to the princess's heart, can not help but overjoyed, got up and set off.

The princess sneered. "When you make up your mind, I have been cut into eight segments."

"His Royals have already..."

"Of course, can I just chat with you and die?"

"His Highness sees you, Your Highness..." Luo Pingji and Luo Qixiang rushed to say a series of eulogies, but there were ominous signs in their hearts. The impression of the Princess on the Luo family plummeted, and it was impossible to see if Luo Wei could recover it.

Gu Shenwei left at this time. Although the three people in the hall will have some martial arts, none of them are masters. They are not aware of the eavesdropper's coming and going.

Luo family also had to do it in advance. Luo Pingying was probably setting up an ambush at the Huaixi Pavilion. Gu Shen was once again sneaked onto the courtyard wall, just to see a team of horses and horses flying fast, the gate lights shining, the leader was Yu Lin. General Luo Wei.

After Xiao Wang heard about this news, he couldn’t do it either. Gu Shen was rushing to the North City and was full of expectation and confidence in the upcoming chaos.

Dongmen Sima Gao's unfortunately tonight, rest at home, he just unloaded a heavy burden and a debt of love, very happy, his wife and children, he still stayed in the study room to drink, and occasionally thought, if Gu Later generations will come to seek help to deal with themselves. Of course, depending on the situation, he thinks that he can no longer be involved in rebellious things.

He did not expect "help" to come so fast.

Gu Shenwei refused to enter, Gao Enci responded very quickly, reached out to touch the knife, found the appearance of the comer, retracted his hand and said with amazement: "How do you know..."

Of course, Qin Yeming knows that Gu Shen will naturally know.

"What are you doing?" Gao En gave a low voice, and believed that there was no good thing in the sudden, so he prepared several reasons for rejection.

"I want you to go to the palace immediately and pass the message to the Empress Dowager."

"What?" Gao Enci couldn't believe his ears. "Oh, Gu Gongzi, you made a mistake. I am just a goalkeeper. I can't enter the palace, and I can't even see the Empress."

"I know." Gu Shen decided to reveal a little more secret. "You don't have to go deep into the inner palace. Just find the Weizan of the imperial kitchen and tell him the news."

“Imperial room? Weizan? Wait...”

Gu Shen can not wait for a while, "Western killers are controlled by Xiao Wang, the princess has mobilized Yu Linjun, as long as they tell Wei Zan on these two words, the rest of the things he knows how to do. Also, first If you go in, you can do nothing, go home, if you go in.

"This... you let me think about it... What excuse do I use to go to the imperial kitchen in the middle of the night to find someone? Just because I am going back to the East Gate, I will be suspected by my colleagues."

"Think about the way, it's a big deal, it's done, you make a wonderful work. If you don't go, you will regret it for a lifetime."

This is not a "help" scene in the high envisioned imagination. It is more like a threat. He puts down the glass that he has been holding in his hand. "What are you saying are true? Xiao Wang and the princess..."

"Go out and see you."

"Well, I am going." Gao Enci finally made up his mind.

"Right, Weizan is Qin Yeming. I don't want to be too surprised to see him."

Gao Enshi can't be surprised, Gu Shenwei can actually send a person into the palace without knowing the ghosts. This can be greatly unexpected to him, but there is no time to chase after the bottom, Gao Enshi is looking for his official uniform everywhere. When turning around, the uninvited guest has disappeared.

"It's a terrible job." Gao En gave almost a retreat. This is not the same as the usual transmission of information. It is easy to make a mistake. At that time, it is likely to cause a great disaster.

He put on his official uniform and went out.

Gu Shenwei had to prepare for both hands. Zihe Reality is an old fox that can't be guessed. After he goes out, he may go to see the Empress Dowager, or he may go to Xiao Wang. Otherwise, why is he so anxious to kill Fan Fanda? What?

Gu Shenwei’s doubts are not limited to this. The night is coming soon, and he has not yet clarified the true purpose of the ten forces of Shifang and Shi Juqing.

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