Death Sutra

Chapter 1162: Wake up

Gu Shen put Huo Yun down and let her lean on her shoulder and said to Han Fen: "You want to take six for one?"

"Right, although we have a good relationship, but the priests say that you are an enemy, then you are the enemy, against the enemy..."

"I agree."



"Hey? You should be angry and then agree to it under my threat. You are so easy to let go, and the squad will feel that I am not serious."

"I am very angry, pick up."

Gu Shenwei said that Huo Yun was pushed forward. Huo Yunlian stood very reluctantly. When he left, he would fall down immediately. Han Fen yelled and rushed to help.

She helped Huo Yun in time, but she was soft and she was going to fall.

Gu Shen helped out and let the two sit on the grass slowly.

Han Fen嘿嘿 smiled twice, not waiting for the squad to blame, saying: "I am a fool, but this is because the sect of the sect of the sect was given to him by the priests..."

Seeing Huo Yun’s eyes are not good, Han Fen hurriedly shut up, turned his head and screamed at Qin’s night, and he was not afraid at all.

"What kind of drug do you use?" Gu Shen asked, Xiaoyuetang has many kinds of drugs, and the antidote is naturally different. He has not fully mastered it and must ask clearly.

"It's just ordinary cartilage. I don't want to be as generous as you are. How difficult it is to make a lot of tortoise. You actually use it on both of us. I knew this, I was..."

Gu Shenwei took all kinds of antidote with him and walked over. The first one was to detoxify Linshan. After thinking about it, he turned to Qin Yeming and said: "Han Fen said that it is a cartilage, I will treat you with cartilage. ""

"Ah!" Han Fen screamed.

"What's wrong?" Gu Shen asked.

"Nothing, I just think that you should first give the red bat an antidote. She is so good, I will see you all the time..."

"I don't worry." The red bat said in a hurry, knowing that Han Fen is definitely not good. Can't help but glare at her, thinking that she has never offended her, how does Han Fen always sin?

Gu Shenwei said to Qin Yeming: "I believe Han Fen, do you believe it?"

"I believe." Qin Yeming said affirmatively, Zhang mouth, ready to take the antidote.

"Wait, I think of it. I seem to have used a little dream powder, just a little."

Gu Shen snorted and re-extracted the antidote. He still let Qin Yeming eat it first, and then gave it to other people, only the teenager of the host family. Also let him lie on the ground, knowing nothing better about him.

Han Fen turned his head and smiled at Huo Yun. "Let's wait, I have a way to kill him, don't take care of it."

Huo Yun’s memory in the past six years was fragmented and he did not know the special relationship between the two people until he understood it. Both accidental and angry, "Hanhua? I need a Xiaoyuetang disciple."

"Run, she thought I was going to kill her, in fact, I just wanted to scare her."

Huo Yun frowned. If it was six years ago, Han Hua would die here, and he would not dare to run away. Now his courage is getting bigger. She felt a headache and felt that there were too many changes around her that she could not accept quickly.

Lin Xin has already woken up, staring around and looking around, feeling very curious about the people around him. In the red bat's arms, he didn't cry or make trouble. Lin Xiaoshan finally let go of his heart.

"Su Hao hasn't returned yet?" Gu Shen asked.

"No." Qin Yeming replied. "I don't know what he found in the front yard of the palace."

The red bat hurriedly said: "Su Shi went to the front yard? The head and the princess went to the inner house behind, want to assassinate Xiao Wang, let's go help."

"Xiao Wang is not in the government." Gu Shen said.

"Is it?" The red bat was surprised.

"Xiao Wang will receive the Queen Mother from the cane bureau and send the Jinpeng killer to guard the back garden. It is obvious that the trap is set, and he himself will not stay in danger."

"Ah, isn't the head and the princess more dangerous?"

"No, the princess's assassination plan is temporary. Xiao Wang can't know. The target of the trap is the Central Plains. If I guess it is right, the Central Plains will soon know that the Queen Mother is hiding in the Shaw House, they will attack and attack. In the case of Jinpeng killer, the princess should not be too dangerous if he does not interfere."

When Chen Jinke first saw the Dragon King, he never dared to talk forward. At this time, he said, "Is it a sect? Is it also?"

"Your name is Chen Jinke?" Gu Shen asked.

"Yes, I am... I am Chen Jinke, I am a disciple." Chen Jinke’s heart is awkward. He knows little about the outside world. If you listen to the truth and falsehood, then you should be at the Dragon King. Hostile state.

"Yu Pai Zihe lived in the palace and confronted the heads of various factions. Zhou Yuqing and Zhou Huaiyu brothers were locked in Chengjiazhuang, and they were not known."

Chen Jinke was shocked and dismissed. "Thank you, Dragon King, I have to go right away." Then he turned and went over the wall, not even wearing weapons.

Lin Shan felt that he was too rushed. "How could he alone save the sect?"

"I think he has his own way."

Lin Hill wants to kneel down to the Dragon King and is supported by Gu Shen. "I am sorry, I have not been able to save you and Jiang earlier. I am not here to save you today."

If Chen Jinke is still there, he will feel that this is not close to human feelings. Lin Xiaoshan does not care. All his things are given by the Dragon King. Even if his wife breaks his wife, he will not complain. Moreover, Dragon King never contacted him. In fact, it is a kind of protection. "I finally saw the Dragon King. I think it might be useful to you."

"These people are all trustworthy." Gu Shen is trying to dispel the doubts of Lin Shan.

Lin Shan is not familiar with them, but he believes in the Dragon King. "This is the case. I have collected a lot of information in the capital. It is probably useless now, but there may be something you may want to know. The emperor and the Queen Mother are not in harmony. There are rumors that... ..."

"The emperor is dead and killed together with Xiao Wang Shizi."

Lin Hill has had some speculations. He was surprised to hear the news. He took a moment and said: "Xiao Wang Shizi was killed by me. Zhong Heng sent people to take me in. After killing, they threw a body in it. In the courtyard, I had doubts at the time, but..."

"This matter has nothing to do with you. Xiao Wang is going to marry him. You just happened to catch up."

"Strange, Xiao Wang Mingming is very loyal to the emperor, how can it... The emperor is dead, what benefits can he get?" Qin Yeming questioned.

"Xiao Wang can set up a more obedient new emperor. He passed the process to a large number of people in the rivers and lakes, and then pushed the name of the monarch to the queen and the princess, and they avenged the emperor and then led them to the palace. Jinpeng kills fire and."

"Xiao Wang wants to get rid of Jinpeng killer?" Lin Xiao finds himself still underestimating the poison of Xiao Wang.

"Well, so he will receive the Queen Mother from the House. Afterwards, he will say that the Jinpeng killer is to protect the Queen Mother. In this way, he can get rid of all the suspicions." Gu Shenwei felt that this was the only reasonable explanation.

The more the red bat is heard, the more horrified, "Gu Gongzi, since this is the case, the teacher will be called out, Wang Fuli is too dangerous, princess... the princess is a bit sloppy. If you take the shot, you are not tired of the coach."

Gu Shenwei did not answer immediately, he was thinking about how to bring the Queen Mother out.

Huo Yun was listening nearby. She knew very little about the whole thing. Because of this, she looked even simpler. She said: "Red bat. It is useless to ask him."

“Hmm?” Because of Han Fen’s reason, the red bat’s impression of both of them is even worse.

"You still don't understand? This is the Central Plains. This is a conspiracy of others. Your Gu Gongzi has nothing to do. If you break into the palace, he will be regarded as the leader of the killer, the party of the Queen Mother, and the enemy of the Central Plains."

The red bat snorted and believed that Gu Shenwei would definitely save the Shangguan.

"The conspiracy of others." Gu collected to repeat this sentence. He was deeply touched. In the Western Region, he was the initiator of the conspiracy. In the North Court, he was the core of the conspiracy. Only in the capital of the Central Plains, he was framed by the beginning. However, he quickly got rid of the suspicion, and then there was a sense of participation, the size of the conspiracy in the capital, and his relationship with him was getting weaker. At the last minute, he could not even perceive his role in it. Luo Pingying had more interest in him than Xiao Wang.

"Why did the Queen Mother believe that I am not behind the scenes? Why did Xiao Wang lead me and let it go?" Gu Shen did not understand.

Lin Shan said: "I haven't finished the incident yet. I don't know if it is related to Xiao Wang's conspiracy."

"You said."

"That was more than two years ago. On the street where I was doing business, there was a confession called Ning Er. I don't know why I got Xiao Wang's favor. I hired him to be in the Wangfu. I was asked by the two people. After eating, he brag about Xiao Wang to treat him as a child, and said that he looks like a son of Xiao Wang. Maybe he is the illegitimate son of Xiao Wang. But then Ning Er will never go home again, someone will go The Wangfu inquired that there is no such person."

"This Ning Er and Xiao Wang Shizi..."

"Unlike, they are not like, they must be other sons. Ning Er has no relatives, and no one will look for him later. I remember this because Xiao Wang went to the Western Region and was a friend with Long Wang. I am more concerned about his affairs. I thought that Xiao Wang would have... special good, but I have inquired, saying that Xiao Wang only likes women."

"Speak your guesses." Gu Shenwei said that Lin Xiaoshan had nothing to say.

Lin Shan’s vomiting is afraid that his guess is too ridiculous. “Ning Er is a gangster, but looks good. In the early years, a veteran saw him. He joked that if Ning Er had a beard and then put on a yellow robe, he could Pretending to be a child."

"Pretending to be the Son of Heaven?"

"A joke, Ning Er often hangs on his mouth for a while, and later he was detained by the government to play a board, and he was honest."

"Ah." Gu Shenwei suddenly understood that he had always ignored an important person. "The emperor did not die."

Lin Shan also had doubts, but there are still many doubts in his heart. "What kind of trick is Xiao Wang playing? Killing a person who is very similar to the emperor is not good for him."

"It’s not that Xiao Wang is playing tricks." Gu Shen has more and more things to think about. "It’s the emperor himself. All the tricks are he is playing, so..."

Gu Shenwei rushed to Huo Yun and Han Fen, took out the antidote to Indra, and said: "These people have been handed over to you."

Han Fen rushed and said: "Do not worry, I will show you good."

Huo Yun calmed his face. "We are still enemies."

"We are enemies, but these people are not, so help me protect them."

Gu Shenwei put the antidote into the hands of Huo Yun, picked up the narrow knife that Chen Jinke had not had time to take away from the ground, jumped onto the roof, and disappeared.

Red bat urgency: "Gu Gongzi, the head is not there... Don't leave me to them..."

"Where is the Dragon King going?" Lin Hill was puzzled. He didn't know what he had revealed and what Dragon King thought of.

After a while, Huo Yun stood up and looked coldly at a few people who did not trust her. "You stay here, I want to enter the palace."

“What to do?” the red bat asked vigilantly.

"Competition." Huo Yun wants to continue the competition six years ago, she will not accept the result of losing to Shangguanru.

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