Death Sutra

Chapter 1180: Happiness

Shi Qingjue left Shangguancheng behind, and the two men went hand in hand. The day was just bright. There were no pedestrians on the road. Dozens of people with swords and Daohan walked together, but they did not attract much attention.

Behind the two, the South Screen is still not far behind, as if no decision has been made on the purpose of his trip.

Shi Qingjue was the air at the beginning of Nanping. He said to Shangguan Cheng: "What do you think of the purple crane?"

" very strange and very amiable." Shangguan Cheng knew that this was a test, so he tried hard for a while and added: "But his disciples seem to be reluctant."

"They are famous and decent, of course, they don't bother to deal with Tieshan. What is the proposal of Zihe Reality? What do you think?"

The combination of Tieshan and the other side is a major event that affects the future life and death. The monk actually seeks his own opinions. Shangguancheng is somewhat flattered, but he has indeed considered this issue. "I don't understand the situation in the Central Plains, but I hear Xiao Wang. It seems that the winner has been steadily won, and the emperor will be enthroned in the morning and evening. The Queen Mother has already killed himself. The general general Pang Ning is in a weak position in the middle of the DPRK. It is only a small army of 200,000. The odds are not great. If I am, I will join the powerful party as soon as possible. More favorable conditions."

Shi Qingjue showed a smile and touched two scars, which made his face look more ambiguous. "This is also a thing you have to learn. Don't worry about what the other person said, listen to the voice of the other, think about why the other party should make such a suggestion." ”

"The voice outside the voice." Shangguan Cheng looked at the team beyond a hundred steps, Zihe real person's head is faintly visible, the body dangling. It is not like the head of a famous school, nor the stability of an 80-year-old man. "It is very strange that Zihe is a great country teacher and works for Xiao Wang. He only brought three native disciples."

"Well, this is a strange thing."

"The four of them did not have a bright and honest visit last night. They were shouted by the South Screen, and they barely appeared. If Xiao Wang really wants to win over Tieshan, it should not be so casual."

"This is also a strange thing."

Shangguan Cheng thought for a while. "This shows that the so-called joint confrontation with Pang Ning is a rhetoric that Zihe really wanted to come out. In fact, he has another purpose."

"The purple crane is an old slicker. Xiao Wang has just won a big victory in the capital. The ministers of the DPRK are busy with flattering and loyalty. He has left the capital. It must be a big event for Xiao Wang."

"He is very interested in Nangong Bad and Pang Ning. Do you want to assassinate the generals and let Xiao Wang win without fighting? This is a great achievement."

"Blind eye method, these are all blind eyes, Zihe real person is not a desperate, 200,000 army to take the generals head? This kind of thing he will never take over. The defeated by the world ridicule, became the king will be jealous."

The ugly old man who is dry is not as trustworthy as he just met. Shangguancheng can't think of more clues. "I can't guess it. There is something in the northwest. It's worth the Zihe real person to go for a hard time."

"He will show his feet sooner or later." Shi Qingjue had some guesses in his heart, but he didn't want to say too much. As long as Shangguan became right in the purple crane, he would be wary.

This evening, the group was still in the wild, and the Tieshan gangsters were carrying tents with them. The sects and Shangguanfei were each divided into a top. Only the south screen was still out of the group. When others sent him food, he would accept it. I don’t want to, I will sleep in the wasteland after eating, and occasionally disappear for a while, no one knows what he is going to do.

Shangguancheng had a good impression of Chunan Screen in the past. He knew that he was following this road to protect himself. His heart was even more grateful. Even so, he still could not find a chance to speak with the lonely swordsman.

Zihe real people used this day to make "friends" with almost everyone. After dinner, he showed his hand for at least five gangsters, predicting that they are not long-lived and famous, but also several The gangster who just lost his friend made a simple ritual.

Shi Qingjue looked at the cold eyes and did not stop the brethren from enjoying it. But when the purple crane real person took the initiative to see the palm of his hand, the monk refused. "I know what my fate is, don't count."

The Zhou brothers are more reserved, hiding in the tent and eating the dry food they carry. Only Chen Jinke is at the head.

Shangguancheng will observe the Zihe real person as a task, but he did not see anything. He sent his head as if he was a rejuvenating child. He was full of enthusiasm and had no idea. He said that he had hidden a big plot in his heart. Not like it.

The purple crane real person occasionally smiled at him, but did not take the initiative to talk to him.

The world of adults is really difficult to understand. When he went to sleep in the tent, Shangguancheng felt exhausted. He even began to wonder if the monk was too much heart. Then he made a chaotic dream. There were many acquaintances in it, and all of them seemed to be very worried. It seems to be hiding something from him.

In another tent not far away, Shangguanfei could not sleep, and most of the time was used to take care of Nangong.

When Nangong was injured, he was extremely forbearing. When Zihe was injured, he did not scream, but after entering the recovery period, she was killed by persistent pain. On horseback, she was lying in Shangguanfei’s arms and still could not avoid it. Bumpy, after a long time of persistence, began to whisper "shen yin", after living in the tent, still can not sleep.

However, she never asked for a request. Even if the teeth were bitten and squeaked, she did not say anything extra. Instead, Shangguan Feixin rushed to the purple crane and the gangsters, hoping to ease the pain of Nangong.

"There is no magic bullet to help her." Zihe really gave him a few medicines, both internal and external. "Whether she can live and recover, she has to look at her own skills. This kind of thing can not be expected, Some people are peerless masters. They have never even sneezed in their lives. In the end, they lost their lives because of a little illness. Some people seem to be delicate, but they are superior in terms of endurance."

Zihe’s words, like his medicine, can only provide some comfort. After Shangguanfei helped Nangong’s bad medication, he looked at her face that would never be symmetrical and said, “What else do you want? I will give you go with."

The pain of Nangong’s badness was slightly relieved, his eyes were a little sluggish, and his expression was still firm. "Why are you protecting me? Are you not very timid?"

This is the first time that Nangong died in a day. Shangguanfei first felt nervous. Turned to the door of the tent and peeked out, then whispered, "Be careful, don't be heard, they will force you to confess."

"What about that? It’s just torture, I can stand it."

Shangguanfei wanted to say "I can't stand it" and felt that these words were too close, so he said: "That doesn't require taking the initiative."

"It's still the same sentence, why are you protecting me? You are courageous. You have no ability."

Shangguan Feixiao smiled twice. "Because I believe in you, you are not saying that you want to take me to the Tenth Party. I can be strictly protected there, and I will never be afraid of it."

"I lied to you. You heard it last night. I am taking you in the wrong direction."

"That doesn't matter. Anyway, I believe in you."

Nangong closed her mouth shut, talking can distract her, and it will also hurt the injury and bring more pain. Of course, she will not believe a strange Westerner man, not to mention the man is very strange and stupid. There is nothing in her eyes. "My original name was Shen Qiongzhi, the branch of the branch, not the Zhizhi of Zhizhi."

This is the only thing she can reveal, but it is not a secret. Many people inside and outside the Tenth Party know.

Shangguanfei is still very happy. He has read the words "Shen Qiongzhi" several times. "Good name, better than your current name, which one do you want me to call you?"

"Just casual." Nangong closed his eyes and opened his eyes again. "Can you save me?"

"You are like this now... We can't run far." Shangguan Fei's heart was awkward. Under the pressure of the Dragon King, the Dutch girl, and the old man, he could dare to do it with people. Once he lost his dependence, he was right. Shi Qingjue is afraid of such death. "I have a turning point in the matter. The monk is very valued to Shangguancheng. After all, it is me... my brother, I asked him for two days..."

Nangong badly closed his eyes again, and he was not surprised by Shangguanfei’s reaction. If a man dared to dare to do it, he would not be deceived by the Beijing city.

"You sleep." Shangguanfei whispered, watching her breathing gradually steady, quietly drilling out the tent.

The night is deep, a small pile of bonfires, and seven or eight people are drinking and chatting. Zihezhen and Chen Jinke are sitting there. The two don’t drink, but they are the main force of chatting. They often lead the gangsters to laugh.

If there is the ability of the old gods, Shangguanfei envy, he wanted to get the love of the people around him, but he rarely succeeded except the mother.

Shangguan Fei went to the fire and said with a smile: "I can smell the wine when I am far away. Can you divide it?"

The laughter stopped, and the gangsters looked down on the coward, and no one would answer.

Shangguanfei did not know how to squeeze into the middle of the two gangsters. "It’s a long night, don’t drink some wine, it’s really impossible.”

"Only you have a woman around you, what else can you not?" a gangster said coldly.

"Hey, she is a woman, but she is like a man, and it is like a big king. Are you interested in her? You can try it now."

"Go, Laozi only sleeps like a flowery jade girl, Tieshan man is more, is still looking for her?"

Everyone laughed, and Shangguanfei followed with a smile. He took the wine bag from the gangsters around him and poured a big mouth. "Is this the worst wine in the world? But it's really strong."

In the eyes of the gangsters, Shangguanfei immediately became less annoying.

Shangguanfei had experience in the Longjun camp that year: If you can't laugh at others, then laugh at yourself. This is the easiest way to make friends with strangers.

Several people have been drinking until midnight, and Shangguan Fei Shi exhibited his whole body skills, and became the leader of the conversation. Chen Jinke wanted to take the lead for his ancestors several times, and they all lost because they could not drink.

Chen Jinke is a disciple of the sect of the sect. In fact, he can drink alcohol. He respected the old gods and followed a piece of alcoholism. He did not expect to become a weakness.

The purple crane real person indicated that Chen Jinke was drunk and smoked, Shangguanfei, and the three men walked toward the tent. After waiting for the Tieshan gangster behind him, the real person grabbed Shangguanfei’s arm and whispered, "You kid, you will report in the enemy."

Shangguanfei was really drunk, but his mind was still clear, and he laughed twice, and posted it in the ear of the purple crane. He said in a smaller voice: "I will give you Shangguancheng, and you will save us both."

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