Death Sutra

Chapter 1207: Speculation

Shi Qingjue’s reason for killing Gu Shenwei is very strange. It is difficult for ordinary people to understand. Only the doubtful Xiaoxie quickly accepts it, and even regards the iron monk as a confidant.

"The Dragon King killed Ronin Tea, and the Iron Monk must avenge his beloved woman."

Shangguan Cheng stood up, Luo Ning tea is his mother, he does not like the "beloved woman", but what is said in the mouth is another thing, "not the dragon king, Han Fen ... killed."

Xiao Yushi seems to be possessed by Shi Qingjue, and he succumbs to the front. His tone is fiercely refuted: "What is Han Fen? Is it a slave? If the Dragon King does not allow it, she dares to use Luo Ning tea for a hair? Maybe it is Dragon King. Ordering to kill, Han Fen is just executing."

"Han Fen said that the Dragon King did not know beforehand!" Shangguan Cheng did not let.

"Haha, Dragon King is best at concentrating on other people's minds. Han Fen wants to kill Luo Ning tea. He won't know? Joke, Dragon King hates Luo Ning tea, because your mother seduce men in front of him."

Shangguan became angry and unstoppable. From small to large, no one dared to insult the mother so directly. When he leaned forward, he would cross the table and rush to Xiao’s.

Shangguanfei and Fangwen are one person holding a leg and stopping him. Although one can't run the infuriating, one has never learned martial arts, but after all, it is an adult. Shangguancheng can't get rid of it, raising his hand to throw a half of the dagger. Think about it and hold back, word by word: "You lie."

Xiao Yu looked at this scene, and was unmoved. Only the female slaves around her were alert.

"I lied? Ha, children are really easy to deceive. Think about your own life. Everyone knows that you are the son of the Dragon King, but you are the last name. Luo Ning Tea was the daughter-in-law of the One-Step King. He gave birth to you with the Dragon King. And they are hooked up with the Central Plains. These things are known all over the world. Haven't you heard of it? What do you call Guan Yufei? Brother or uncle?"

Shangguancheng’s face suddenly changed from red to purple, and from purple to black. He suddenly fell straight on his back and shocked Shangguanfei and Fangwen. Chest. When he found out that he was still alive, he was relieved, and Shangguan Feishun took away the half-headed dagger.

Xiao Yan’s stretched neck glanced and said with a slight contempt: “He looks more like Ronin tea. I thought he was as tough as the Dragon King.”

Fang Wen is angry and angry. "He is still a child..."

"As long as you are with the Dragon King. The child can't be underestimated. He just hijacked Shangguanfei with a knife. I was shocked when I said a set of words. Where is it like a child? What he lacks is tempering and throwing him into the robbers. A few years later, it was a wolf. Well, let me say that. I really can't let him go."

Fang Wen is calming down, laughing, this is one of his little tricks. When he can't speak, he laughs twice, gains time for himself, and makes the other person confused.

Xiao Xiaoshi is a bit unclear, "What do you laugh at? Do you think I can't kill a child?"

"Of course not." Fang Wen is a loud and hearty voice. This is to make a special tone for the lobbyist. I haven’t used it for several years. “I laughed at Xiao’s, and I’m still so calm.”

Just like all the masters who have the upper hand, the more obvious the enemy's provocation is, the less it does not matter, "Do you think I can kill the Dragon King? Oh, let you see his body with your own eyes."

Fang Wen is shaking his head. "Do you think Gu Shen will be so easy to be fooled? Do you think that the Zhongyuan people and the iron monk can deceive him? This is an opportunity, Xiao Yu, Gu Shen gave you this opportunity, you better cherish ""

"Opportunity? I hope that he can give Doddon a chance seven years ago. Now I just want revenge, don't take chance." Xiao Xiao's slightly raised his head, I feel very strange, I can clearly remember the voice of Duo Dun. However, I can't remember his appearance a bit. "There are no people available around the Dragon King. For six years, he has disappeared for six years. It is not so easy to regain the power of the past."

"I, there are still many people who are still loyal to the Dragon King. We all really do things for him." Fang Wen said with a sigh of relief that he did not dare to say this in the years of assisting the Dragon King, but now he can confirm his loyalty.

Xiao Yu's mouth, "I am talking about 'available people', Mr. Fang is a personal talent, but unfortunately, you are useless in me, you can't change me, can't change my decision, as for others, Chunan Screen and Tie Linglong has already left, my people saw their two exits into the Western Regions, Shangguanfei sat here, the people of Yuyuguo are not there, the Dragon King is only left - Nie Zeng, maybe two or three Crazy woman."

Shangguanfei had originally made up his mind to not open his mouth. He could hear the words "mad woman", but he couldn't hold back. He looked at him with a guilty conscience. "Don't be a little girl, even if she is alone, she can make trouble. Big things come."

"It doesn't matter, I don't need to deal with her anyway, the Central Plains will remove this madman for me."

"Zhongyuan people? You are not saying that the Central Plains people want to steal the shackles?" Fang Wen asked.

Xiao Yan said that on the head of the Xingtou, he lowered his voice and said mysteriously: "That was the day before yesterday. I have no hatred with the Central Plains. Why do you want to be right? So I will give them the only requirement." It is to get rid of the lotus girl, huh, huh, the dragon king wants to treat the scorpion as a disaster, and of course I will send it out."

Looking at Shangguanfei and Fangwen is a horror, Xiaoyan is more and more excited. "Right, the lotus girl is confused, and actually deals with the Central Plains."

"What is the transaction?" Shangguanfei did not believe it.

Xiao Yu’s sighed a little, “The transaction of the Dragon King’s life, she does not seem to believe that the Dragon King will win, but she does not want the complete Dragon King, but for his half life – she is a madman, and the words may be true. It may not be just a trick. It doesn't matter. She should be hiding in the military camp at this time to prepare for the squatting. The Central Plains will be the guide and will introduce her into the ambush. After a while, she will take a step ahead of the Dragon King. I really admire her."

Shangguanfei suddenly panicked, and Xiaoshi’s eyes were more like lunatics than the Dutch women. He was glad that he had never offended her, and never thought about confronting her, so he said with a smile: Everything is in your grasp."

"You can't say that." Xiao Yan accepts flattery. "For example, I didn't expect you to do this."

Shangguan Feiqi smiled twice and turned to look at Shangguancheng, who was still in a coma. "Actually, this is not exactly the trick I came up with."

"Nangong bad has helped you a lot."

"Of course, but she was convinced by me. I didn't have this idea before."

Xiao Xiao’s smile is a bit stiff. “Is it the idea that the Dragon King gave you?”

"You can't say that." Shangguan Fei raised his hand and followed the hair behind the brain. "Gu Shen was talking to me at the time, 'You go to join the ten-party teaching.' I thought, the ten-party teaching is missing one. Teacher, why can't it be me?"

"He just said this sentence?"

"Well, just say this, to be honest, I think he is suggesting something."

Xiao Xiao’s smile gradually disappeared, and his eyes slowly turned to Fang Wen’s message: “This tent is the one that you most believe in the Dragon King. What do you think?”

"Nothing to know." Fang Wen answered the question simply and simply, then he was busy taking care of Shangguancheng.

Shangguan became awake, blinking for a while, sitting up, his face still a bit gloomy, but he did not anger again, staring at the food on the case, suddenly looked up and said: "You are afraid of him, because you hit But he, even if you buy everyone, still can't."

"Ah, our Saitama King seems to have just had a sweet dream." Xiao Yushi does not give up even to a child, "I am going to tell you, given your strong vengeance, tomorrow noon, I am still You have to kill you, the fire, if you are willing to ask for mercy, I can order you to stab you first. As for Shangguanfei, you can kill him at any time. If I have even more than a hundred members of the 10th party, I can’t suppress it. What revenge is it?"

Shangguan Fei smashed the dagger into the table and reminded him: "It’s enough to make a joke here. The lord of my body has recovered a little. You are not an opponent."

The efficacy has passed, and Shangguancheng certainly can’t beat Shangguanfei.

Shangguan Fei touched the wound on his shoulder and frowned. He began to feel pain.

"Dragon King certainly won't be fooled." Xiao Yu said to himself. In the past six years, she has always speculated about the idea of ​​the Dragon King. It has reached the level of dementia. "He may not even believe in the Iron Monk. Who else? Who else can he use?"

"Su Shi?" Shangguan Fei guessed by the attitude of the onlookers. "I heard that he also left the Dragon King, I don't know where to go."

"He went to meet the Saitama City mission." Xiao Yu's men monitored all the passages, saw Su Shi walked the mountain road around the military camp, followed her orders, did not catch up, "Well, Shangguan, such as Shantou is also a tricky figure, But she is at least two days away from here, and she can't get there anyway. Will the Dragon King not do it tonight? He will, he will have no chance during the day."

Xiao Yan suddenly remembered a clue. He took three hands and took four guards from outside the account. They were personally selected by Xiao Yan, not a ten-party sect. "Let Nangong come in badly."

A guard came and went, and the other three were kept around Xiaoyan.

Nangong badly came in quickly, and did not squint. In the face of Xiaoxie, he only slightly nodded.

Xiao Yan smiled and said: "Women love to avenge, I suddenly carelessly, I forgot that you hate the iron monk, but I don't allow you to grab the hand in front of me, wait for me to revenge after you toss, before this, You better remember that the 'divine power' of the leader has not fully recovered yet."

"Do you want me to say this?"


Nangong turned and wrote the account, did not give any promise, and did not look at Shangguanfei.

Xiao Yu is very satisfied, she is convinced that even if she does not help, the ten-party will not be confused.

Suddenly there was a loud noise outside the account, followed by the horn of the horns. Soon a guard came in and stood at the door and said, "It’s a lotus girl, and it counts."

"Unless I see the body, I don't believe anything." Xiao Yu said coldly.

"Yes." The guards left.

No one talked in the tent, and the arrival of the lotus girl symbolized the official start of the duel tonight.

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