Death Sutra

Chapter 140: Blood body

Every punch made the strength of the mountain cracking stone, Gu Shen was tightly attached to the enemy, and there was no mercy and hesitation in his heart.

Kang Wenhui turned and moved, that is, he could not escape the juvenile's fist, so he released ten successes, such as the blood ten points to each of the young people to catch.

Gu Shen broke the clothes on her body, and the already scarred skin added countless blood ditch. He didn't care, he didn't care at all, as if it wasn't his own body, his face was stretched, and he punched it with a fist. The opponent is male or female, old and young, and has no mercy.

Kang Wenhui's face changed, and then his face changed. The blood on his face was even redder than the ten fingers. She never encountered this kind of play, and the rogue was not entangled. There was no routine, no power, but power. Big enough to kill a cow.

The Great Wilderness Gate was killed by a teenager with a fist, the skull was shattered, and one eyeball flew out.

Gu Shen gasped for a big mouth, but not tired at all. On the contrary, she felt that her energy was so full. In front of him was a mountain, and he could use his fist to make it a piece of gravel.

The three great wilderness disciples have been watching with surprise. They didn't have time to help Master. At this time, they glanced at each other and took the lead with Nie Qing's sister and wrapped them in three directions.

They are killers. When they kill, they use whatever means, but they never run away. Moreover, they all have the absurdity of Kang Wenhui. If they don’t take revenge for Master, they will die when they return to the Great Wilderness.

Gu Shenwei leaned down slightly and slammed out. Every step had an ordinary person seven or eight steps away. It seemed like a leopard rushing to the prey. Two steps of the enemy on the left side, holding her tightly on the ground. A few laps.

When the teenager stood up, the woman was dead and the ribs were folded.

He rushed to the enemy closest to him, letting her use the claws to add a few scars to her body, knocking her down with a punch, then slamming on the ground and slamming hard until the flesh and the grass roots could not be distinguished.

The last big disciple flew in and fell on the boy. The ten fingers were inserted into the shoulder socket, but only one inch was entered, and they could no longer advance and could not be pulled out.

Gu Shen grabbed the woman's wrists behind her back and jumped up and fell on her back. She only felt that her neck was warm and the enemy's arm disappeared. She had already vomited blood and died.

Gu Shen pulled out the ten fingers on his shoulders, stood up, and got on the upper body. The blood was like a stream of creeks, sloping under the skin, clenching his fists, and the muscles were stretched like iron.

The two monks have been watching the brutal and cold-blooded killings, and even forgot to persuade them. I am sure that this boy is the reincarnation of the devil.

"A... Amitabha." Lianhua Master finally was able to speak.

The speed of the internal interest operation is slowing down after reaching the peak. Gu Shenwei’s killing is still flaming, and the monk is also a human. What is the use? So I walked over.

"This...what does the truth really not work?" Lianhua did not find the danger approaching, and said inexplicably.

Gu Shen was shocked by the heart. Yes, he was deceived by the Master of the Tigers to learn thousands of words of the "broken theory", the killing of the heart has been weakened, but at this time, killing the heart is more intense than ever. , where is there still a little bit of hesitation?

As a result of this change, Gu Shenwei recovered his reason, this monk can't die, and there are important issues to ask him to solve.

"Maybe it is related to the "Dead Man"?" Gu Shenwei is so conjectured. The pronunciation of the "Decisive Theory" is mostly borrowed from the "Dead Man", and the "Dead Man" did not weaken the killing effect. The water can also carry the boat, and he has just broken through the internal obstacles. He is also a major breakthrough in the psychological, so the killing is not reduced.

Lianhua Master is almost the same idea. He couldn't help but sigh. The face is like a gray ash. He and the tiger sorcerer have devoted their energy to this life. If it is invalid, not only the tiger sorcerer will die in vain, but the vows of the two of them will stand before the Buddha statue. The mirror flower water moon can never be completed forever.

"Everything starts with "Dead Man" and should be solved by "Dead Man". When Master and Tiger Cub invented "Discontinuity" in the past, there was only the "Dead Man", and the tiger saw that the whole book was dead. I am willing to rewrite the scriptures and hand them over to the Master. I hope that the Master can certify the "Discontinuity Theory" and dissolve the world to kill the heart.

“Really?” Lianhua turned from sadness to joy, and even the four bodies on the ground didn’t care much. “The small donor’s merits are not small.”

"Get the pen paper."

Although the lotus leaf suffered internal injuries, she was able to act. She rushed into the grass room, took out the ink and paper basket and a short foot. She spread the paper and waited for the ink to be poured. Gu Shen grabbed the pen and said: "No need "Looking at the blood on your body, writing and writing, your blood is used up, and the blood on the nearby body is used."

Gu Shen, who has more than 5,000 words of "Dead Man", has long been ruthless. After a while, he will write a pen and throw a pen to get a bunch of blood to the Lianhua Master.

Lianhua Master took over the blood, did not know what to say, Buddhism does have the deeds of the practitioners to write the scriptures of blood, but they use their own blood, take a little day, never kill, this book is The blood of the living and the dead is used together, and it is worthy of the name of the Dead Man.

"But please also ask the Master to agree to my two conditions."

"Small donor please say."

"First, I hope that the Master can pass on the sound of the whole scripture in the future, and don't steal it. Second, I hope that the Master can correct the pronunciation and also decipher the true meaning."

Lianhua Master is somewhat pedantic, but people are not stupid. It is difficult to hold the paper. "The small donor has already been overwhelmed. Do you want to use this to increase your killing?"

"After deciphering, the Master can decide for himself. If the scripture is martial arts, it can be taught."

Lianhua Master nodded and agreed. He turned and glanced at the four bodies on the ground. After reading a few sentences, the younger brother and the lotus leaves fell down the mountain. The left **** has become a place of killing, and it is no longer suitable for practice.

Gu Shenwei took out the dagger, cut off four heads, found a way down the mountain, found his own horse, and rode back to the city. He has seven or eight percent of his heart. The true meaning of The Dead Mantra is not a secret of martial arts, but with The "No Book" that the Great Wilderness Gate never forgets must be related.

It was already in the evening, and there were few people on the road. When he arrived in Yuyu City, he met the ambush.

The ambush went out one by one, watching the slaves of the **** people, silent.

It was the brown belt killer of Xiaoqiying. The wildflowers with arrows on the strings and the wild horses with narrow swords were all there. The last one came out during the Shangguan rain. I was a little surprised and a little disappointed. "You are late."

Just when Gu Shenwei and the four disciples of the Great Wilderness were born and died, there was a big battle in the city of Yuyu.

Shangguan said that he moved his father to the One-Step King, temporarily changed the six-killing temple guardian to a person, and sent the most exquisite "green-faced" assassin overnight, staying at the valley exit, tracking the great wilderness disciple back to Yucheng, and another killer. Far behind the slaves.

The bottom is surrounded by Dachuan, and there is only one exit. Anyone has to come and go.

The hiding place of the Great Wilderness Gate in the city is therefore exposed, a total of three, two in the south, and one in the north.

At noon, the assassinations in the city began. Thirty-one of the great disciples were spared. Everyone was a top player. After this battle, a large enemy of Jinpengbao was injured more than half, and there was no strength to fight back within many years.

The assassination was personally directed by the One Step, and did not attract any attention in the North City of Nancheng. After a few days, there were rumors spread.

Shangguan remembers his own promise to protect the life of the slaves, so he is entangled in his father and asks not to do anything before the negotiation of the slaves and the Great Wilderness, and to protect the slaves themselves.

Shangguanru made great achievements, and the single-step king promised everything, but she was not allowed to leave the stone fort. If Shangguan had to entrust the protection of the slaves to the Shangguan Yu, he would send the rainy son to the killer of the slaves.

The dozens of brown belt killers in Xiaoqiying almost went out of their nests. I thought that regardless of the outcome of the negotiations, Huannu and the great disciples would return to Yuyucheng. Who would like to wait until the evening to wait for the full of blood and the four heads.

When Shangguan Yu brought so many people out, he just wanted to do it. She even hoped that Huannu was killed. She ambushed the disciples and avenged him. Unfortunately, she was not worried.

The Dutch woman was detained at the North City stronghold and was rescued without any injury.

The guardianship hole of Shibao was also discovered. The ghost of the payroll was called a few hundred feet of cliffs under the cliff. I don’t know what year and month to cut a half-turn platform. There are dozens of statues on the stone wall. The Great Barrier is made of nails. The ladder climbed all the way to here, and forced the slaves to hang down the ropes.

However, the ghost is called Cliff, and Jinpengbao does not have an arrow tower.

Since then, the arrow tower surrounding the stone fort is more, and has a dual purpose: to kill the Dapeng bird and prevent invasion by foreign enemies.

In the next few days, Jinpengbao stalked the vines and found the remaining great disciples to kill them one by one. Most people believed that there were no hidden enemies in the city of Saitama, and only waited for the eight lords to annihilate the desert. Yu Yi, the Great Wilderness Gate will completely disappear.

The only thing that made the one-step king uneasy was that the arrested nets were all disciples of the great wilderness. After Xiaoyuetang’s glimpse, it seemed that there was no more.

In any case, this is a huge victory. The one-step king is very happy with the official cutting. The first big hero is the daughter Shangguanru, and there are even rumors that the king is in the presence of many people, such as the big and the young, and praises. Shangguan is his "most proud son."

The big and the main lord smashed the face and swept the ground. The south city led Mr. Guo to personally command him. He tossed for several days. The final battle was neither ignorant. After the incident, they realized that the Great Wilderness Gate had been eliminated. Their The task is only left to sweep.

Shangguan, in front of his father, slammed Mr. Guo and said that he was prejudiced because he was prejudiced and deliberately did not listen to the information he had explored. He almost delayed the big event.

On the surface, Mr. Guo was not punished, but when the pursuit was over, he was appointed as the master of the White House, and on the surface it was still in power, but it was far from the core circle of Jinpengbao.

Gu Shenwei made a huge hole in Mr. Guo’s “relationship network”, which deepened the contradiction between the two. Soon, he had to find a way to get rid of the Jinpengbao adviser, and therefore Deeply involved in the infighting of the Shangguan family.

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