Death Sutra

Chapter 133: get together

The wars of Jinpengbao and Xiaoyuetang and the Great Wilderness Gate are small and thunderous, and the dead are all small, insignificant. There are many innocent people. Gu Shenwei understands now that the war in the city is simply the sound of the East, the real world. The goal is Jinpeng Fort.

Regardless of this, after two days of busy for Shibao, he finally got idle. He is very happy to help the disciples to resolve an enemy. In particular, the enemy is the Mengjiawuzi, a famous young rich man who wants to get to know each other. .

This banquet has signs of chaos from the beginning.

There are two reasons why Meng Mingshi agreed to a low-minded slave. One is that the name of the big-headed **** is not good, and the other is that he suddenly misses the smoke.

Meng Mingshi sneaked to Nancheng when he was fifteen years old. The protector and sensual teacher around him was the big belly Buddha. The first woman introduced by the big belly Buddha to her son was her daughter.

When Meng Ming was involved in the Qing Dynasty, he still had a young man's oysters. Xu Yanwei, who is the same age as him, is already a veteran. What she taught, Meng Wugongzi is still in use until now.

The night before, I learned that I would like to host Meng Mingshi. Xu Xiaoyi talked about many of the anecdotes of the five sons. There is still some nostalgia for him in the words. "There is a saying in this line that men always fall in love with their first woman. When Meng Gongzi fell in love with my sister, I loved to die and live, and the amount of silver I dropped was too much, and it fell into the pocket of old things."

Xu Xiaoyi was still indignant when he mentioned his father.

Iron cold front raised his head and recalled his first prostitute. He smiled and nodded. "It's really like this, ah, if you don't mention this, I will forget that woman."

Only Gu Shen was cold-faced, and he had an unsolved trouble. The two people in front of him could not help.

Xu Xiaoyi also raised his head and revealed his expression similar to that of the iron scorpion. "So, for the first time, you must be careful, yell at me, and still look for it now."

"You are because there is no money." Tie Hanfeng did not show his feelings and revealed the old bottom of Xiaoyi. "If you are a woman, you must first explain to me where the money comes from."

Xu Xiaoyi smiled and turned the topic back to Meng Wugongzi. "There is another saying in this line that the prostitute can never fall in love with his first man."

"Why?" Although Tie Hanfeng is a frequent visitor, he has never heard this sentence. "I said how the woman suddenly ignored me."

"This is all about experience." Xu Xiaoyi took a sip of wine, as if his qualifications were older than that of Tiehan Feng. "Those guys think of things better than anything else, the first time, full of heart The fantasies are transplanted to the prostitute and are willing to give everything to her. When he is tired of watching, he is thinking about finding another prostitute, and then discovering that the first one is nothing special, there is always better than her. So, if you are emotional, you fall into a trap, and when you are abandoned, you have no face and no money, and you don’t even have a cry. Just say five sons, I loved my sister so much, my sister and I fell last year. At the time, he was not at all old."

This is obviously not what Xu Xiaoyi can think of. Gu Shen is not interested in the "妓道", but Tie Hanfeng was greatly moved. Even said "it was so", he was saddened from time to time, kept drinking, and went to bed after going to bed. What are you thinking about in your dreams?

On the second day, Tie Hanfeng returned to normal.

As soon as noon, Meng Wugongzi arrived with a group of followers. The first thing to enter the door was to confess with Xu Yan, and no matter where others were present, he sprinkled a few tears before changing to a smile. The front of each other said long-term, and the only expression of the "Knife with a knife" was the nod.

Gu Shen clearly knew that the table was banned. He not only offended Meng Mingshi, but also saw the ugly state of the five sons in times of crisis. This kind of hatred can never be resolved.

For Luo Ning Tea and Tie Han Feng, this meeting is meaningful. The former shows the control of the slaves. The latter has met an important person. Tie Hanfeng once met Meng Wuzi, but This is the first time I have had a drink together.

The banquet was placed upstairs, Gu Shen officially apologized, and after the vague understanding of Meng Wugongzi, his task was over, and basically no one would take care of this brown belt killer.

More than half of Meng Ming’s time was spent on Xu Yan’s love. The memory of a few years ago reappeared. This woman seems to be full of charm in his eyes.

Meng Wugongzi brought three clerk, each with his own duties. The first person was responsible for crosstalking and joking, ensuring that there would be no cold spots. The second person did not talk often. Most of the time he was stuffing things into his mouth, but his eyes were not clear. Gongzi, clap his hands from time to time, when the five sons whispered, he immediately explained in plain language, the third dedicated to the iron cold front, the fight was too much fun, look at the posture, wait for the drink, two People have to be brothers of different surnames.

Xu Xiaoyi ran up and down and directed the servants who were temporarily hired to serve the dishes.

Therefore, when Gu Shen was sitting in front of the window and thinking about it, no one even noticed that he was leaving.

The autumn wind is cool, and the face is very pleasant. Gu Shen is in urgent need to make her brain clearer.

During the day, the people’s lanes are relatively deserted. There are almost no people on the street. The brothels are also closed for rest. Only a ring in the opposite building is packing up, tapping the dust, and the muffled sounds come from time to time, as if the whole The excitement of staying in the lane is in the banquet behind Gu Shen.

Just outside the scene seems to be solidified, a black masked man sneaks on the ridge, the cat is waisted, and the narrow knife in his hand has been squirted.

On the opposite side, the black man turned his head and looked at Gu Shen as a glance. It seemed that he was not worried about being exposed at all. Then he jumped onto the eaves and turned a light scorpion to turn over. He broke into the building and smashed his hands. The shackles fell and the black man hugged her up to prevent the sound.

Two other black men appeared from behind the ridge and jumped into the building. They crossed the road with the first black man to find the target and quickly went downstairs.

They are not concerned about the eyes of Gu Shenwei.

Gu Shenwei recognized these three people. They are the brown belt killers of the Xiaoqi camp. One of them is a member of the former "arm slave gang". They are very loyal to Huanu, although they are covered, Gu Shenlai can recognize it.

In the daytime, the assassination is not like the style of Jinpengbao, but Gu Shen immediately wakes up, leaving the lane is a place where black and white is upside down, the night is lively, the day is deserted, and the choice of the brown belt killers makes sense.

The next thing, Gu Shenwei, did not understand. The black man killed the target and did not sneak away from the original road. Instead, he opened the door downstairs and released an old servant who was flying outside the sky. He shouted: "Killing!"

Gu Shen’s banquet behind him came to an abrupt end.

Iron cold front first went to the apprentice, looked out and said: "The opposite Liu Yaner was killed."

Xu Yanwei screamed and trembled behind Meng Wugongzi. The Qingke, who was responsible for telling jokes, didn’t seem to react for a while. "Yan Yiner is a good son of Wugongzi. Who dares to kill her? She wants to let the five sons go. Let her accompany you."

Liu Yiner is not only one of Meng Mingshi's good neighbors, but also a niece attached to the Meng family. These days, the brothels in Nancheng have been turned over by the swordsmen hired by Jinpengbao. People dare to move, because these prostitutes are behind the mountains.

Meng Mingshi caressed Xu Yanwei's shoulder with one hand and held the glass with one hand. He did not understand the seriousness of the matter like the Qingke. "Annoying scorpion, disturbing my wine, I will kill her in person later."

Without Meng Mengzi personally passing, the servant in the opposite building knew that the five sons were drinking here, and had ran up and down, Xu Xiaoyi could not stop her.

"Five sons, big officials, my ancestors, my god, murder, girl... miss..."

The servant's wife was incoherent, but she was covered with a large piece of blood, which undoubtedly showed the **** incident in the opposite building.

"Yu Gongzi is here." Gu Shen reminded, and clearly understood what this blatant assassination intention was.

When Shangguan rained, he led ten brown belt killers to ride horses and gallops. He stopped at the opposite side and listened to a black man reporting the situation.

The servant's yelling has awakened the entire people's alley, and almost every building has a probe to look at the situation.

Meng Wugongzi suddenly changed his face, dropped the glass and Xu Yanwei, and ran to the window in a few steps. "You... Rain Gongzi... What are you doing? How to kill me?"

When Shangguan rained, he looked up and did not answer. Instead, he walked into the small building of Xu Yanwei. He stepped up the stairs and ignored Meng Mingshi. "Huan slave, you seem to have forgotten that you are a small flag camper."

When Shangguan Yu asked the slaves and the daughters to report their progress every day, Gu Shen was troubled by trouble. Yesterday she was forgotten. "Busy to find clues, I have not had time to return."

"What about the lotus girl?"

"In surveillance."

Meng Wugongzi turned his face from white to red. "Stop, you both go to other places and give me an explanation. Why do you kill my woman?"

When Shangguan Yu appeared to see Meng Mingshi, he said: "Your woman? She is a disciple of Xiaoyuetang. Is the five sons familiar with the enemies of Jinpengbao?"

"How is it possible? She is not..."

"I have evidence."

"Growing and framing, you want to avenge me, go, let's go to Jinpengbao to discuss!"

The two men quarreled and screamed, and others were afraid to interrupt.

When Shangguan Yu was prepared, he had the upper hand, and occasionally turned to the slaves, accusing him of betraying the ten sons. In her view, Meng Mingshi and Shangguan were enemies, and the slaves were sharing with the enemies of the ten sons. It’s a big deal.

Liu Yiner is not a disciple of Xiaoyuetang. Gu Shen does not know, but he knows the purpose of this move when Shangguan Yu, she just wants to make things big, everyone knows that Huannu has become a Meng family, to When she didn't need her to speak, some people passed the news to Shangguan as in her ears.

When Shangguan Yu had never heard the phrase "sudden relationship" before killing, she was following this theory and broke the relationship between Huanu and Shangguanru.

It seems that Xu Xiaowei’s small building is not busy enough. I don’t know who sent the letter. After a while, Mr. Guo also came. He wants to ask why Xiaoqiying is away from the designated area and ran to stay in the lane. .

There were more and more people in the building. Gu Shen was squeezed to the window, and there was almost no place to turn around. Then he heard someone chanting the Buddha’s name and looked back. He left the monk and came two monks, one skin white. Transparency, a strong as a reincarnation of the Guardian King.

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