Death Sutra

Chapter 145: Three more

Mr. Zhang Wei, the teacher of teaching, has made subtle changes in his attitude towards "extraordinary disciples."

Through killing the teacher, Gu Shenwei's harvest in Jinpengbao is mostly doubts and admiration. Only in Zhangye, he feels a bit of resentment and vigilance. This is the reaction of normal people, but it has become abnormal in Shibao.

The two chat casually, always cold, Zhang Wei is not as savage as before, Gu Shenwei can not directly say the words that were overheard, wrapped around for a long time, did not ask too much useful things, had to get up and leave. .

Why are some documents disappearing? Zhang Wei thinks that this kind of thing is very common. "Not too important, it is kept alone, it is too unimportant, it has been lost, or it has been destroyed for various reasons. I estimate that one in twenty-three documents will be That's it."

However, another thing that Zhang Wei said caused Gu Shen to be a lot of delusions. Zhang Wei himself did not know that these words were so important. "After more than ten years ago, Mr. Guo was the deacon of the ceremonial house, and the interior of the palace. Almost, every day with the king's master, recording his words and deeds, he just started this way."

Gu Shenwei's father served as a court guard in the Central Plains. He was a little bit stunned. He knows a little about the things in the palace. He immediately understood what Mr. Guo’s role was in the past, and he was a little awake.

Returning to Dongpu, he found the Dutch woman, entrusted her to inquire about the news, and soon got a reply. "The Suihua Institute used to be the house of the previous generation of three young masters. The three young masters are the younger brothers of the king. They have been dead for many years. It is."

Gu Shenwei’s conjecture was confirmed, but he still surprised him. He couldn’t think of it. He explored the White House in the night and did not find the instrument to kill Gu’s, but inadvertently overheard a larger conspiracy.

He has passed all the details again, and feels that he can't be wrong if he guesses it. The next step is to respond, whether it is sitting on the mountain or directly involved.

Strictly speaking, this conspiracy has nothing to do with him, but he does not intend to let Mr. Guo succeed. Once Mr. Guo is re-popular in the Lord, it will not be good for him in the long run.

Gu Shen told the Dutch woman about the information and speculation she had received. "This is your chance to make meritorious deeds. The risk is not small. If you are willing, you will have to act immediately. It may be too late for tomorrow."

"Do you not want to do it yourself?" The Dutch girl is of course willing to fight for meritorious opportunities, not to mention the merits of this time.

"I need help, so you'd better become a killer." In fact, because this meritorious service is going to enter the house, the lotus girl is more suitable than Gu Shen.

The lotus girl bowed to him, and Gu Shen was very surprised. This is the courtesy of the subordinates to the boss. When he was treated as a "arm slave helper", she did not have such respect.

Gu Shen took the lead and accepted the move of loyalty. He has made it very clear that he needs a "helper", not a "friend."

The Dutch woman said goodbye that she is not a Luoning tea without a city, and Gu Shenwei does not need to tell her how to do it.

After the event, the Dutch woman still told him the whole process.

There is a female apprentice in the small flag camp, a friend with the lotus girl, the owner is the six young masters, the wife of the six young masters is also named Meng, is the relatives and daughters of the wife of the king, although Mrs. Meng is quite vocal about her family, and this The prostitute and daughter-in-law are extremely close.

Through the layered relationship, the Dutch woman was summoned by Mrs. Meng in the evening of the same day.

Mrs. Meng first expressed her gratitude. The Dutch woman used to protect Shangguanru on the way to the Tieshan camp. Although this was a matter of a few months ago, Mrs. Meng did not forget to reward the Dutch women with many food and jewelry. I asked some female killer training.

A waitress took the lotus girl to the ear to receive the reward, and whispered to tell her not to go.

After the women in the hall all retreated, the lotus girl was summoned again, and Mengfu changed her face, from the approachable big family wife to the interrogator who looked directly at the heart.

The Dutch girl first vowed that although she was a dowry girl brought to the fort by her eight-year-old grandmother, she never served the woman of Luo’s family. She was a slave who was bought by the big-headed **** on the way. Then she said that she was listening. Some things to come.

This is the hardest part. The Dutch woman can't take out the guess of Huannu, which will make her become a suspected insider. She pushes everything to Mr. Guo.

Mr. Guo once secretly made a plan to try to slap the elite of the Jiachen apprentice. Although the conspiracy has never been revealed, every brown belt killer in Xiaoqiying hates him.

The same is true of the Dutch women, so she pays special attention to Mr. Guo’s every move. When she heard that Mr. Guo used the identity of the master of the cabinet to find a piece of information about fifteen years ago, and he intended to use this information as a difficult son, Decided to inform Mrs. Meng.

Mrs. Meng is not a good deceiver, but that night, the lotus girl succeeded. Ms. Meng was not ignorant of Mr. Guo’s conspiracy. Her daughter’s face was changed when she mentioned “the information of fifteen or six years ago”. This also proves that Gu Shenwei’s guess is very close to the truth.

Mrs. Meng quickly calmed down, faintly praised the Dutch woman, and told her not to mention the matter to anyone, and then let people take her out of the house.

When the Dutch woman returned to Dongpu, she immediately found the slaves and said things through it. Both of them felt that the adult rituals of the twins tomorrow would have a good show.

As a result, they underestimated Mrs. Meng, and the good show was staged in the evening.

Mrs. Meng is not an honest man waiting for the opponent to attack. As early as the grand wedding ceremony with the one-step king, she has already seen the opposition and contradiction of the family, knowing that she will become the target of criticism. Since then, she has been wooing. Your own power, and carefully collect the opponent's handle.

Mrs. Meng rarely uses these handles because she knows that if she can't completely defeat her opponent, premature attack will only be counterproductive, so she has been waiting.

The reporter's confession, let Mrs. Meng understand that the enemy has been ambushed under the eyes, it is necessary to launch a fatal blow, she must preemptive.

That night, for most people in Shibao, everything was normal. Only a very small number of people were busy. The next day, the great changes in Jinpengbao will shock everyone. Yubo has been passed outside of Yuyu City.

Mrs. Meng’s determination and arrogance were far beyond Gu Shen’s expectations. He did not expect that the words he had overheard would cause such a big wave, which made him re-examine the struggle in the inner house and felt that Luo Ning tea may still have value.

In the middle of the night, a housewife inside the house knocked on the door of Huannu, and conveyed the order of the ten-member Shangguanru, asking him to enter the house immediately.

Gu Shenwei originally wanted to give credit to the Dutch woman, and she hid behind the scenes. The result was still involuntarily rolled in. He was still very confused. How could Shangguan participate in this matter?

After he entered the house, he secretly admired Ms. Meng’s cautiousness.

Shangguan did not know what happened, half lying in his mother's arms, and his face was blank. Mrs. Meng just borrowed her daughter's name.

At the same time, the girl who was summoned was also a woman. She was like a slave, and she did not expect the response from the informant to be so fast.

Mrs. Meng sat on the couch and had a gorgeous formal dress. This is the costume worn by the ancestors every year. She said that she is the righteous lady of the Lord, with her arms tightly attached to a pair of twins, and she looks serious, like a child. Will die like it.

There were only four maids in the hall, burning a candle, and the light was dim. Mrs. Meng and the twins were hidden in the half-light.

"I need two people to do things for me, like recommending both of you."

Gu Shenwei and the Dutch woman kneel down, left hand support, did not say a word, this is the killer's gesture to accept the task.

"Although both of you are the woman who brought the stone castle, but I am loyal to the child, I look in my eyes, so trust you."

Mrs. Meng stayed, turned and touched the twins' cheeks, and gave the two men a comforting smile. Then they walked up to the two teenagers. The maid came forward and gestured to the slaves and the lotus girl.

"Now, our mother and son are in danger, and I have to start with a strong one. I want you two to kill Mr. Guo."

The two teenagers looked up in horror and felt that this was not a wise move.

Mrs. Meng is very clear about what effect her words will have. I will take out a folded piece of paper from my sleeve. "This is the master of the king. You can do it with confidence."

Gu Shen took the paper with both hands, and after seeing it, he saw the above lines. "White House Guo Chun, the heart is rebellious, the plot is not good, can kill." The lower left corner is covered with the mark of Jin Peng's wings. In the entire Yuyu City, there is only one step. The king's ink is golden.

Gu Shenwei closed the handcuffs, and Mrs. Meng took the paper back in time.

The two teenagers have no choice, no matter whether the handcuffs are true or not, they have to be ordered to act.

"Acceptance." They squat down on one leg.

"It is now, bring people back to see me."

The two men took two white jade waist cards engraved with the word "王" from the ring, in order to use them at night, then hurriedly left, and found that there were black killers waiting in the next room, so I understood, killing Mr. Guo It’s just part of Mrs. Meng’s entire plan.

Mr. Guo lived in Xibao, and the two had to go back to Dongbao to take a narrow knife. In a strong conspiracy atmosphere, Gu Shen kept a clear waking, and he had to leave a path for himself and the Dutch woman.

"You go to take the sword and look for me at the entrance of the Eight Lords."

It was a strange night, and the teenagers ran in the stone fort, and there was no night watchman to stop it.

Even so, Gu Shenwei still observed all the way, determined that there was no follower behind him, jumped directly into the eight main main courtyard, sneaked into the backyard without notice, and knocked on the door of the middle bedroom.


Even knocking a few times, the sound of the ring in the room asked.

"The eight majors have an urgent letter." Gu Shen lied to the mouth.

Someone in the house hit the flint to prepare the lights, Gu Shen was hurriedly stopped, "Do not light."

The person lighting the light stopped. After a while, the voice of Miss Ronin tea rang at the door. "I know it is you, the ears of the ring are blocked, and everything is going to be said."

The calming of Luo Ning tea made Gu Shenwei a little surprised. "People sent a letter to Yang, let Shangguan Hongye immediately leave the stone fort and go out to hide."

"What happened?"

"Yang made a stupid thing, and he even colluded with Mr. Guo and wanted to deal with Mrs. Meng. The king had once been favored by Yang. Shangguan Hongye is probably the illegitimate son of the king. Now Mrs. Meng has already started to get rid of the scourge. Shangguan Hongye If you don't leave, you will die tomorrow morning."

Gu Shenwei hopes that Shangguan Hongye can live, not because he sympathizes with him, but because he wants to leave a move, and if Mrs. Meng crosses the river to break the bridge, he has to have room for coping.

It’s just that Mrs. Meng’s actions are too fast. He doesn’t know that his arrangements are too late to come.

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