Death Sutra

Chapter 1185: Frustrated

The old officer surnamed Ni, is a military servant, not a big official, he said humbly, when he was young, he once worshipped a master, but unfortunately did not remember the name of the master, so he counted half of the rivers and lakes People, although they are in the military camp, have always maintained their contacts with the rivers and lakes. Ronggui can prove that he has spent a lot of money in the past few years, saving many heroes from the predicament, but he is not famous for his work, and he never leaves his name.

Ronggui nodded reluctantly and squeezed a smile. "Ni Junhou is a good person."

Ni Jun Hou Meifei dances, "I am not blowing in the bottom. In this Dingwu Town, I said that it seems to be a little misunderstanding. I hope that I can see it on my face. Everyone will turn it into a jade, sit down and talk, is it good?"

If the legs are shaking too much, Ni Junhou still has some appeal.

Miao Sanwen first looked down on him. "What are you talking about here?"

"No, no, no, the heroes don't misunderstand, not 'here', it's Dingwu Town. To be precise, it is the military camp of Dingwu Town. Of course, I also have a military horse, but he doesn't care much, but with me. At the turn of life and death, everything is handed over to me."

"This army Sima really blinked." Miao San asked Ni Junhou to push aside, stepping forward three steps, rushing to Shen for a hand, "Dragon King, I used to blame you, nothing to say, Jianghu people dare to do I will apologize to you."

Miao San asked a lot of tone, no "apology", look at him, if the other party does not accept, he will fight.

Gu Shen is nodding. "Please don't call me Dragon King again. My surname is Gu. Call me Gu Shenwei."

"It doesn't matter what it is. In fact, we always want to see the Dragon King, but you can't find it, but we can't find it. We want to ask: When the big chaos is today, Xiao Wang murders the emperor and wins the emperor. Jianghan Yishi will go to the general, Pang Ning. A stalker, evil, and a return to the program. Do you want to participate?"

"I am not a Central Plains person." Gu Shen answered with this sentence.

"Those Western killers..." Miao San asked a big hand and waved. "Forget it, I just asked, if you don't want to, we have nothing to say. Everyone will not make a river in the future. Please return the prisoners to us." ""

Miao Sanwen pointed to Su Shi. Su Shi glared at him.

Su Shi knows that Shangguanru and the public mainly went to assassinate Xiao Wang, so he ventured to sneak into the vicinity of the hall. As a result, he did not find Xiao Wang, and did not find the footprint of Shangguanru. After dark, he ran into a group of rivers and lakes. His behavior was concealed and he was regarded as a killer in the Western Regions. The two sides fought one game, and Su Shi was outnumbered and lost his hand. If someone recognizes that he is the waiter of the Dragon King, he will be killed on the spot.

"I also want to ask. Since the misunderstanding has been clarified, why do you still want to detain my followers?"

"Hey, Gu Laodi doesn't have to lie to us. This person is Su Shi. From the Western Region, Yu Yuguo, is the commander of the Shangguanjiao. The woman protects the princess and is slandered with Xiao Wang..."

"If you lose money, you still have a head and respect." Su Shi can't stand someone who is disrespectful to Shangguan.

Miao San asked the temper, and in the years when he was in charge of the Taishan School, he always followed the teacher's training. After thinking about everything, he did it. He also had a lot of sulking in his heart. Since he participated in the riots in the capital of the city, his true character was one. A little bit of display, such as dislocated wild horses, is no longer controlled.

"His mother, what do you disrespect? I have already seen it clearly. What kind of Tieshan, Yipai, and Dragon King are all in the same place, don't you just want to stop us from going northwest? Don't wait, decide to win tonight. negative!"

"I was seen through." Zihe really said helplessly, he is very willing to become "the top of the hill" with the other two.

There are many cautious people in the Miao Sanwen team. First, the wine has not retreated. Second, the group is passionate. Therefore, no one stands up to ease the atmosphere. Apart from being drunk, there are still more than 70 people left.

Ni Junhou was so scared that his face was white, and he muttered: "The summit is a rare decision. I am still standing on the side..." Just after half a step back, he was introduced two or three steps.

The melee was on the verge of a sudden, and there was a sudden horn in the distance.

Ni Jun Hou was overjoyed, but his face was frowning, and he looked very dissatisfied. "What happened? No one ordered me to transfer troops? Oh, it must be the military commander. He is an old-fashioned person. He is ignorant of the rivers and lakes. It is estimated that I was told that I was Grab, lead the whole army to save people, eight thousand ... 10,000 soldiers, a full 10,000, you are still avoiding the edge as well, I am pointing the way ... do not want to escape, it is easy to handle, let me go to persuade The army, a word of things..."

Miao San asked the long sword in front of Ni Junhou's eyes. "Shut up, let's go, we must kill you as a corrupt official."

Ni Junhou's sole was soft and almost fell, and he dared not speak.

Since the decision to go to the generals Pang Ning against Xiao Wang, Miao Sanwen has become desperate, and this is even more so, the loud voice: "The horn is still far away, so we can fight one, first kill the scum. In addition to Tieshan bandit, Gu Shen did not give face, but also a piece of killing, they are the dog legs of Xiao Wang, one do not stay! Take it to the generals to meet."

Tieshan has already relied on Pon Ning, Shi Qingjue did not mention it on the wine table, Miao San asked to guess a few points, and he was forgotten.

Zihe real person borrowed Gu Shenwei’s words. “It seems that we are really encountering a common enemy. It’s better to retreat and then discuss countermeasures.”

Shi Qingjue is a soft-hearted person. During Miao San’s remarks, forty or fifty Tieshan gangsters have gathered together, and one is not drunk. Their martial arts may not be as good as the disciples. However, it is a lot higher. In the face of a number of dominant opponents, there is no sigh of relief. Even if they have just gathered together for a table of wine, they will all cast a fierce look.

Miao Sanwen and Shi Qingjue have both killed their hearts. The purple cranes hope that the chaos will be better. The only thing that wants to stop the killing is Gu Shen.

"Want to kill, good!" Gu Shen was the first to do, but the goal of choice was out of everyone's expectations, and he shot to Shi Qingjue.

Shi Qingjue was more surprised, but the reaction was not slow, and he punched his fists.

Both of them did not use the skills, the competition is only speed and strength. The fists and the palms intersected and made a loud noise. Then the two men made three moves each, and each time they played **** the ground.

Zihe real people took their disciples to avoid, Miao Sanwen and others stood opposite, staring at this scene, not knowing.

The gangsters knew the iron monk's temper and did not go forward to help.

Four strokes have passed, Gu Shen is standing in the same place, "Four Sangha Blue is good."

Shi Qingjue also stood in the same place. A few feet away from Gu Shenwei, his face was reddish, and the scar on his lips seemed to rupture and bleed. He hardly took care of Gu Shen, and refused to retreat. A turbid gas rushed into the meridians. If you fight again, you will be seriously injured.

I heard the words "four sangha blue". Shi Qingjue took a trip and finally stepped back three steps. The red tide on his face was slightly reduced.


Gu Shenwei had no use of the Taoist and the dead, but he relied on the must-have and Shi Qingjue. He used Hehe Jinjin to transform it slightly. Even if the sorghum of the four sangha blues personally received the teaching, there is no flaw.

Shi Qingjue convinced, understand why Gu Shen was the first to shoot himself, slightly in the body, "one day is the main. Life-oriented, Tieshan only cares for the son of the horse is a vision. Please order."

Most of the Tieshan gangsters were old people in the Western Regions. They were awed by the Dragon King unconsciously. The iron monks were soft, and they accepted it frankly. A small number of newcomers had doubts and dare not show them.

Gu Shen defeated Shi Qingjue and turned to the four people. "The old **** has always said that he wants to join me. I am used to being the master. Can you accept it?"

"Accept." Zihe real person immediately said, behind the wave, not let the Zhou brothers open.

Gu Shen walked to Miao Sanqian in a big step. "I am not a Central Plains person. I don't care who is the emperor. No one can let me bow down and say that I am not afraid of challenges. If you want to fight, let's play one game."

Miao Sanwen suddenly felt happy, but he was the head of the big school, and he looked at his face more seriously than his life, so he laughed exaggeratedly and slammed his sword.

If it wasn’t for the first laugh, Miao Sanwen still had the strength and Gu Shen’s fight, but he wanted to overwhelm the opponent in the momentum and expose his intentions.

In the eyes of most people, the Taishan faction preemptively started. Only he knew it well. In fact, the other party first pulled out the knife. His sword was only halfway out, and the sharp knife tip was approaching the throat.

Broken, Miao San asked a sinking heart, the sword in his hand continued to stab, but there is no left momentum.

The blade turned and pressed against the neck of Miao Sanwen. Gu Shen took the step forward and took the long sword from the head of the Taishan School.

This is another unexpected move by Miao San. His strength is half-way, and he can't stop Gu Shen's success.

Gu Shen took back the narrow knife and inserted the long sword to the ground. He and the Miao San asked side by side. The direction was completely opposite. He said to the seven or eighty disciples: "All of you are from the Shandong martial art, but you are going to the northwest to join the generals." Ning, are you not afraid of your hometown being ravaged?"

Everyone is afraid, including Miao Sanqian, but they are forced to go astray, looking forward to Pang Ning's victory in one fell swoop, so that Xiao Wang has no time to deal with various sects.

Everyone looked at each other and was moved by Gu Shenwei’s words. He also wondered how the Taishan faction was defeated. Why did he stand still?

Miao San asked not to be acupoints, but was caught in a stunned, do not know how to move, his long sword was taken away, although not convinced, but can not explain, admit defeat and fight again, is not a good choice.

Gu Shenwei is very clear, the timing is more important than the language. Right now is the timing. He has to hold on to it. "The rivers and lakes are rivers and lakes. The temple is a pilgrimage. You have been cheated once in the court. Why do you still have to Stir in it? The general Pang Ning is helpless, and it is difficult to protect itself. It is not a good place to go. You are better off returning to the rivers and lakes.

"Xiao Wang will not let us go," one said.

"And he killed so many of us, this must be reported." Another said.

"If you want to take revenge, you have to wait for a long time. Who will take the troops to fight? Who will manage?"

No one is snoring.

"In front of the army, rivers and lakes are like sand, and no more use; within ten steps, millions of soldiers have no place to stand. You want to take revenge, not within ten steps, but instead of being farther away from the enemy, want to succeed. It’s harder than going to heaven.”

Still no one snorted, Miao San asked to raise his hand and scratched his head, and did not want to fight again.

Zihe real person turned to the apprentice Zhou Yuqing whispered: "Learning a school, I also said similar words, the effect can be far worse, this person can call the rain in the Western Regions, relying not only on the knife, but also on the mouth."

Zhou Yuqing couldn't speak, but his heart was not very convinced. Based on his experience, Miao Sanwen and others would still turn their backs at any time. The army of Dingwu Town is about to arrive. Gu Shenwei's mouth is afraid to lose his use.

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