Death Sutra

Chapter 121: Dreamlike

Gu Shen took a piece of grass and chewed it in her mouth, and used the bitter taste to resist the attack of fatigue.

The sun rises high, the screams of the worms are drowsy, and the sound of turbulent water is also boring. Gu Shen has the familiar sense of loss in her heart. This is the case before every action, his suspicious personality. Often go to the extreme, I feel that the plan is full of loopholes, and the chances of success are nothing.

However, the arrow is already on the string, and Gu Shen’s feeling of falling due to tension in the lower abdomen has even taken away the hunger for a long time.

This is what he has to do. Without Shangguan, he will not be able to return to Jinpengbao. Revenge is more and more hopeless. Moreover, among the people who are hijacked, there are his most important ally, the lotus girl.

Shortly after noon, the young killer and others were finally late.

Still three hijackers, women in robes, not black, but red, holding five captives, can be seen from afar, but they are riding horses.

This is not within the scope of Gu Shen’s expectation. He followed the footprints for four days and long recognized that the hijackers were walking. They did not consider that the strongholds could provide horses.

The trap has not changed in time, and the original plan cannot be abandoned.

Two red robe women walked in front of the horse, behind them were five walking prisoners, and another red robe woman behind the temple.

More than a hundred steps away from the river bank, the terrain has steeply descended, and the complex has risen again. The two sides are lush and grassy, ​​completely covering a small path, and pedestrians have to wear grass.

The first red robe woman walked past, could not see the horse, half of the body was exposed, and the second red robe woman followed.

An arrow shot in the grass, the second leg of the red robe woman's calf, through the muscles, pierced into the horse, the mount suffered, but the long humming, suddenly jumped forward, hit the front horse.

That arrow should hit the target.

There was a brachi in the grass, a branch attached to the machine, and a straw stick attached to the end. In addition to the ten steps, Gu Shen controlled the timing of the launch. For this, he practiced an hour, but the result only hurt the enemy. Calf.

Gu Shenwei rehearsed the entire plan countless times. As soon as the arm was launched, he immediately stood up and picked up the short bow and arrow around him and shot at the first woman in the red robe.

The foremost red robe woman has already counted, jumped to the arm squat, when the landing was not landing, there was an arrow in the middle, screaming, falling, not dead, the shooting skills of the slaves were far worse than the flowers. It is.

The last woman in the red robe jumped several times in a row, and she had already reached Gu Shen as a few steps in front of her, and her skinny fingers, like the talons, caught the ambush.

Gu Shenwei threw away the short bow, and the narrow knife had already been sheathed, and it was inserted in the grass at his feet.

The knife tip is inclined, the speed is so fast, in the eyes of outsiders, it is not Huanhuan to the enemy, but the enemy actively slams into the tip of the knife.

This is the only perfect blow in the entire plan. The red robe woman’s neck and sword fell to the ground.

Gu Shen had five blood marks on her chest. The red robe woman was not weak in martial arts. She still had a trick before she died.

The second leg of the red robe woman was connected with the horse's body. She didn't look back. She drove straight ahead and soon crossed the river without a shadow.

"Han slave!"

Suddenly, the five teenagers who were captured did not react until Gu Shen killed a person with a narrow knife. When Shangguan rained, he first called, and the voice was full of horror.

"You are not dead?" Shangguan continued to cried, and he was more than amazed.

"I am not dead." Gu Shen first went to the grass to see the woman who was not dead in the arrow. The arrow hit the lower abdomen. The woman in the red robe lay on her back and gasped with her mouth, and she lost her resistance.

Then he cut the ropes of the teenagers one by one.

Compared with the five captives, the slaves seem to suffer more, the clothes are broken, the dust on the face is dusty, the hair is covered with grass clippings, and the feet are bare, the shoes are gone.

The captured teenagers have all the clothes and attire, but the body is slightly sluggish and seems to have lost internal strength.

After the rescued surprise, the teenagers showed an angry color. When they were in the rain, they took the knife from the slaves and prepared to kill the injured woman.

"Leave your mouth." Gu Shen shouted.


"You have to ask their origins."

"Oh, I don't need it, I know it clearly."

When Shangguan rain killed the wounded and cut two heads, this is an important spoil, she has to bring back.

In fact, Gu Shenwei still has reasons to say no, and the woman in the Great Wilderness Gate may know how to remove the "eight ridiculous powers", but even if he leaves a living mouth, he has no chance to interrogate separately.

The five-year-old boy was captured purely by chance.

The three earthen houses in the oasis are the places where the great disciples train junior disciples. There are eight disciples, martial arts in general, all died under the knife of the Jinpengbao teenagers, and there is also a master who died in the underground secret room.

The other three red robe women went there for routine patrols, and the teenagers would not see them when they went to go one day early in the morning.

As Gu Shen did, they used the drug, and it was the “compassion” that Jinpengbao promised to never use again. Compared with the stone castle’s nameless drug, “Compassion” lasted longer, the red robe woman They mixed it in the rice and forced the captives to take it every meal. If it wasn’t for Gu Shen to save people in time, after another ten days, the internal forces of the teenagers would begin to degenerate until they disappeared completely.

The Great Wilderness Gate and Jinpeng Fort are feuds, and the grudges have lasted for decades. Shangguan has a little knowledge of the origin of this martial art. It is said that the Great Wilderness Gate was once a subordinate of Jinpengbao, betrayed in the fifth generation of the One-Step King, and stood on its own. The generation of the one-step king is almost completely annihilated.

However, a few years later, the Great Wilderness Gate was resurrected, and several masters emerged. The vendettas of the two killer gangs affected the stability of the entire Western Region. Finally, several powerful kings came forward and demanded a truce.

In the four sangha blues outside the Saitama City, Jinpengbao and the Great Wilderness Gate can not violate the agreement. Jinpengbao promises not to use the assassination means such as "Compassionate Dispersion" to stay in Saitama City, and the Great Wilderness Gate voluntarily retreats. desert.

At that time, few people remembered the details. In short, the Great Wilderness Gate disappeared from the rivers and lakes, and it did not show up for decades.

As for why they left the desert and returned to the rivers and lakes, why did they have to force Jinpengbao people to enter the desert southward, and the teenagers did not understand.

The three red robe women found that the daughter of the one-step king in the captives was so ecstatic that they immediately left with five teenagers. As for the teenagers who fell into the trap, they took it for granted that the master could kill him, so he did not care for him. .

"The great ridiculous door is betrayed, and the father will kill them all." Shangguan said with indignation that she only remembered the big slamming door during the trial, and had never linked the black robes to the sect that had disappeared for many years. .

Only Gu Shenwei and the Dutch woman know that this is not the first time that the disciples have left the desert, and Xue Niang has even mixed into Jinpengbao.

A few teenagers naturally could not take revenge, and ran a woman in a red robe, adding even more danger.

The two horses ran away. The teenagers could only walk and drink a lot of water by the river. This is one of the most effective means of resolving the "compassionate distraction". Then they cross the river and walk along the river bank to the west. Then turn to the southwest, I hope to be able to walk all the way to the border of Saitama City.

No one knows how far this road is.

Among the six, only Gu Shen was equipped with a narrow knife, Liuhua took back his favorite short bow, and thanked him without saying that the arm was handed over to Shangguan’s hand, and the long bow was returned to the official rain, but there was no total. To twenty arrows.

Gu Shen gave the Dutch woman a dagger, and the wild horse could only be bare-handed.

They did not dare to stay, traveled overnight, looking at the direction of the southern mountains of the black, until the next day at noon to take a break, Gu Shenwei felt that he just closed his eyes and was woken up, Liuhua hunted a few birds, everyone Divided into food, raw meat is bloody, temporarily covering up the hungry.

Although the internal strength of several people has been restored, the help for walking is not great.

On the third night, the first person who couldn’t support was Shangguanru. She was too young and had no suffering. She couldn’t stand the intensity of this kind of intensity. She had been hard for a long time, and she really had no strength to go on. People took turns to carry a section of ten sons. When Shangguan decided to rest anyway, everyone was relieved.

Starting from the Mustang, four brown belt killers took turns to send their whistle.

Gu Shenwei was the last one. He sat in the grass on the high ground, endured the lingering drowsiness and the bite of the bugs. He looked at the crescent moon that gradually tilted westward, and his mind seemed to be solidified. Into the simplest thoughts.

He felt that he was asleep, but the scenery in front of him did not change at all, but he no longer felt sleepy, quiet and happy, as if floating in the clouds, the noise of the flying insects disappeared, replaced by the wind and the tip of the grass And if there is no snoring.

He was surprised that he didn't like instruments like whistle. Why did he hear it in his dreams?

He lifted himself up and tried to wave his sleeves and walked away with this fake night scene. After failing a few times, he used his fingers to open his eyelids.

It was still the scene, but the crescent moon faded, and the dawn of the sky was slightly exposed.

A tall woman came over and bent down and smiled.

Gu Shen did not know her, but the spring breeze when the smile was not melted, it was warm and unconscious, and she unconsciously relaxed her vigilance, so he took a weak smile and let the other person point a finger on his chest.

Gu Shen closed her eyes and fell asleep again, without any concern, even dreams.

When he woke up, the Chaoyang had already been tall. When he was in the rain, he complained that he was not serious, but everyone slept very well and no one was awake.

"There was a woman who came over last night..." Gu Shenwei said, but when she said it was just a dream, she said it was a laugh.

Sure enough, when Shangguan rained, he snorted disdainfully. For three days, she was enough to forget the life-saving grace of the slaves. "Where is the woman, you are afraid of the big waste, and have a nightmare."

Others shook their heads and said that they were calm. The Shangguan regained his energy and smiled and asked: "Who are you dreaming of? Quickly."

Gu Shenwei squeezed a smile, "I don't remember."

In fact, he remembers that he remembered the woman's face, the beauty was amazing, the facial features were clear, but it was extremely strange, and it was not the picture that was imagined in the dream.

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