Death Sutra

Chapter 1153: Good or bad

Only those who have seen Shi Qingjue six years ago will not believe their eyes at this time.

He has undergone tremendous changes, the whole body has almost doubled horizontally, the muscles are increased, and it is not bloated at all. Because the wind is blowing, the skin becomes purple, the eyes are always licking, and the lips are The scars are more conspicuous, like two unreasonable beards.

His head and chin are still naked. He never left a beard. Every ten days, he must shave his hair once, so his nickname has not changed. He just added a word in front - "Iron Monk" Shi Qingjue, vertical and horizontal Thousands of miles away from the plug, the reputation is so prominent, even the robbers of the Central Plains have praised him.

"How is Cheng Jiu's credibility?" Shi Qingjue sat in a chair, his mouth swayed under his buttocks, and the wooden chair seemed to be overwhelmed. He would fall apart at any time. It was bearing a large piece of pig iron.

The lord of the Dragon Mountain is really the admirer of the iron monk. He succumbed to him and said, "This Cheng Jiuye is not an ordinary person. He is the first hero in the rivers and lakes. Since he promised, he will never lose his word, a Western Region. The woman’s head is only the hand, and the brother is waiting patiently.”

Wan Shizhen toast, Shi Qingjue did not refuse, in the grassland these years, wine is his water.

"Don't underestimate her, she is good at using poison, and the person who is called the lotus girl is a rare master."

"Oh, I have said these things to Cheng Jiuye. He has a few words in his heart." Wan Shizhen said so, I don’t think so, the Western Regions, the women, these two words add together, there will be no real master. .

Someone came in without knocking on the door. Wan Shizhen turned his head and glanced back at Shi Qingjue.

In the eyes of Wan Shizhen, the iron monk is a hero, but there are also many mysteries on his body, such as he has to kill a woman. But respectful to a child, these two behaviors are not enough "heroic" spirit.

Shangguan became twelve years old. He was much maturer than his peers. He watched with great vigilance and arrogance, and did not make any indication.

"I have to go back," he said, in a tone of command.

"Well. You can go tomorrow." Shi Qingjue sees this little villain every time, and there are two opposite emotions in his heart:

One is a torment-like thought. He no longer lacks a woman. The image of Luo Ning tea is still in his heart. Every time she vents her, she will temporarily evade. When the enthusiasm disappears, she will Re-emerged, comment on the woman he just owned with a proud and mean look. Nothing is good, there is always nothing.

Shangguancheng’s look and appearance have the shadow of his mother.

The other is embarrassing, Shi Qingjue has to admit that Shangguancheng looks more like a dragon king. He knows that Luoning tea is good at using and willing to use his own appearance, but those men are not dead, they are out of reach, Shangguancheng is It is the iron card that Long Wang once had close contact with that woman.

"No. I am going to go today." Shangguan Cheng saw Shi Qingjue with strong curiosity, but he could not remember the monk six years ago. I don’t have a good impression of today’s iron monks. This is a group of robbers. Besides drinking, they are bragging. Even tomorrow’s things are not considered, let alone plans for the next few years.

"The capital is not safe today, and tomorrow will be fine." Shi Qingjue used to say one thing. Even if you try to ease the tone, it still looks very tough.

"I am a guest of the Central Plains. What can affect me?"

"Listen to me, go tomorrow."

Shangguan Cheng was somewhat afraid of this violent iron monk, and walked silently to the chair where Wan Shi really sat. Suddenly asked: "Are you sending someone to kill Han Fen?"

"She poisoned your mother." Shi Qingjue said coldly, before coming to Beijing, he placed a lot of expectations on Shangguancheng, the "Iron Gun King", and got along with him for two days, expecting that there is not much left.

This boy is a "dragon king", not a "iron gun king". His similarity with his mother is only superficial, and he cannot inherit the clothes of the big-headed god.

"There is no clear evidence yet..." Shangguan whispered that Han Fen had already admitted to him personally.

"Evidence?" Shi Qingjue’s voice could not help but be harsh. He was the leader of the bandit and rarely heard the word. "The facts are clear, do you not want to avenge your mother?"

"I..." Shangguan Cheng’s voice was lower. Suddenly he looked up and said, "Uncle, do you think my mother is a good person?"

This is a problem that has been extremely plagued by Shangguancheng for a long time. He remembers that his mother is a very beautiful woman, but every time she thinks about her, the scenes in her mind always seem to refuse, shoved and icy, looking for his best memories. Not the mother's figure, but they are related to Han Fen.

Shi Qingjue stunned, and the child in front of him was sentimental, not only like Luo Ning tea, but also like the dragon king he was impressed. Perhaps he lived in the stone for too long, and was influenced by Shangguanru.

Shi Qingjue is not familiar with Shangguan. He just thinks that such a little girl must not teach a real man. He had already decided to send Shangguancheng back to the museum in the morning, and then he had new ideas.

"Do you know what a good person is?"

"That is... is... a good person for everyone." This time it was difficult to answer Shangguancheng.

“It’s good for others, isn’t it good for you?”

"Why is light not good for me?"

"Don't worry about why, this kind of thing is often. In other words, I know that Han Fen once brought you, you like her, but she killed your mother, poisoned many people, she is only good to you, not good to others. Do you say she is a good person or a bad person?"

Shangguan Cheng is not talking. He has not been successful in the past 12 years, so he thinks much more than his peers. The problem with Shi Qingjue is that he cannot answer and is not willing to answer.

"Dragon King is your biological father, but throwing you in Saitama City regardless of whether he is a good person or a bad person?" Shi Qingjue will not stop when he succeeds. He read the Buddhist life extensively and made him think more than most robbers. To be much more agile, "The One Step King is the best for you. Once I wanted you to inherit the King, but he killed Gu's family. Is it a good person or a bad person? Shangguanru raised you up and made you a king, but she never Reluctant to avenge the tragic family, is it a good person or a bad person?"

This series of questions made Shangguan Cheng dumb and his cheeks flushed.

"The good guys who control his mother are bad people." Shi Qingjue is full of pride. "It is good people who are useful to you. It is a waste person who is useless to you. It is a bad person who hates you. It is so simple. There are so many people in the world, before doing things." Every time you have to investigate clearly? You are now the king of Saitama, but everything from head to toe is taken by someone else. For this, killing countless blood flows into a river. You still care about whether Han Fen is Good man? She killed your mother, that's it. You are the son of Luo Ningcha and have to avenge her."

"Yeah." Shangguan Cheng still felt that his heart was blocked and he said that he was willing to be envious, but he was not "happy" at all.

Shi Qingjue stood up, his palms pressed heavily on Shangguancheng's shoulders, and found that he could withstand it, and he was slightly satisfied with his heart. This little child was trained to become martial arts, not all sissy. "Let me go outside, just one In a year, you will become a real man. When you can **** what you want, you don't need help from others, and you don't have the strange idea of ​​'who is a good person.'"

"I... let me think about it." Shangguan Cheng was very surprised by this invitation, and there was a bit of a move.

"I will return to the outside tomorrow and give me an answer earlier."

"Good." Shangguan Cheng forced himself to stop thinking about Han Fen, but he knew what his interests were. "I heard you talk to Wan Shizhen. That Cheng Jiye, he promised to kill Han Fen for you. You What did he promise?"

Shi Qingjue knew that Shangguancheng was eavesdropping outside and didn't care. He liked his vigilance. If he didn't want to say it, he felt it necessary to tell him that "the 36 gangs outside Senese have gathered together, just wait." My order attacked the army of the general, Pon Ning."

"Pangning's army has at least 200,000." Shangguan Cheng said with surprise.

"It’s not really a fight, it’s just harassment, so that Pon Ning can’t bring the army back to Beijing.”

Shangguan Cheng understands that he knows a lot about the situation of the Central Plains and thinks about it. He said: "This Cheng Jiuye is not doing things for himself. It must be bought by the Central Committee."

Shi Qingjue began to like this boy a bit. He used to be a military division in Tieshan. Shangguan became a young man, but he had a few military divisions. "Of course, Cheng Jiuye is a hero of the rivers and lakes. Raising General Pang Ning?"

Shang Guancheng immediately thought about the impact of this incident on himself and Dai Yuguo. "Uncle Uncle, do you think you are a little bit disadvantaged in this transaction?"

"What is the loss?"

"Cheng Jiuye just kills Han Fen for you, but you have to risk harassing the army."

"Hey, you don't understand. We have a way to make ten people look like a hundred people outside the plug. The Central Plains army can't even see our faces, it will scare the scouts to guard, no danger, and Cheng Jiye will provide A large amount of gold and silver to make up for our losses."

"Cheng Jiuye is only a middleman. He is willing to pay a lot of gold and silver. The supporters behind him may be willing to pay more gold and silver."

Shi Qingjue was really surprised. She couldn’t help but look at Shangguancheng and look for a moment. “I’m going to talk about Wanshizhen. Do you know? You should really go with me outside, and in Tieshan, you have a place to use.”

The monk went out, and Shangguancheng jumped out of the chair. I don’t know if I could come here and ask for a fate.

Shi Qingjue did untie the knot of the boy. He no longer cares whether Han Fen poisoned his mother. He wants Han Fen to live, it is as simple as that.

But the reality is always more complicated, the door opens and closes, and a woman flashes into the blink of an eye, with strange green eyes.

“Tie Lingling?” Shangguan Cheng met her and cried in surprise.

"Come with me."

"Where?" He still remembers that Tie Lingling has betrayed Yu Yucheng and voted for Shule.

"Look for your biological father."

Shangguan Cheng’s face was gloomy and he was going to cry out for help.

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