Death Sutra

Chapter 153: swordsman

Gu Shen involuntarily holds the hilt. There are two kinds of weapons in his belt. One knife and one sword, the knife is used to cover people's eyes and ears. The sword is the most murderous blade of the hand. A strong enemy emerges suddenly. Forgot that he is the killer of Jinpengbao, he should be better at using a knife.

The swordsmanship in the world is mostly a shelf, so it is not easy to use, so in the cruel and real rivers and lakes, the swordsman is never the mainstream, but the swordsman is no manic, there are always a few people, with swords like gods, Lingju on the martial arts, Ye Silang is one of them.

Ye Silang does not like to talk. He has dedicated his life to the sword in his hand, so he is called the "sacrificial sword."

He is like those who are obsessed with a certain skill, immersed in his own world, only willing to spend a little bit of energy to deal with the noisy outside, except for the sword and the enemy, no one, anything, can not occupy a place in his eyes. .

His murderousness is different. Gu Shen can understand the nuances. This is a person who is tired of the lives of others. He will not kill, neither fear nor excitement, just killing.

Gu Shenwei clasped the hilt tightly. I don't know if it was because there were too many people around him. He was disturbed and could not feel the "gas of life" of the other party. It was the offensive core of the sword of the Dead Man.

Ye Silang is not as calm as it seems on the surface. He also holds the hilt and stands in the crowd to see the young killer. It seems to be no different from ordinary swordsmen. It is weak and stupid, but when the young boy is holding a sword, In a flash, it changed to a person.

Where is his murder? Ye Silang couldn't understand. When the teenager was entangled with Meng Wugongzi, he occasionally showed murderousness. At this time, there was no murderousness. Only the breathing was peaceful, the inner part of the body was full of meridians, and the sword and body were integrated. Obviously it is a gesture of killing, that is, there is no murderous.

The two men have not yet drawn the sword, and they have already been jealous of their lives, and this accidental encounter is regarded as the first hardest battle in their lives.

Their time for confrontation is not long. Meng Mingshi has just been pulled to the side by Gao Houye, away from the danger, and the crowds on the scene have also grabbed the position and are ready to watch a killing.

Shouldn't it kill? Will the swordsmanship be exposed? It is not important to Gu Shenwei, and all his will is used on the young swordsman.

The person who spoiled the game was still a tough tooth. This night, he seemed to be interested in not wanting Meng Gongzi to do his best. He stood up again and walked to the middle of the two swordsmen. He shook his head. "I haven’t said that I agree, what are the two? Strong?"

This time, my face couldn’t be hanged, Gao Houye, brushing up the paper fan. "Too boss, you are also an old river, really do not understand the rules?"

The toon tooth sighed, and twenty swordsmen came forward and stopped before the juvenile killer.

"The old man is old, just want to find a stable and stable master, Meng Wugongzi, Gao Houye, but I don't love money, but the 虬she is standing, ambitious, why are we a group of half-cutters? Nothing has delayed the big things of the two masters, we can't afford it. Thanks to the love of the two masters, please let the old man a horse."

Most of the knives of the genius can be in their forties, saying that young people are not young, but old is not too old. He is self-sufficient and only wants to calmly solve the immediate crisis.

Meng Mingshi and Gao Houye brought more swordsmen, and there is also a swordsman, Ye Silang, who is naturally not afraid of tough teeth, but he is directed at the slaves and does not want to fight a melee.

The two were hesitating, and Ye Silang suddenly loosened his hilt and walked to Gao Houye. He said a few words in his ear. Gao Houye’s face twitched and then smiled. “Hey, the world has changed. , piles of silver, unexpectedly can not get a group of old men, since the Tuo old good birds choose wood, we can only find it difficult to retreat."

A storm was so inconspicuous that Gu Shen was deeply surprised by the Toon tooth. Meng Mingshi and the people he brought were also puzzled. However, Gao Houye had already opened his mouth, and everyone did not dare to oppose it. Rouge forest, Meng Wugongzi chased around Gao Houye and Ye Silang, whispering in a hurry and asking why.

Until the old swordsman and the young killer were left in the woods, the toon tooth turned to face the new owner and bowed, and the 20-year-old knifeman did it.

Gu Shen accepted it calmly and led the swordsmen back to Nancheng. Before dawn, he entered the house he rented for the ten sons.

Liu Yuzui got up very early. When he saw a group of people, they were shocked. They hurriedly pulled the juvenile boss aside and asked what was going on. These people were the original knives of the big and the young. How can I sell my life for the ten sons?

Gu Shen insisted on his own opinion and ordered Liu to speak to the account and documents, and set up a contract to complete all formalities.

Twenty-three swordsmen were hired. In Jinpengbao, they were called swordsmen, but the killer Yang Huan was only their leader. The real master was ten sons and had not yet descended.

When things were done, Gu Shen asked Liu Weizui to call all the servants in the house.

"Take him down." After the people were together, Gu Shenwei issued an order.

The swordsmen who had just signed up were anxious to show their performance. They immediately walked out of the two and pressed Liu’s mouth with a blue face to the ground.

Liu Yuzui was amazed. "What are you doing? You are a slave, Yang Huan, here is not yours."

"The ten sons are not there, that is, I am the master." Gu Shen is cold and authentic.

"That can't be fooled, why grab me?"

"Because you secretly pass the enemy, pass the message, betray the ten son."

"I don't have it, you have to take a breath of blood." Liu Wei's mouth is still hard.

Gu Shen gave the knife hand to let go of Liu Weizuo and eased the tone. "I know, in your opinion, Meng Jia and Shi Bao are in the same league. How can it be an enemy? You reveal my whereabouts to outsiders, and it is also unintentional. Lost, no malice."

Liu Wei’s face is red, "I am not walking. You are walking around in the woods. Many people have seen it. Why do you say it is me."

Gu Shenwei looked at the housekeeper and didn't talk. Liu Shuzui suddenly realized that he said that he was leaving his mouth. The other party did not mention Rouge Lin. He said "Linzili" and his face turned white again. He said: "I may also say casually. One sentence, I was sent to the Meng family. Anyway, I did not see the five sons, nor did I sell you."

"Five sons" three words and one exit, more proof of everything, Gu Shen is pulling out a narrow knife, "like you are so talkative, how to match the killer as a housekeeper?"

Liu Yuzui’s face is green again, but he still doesn’t believe that Huannu will dare to kill him. He is the appointed butler in Shibao. It’s not the slave who was hired from the street. “Only ten sons can handle me.”

Gu Shen pushed the knife handle and pierced the narrow knife into the chest of Liu Yuzui. "This is the disposal of the ten sons." Then I kept staring at Liu Yu’s mouth and no longer spit bleeding. I pulled out the knife and wiped it clean. In the sheath, he said to a dozen servants: "Throw it outside the city."

The servants rushed up and lifted the body with all their hands. From then on, one thing was known. In this house, the mouth must be strict, preferably the same as the dumb.

Gu Shenwei called the toon tooth alone into a room and asked him about the origins of Gao Houye and Ye Silang.

Gao Houye’s real name is Gao Zhen. It’s really a marquise that has been replaced by a fake. It’s just been a long time since the homeland, and it has brought countless gold and silver treasures. It’s not enough to spend a few decades, and it’s a wide range of communication. One of the famous noble sons in Beicheng, the toon tooth believes that the leader of the company is the one who is the high-ranking priest, at least one of them. As for the Mengwu son, he is young and has no ability, probably it is money. The master.

Ye Silang’s origins are more complicated. He seems to be from the royal family, but he has never been confirmed. He has visited many famous teachers in his early years and even went to Jinpengbao to learn the knife method. In the end, he did not know where to change the sword technique. It was seven years. The former thing, when he returned to Yucheng City three years ago, suddenly became a top master, countless swordsmen who came to challenge were defeated under his sword.

"No one can beat him in the contest." Toon said, he glanced at the sword under his neck, and Ye Silang actually retreated because of the sword. This is a strange thing that has never been heard before. Also lied that he did not understand swordsmanship.

Gu Shenwei does not intend to explain this matter. In fact, he needs the explanation of the other party.

"You want to avenge the Lord and the Lord." Gu Shenwei suddenly changed the topic, and he came to the door. He knows best. Only one kind of person will give up one thousand two and choose five hundred and two every month: anyone who wants to take revenge.

"The killer does not avenge the master, why do the knives do nothing?"

"The killer doesn't talk about human feelings, but some swordsmen always want to have grace and revenge."

Toon Teeth once said that he served the Lord and the Lord on the official because he owed a person. He thought about it. "After more than a decade ago, I just arrived in Saitama City. A killer in Shibao raped my wife. I also killed her. I searched for a year and killed him for revenge. This killer belongs to the big and the young, the big and the poor did not kill me, but also asked me to replace the position of the killer, I refused, the big and the poor also Nothing to be angry. In this way, after another ten years, the young and the poor said that he needs a knife, and I am hired with my brethren. Therefore, I owe the Lord and the Lord a person, and hate him, because he, I I can't take revenge on the stone castle."

Juveniles look at the old swordsmen, they hide the same kind of hatred in their hearts, but they are two kinds of people, embarking on a different path of revenge, the juvenile has no gratitude, and will not interrupt the killing because of anyone.

"In any case, without me being present, you and your brother are not allowed to approach the ten sons alone. I have always shot ahead and will not wait for revenge afterwards."

"Hey." Toon couldn't smile. "It seems that you are a bad leader."

In the afternoon of the same day, Gu Shenwei and Toonen returned to Rouge Forest, and hired another 28 knives at a price of two hundred and two at a monthly price, enough for fifty-one people, enough to form what Toon said. Invincible knife array."

Gu Shen was specially selected to be unfamiliar with the Tuo, to prevent the old knife from standing on its own feet, and to see it in his eyes. There was no objection at all.

The next morning, Gu Shen returned to the stone fort, and asked the ten son to go down the mountain.

This small killer organization has to make money as soon as possible, and the two thousand dollars have been reluctant to pay for the first month. Gu Shenwei does not want to use the money left by Master so early.

(Seeking for advice)

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