Death Sutra

Chapter 1191: protection

Nangong was very unconvinced. She did not lose in Gu Shen’s hands, nor did she lose to herself, but she was tired by Shangguanfei, but she thought carefully that her defeat was not traceable.

When she was still in Beijing, she saw that the Westerners were not good at themselves. At that time, she still had a beard and spoke with a male voice. With rich experience, she knew who Shangguanfei was, and did not make any judgment on this. Instead, make full use of this and trick him into fleeing the capital.

Succeeded in success, Shangguanfei has long been tired of the life of Yuyucheng. He has no ambition in his heart, but his mother refused to give up. He still forced him to fight for power. He did not see the situation at all: Shangguan has already firmly grasped everything. In his hand, the logical successor is Shangguancheng, who has no Shangguan pedigree. It is even more difficult to overthrow the sister than the Dragon King against the One-Step King.

At first sight, he accepted the lie of the other party with an enthusiastic attitude. He wanted to go anywhere better than Saitama City. He was sandwiched between his mother and his sister and was about to drive him crazy.

Nangong was using Shangguanfei and carefully kept a distance with him. For this reason, he even removed the disguise and restored the original woman's face. What she did not expect was that Shangguanfei's obsession was actually deeper.

There are strangers in this world, and the Nangong bad is also widely known. Although the heart is disdainful, it does not appear on the surface.

Shi Qingjue punched her into a serious injury, and also let her understand one thing: Shangguanfei is an incompetent generation, empty and fierce martial arts, timid like a rat, can not protect her.

If the injury is too heavy, Nangong will show the disgust clearly and then let Shangguan fly away, but she is difficult to eat and drink, and all actions must rely on the help of this incompetent. Slowly, she did not want to leave because she wanted to leave.

Shangguanfei has thousands of shortcomings, but it has the same advantages. She loves her with her youthful enthusiasm and fear. In the eyes of others, the dirty and tired work, he was cheerfully picked up, as if to serve her is a glory.

This kind of exclusive love is never given to her father who has been doing business abroad for many years, and the mother who struggled in poverty. She taught the Lord to be the best, but she exaggerated her important position in the teaching of the Ten. She is a confidant, can teach the Lord's confidant more than one, she and the leader keep the skin close, is also not his only woman.

On the road, the bad injury of Nangong gradually recovered, and she used the pretext of defending the Tieshan gangsters as an excuse. Continue to snuggle in Shangguanfei's arms, and when she suddenly wakes up, she finds that she has developed a strong desire for this incompetent generation. As a care recipient, she feels obligated to protect this strange person and even find a reason: Shangguanfei is too incompetent and too timid, if no one is pointing. Sooner or later, I will scare myself to death.

Nangong didn't understand her heart. It was just two or three days. She was shocked, but she was very well concealed. Her attitude toward Shangguanfei not only did not get better, but she gradually became cold, as if she no longer needed his help. .

Therefore, she is very puzzled, Gu Shenwei is how to see through the truth, this man and Shangguanfei are the opposite, it seems that they are neither interested nor much understanding of love.

"Wait." She stopped Shi Qingjue in time. The monk still holds the knife. "You won, let us both, let the iron monk promise not to chase us anymore, I will tell you everything."

Gu Shenwei glanced at Shi Qingjue. "Tieshan is my friend, I can't make decisions for them, I can only plead for you."

Nangong is still staring at Gu Shenwei. The murderous knife is in the hands of the iron monk. The decision is attributed to the Dragon King. She does not believe in the so-called "friends", and she is just like the Shangfei, afraid of this iron mountain with a shackle on her lips. Leaders, dare not look at it.

"Sorry." Shi Qingjue had not had any communication with Gu Shenwei before, but he knew his true thoughts. "I have given her head to the general Pang Ning, I can do it for a few days, but Can't break the promise."

"It’s better to die early and die than to do it now. I won’t reveal the secret for a few more days.” Nangong’s bad eyes did not leave Gu Shenwei for a moment.

Shangguanfei lowered his head, and the three souls and seven scorpions lost more than half, but his brain was still awake. "You have to loyal to the Dragon King, only the iron monk will not kill you."

Nangong was so bad that he even felt that the three men deceived themselves in partnership and quickly glanced at the official officer. His timidity was true. Until then, she realized that Gu Shen was indeed the dragon king of the Western Region. People never accept a transaction, and they will always be willing to step on their feet.

A gangster standing on the hill and screaming loudly said: "It is a cavalry of Xiao's family. There are many people, and it is getting closer."

"Xiao Yu has always wanted your head." Nangong was a bad eye.

"Well, she is not the only one who thinks so." Gu Shen is not in a hurry. "I am still waiting for you to tell the secret."

"I won't be loyal to you, you don't deserve it." Nangong groaned, and there was still a bottom line in her heart. In any case, it could not be broken. "Do it, kill us all, and you will pay for it."

Shi Qingjue didn't do it, Gu Shen sighed softly. "You misunderstood, I am not a dragon king, I will not ask anyone to loyal to me."

"Then why don't you let us go?"

"You can go, you can go at any time, Shangguanfei can also, I just can't guarantee your safety. Shi Qingjue has been postponing my work on my face, I am very grateful, can no longer ask him any excessive demands. Tell me the secret, then both of you are free, nothing more."

Nangong badly glanced at Shangguanfei and finally understood the meaning of Gu Shenwei: the two must stay with him to be protected, and this protection is not a promise, and it depends entirely on Shi Qingjue’s "friendship" towards Gu Shenwei. .

This is just a little better than bowing allegiance.

Chen Jinke of the sects ran over. "There is a team of people coming to this side."

"Yeah." Gu Shenwei is still indifferent, and has not even ordered to retreat.

After a moment of stalemate, Nangong was still succumbed. "I only say to you alone."

Shi Qingjue put down the knife and walked facelessly to the top of the mountain. Qin Yeming and Chen Jinke followed.

"You also go far." Nangong said with a bad anger, how much will she pay for Shangguanfei's "users."

Shangguanfei supported the trembling legs. "Wait a minute, let me fix the god." Take a deep breath and finally have strength on the leg. Go in the other direction and dare not approach Shi Qingjue.

"I hope that Xiao's cavalry will kill you later." Nangong said with resentment, knowing that there is no meaning, I can't help but say it.

"I assure you that you will not reveal your secrets to others within a few days, so if I die under Xiao's, your secret will always be a secret."

"Hey." Nangong's bad voice, close to Gu Shenwei, seeing his unsuspecting inclination, I feel very sorry in my heart, if there is a poison of the ten-party teaching at hand... "The teacher died in the Yulin military camp, But he will be resurrected in the northwest, and his next real body is Pon Ning."

Gu Shenwei didn’t understand too much. “Do you mean that people with ten religions pretend to be Pang Ning?”

Nangong broke his head and shook his head. "How do you always think of disguise? Pang Ning is the leader, the leader is Pang Ning, and the general is another avatar of Bai Mai."

“Peng Ning joined the ten-party teaching?”

"Of course, what else should the ten-party teach to do for him?"

"Pang Ning has commissioned Tieshan to kill you all."

"Tenshan was commissioned by the former Pon Ning. After the death of the Mercy, Pon Ning was no longer a Pon Ning. He was the fifth inferior of Maitreya, so now Pang Ning has changed his mind, and the Iron Monk still does not know. He killed six bodhisattvas, and the lord will kill him sooner or later. But I still have to die, and only the dead and resurrected can continue to assist the leader."

Gu Shenwei finally understood that no matter what Pon Ning’s real thoughts are, the most victorious and the few Bodhisattvas under his command are sincerely convinced that Maitreya’s reincarnation is even true, and even willing to sacrifice their lives. When I was captured, I tried to commit suicide. When I didn’t die, I gradually became loyal.

Gu Shenwei did not figure it out because he had never been in contact with the ten-party believers, but he thought of the strange people in the building, and everything became easy to explain. He felt a move and remembered the south screen.

"So Pang Ning is not going to eradicate the constraints of the Northeast, but to unite and rebel."

"It is not rebellion." Nangong was seriously corrected. "Millet came to the world to establish a unique Buddha country in the heavens and the earth."

Gu Shen nodded, this is enough, the Buddha is good, the general is worth it, he now knows the other party's bottom.

Qin Yeming turned back to the big voice: "The cavalry is here."

Gu Shen turned and walked to the top of the mountain. If Nangong was lost, he muttered: "I let the leader disappoint, and I let the leader disappointed..."

Shangguan Fei sneaked over and comforted: "The leader is Maitreya, and Gu Shen is the reincarnation of the devil. Let them play one, let us decide who to mix with."

Nangong was glaring and glaring. "Shut up, I am hurt by you."

Shangguanfei closed his mouth tightly, but his face was filled with a smile, because Nangong was willing to be "harmed" by him.

A small team of cavalry, about a hundred people, stopped at half a hillside, one person sang: "Is the dragon king on the mountain?"

Qin Yeming replied: "This is Gu Shen for Gu Gongzi, who is here?"

The other party refused to report their identity. They just came to the message. "The afternoon after tomorrow, on this mountain, Xiao Xiaoshi wants to kill the king to worship the heavens. Welcome the Dragon King to come and watch?"

"Which king?" asked Qin Yeming.

"Yu Yu Wang Shangguan Cheng." The cavalry turned around and rushed back to the army.

“Sure enough, it’s Xiao Xiao’s.” Shi Qingjue said coldly. “It seems that she is going to be against Taishan.”

Chen Jinke of the Yi School was surprised. "When the Xiaojun army arrived, how could you know that Gu Gongzi was on this mountain?"

"I asked her to come." Gu Shen said calmly, instead of waiting passively, he is more willing to determine the location of the final battle.

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